Date Shares Price Per Share
4/15/2014 3,407 $13.11
4/17/2014 50,000 $13.12
4/22/2014 19,068 $13.18
4/22/2014 (4,800) $13.18
4/24/2014 3,125 $13.29
4/25/2014 21,723 $13.31
4/25/2014 (235) $13.31
4/28/2014 7,900 $13.32
4/28/2014 (475) $13.33
4/29/2014 53,304 $13.32
4/30/2014 30,600 $13.34
4/30/2014 (1,300) $13.34
5/1/2014 22,650 $13.42
5/2/2014 46,500 $13.38
5/5/2014 18,300 $13.43
5/6/2014 2,000 $13.42
5/7/2014 20,100 $13.44
5/8/2014 30,542 $13.48
5/9/2014 3,100 $13.48
5/12/2014 6,000 $13.48
5/13/2014 22,000 $13.43
5/14/2014 88,000 $13.46
5/14/2014 (38,231) $13.46
5/15/2014 52,961 $13.50
5/16/2014 26,100 $13.55
5/19/2014 1,200 $13.58
5/20/2014 575 $13.53
5/21/2014 3,130 $13.53
5/22/2014 2,175 $13.53
5/23/2014 6,370 $13.56
5/27/2014 2,100 $13.54
5/28/2014 6,300 $13.59
5/29/2014 1,100 $13.59
5/30/2014 152 $13.55
6/2/2014 62,081 $13.55
6/3/2014 45,017 $13.50
6/4/2014 61,200 $13.47
6/6/2014 2,915 $13.46
6/9/2014 4,500 $13.52
6/11/2014 2,000 $13.43
6/12/2014 27,823 $13.47
6/13/2014 17,619 $13.46
The Accounts have the right to receive all dividends from, and any proceeds from the sale of the Shares. None of the Accounts has an interest in Shares constituting more than 5% of the Shares outstanding.
Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings, or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
Except as described above, there are no contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships of any kind among the Principals and KIM and between any of them and any other person with respect to any of the Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3 securities.
Item 7. Materials to be Filed as Exhibits.
After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete, and correct.
Karpus Management, Inc.
By: /s/
Name: Daniel Lippincott
Title: Senior Tax-Sensitive Manager
Date: June 16, 2014