(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[  ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement             [_]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                                Commission Only (as permitted by
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Rule 14A-6(e)(2)

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                              SAVE ON ENERGY, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

         [X]  No fee required.

         [_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

         (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5) Total fee paid:


To our Shareholders:

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Save On Energy,  Inc. (the "Company") will
be  held at  Holiday  Inn-1380  Virginia  Avenue,  Atlanta,  Georgia  30344,  on
Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., to:

1.       Elect five directors.

2.       Approve the Company's 2001 Stock Plan.

3.       Approve the appointment of our independent auditors.

4.       Transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
any adjournment thereof.

The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on September 20, 2001 as
the record date for determining  shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote
at the Annual Meeting.  Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on
that date are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

                                      By order of the Board of Directors,

September 28, 2001                    /s/ Jeffrey Davis
                                          Jeffrey Davis

Whether  or not you plan to attend  the  Annual  Meeting,  please  complete  the
enclosed proxy card,  and sign,  date and return it promptly so that your shares
will be  represented.  Sending in your proxy will not prevent you from voting in
person at the Meeting and will avoid the expense of an additional solicitation.


[GRAPHIC OMITTED]                                             September 28, 2001

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation  by the
Board of  Directors of Save On Energy,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  of proxies to be
voted at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on at 10:00 a.m. (local
time) Thursday, October 18, 2001, and at any adjournment thereof.

The Board requests that all  shareholders  complete the enclosed proxy form, and
sign, date and return it as promptly as possible since the holders of the record
of a majority of the outstanding shares must be present in person or represented
by proxy at the Annual Meeting in order to hold the Meeting.

Any  shareholder  returning  a proxy may  revoke  it by  casting a ballot at the
Meeting. Any proxy not revoked will be voted as specified by the shareholder. If
no choice is indicated,  a proxy will be voted in  accordance  with the Board of
Directors' recommendations.

The Company's  By-Laws require an affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority
of the shares of Common Stock present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote
for approval of each of the items listed on the proxy form and described herein,
with the exception of the election of directors  which provides for the election
of the five nominees receiving the most votes.

At September 20, 2001, the record date,  there were  8,206,146  shares of common
stock outstanding and entitled to one vote each at the Annual Meeting.

This Proxy Statement is first being mailed on or about October 1, 2001.

                       PROPOSAL 1 -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The  person  named in the  enclosed  proxy  card will vote to elect the five (5)
proposed  nominees  named below unless  contrary  instructions  are given in the
proxy card.  Each  director is to hold office until the next annual  meeting and
until his successor is elected and qualified.

The names and certain information  concerning the persons nominated by the Board
of Directors to become directors at the meeting are set forth below. None of the
director  nominees  currently  serves on the Board of Directors.  It is intended
that shares  represented  by the proxies  will be voted FOR the  election to the
Board of  Directors  of the persons  named below  unless  authority  to vote for
nominees has been withheld in the proxy card. Although each of the persons named
below has consented to serve as a director if elected and the Board of Directors
has no reason to believe that any of the nominees  named below will be unable to
serve as a director,  if any nominee withdraws or otherwise becomes  unavailable
to serve,  the persons  named as proxies


will vote for any substitute nominee  designated by the Board of Directors.  The
five persons receiving the most votes at the annual meeting will be elected. The
following  information  regarding the nominees is relevant to your consideration
of the slate proposed by the Board of Directors:

Nominees              Age              Position
Robert Stiles         55            President and Chairman of the Board
Ricky Davis           38            Chief Financial Officer and Director Nominee
Greg Erwin            60            Director Nominee
John Perry            59            Director Nominee
Wolfgang Wacker       54            Director Nominee

Robert Stiles has served as the  Company's  President and as the Chairman of the
Board since July 2001.  Mr.  Stiles has more than three decades of experience in
natural gas distribution system engineering,  natural gas vehicle infrastructure
design,   and  engineering   alternative  fuel  vehicle  and  fleet  maintenance
operations. Prior to joining the Company and since 1969, Mr. Stiles was employed
by New York State Electric & Gas ("NYSEG"),  a company that provides electricity
and natural gas to customers throughout the upstate New York area. At NYSEG, Mr.
Stiles served as the Manager of the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Market  Development
division and was responsible for the development,  implementation and management
of all facets of NYSEG's alternative fuels program.  During Mr. Stiles tenure as
Manager,  the  division  averaged in excess of $7 million in annual gross sales.
Mr. Stiles  received a bachelor of science  degree from the State  University of
New York at Binghamton.

Ricky Davis has served as the Company's  Chief  Financial  Officer and Treasurer
since 1996.  Prior to joining Save,  Mr. Davis was employed by Combustion  Labs,
Inc.  for three  years as a  technician  working  with  gasoline  to natural gas
conversions,  for  four  years  as the  Office  Manager  of a  large  mechanical
contractor  and ran his own  mechanical/electrical  contracting  business  for 6
years. Mr. Davis studied Business Management and Marketing at Griffin Area Tech,
Atlanta Georgia.

Greg Erwin. Director Nominee.  Gregory D. Erwin, 60, has been an attorney-at-law
since  1965,  and has been a partner of Erwin  Harvey PC and  predecessor  firms
since 1985. He has been admitted to the practice of law in New York, Washington,
D.C., Maryland, Colorado, Nebraska and Iowa. He was formerly associated with the
New York firm of Dewey Ballantine,  where he worked on over 80 public offerings,
and with the  national  law firm of Kutak  Rock,  where he  served  as  National
Chairman of the Corporate Finance Department.  In 1984, he founded America First
Companies,  which was partially owned by E.F.  Hutton & Co., Inc.  America First
had  an  initial  public  offering  of  $200,000,000,   and  went  on  to  raise
approximately $1.5 billion from the public for various businesses in the banking
and real estate industries.  America First acquired  EurekaBank in San Francisco
in 1988,  which it operated  until it was sold in 1998.  During  that time,  Mr.
Erwin  served  as a  director  of the  holding  company,  America  First  Eureka
Holdings,  Inc.  Mr. Erwin was a co-founder  of Stone Pine  Capital,  a merchant
banking  firm,  where he was a partner  from March 1994 until March 1998.  Stone
Pine bought a New York Stock  Exchange  Member Firm doing  business as Laidlaw &
Co.,  where he served as director and Vice Chairman from January 1995 to October
1996. Stone Pine was also co-founder of a successful  series of investment funds
with Hamilton Lane Advisors. Mr. Erwin also owns and


operates a number of private business enterprises. Among other things, he serves
as Director and Chairman of Big Red Companies,  a government contractor handling
in excess of $60,000,000 in transactions  annually.  In 2001, he became a member
of the investment firm of Aspen Capital Partners, LLC.

John Perry.  Director  Nominee.  From August 1999 to the present,  Mr. Perry has
been  employed as a  consultant  for  Sullivan  Associates,  a  consulting  firm
specializing  in power  generation.  Mr.  Perry's  consulting  practice  focuses
primarily on generated power and distribution.  From August 1998 to August 1999,
Mr. Perry served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Computer Power,
Inc, a public company which  manufactures  uninterrupted  power supply and other
electronic equipment. Prior thereto, and from June 1994, Mr. Perry served as the
Chief  Operating  Officer and an Executive Vice  President of Profomix,  Inc., a
company  specializing  in the  development  and sale of  ergonomically  designed
computer work equipment. Mr. Berry received a B.S. from Asbury College.

Wolfgang Wacker.  Director Nominee. Mr. Wacker has served as the Chief Executive
Officer and a director  of  PickSAT,  Inc.,  a  broadband  multimedia  satellite
company which offers internet access, data delivery,  and streaming services via
a  satellite  connected  network,  since  March  2000.  Prior to that Wacker was
Chairman and Managing Director and a Director of Sepco,  Switzerland and Germany
in charge of restructuring the Ukrainian Pipe Industry from 1997 through the end
of 1999. From 1993 through 1997 Mr. Wacker acted as consultant for United States
Steel  International  to form a  strategy  for  their  international  sales  and
marketing  force as well as assist in selling  USX's  pipe in the  international
markets. At the same time Mr. Wacker acted also as consultant for USX Engineers,
a subsidiary  of USX, to help with  specific  projects - to name one the Kunming
Iron Ore  development  in  Kunming,  China,  a $200 MM project.  Mr.  Wacker has
received his formal education in Germany and the UK and has lived in a number of
foreign countries.

Board Committees

During the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000,  the Board of Directors did not
have any committees.

Attendance at Meetings

During the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000,  the Board of Directors held no
formal meetings and took 8 actions by unanimous written consent.



Executive Compensation

The Company did not have any executive  officers whose annual  compensation  was
more than  $100,000 for the fiscal year ended  December  31, 2000.  The Board of
Directors  and  stockholders  of the Company  have  ratified  and  approved  the
Electronic  Fuel Control,  Inc.1996  Stock Option Plan (the "Plan" for which the
Company  has  reserved  500,000  shares of Common  stock for  issuance  upon the
exercise of qualified and non-qualified  stock options granted under the Plan to
employees,  advisors,  consultants and Directors of the Company at prices and on
terms which have not been  determined.  As of  December  31, 2000 no options had
been issued under the Plan.

The following table sets forth summary information  regarding  compensation paid
by the Company for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1999 and 2000 to the chief
executive officer of the Company.

                                                                  Other Annual
Name and Principal Position        Year     Salary      Bonus     Compensation
---------------------------        ----     ------      -----     ------------

Robby E. Davis                     2000     $41,965     $2,000        0
   President and Chief Executive   1999     $39,811     $2,000        0
   Officer                         1998     $40,197     $1,500        0

         Director Compensation

We do not  currently  maintain  any  policy  for  compensating,  or  reimbursing
expenses  to,  non-officer   directors  for  attendance  at  meetings,   and  no
non-officer directors received any such compensation or expense reimbursement.

         Information Concerning Stock Options

The Company did not grant stock options to the named  executive  officers during
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000.

Employment Agreement

On July 17, 2001,  the Company  entered into  employment  agreement  with Robert
Stiles. The employment  agreement is for a term of three years and provides that
Mr. Stiles will serve as the Company's  President,  and will be appointed as the
Chairman of the Board of Directors,  during the term of agreement. Mr. Stiles is
entitled  to receive a signing  bonus  equal to $25,000 in cash and an option to
acquire up to 30,000 shares of the  Company's  common stock at a price per share
of  $0.50.  Mr.  Stiles'  initial  annual  base  salary is  $75,000  and will be
increased by $25,000 on each of July 17, 2002 and July 16, 2003.  In  connection
with his employment  agreement,  Mr. Stiles  received an option to acquire up to
200,000  shares of the common stock of the company,  one-half of which will vest
on July 17,  2002 and the  remainder  of which  will vest on July 17,  2003.  In
addition,  Mr.  Stiles is entitled to an annual  bonus equal to two and one-half
percent (2 1/2%) of the  Company's  annual net profit,  if any.  The  employment
agreement  also  provides  that if Mr.  Stiles is  terminated  without cause (as
defined in the  employment  agreement) he is entitled to continue to receive his
salary for a period of twelve months following the date of termination.


Pursuant to his employment agreement, if Mr. Stiles is primarily responsible for
the  concept  and  development  of  patentable  devices  during  the term of his
employment  (other than patentable  devices  relating to the Company's  existing
technology),  he  will  be  entitled  to a  royalty  equal  to 1 1/2% of the net
after-tax  profit  derived by the  Company  from the sale of such  devises for a
period of three (3) years following the date on which they are first sold.

As of September 26,  2001the  Company had not entered into any other  employment
contracts with its other executive officers.

Audit Fees

Fees  billed to the  Company  by Jake  Kane &  Company,  PC for  audit  services
rendered  during  fiscal  year 2000 and the review of the  financial  statements
included  in the  Form  10-Qs  filed  in 2000  were  approximately  $32,266.  In
addition,  Jake Kane & Company, PC billed the Company  approximately  $1,800 for
other  services   rendered  during  2000,   including  the  preparation  of  tax

                 Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         Licensing Agreement with the Davis Family Trust

All of the technology,  know-how,  devices and apparatus embodied in the patents
and  incorporated  into  the  various  products  sold by us were  developed  and
patented by Frank  Davis or Frank  Davis and Robby E. Davis and  assigned to the
Davis  Family  Trust,  an  irrevocable  trust  established  by Mr. Davis for the
benefit of his family and which is administered  by an independent  third party.
Pursuant to an agreement  dated May 13, 1996,  the trust granted a license to us
to  exploit  the  patents  throughout  certain  territories  for the life of the
patents,  seventeen years,  plus any extension  thereof,  including the right to
market and sell any and all products developed  therefrom or to grant,  licenses
to others to manufacture and sell any such products,  subject to the approval of
the trustee of the trust (the "License Agreement").

In consideration  for the License  Agreement,  we executed a promissory note for
$150,000  (the  "Promissory  Note")  pursuant to which we are  required to pay a
royalty of $21 per patent per unit sold  during the life of four of the  patents
and  $150  per  unit  sold on a fifth  patent  for a dual  fuel  control  system
(collectively,   the  "Original  Royalties"),   which  amounts  are  subject  to
adjustment  annually  to  reflect  changes  in  the  consumer  price  index.  In
accordance  with the terms of the License  Agreement,  the  Original  Royalty is
increased  at certain  points by an amount equal to $79 per patent per unit (the
"Additional  Royalty").  The Additional Royalty shall be payable until such time
as the amount of any Additional  Royalty  generated from the sale of units shall
aggregate  $150,000  plus  accrued  interest  calculated  at the rate of 12% per
annum.  After  such time as this  amount is paid,  the  royalty  reverts  to the
original royalty as adjusted to reflect increases in the consumer price index.

To date, the License Agreement has been amended twice.  First, on June 18, 1998,
to provide that the $150,000  promissory  note would be satisfied by the payment
of $42,576.10  on July 31, 1998 and the delivery to the trust of 108,000  shares
of our common stock.  Second,  on January 3, 2000, in  consideration  of 250,000
shares of our common  stock,  the License  Agreement was amended to (i) restrict
the license  rights to the United  States,  Canada,  Mexico and Egypt,  and (ii)
eliminates all quotas as specified in the original agreements.


         Relationship with Kramer & Kramer, LLP

Edward Kramer, a member of our Board of Directors,  is a partner in the law firm
of Kramer & Kramer,  LLP. During the fiscal year 2000, the Company paid Kramer &
Kramer  a total  of  $15,000  in cash  and  50,000  shares  of  common  stock in
connection with the rendering of legal services.

         Agreement with International Fuel Systems, Inc.

On June 24, 1999, we entered into a certain agreement (the "IFS Agreement") with
International  Fuel  Systems,  Inc., a Tennessee  corporation  ("IFS")  owned or
otherwise  controlled by Lanier M.  Davenport,  an individual  who owned,  as of
April 24, 2001,  300,000  shares of Save common  stock.  The IFS  Agreement  was
amended as of January 7, 2000, and ,as amended,  provided for (i) an issuance by
the Company of 600,000  shares of our common stock to various  designees of IFS,
together with both piggy-back and demand registration rights, (ii) a purchase by
IFS of an additional  200,000 shares of our common stock at a price of $0.75 per
share,  such shares to be issued to various  designees of IFS, and such funds to
be applied to the repayment of certain then outstanding debt owed by us pursuant
to certain  notes,  and (iii) IFS agreed to attempt to  identify  and secure OEM
customers for our products in exchange for which it would have received  certain
additional common stock issuances (which never occurred).

All of the shares issued under the IFS Agreement have been  registered  pursuant
to the SB-2 filed by us January 16, 2001.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The  following  table sets forth,  as of  September  20,  2001,  the  beneficial
ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by (i) each current member of the Board
of Directors of the Company,  (ii) each nominee of the Board of Directors of the
Company,  (iii) the executive  officer named in the Section entitled  "Executive
Compensation,"  above and (iv) all current Directors,  the nominee and executive
officers of the  Company as a group.  On  September  20,  2001,  the Company had
8,206,146  shares of common  stock  issued  and  outstanding.  Unless  otherwise
indicated,  the address of each stockholder is the address of the Company, which
is 4851 Georgia Highway 85 Suite 211 Forest Park, Georgia 30050.

                                                               Percent of
Name                                  Number of Shares  Outstanding Common Stock

Directors, Nominees and Named Executive
Robby E. Davis (1)....................    357,000                4.4%
Robert Stiles (2).....................     30,000                 *
Ricky Davis (1).......................    357,000                4.4%
Greg Erwin............................    200,000                2.4%
John Perry............................       -0-
Wolfgang Wacker.......................       -0-
Officers and Directors as a group
(six persons).........................    944,000               11.5%

* Less than 1%
(1)  Robby E. Davis, Jeffrey Davis, Ricky Davis, and Kerry Davis are siblings
     and children of Frank Davis, consultant to Save and a director nominee, and
     each disavows beneficial ownership of, or control over, the shares of
     common stock owned by their parents and siblings.
(2)  Consists of an option to acquire up to 30,000 shares of the common stock of
     the Company which is presently exercisable. Does not include an option to
     acquire up to 200,000 shares which is not exercisable within 60 days.


On August  22,  2001 the Board of  Directors  adopted,  subject  to  stockholder
approval,  the 2001  Stock  Plan (the  "Plan").  The  purpose  of the Plan is to
provide  certain  stock-based   incentives  to  eligible  employees,   officers,
directors,  consultants  and  advisors  of  the  Company  and  its  consolidated

         Shares Subject to the 2001 Stock Plan

The Board of Directors has initially  reserved a maximum of 2,000,000  shares of
our common stock for issuance  under the 2001 Stock Plan.  Shares subject to the
2001 Stock Plan may either be authorized  but unissued  shares or shares that we
once issued and subsequently reacquired.  In addition, on the day of each annual
meeting of  stockholders  of the Company for a period of nine years,  commencing
with the annual meeting to be held on October,  15 2001, the aggregate number of
shares of common  stock that are  available  for  issuance  under the Plan shall
automatically be increased by that number of shares equal to the lesser of:


     o    two percent (2%)of the diluted shares of the Company outstanding;

     o    one hundred thousand (100,000) shares of common stock; and

     o    such lesser number of shares as determined by the Board.

Our Board of Directors may delegate its authority to a committee.

            Grants of Options and Awards; Eligibility

The 2001 Stock Plan provides for the grant of incentive  stock options  ("ISOs")
to our employees  and the grant of  non-qualified  stock  options  "(NQSOs") and
stock awards ("Awards") to our employees,  officers, directors,  consultants and
advisors,  subject to stockholder  approval as discussed below.  ISOs, NQSOs and
Awards are  sometimes  collectively  referred to as "Stock  Rights" and ISOs and
NQSOs are  sometimes  collectively  referred to as  "Options."  For  information
concerning  the United States federal income tax  consequences  of ISOs,  NQSOs,
Awards and Purchases, please see below.


Our Board of  Directors  will  administer  the 2001 Stock  Plan.  Subject to the
provisions  of the 2001 Stock Plan,  our Board of Directors has the authority to
(i) grant  Awards,  (ii)  adopt and repeal  rules  relating  to the Plan,  (iii)
interpret and, where appropriate, amend the provisions of the Plan and any Award
granted  hereunder,  and,  (iv)  suspend  or  terminate  the  Plan at any  time.
Suspension or  termination  of the Plan shall not impair  rights or  obligations
under any Award  granted  while the Plan is in effect  except  with the  written
consent of the Optionee or recipient.  All decisions by the Board shall be final
and binding on all interested persons. Neither the Company nor any member of the
Board shall be liable for any action or determination relating to the Plan.

            Option Price and Duration

The exercise  price per share for each ISO and NQSO granted under the 2001 Stock
Plan may be set at the direction of our Board of Directors,  but,  under current
federal income tax laws and the terms of the Plan, may not be less than the fair
market  value per share of common stock on the date of such grant in the case of
an  ISO.  In the  case  of an ISO to be  granted  to an  employee  owning  stock
possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock of the Company,  under  current  federal  income tax laws,  the
price per share for such ISO  shall  not be less than one  hundred  ten  percent
(110%) of the fair market  value per share of common stock on the date of grant.
Under current  federal  income tax laws and the terms of the Plan, the aggregate
fair  market  value  (determined  at the time of grant) of the  shares of common
stock subject to ISOs granted to an employee and which first become  exercisable
during any calendar  year cannot  exceed  $100,000;  any portion of an ISO grant
that  exceeds  such  $100,000  limit will be treated for tax purposes as a NQSO.
Each Option expires on the date specified by our Board of Directors,  but, under
current federal income tax laws and the terms of the Plan, not more than (i) ten
years  from the date of grant in the case of  Options  generally  and (ii)  five
years from the date of grant in the case of ISOs  granted to an employee  owning
stock  possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power
of all of our classes of stock.


            Exercisability of Options and Payment

The vesting schedule of all Options, Awards and Purchases shall be determined by
the Board of Directors.  An Option shall be  exercisable  in whole or in part by
giving us written notice, stating the number of shares with respect to which the
Option is being exercised,  accompanied by payment in full for such shares.  The
common stock  purchased upon the exercise of an Option can be paid for by one or
any combination of the following forms of payment:

               o    by check;

               o    except as otherwise  explicitly  provided in the  applicable
                    option  agreement,  and  only if the  common  stock  is then
                    publicly  traded,  delivery to the Company of an irrevocable
                    undertaking by a creditworthy  broker to deliver  sufficient
                    funds to pay the exercise  price,  or delivery by the Option
                    holder  of  a  copy  of   irrevocable   instructions   to  a
                    creditworthy broker to deliver cash or a check sufficient to
                    pay the exercise price; or

               o    to the extent  explicitly  provided in the applicable option
                    agreement,  by (i) delivery of shares of common stock,  that
                    are not part of or the  result  of the  Award,  owned by the
                    Option holder valued at fair market value,  (ii) delivery of
                    a promissory note of the to the Company (and delivery to the
                    Company by the Optionee of a check in an amount equal to the
                    par value of the shares purchased), or (iii) payment of such
                    other  lawful  consideration  as  the  Board  may  determine

            Change of Control

In the event of a change in  control of the  Company,  all  Options  outstanding
immediately  prior to the  effective  date of such change in control will become
immediately  and  fully  exercisable  and  all of the  shares  of  common  stock
underlying  such Options and any  outstanding  Awards will be released  from any
restrictions  on transfer and repurchase or forfeiture  rights.  If such Options
are to be  assumed  by any  successor  corporation  or are to be  replaced  with
comparable Options (as solely determined by the Board) with respect to shares of
Common Stock of the successor  corporation,  such assumption or replacement will
be binding on all Option holders.  However, in the event that any such successor
corporation  refuses  to assume or replace  Options,  an Option  holder  will be
permitted to surrender for cancellation within sixty (60) days after such change
in control  any Option or portion of an Option to the extent not yet  exercised,
and the  Optionee  will be entitled to receive a cash payment in an amount equal
to the excess,  if any,  of the  greater of the fair market  value of the Option
over the aggregate exercise price for such shares underlying the Option

For purposes of the Plan, "change in control" means:

               o    the  acquisition  by any person of  beneficial  ownership of
                    fifty percent (50%) or more of the combined  voting power of
                    the Company's then outstanding common stock;

               o    the   approval   by  the   stockholders   of  a  merger   or
                    consolidation  involving  the  Company  where,   immediately
                    following such merger or  consolidation  the stockholders of
                    the   Company  do  not,  as  a  result  of  such  merger  or
                    consolidation  own, directly or indirectly,  more than fifty
                    percent  (50%) of the combined  voting power of the combined
                    companies; or


               o    a complete  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company or an
                    agreement  for  the  sale  or  other  disposition  of all or
                    substantially all of the assets of the Company.

            Amendment and Termination

Our Board of Directors may from time to time adopt amendments,  certain of which
are subject to stockholder approval.

            United States Federal Income Tax Consequences

Federal Income Tax Consequences.  The following summary generally  describes the
federal income tax  consequences  to option holders and the Company with respect
to the issuance and exercise of stock options under the Stock Option Plan and is
based on current laws and  regulations.  The summary is general in nature and is
not  intended to cover all tax  consequences  that could  apply to a  particular
option holder or the Company.

The grant of ISOs has no  federal  income tax  consequences  to either the stock
option  holder or the  Company.  While the  exercise  of ISOs  generally  has no
ordinary federal income tax consequences to the option holder, the excess of the
fair  market  value of the  shares at the time of  exercise  over the  aggregate
option  exercise  price will be an item of adjustment  for the option holder for
purposes of the federal  alternative  minimum tax. The exercise of ISOs does not
result in federal income tax deductions for the Company.

If the option holder does not sell or otherwise  dispose of the shares of Common
Stock acquired upon exercise of an ISO for at least two years after the date the
stock  option was granted and one year after the date the option was  exercised,
then the  disposition of the shares will  ordinarily  result in capital gains or
losses equal to the difference  between the aggregate  option exercise price and
the  amount  realized  upon the sale or other  disposition.  In this  case,  the
Company will not be entitled to a federal income tax deduction.  However, if the
option  holder sells or otherwise  disposes of the shares of Common Stock within
two years of the date of grant or within one year of the date of exercise (often
referred  to as a  "disqualifying  disposition"),  then the option  holder  will
realize taxable ordinary income at that time in an amount equal to the excess of
the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock at the time of exercise (or,
if less,  the  amount  realized  upon the  sale or other  disposition)  over the
aggregate  option  exercise  price.  The  Company  will be entitled to a federal
income tax deduction  upon a  disqualifying  disposition  equal to the amount of
ordinary income recognized by the option holder.

The grant of NSOs  generally  does not  result in  taxable  income to the option
holder or a tax  deduction  to the  Company.  Upon  exercise of an NSO,  the NSO
holder will  realize  ordinary  income at that time equal to the amount by which
the fair  market  value of the  acquired  shares of Common  Stock on the date of
exercise  exceeds the  aggregate  option  exercise  price.  The Company  will be
entitled to a  corresponding  federal  income tax deduction  equal to the amount
that the  option  holder  recognizes  as  income.  In the event of a  subsequent
taxable  disposition of the shares,  the option holder will generally  recognize
capital gain or loss based upon the difference  between the option  holder's tax
basis (option  exercise  price plus taxable income  recognized)  and the selling
price.  The Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction  for any  additional
gain recognized by the option holder.


To the extent an option holder pays all or part of the option  exercise price of
an NSO by tendering  shares of Common Stock owned by the option holder,  the tax
consequences described above apply with respect to any shares acquired in excess
of the number of shares  tendered in  payment,  with such  excess  shares  being
treated as having been acquired  without  consideration.  For federal income tax
purposes,  the  number of newly  acquired  shares  equal to the number of shares
surrendered in payment of the option exercise price will have the same tax basis
and  holding  period as the shares  surrendered.  The  number of newly  acquired
shares that exceeds the number of shares surrendered will have a tax basis equal
to the amount of ordinary income  recognized on such exercise  (which  generally
will be their fair  market  value at  exercise  since the shares are  treated as
having been acquired without consideration) and a holding period which generally
begins on the date of exercise.


The Board of Directors  has  appointed  Aidman,  Piser & Company to serve as the
Company's  independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. We
are asking you to ratify that appointment.

Representatives  of  Aidman,  Piser & Company  will not be present at the annual
meeting. A representative will be available telephonically.  They will also have
the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so.

Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant

We  incorporate  by reference the Form 8-K filed with the SEC on August 8, 2001,
disclosing the replacement of Jake Kane & Co., P.C. our former auditor.

On August 6, 2001,  Jack Kane & Co.,  P.C.  ("Jack  Kane") was  replaced  as the
Company's  principal  independent  accountant by Aidman,  Piser & Company.  Jack
Kane's reports on the financial statements for the past two fiscal years did not
contain an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, and were not qualified or
modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope or accounting  principles,  except that
the reports on the Company's  financial  statements for the years ended December
31, 2000 and 1999 were  modified to describe  the  uncertainty  surrounding  the
Company's  ability to  continue  as a going  concern  and to make  reference  to
management's plans regarding such uncertainty in the footnotes.

The decision to change accountants was approved by the Board of Directors of the
Company.  During the  Company's  two most  recent  fiscal  years and  subsequent
interim  periods,  there were no  disagreements  with Jack Kane on any matter of
accounting principles or practices,  financial statement disclosures or auditing
scope or procedure.



Shareholder proposals for the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company
must be received  by April 1st,  2002 at the  Company's  offices,  4851  Georgia
Highway 85, Suite 211,


Forest Park, Georgia,  30050,  addressed to the Secretary,  for inclusion in the
Company's proxy statement and proxy form.


As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the Board of Directors is not aware of
any  matters  other  than  those set forth  herein  and in the  Notice of Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  that will come  before the  meeting.  Should any other
matters arise  requiring the vote of  shareholders,  it is intended that proxies
will be voted in respect  thereto in  accordance  with the best  judgment of the
person or persons voting the proxies.

Please  return your proxy as soon as possible.  Unless a quorum  consisting of a
majority  of the  outstanding  shares  entitled  to vote is  represented  at the
meeting,  no business can be transacted.  Therefore,  please be sure to date and
sign your proxy  exactly as your name  appears  on your  stock  certificate  and
return it in the enclosed postage prepaid return  envelope.  Please act promptly
to ensure that you will be represented at the Annual Meeting.



                                  FORM OF PROXY


The  undersigned  hereby appoints Ricky Davis and Wolfgang  Wacker,  as proxies,
each with the power to appoint his or her substitute, and hereby authorizes each
of them, singly or jointly, to represent and to vote as designated below, all of
the  shares  of  Common  Stock of Save On  Energy,  Inc.  held on  record by the
undersigned  on September 20, 2001 at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be
held on October 18, 2001 in Georgia, or any adjournment thereof.

         1.       ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


         List of Nominees is as follows:

                  Robert Stiles
                  Ricky Davis
                  Greg Erwin
                  John Perry
                  Wolfgang Wacker

         For all nominees listed above: /____/

         Withhold authority to vote all nominees listed above: /____/

         To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, please write
         their name(s) in the following space.


                  For  /____/       Against  /____/           Abstain  /____/


                  For  /____/       Against  /____/           Abstain  /____/

         4.       In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized to vote on
         such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the  undersigned  shareholder.  If no direction  is made,  this proxy will be
voted  for  the  election  of the  above-named  nominees  as  directors  and FOR
proposals 2 and 3.



Please  sign  exactly  as name  appears  below.  When  shares  are held by joint
tenants,  both should sign. When signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a  corporation,  please
sign in full  corporate  name by President  or other  authorized  officer.  If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

Dated:   _________________________, 2001

                                                                (Print Name)


                                                (Signature, if held jointly)

Please mark, sign, date and return this proxy card promptly, using the enclosed


                                     Annex A
                                Stock Option Plan

                              SAVE ON ENERGY, INC.
                                 2001 STOCK PLAN

1.          PURPOSE

The purpose of this 2001 Stock Plan (the  "Plan") of Save On Energy,  Inc.  (the
"Company") is to provide certain  stock-based  incentives to eligible employees,
officers,   directors,   consultants   and  advisors  of  the  Company  and  its
consolidated subsidiaries,  all of whom are eligible to receive Awards under the


As used herein, the following definitions shall apply:

          (a) "Administrator" means the Person or Committee,  and its designees,
     responsible  for  conducting  the  general  administration  of the  Plan in
     accordance with Section 3 hereof.

          (b)  "Applicable   Laws"  means  the  requirements   relating  to  the
     administration  of stock option plans under U.S. state corporate laws, U.S.
     federal  and state  securities  laws,  the  Code,  any  stock  exchange  or
     quotation system on which the Common Stock becomes listed or quoted and the
     applicable  laws of any  foreign  country or  jurisdiction,  if any,  where
     Options are granted under the Plan.

          (c) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

          (d) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          (e)  "Committee"  means  the  committee  appointed  by  the  Board  in
     accordance with Section 3 hereof.

          (f)  "Common  Stock"  means the $.001  par value  Common  Stock of the

          (g) "Company" means Save On Energy, Inc., a Georgia  corporation,  and
     its current and future consolidated subsidiaries.

          (h) "Consultant" means any non-employee  consultant or adviser who has
     contracted  directly  with the Company to render bona fide  services to the

          (i)  "Director"  means a  member  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the

          (j)  "Employee"  as used in this Plan  refers to  employees  under the
     common  law  definition  of that  term.  Generally,  it means  any  person,
     including Officers and Directors,  who are also employees,  employed by the
     Company or a consolidated Subsidiary.  An Employee shall not cease to be an
     Employee in the case of (i) any leave of absence approved by the Company or
     (ii) transfers between locations of the Company or between the Company, any
     consolidated Subsidiary,  or any successor. For purposes of Incentive Stock
     Options,  no such leave may exceed ninety days, unless  re-employment  upon
     expiration of such leave is guaranteed by statute or contract. A common law
     Employee of an unconsolidated Subsidiary or Joint Venture does not meet the
     definition  of an  Employee  for  purposes  of  the  Plan.  Vested  options
     previously granted to an individual who is an Employee will remain Employee
     options upon the change in status of the Employee to that of a non-employee
     Consultant.  Unvested  options  for an  Employee  who  changes  status to a
     Consultant  are  treated on a  prospective  basis as  non-employee  options
     following such change.  Vested options  previously granted to an individual
     who is a  Consultant  will  remain  Consultant  options  upon the change in
     status of the  Consultant  to that of an Employee.  Unvested  options for a
     Consultant  who changes  status to an Employee are treated on a prospective
     basis as Employee options following such change.

          (k)  "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as


          (l) "Fair Market  Value"  means,  as of any date,  the value of Common
     Stock as  determined  by the  closing  sales  price for such  stock (or the
     closing  bid,  if no sales were  reported)  as quoted on such  exchange  or
     system of a recognized stock exchange for the last market trading day prior
     to the time of determination.

          (m) "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option intended to qualify as an
     incentive  stock  option  within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code and
     which is designated as an Incentive Stock Option by the Administrator.

          (n) "Independent  Director" means a Director who is not an Employee of
     the Company,  but whose options receive the accounting  treatment  afforded

          (o)  "Nonqualified  Stock  Option"  means an Option  not  intended  to
     qualify as or designated as an Incentive Stock Option.

          (p)  "Officer"  means an  Employee  who is an officer  of the  Company
     within the  meaning of  Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act and the rules and
     regulations promulgated there under.

          (q). "Option" means a stock option granted pursuant to the Plan.

          (r) "Option  Agreement" means a written  agreement between the Company
     and an Optionee evidencing the terms and conditions of an individual Option
     grant.  The Option  Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the

          (s) "Optioned Stock" means the Common Stock subject to an Option.

          (t) "Optionee" means the holder of an outstanding Option granted under
     the Plan.

          (u) "Plan" means the Save On Energy, Inc. 2001 Stock Plan.

          (v) "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933.

          (w) "Ten Percent  Shareholder"  means an Employee  who, at the time an
     Option is granted,  owns (within the meaning of Section 422(d) of the Code)
     Common  Stock  representing  more than ten  percent  of the total  combined
     voting power of all classes of stock of the Company.


            a.  Administration by Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors of
the Company will administer the Plan. The Board, in its sole  discretion,  shall
have the authority to (i) grant Awards,  (ii) adopt and repeal rules relating to
the Plan,  (iii) interpret and, where  appropriate,  amend the provisions of the
Plan and any Award granted hereunder, and, (iv) suspend or terminate the Plan at
any time.  Suspension  or  termination  of the Plan shall not  impair  rights or
obligations  under any Award granted while the Plan is in effect except with the
written  consent of the Optionee or recipient.  All decisions by the Board shall
be final and  binding on all  interested  persons.  Neither  the Company nor any
member of the Board shall be liable for any action or determination  relating to
the Plan.

            b.  Appointment of Committee.  To the extent permitted by Applicable
Law,  the Board may  delegate  any or all of its powers under the Plan to one or
more committee. Such Committee may consist of two or more Independent Directors,
in  accordance  with Section  162(m) of the Code,  and/or  solely of two or more
Independent Directors, in accordance with Rule 16(b)-3 of the Exchange Act.


            a. Share  Reserve.  Subject to adjustment  under  Section 4(c),  the
aggregate  number of shares of Common  Stock that may be issued  pursuant to the
Plan is 2,000,000 shares,  and the Company shall reserve for the purposes of the
Plan,  out of its  authorized  but unissued  shares or out of shares held in the
Company's  treasury  such number of shares as shall be  determined by the Board.
Whenever any shares  subject to an Option are forfeited for any reason  pursuant
to the terms of the Plan,  such  shares  may again be the  subject of Options or
Restricted Stock Awards hereunder.


            b. Evergreen Share Reserve Increase.  Notwithstanding  Section 4(c),
on the day of each annual meeting of stockholders of the Company for a period of
9 years,  commencing  with the  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  in 2001,  the
aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that are available for issuance under
the Plan shall  automatically be increased by that number of shares equal to the
lesser of (1) two percent of the diluted shares of the Company outstanding,  (2)
one hundred thousand (100,000) shares of common stock, (3) such lesser number of
shares as determined by the Board.

            c. Changes in Capitalization. In the event of any stock split, stock
dividend, recapitalization,  reorganization, merger, consolidation, combination,
exchange of shares, liquidation,  spin-off, split-up, or other similar change in
capitalization,  (i) the number of Common Shares  available for Awards under the
Plan,  (ii) the number and class of  securities,  vesting  schedule and exercise
price per share subject to each outstanding  Option,  (iii) the repurchase price
per  Common  Share  subject  to  repurchase,  and (iv) the  terms of each  other
outstanding  stock-based  Award,  shall be adjusted by the Company to the extent
the  Board  shall  determine,   in  good  faith,  that  such  an  adjustment  is


            a. General. The Board may grant Options to purchase Common Stock and
determine the number of shares of Common Stock to be covered by each Option, the
exercise price of each Option and the conditions and  limitations  applicable to
the  exercise of each Option and the Common  Stock  issued upon the  exercise of
each  Option,   including   vesting   provisions,   repurchase   provisions  and
restrictions  relating to  applicable  federal or state  securities  laws, as it
considers advisable.

            b. Incentive  Stock Options.  An Option that the Board intends to be
an Incentive  Stock Option shall be granted only to employees of the Company and
shall be subject to and construed  consistently with the requirements of Section
422 of the Code.  The Board and the Company shall have no liability if an Option
or any part thereof is intended to be an  Incentive  Stock Option at the time of
grant  ultimately  does not qualify as such.  An Option or any part thereof that
does not qualify as an Incentive Stock Option shall be treated as a Nonqualified
Stock Option.

            c. Incentive  Stock Option $100,000  Limitation.  To the extent that
the aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined  at time of grant) of Common Stock
with respect to which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time
by any Optionee  during any calendar year exceeds one hundred  thousand  dollars
($100,000),  the Options or portions threreof which exceed such limit (according
to the order in which they were granted) shall be treated as Nonqualified  Stock

            d. Exercise Price.  The Board shall establish the exercise price (or
determine  the method by which the exercise  price shall be  determined)  at the
time each  Option is  granted,  provided  that the  exercise  price for  Options
intended  to  qualify  as  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall  not  be  less  than
one-hundred  percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value on the date of grant,  and,
in the case of Options  intended to qualify as Incentive  Stock Options that are
granted to Ten Percent  Shareholders,  at one hundred and ten percent  (110%) of
Fair Market  Value.  The exercise  price (or method by which the exercise  price
shall be determined) shall be specified in the individual option agreement.

            e.  Duration of Options.  Each Option shall be  exercisable  at such
times and subject to such terms and  conditions  as the Board may specify in the
applicable Option Agreement,  provided that no Option shall be exercisable after
the expiration of ten (10) years from the date that it is granted.

            f. Exercise of Option.  Options may be exercised only by delivery to
the Company of a written notice of exercise signed by the proper person together
with  payment in full as  specified in Section 5(g) for the number of shares for
which the Option is exercised.

            g. Payment Upon Exercise.  Common Stock  purchased upon the exercise
of an Option shall be paid for by one or any  combination of the following forms
of payment:

          (i) by check payable to the order of the Company;

          (ii) except as otherwise  explicitly provided in the applicable option
     agreement,  and only if the Common Stock is then publicly traded,  delivery
     of an irrevocable and unconditional undertaking by a creditworthy broker to
     deliver promptly to the Company sufficient funds to pay the exercise price,


     delivery by the  Participant  to the Company of a copy of  irrevocable  and
     unconditional  instructions to a creditworthy broker to deliver promptly to
     the Company cash or a check sufficient to pay the exercise price; or

          (iii) to the  extent  explicitly  provided  in the  applicable  option
     agreement,  by (x) delivery of shares of Common Stock, that are not part or
     result of the Award,  owned by the Participant valued at Fair Market Value,
     (y) delivery of a promissory  note of the  Participant  to the Company (and
     delivery  to the Company by the  Optionee of a check in an amount  equal to
     the par value of the shares purchased), or (z) payment of such other lawful
     consideration as the Board may determine appropriate.

            h. Termination of Continuous  Service.  (i) Options granted that are
intended  to  qualify  as  Incentive  Stock  Options  are  subject  to the  post
termination  limitations  on exercise  under Section 422 of the Code.  All other
Options are governed by the following terms.  (ii) If an Optionee ceases to be a
Employee or Consultant, such Optionee may exercise his or her Option within such
period of time as is specified in the  Agreement,  to the extent that the Option
is vested on the date of termination  (but in no event later than the expiration
of the term of the Option as set forth in the Option Agreement).  In the absence
of a specified time in the Option Agreement, the Option shall remain exercisable
for twelve (12) months following the Optionee's termination.  If, on the date of
termination,  the  Optionee  is not vested as to his or her entire  Option,  the
Shares  covered  by the  unvested  portion  of the  Option  shall  again  become
available for issuance under the Plan. If, after termination,  the Optionee does
not  exercise  his or her Option  within the time period  specified,  the Option
shall  terminate,  and the Shares  covered by such  Option  shall  again  become
available  for  issuance  under the Plan.  (iii) If an  Optionee  ceases to be a
Employee or Consultant as a result of the  Optionee's  Disability,  the Optionee
may exercise his or her Option within such period of time as is specified in the
Option  Agreement to the extent the Option is vested on the date of  termination
(but in no event  later than the  expiration  of the term of such  Option as set
forth in the Option Agreement). In the absence of a specified time in the Option
Agreement,  the Option shall remain exercisable for twelve (12) months following
the Optionee's  termination.  If such  disability is not a "disability"  as such
term is defined in Section  22(e)(3)  of the Code,  in the case of an  Incentive
Stock Option such Incentive Stock Option shall automatically cease to be treated
as an  Incentive  Stock  Option  and  shall be  treated  for tax  purposes  as a
Nonqualified  Stock Option on the day three (3) months and one (1) day following
such termination.  If, on the date of termination, the Optionee is not vested as
to his or her entire Option,  the Shares covered by the unvested  portion of the
Option shall revert to the Plan.  If, after  termination,  the Optionee does not
exercise his or her Option within the time  specified  herein,  the Option shall
terminate,  and the Shares covered by such Option shall revert to the Plan. (iv)
If an Optionee dies while a Employee or Consultant,  the Option may be exercised
within such period of time as is  specified in the Option  Agreement  (but in no
event later than the  expiration  of the term of such Option as set forth in the
Notice of Grant), by the Optionee's estate or by a person who acquires the right
to exercise  the Option by bequest or  inheritance,  but only to the extent that
the Option is vested on the date of death. In the absence of a specified time in
the Option Agreement, the Option shall remain exercisable for twelve (12) months
following the Optionee's termination.  If, at the time of death, the Optionee is
not vested as to his or her entire  Option,  the Shares  covered by the unvested
portion of the Option shall  immediately  revert to the Plan.  The Option may be
exercised by the executor or administrator of the Optionee's estate or, if none,
by the person(s)  entitled to exercise the Option under the  Optionee's  will or
the laws of descent or  distribution.  If the Option is not so exercised  within
the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate, and the Shares covered by
such Option shall revert to the Plan.


            a.  General.  The Board may grant  Awards  entitling  recipients  to
acquire  shares of Common  Stock,  subject to (i) delivery to the Company by the
recipient  of such award of a check in an amount at least equal to the par value
of the shares purchased,  and (ii) the right of the Company to repurchase all or
part of such shares at their issue price or other  stated or formula  price from
the  recipient  in the  event  that  conditions  specified  by the  Board in the
applicable Award, including those related to vesting, are not satisfied prior to
the end of the applicable restriction period or periods established by the Board
for such Award (each, a "Restricted Stock Award").

            b. Terms and  Conditions.  The Board shall  determine  the terms and
conditions of any such Restricted Stock Award. Any stock certificates  issued in
respect of a  Restricted  Stock  Award  shall be  registered  in the name of the
recipient  and,  unless  otherwise  determined  by the Board,  deposited  by the
recipient,  together with a stock power endorsed in blank,  with the Company (or
its designee).  After the expiration of the applicable  restriction periods, the
Company (or such designee)  shall deliver the  certificates no longer subject to
such  restrictions  to the  recipient  or, if the  recipient  has  died,  to the
beneficiary  designated by a recipient,  in a manner determined by the Board, to


amounts  due  or  exercise   rights  of  the  recipient  in  the  event  of  the
Participant's  death  (the  "Designated  Beneficiary").  In  the  absence  of an
effective  designation  by a recipient,  Designated  Beneficiary  shall mean the
recipient's estate.

            c. Termination of Continuous  Service. In the event a recipient of a
Restricted  Stock Award  terminates,  the Company may  repurchase  or  otherwise
reacquire any or all of the shares of Common Stock held by the  recipient  which
have not vested as of the date of termination  under the terms of the restricted
stock purchase agreement.

7.          OTHER AWARDS

The Board shall have the right to grant other Awards based upon the Common Stock
subject to the Plan, having such terms and conditions as the Board may


            a.  Eligibility  for Specific  Stock  Awards.  (i)  Incentive  Stock
Options may be granted only to  employees.  Stock  awards  other than  Incentive
Stock Options may be granted to Employees, Directors, Independent Directors, and
Consultants.  (ii)  Consultants  shall not be eligible  for the grant of a stock
award if,  at the time of grant,  a Form S-8  Registration  Statement  under the
Securities Act is not available to register  either the offer or the sale of the
Company's  securities to such Consultant  because of the nature of services that
the  Consultant is providing to the Company,  or because the Consultant is not a
natural person, or as otherwise  provided by the rules governing the use of Form
S-8,  unless  the  Company  determines  both (x) that  such  grant  (A) shall be
registered in another  manner under the  Securities  Act or (B) does not require
registration  under the Securities Act in order to comply with the  requirements
of the Securities Act, and (y) that such grant complies with the securities laws
of all other relevant jurisdictions.

            b.  Transferability of Awards.  Awards shall not be sold,  assigned,
transferred,  pledged  or  otherwise  encumbered  by the person to whom they are
granted,  either  voluntarily or by operation of law, except by will or the laws
of descent and distribution,  and, during the life of the Participant,  shall be
exercisable only by the Participant.  References to a Participant, to the extent
relevant in the context, shall include references to authorized transferees.

            c. Documentation.  Each Award under the Plan shall be evidenced by a
written  instrument in such form as the Board shall  determine or as executed by
an Officer of the Company  pursuant to authority  delegated  by the Board.  Each
Award may  contain  terms and  conditions  in addition to those set forth in the
Plan provided that such terms and conditions do not contravene the provisions of
the Plan.

            d.  Board  Discretion.  The terms of each type of Award  need not be
identical, and the Board need not treat Participants uniformly.

            e. Effect of Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  anything contained
in the Plan or any  Agreement  to the  contrary,  in the  event  of a Change  in
Control,  all Options  outstanding  immediately prior to the specified effective
date of such Change in Control shall become  immediately  and fully  exercisable
and all of the Shares at the time  represented  by such  Options  or  Restricted
Stock shall be released  from any  restrictions  on transfer and  repurchase  or
forfeiture  rights  and either (i) if and to the extend  such  Options  are,  in
connections  with such Change in Control,  either to be assumed by the successor
corporation or to be replaced with comparable  Options (as solely  determined by
the Board) with respect to shares of Common Stock of the successor  corporation,
such assumption or replacement shall be binding on all Optionees, or (ii) in the
event  such  successor  corporation  refuses to assume or  replace  Options,  an
Optionee will be permitted to surrender for cancellation  within sixty (60) days
after such  Change in  Control  any Option or portion of an Option to the extent
not yet  exercised,  and the Optionee will be entitled to receive a cash payment
in an amount equal to the excess, in any, of (x) (A) in the case of Nonqualified
Stock Options,  the greater of the Fair Market Value,  on the date preceding the
date of  surrender,  of the shares  subject  to the  Option or  portion  thereof
surrendered  or (B) in the case of an Incentive  Stock  Option,  the Fair Market
Value, at the time of surrender,  of the Shares subject to the Option or portion
thereof surrendered, over (y) the aggregate exercise price for such shares under
the Option;  provided however,  that in the case of an Option granted within six
(6) months  prior to the Change in Control to any Optionee who may be subject to
liability  under  Section  16(b) of the Exchange  Act,  such  Optionee  shall be
entitled to surrender for cancellation  such Optionee's  Option during the sixty
(60) day period  commencing  upon the expiration of six (6) months from the date
of grant of any such Option.


            For  purposes  of this  section,  Change  in  Control  means (a) The
acquisition  by any Person (as the term is used for  purposes of Sections  13(d)
and 14(d) of the Exchange  Act) of beneficial  ownership  (within the meaning of
Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of fifty percent (50%) or more of
the Combined voting power of the Company's then  outstanding  Common Stock,  (b)
the approval by the  stockholders  of a merger or  consolidation  involving  the
Company  where,   immediately   following  such  merger  or  comsolidation   the
stockholders of the Company do not, as a result of such merger or  consolidation
own,  directly or  indirectly,  more than fifty  percent  (50%) of the  combined
voting  power  of the  combined  companies,  or (c) a  complete  liquidation  or
dissolution of the Company or an agreement for the sale or other  disposition of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Company.

            f. Parachute Awards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8(e),
if, in connection  with an Acquisition  described  therein,  a tax under Section
4999 of the Code would be imposed on the Employee (after taking into account the
exceptions set forth in Sections  280G(b)(4)  and 280G(b)(5) of the Code),  then
the number of Awards which shall  become  exercisable,  realizable  or vested as
provided in such section shall be delayed,  to the extent necessary,  so that no
such tax would be imposed on the applicable Employee (the Awards not becoming so
accelerated,  realizable or vested, the "Parachute Awards");  provided, however,
that if the "aggregate  present value" of the Parachute  Awards would exceed the
tax that,  but for this  sentence,  would be  imposed on the  Participant  under
Section 4999 of the Code in  connection  with the  Acquisition,  then the Awards
shall become  immediately  exercisable,  realizable and vested without regard to
the provisions of this  sentence.  For purposes of the preceding  sentence,  the
"aggregate  present value" of an Award shall be calculated on an after-tax basis
(other  than taxes  imposed  by Section  4999 of the Code) and shall be based on
economic  principles  rather than the principles set forth under Section 280G of
the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder. All determinations required
to be made under this Section shall be made by the Company.

            g. Minimum Statutory  Withholding.  Each Employee, or other Optionee
or recipient,  shall pay to the Company, or make provisions  satisfactory to the
Company for payment of, any federal or state income taxes  required by law to be
withheld in connection with Awards to such Participant no later than the date of
the event  creating  the tax  liability.  The Plan shall allow  Participants  to
satisfy the minimum statutory tax withholding  obligations for federal and state
tax purposes,  including  payroll  taxes,  that are applicable to the associated
taxable  income by having the Company  withhold  shares of Common Stock from the
Award creating the tax obligation,  valued at their Fair Market Value.  However,
the Company shall be prohibited under the Plan from withholding  shares,  valued
at Fair Market Value, in excess of the minimum  required tax withholding  amount
resulting  from the Award.  The  Company  may, to the extent  permitted  by law,
deduct any such tax obligations  from any payment of any kind otherwise due to a

            h. Amendment of Awards. The Board may amend, modify or terminate any
individual  outstanding Award, without otherwise amending this Plan,  including,
but not  limited  to,  substituting  therefore  another  Award  of the same or a
different type, changing the date of exercise or realization,  and converting an
Incentive  Stock  Option  to a  Nonqualified  Stock  Option,  provided  that the
Participant's  consent  to such  action  shall  be  required  unless  the  Board
determines that the action,  taking into account any related  action,  would not
materially and adversely affect the Participant.

            i.  Conditions  on  Delivery  of  Stock.  The  Company  will  not be
obligated  to deliver  any  shares of Common  Stock  pursuant  to the Plan or to
remove  restrictions from shares  previously  delivered under the Plan until (i)
all conditions of the Award have been met or removed to the  satisfaction of the
Company,  (ii) in the opinion of the Company's counsel,  all other legal matters
in connection with the issuance and delivery of such shares have been satisfied,
including  any those of the  Applicable  Laws,  and (iii)  the  Participant  has
executed and delivered to the Company such  representations or agreements as the
Company may consider  appropriate to satisfy the  requirements of any Applicable
Laws, rules or regulations.

            j.  Acceleration.  The  Board  may  at any  time  provide  that  any
individual Award shall become  immediately  exercisable in full or in part, that
any Restricted Stock Awards shall be free of some or all  restrictions,  or that
any other stock-based  Awards may become  exercisable in full or in part or free
of some or all restrictions or conditions, or otherwise realizable in full or in
part, as the case may be,  despite the fact that the  foregoing  actions may (i)
cause  the  application  of  Sections  280G and 4999 of the Code if a change  in
control of the Company  occurs,  or (ii) disqualify all or part of the Option as
an Incentive Stock Option.



            a. No Right To Employment or Other Status.  No person shall have any
claim or right to be  granted an Award,  and the grant of an Award  shall not be
construed as giving a Participant the right to continued employment or any other
relationship with the Company.  The Company expressly  reserves the right at any
time to dismiss or otherwise  terminate its relationship with a Participant free
from any liability or claim under the Plan.

            b. No  Rights  As  Stockholder.  Subject  to the  provisions  of the
applicable Award, no Participant or Designated Beneficiary shall have any rights
as a  stockholder  with respect to any shares of Common Stock to be  distributed
with respect to an Award until becoming the record holder thereof.

            c. Effective Date and Term of Plan. The Plan shall become  effective
on the date first approved by the  stockholders of the Company,  contemplated at
the 2001 Stockholder's  meeting. No Awards shall be granted under the Plan after
ten years from the date on which the Plan became  effective,  although the terms
of individual Awards previously granted may extend beyond that date.

            d.  Amendment  of  Plan.  No  amendment  shall be  effective  unless
approved by the stockholders of the Company to the extent  stockholder  approval
is necessary to satisfy the requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

            e. Governing Law and Regulations. The provisions of the Plan and all
Awards made hereunder  shall be governed by and  interpreted in accordance  with
the laws of the State of Georgia. The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3
promulgated  under the Exchange Act, and the Board or Committee  shall interpret
and  administer  the  provisions  of the  Plan  or  any  Agreement  in a  manner
consistent  therewith.  Any  provisions  inconsistent  with such  Rule  shall be
inoperative and shall not affect the validity of the Plan.
