SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                          Washington, D.C.  20549

                                 FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

        EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

              For the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2003



        For the transition period from ------------ to ------------

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its

           Delaware             1-16811           25-1897152
         ---------------      -----------       --------------
         (State or other      (Commission       (IRS Employer
         jurisdiction of      File Number)      Identification
         incorporation)                              No.)

      600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA                 15219-2800
      ----------------------------------------          ----------
      (Address of principal executive offices)         (Zip Code)

                            (412) 433-1121
                     (Registrant's telephone number,
                        including area code)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as
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Common stock outstanding at April 30, 2003 - 103,145,305 shares


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                                    FORM 10-Q
                      QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED MARCH 31, 2003

                                      INDEX                        Page
                                      -----                        ----

      Item 1.  Financial Statements:

               Statement of Operations (Unaudited)                  3

               Balance Sheet (Unaudited)                            4

               Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)                  5

               Selected Notes to Financial Statements               6

               Ratio of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges
               and Preferred Stock Dividends and Ratio of
               Earnings to Fixed Charges                           20

      Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
               Financial Condition and Results of
               Operations                                          21

      Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
               Market Risk                                         45

      Item 4.  Controls and Procedures                             48

               Supplemental Statistics                             49


      Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                   50

      Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                    53

      SIGNATURE                                                    54

      CERTIFICATIONS                                               55

      WEB SITE POSTING                                             57


Part I - Financial Information:

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                       STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (Unaudited)
                                                           First Quarter
                                                              March 31
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)             2003     2002
 Revenues                                                $ 1,661   $1,204
 Revenues from related parties                               237      227
 Income from investees                                         1        2
 Net gains on disposal of assets                               2        1
 Other income                                                  6        -
                                                          ------   ------
   Total revenues and other income                         1,907    1,434
                                                          ------   ------
 Cost of revenues (excludes items shown below)             1,732    1,336
 Selling, general and administrative expenses                129       71
 Depreciation, depletion and amortization                     90       88
                                                          ------   ------
   Total costs and expenses                                1,951    1,495
                                                          ------   ------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                         (44)     (61)
Net interest and other financial costs                        38       34
                                                          ------   ------
CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE                               (82)     (95)
Benefit for income taxes                                     (49)     (12)
                                                          ------   ------
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle,          (5)       -
  net of tax                                              ------   ------
NET LOSS                                                     (38)     (83)
Dividends on preferred stock                                  (2)       -
                                                          ------   ------
NET LOSS APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK                       $  (40)  $  (83)
                                                          ======   =======

Per share - basic and diluted:
Loss before cumulative effect of change in accounting     $ (.35)   $(.93)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle,        (.05)       -
  net of tax
                                                          ------   ------
Net loss                                                  $ (.40)  $ (.93)
                                                          ======   ======
Weighted average shares, in thousands
- Basic and diluted                                      102,731   89,569

Dividends paid per share                                  $  .05   $  .05

  Net loss adjusted                                       $  (38)  $  (84)
  Net loss per share adjusted (basic and diluted)           (.40)    (.94)

Selected notes to financial statements appear on pages 6-19.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                            BALANCE SHEET (Unaudited)
                                                     March 31 December 31
(Dollars in millions)                                  2003      2002
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                          $  367    $  243
  Receivables, less allowance of $65 and $57            959       805
  Receivables from related parties                      145       129
  Inventories                                         1,077     1,030
  Deferred income tax benefits                          227       217
  Other current assets                                   33        16
                                                     ------    ------
   Total current assets                               2,808     2,440
Investments and long-term receivables,
 less allowance of $2 and $2                            339       341
Long-term receivables from related parties                6         6
Property, plant and equipment, less accumulated
 depreciation, depletion and amortization of
 $7,184 and $7,095                                    2,958     2,978
Pension asset                                         1,642     1,654
Intangible pension asset                                414       414
Other noncurrent assets                                 158       144
                                                     ------    ------
   Total assets                                      $8,325    $7,977
                                                     ======    ======
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                   $  788    $  677
  Accounts payable to related parties                   104        90
  Payroll and benefits payable                          265       254
  Accrued taxes                                         307       281
  Accrued interest                                       40        44
  Long-term debt due within one year                     26        26
                                                     ------    ------
   Total current liabilities                          1,530     1,372
Long-term debt, less unamortized discount             1,408     1,408
Deferred income taxes                                   184       223
Employee benefits                                     2,638     2,601
Deferred credits and other liabilities                  336       346
                                                     ------    ------
   Total liabilities                                  6,096     5,950
                                                     ------    ------
Contingencies and commitments (See Note 15)               -         -

Preferred stock -
 7% Series B Mandatory Convertible
  Preferred issued - 5,000,000 shares
  and -0- shares (no par value, liquidation
  preference $50 per share)                             242         -
Common stock issued - 102,988,069 shares and
  102,485,246 shares                                    103       102
Additional paid-in capital                            2,692     2,689
Retained earnings (deficit)                              (4)       42
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                   (803)     (803)
Deferred compensation                                    (1)       (3)
                                                     ------    ------
   Total stockholders' equity                         2,229     2,027
                                                     ------    ------
   Total liabilities and stockholders' equity        $8,325    $7,977
                                                     ======    ======

Selected notes to financial statements appear on pages 6-19.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                       STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Unaudited)
                                                     First Quarter
                                                        March 31
(Dollars in millions)                                  2003     2002
Net loss                                            $   (38)  $  (83)
Adjustments to reconcile to net cash provided
  from (used in) operating activities:
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting               5        -
  principle, net of tax
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization               90       88
  Pensions and other postretirement benefits             53      (10)
  Deferred income taxes                                 (49)      (9)
  Net gains on disposal of assets                        (2)      (1)
  Income from equity investees, net of distributions      3       (2)
  Changes in:
   Current receivables
   - sold                                                 -      215
   - repurchased                                          -      (15)
   - operating turnover                                (171)    (142)
   Inventories                                          (47)     (31)
   Current accounts payable and accrued expenses        156       69
  All other - net                                       (44)     (60)
                                                     ------   ------
    Net cash provided from (used in) operating          (44)      19
    activities                                       ------   ------

Capital expenditures                                    (63)     (56)
Disposal of assets                                       12        3
Restricted cash - withdrawals                             -        1
                - deposits                              (23)     (15)
Investees - investments                                  (1)       -
          - loans and advances                            -       (3)
                                                     ------   ------
   Net cash used in investing activities                (75)     (70)
                                                     ------   ------
Repayment of long-term debt                               -       (1)
Settlement with Marathon                                  -      (54)
Preferred stock issued                                  242        -
Common stock issued                                       6       19
Dividends paid                                           (5)      (4)
                                                     ------   ------
   Net cash provided from (used in) financing           243      (40)
                                                     ------   ------
EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH                   -        1
                                                     ------   ------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH                124      (90)
                                                     ------   ------
CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                $  367  $    57
                                                     ======   ======
Cash provided from (used in) operating activities
 Interest and other financial costs paid (net of
 amount capitalized)                                 $  (34) $   (51)
 Income taxes paid to tax authorities                    (1)      (1)

Selected notes to financial statements appear on pages 6-19.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    1.    The information in these financial statements is unaudited but, in the
    opinion  of  management,  reflects  all adjustments  necessary  for  a  fair
    presentation  of the results for the periods covered.  All such  adjustments
    are  of  a  normal  recurring  nature  unless  disclosed  otherwise.   These
    financial  statements,  including selected  notes,  have  been  prepared  in
    accordance  with  the  applicable  rules  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange
    Commission  and  do  not  include  all of the  information  and  disclosures
    required  by  accounting principles generally accepted in the United  States
    of  America for complete financial statements.  Certain reclassifications of
    prior  year  data  have  been  made  to  conform  to  2003  classifications.
    Additional  information is contained in the United States Steel  Corporation
    Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.

    2.    United  States Steel Corporation (U. S. Steel) is engaged domestically
    in  the  production, sale and transportation of steel mill  products,  coal,
    coke and taconite pellets (iron ore); steel mill products distribution;  the
    management  of  mineral resources; the management and  development  of  real
    estate;  and  engineering and consulting services and, through U.  S.  Steel
    Kosice  (USSK) in the Slovak Republic, in the production and sale  of  steel
    mill  products  and  coke  primarily for the central  and  western  European

    3.    U. S. Steel has various stock-based employee compensation plans.   The
    Company  accounts  for  these  plans under the recognition  and  measurement
    principles  of  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Issued   to
    Employees,"   and   related   Interpretations.   No   stock-based   employee
    compensation  cost  is reflected in net income for stock  options  or  stock
    appreciation  rights (SARs) at the date of grant, as all  options  and  SARs
    granted  had  an exercise price equal to the market value of the  underlying
    common  stock.   When  the stock price exceeds the  grant  price,  SARs  are
    adjusted  for  changes  in  the  market value and  compensation  expense  is
    recorded.   The  following table illustrates the effect on  net  income  and
    earnings  per  share if the Company had applied the fair  value  recognition
    provisions  of  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards   No.   123,
    "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation."

                                                                First Quarter
                                                                   March 31
     (In millions, except per share data)                       2003     2002
     Net loss as reported                                     $  (38) $   (83)
     Add:  Stock-based employee compensation expense included
      in reported net loss, net of related tax effects             1        1
     Deduct:  Total stock-based employee compensation
      expense determined under fair value methods for all
      awards, net of related tax effects                          (2)      (2)
                                                              ------   ------
     Pro forma net loss                                       $  (39) $   (84)
                                                              ======   ======
     Basic and diluted net loss per share:
     - As reported                                            $ (.40) $  (.93)
     - Pro forma                                                (.41)    (.94)

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    3.   (Continued)

          The  above  pro  forma  amounts were based on a Black-Scholes  option-
    pricing model, which included the following information and assumptions:

                                                               First Quarter
                                                                  March 31
                                                                2003    2002
     Weighted average grant date exercise price per share    $ 17.92 $ 19.89
     Expected annual dividends per share                     $   .20 $   .20
     Expected life in years                                        5       5
     Expected volatility                                        43.7    39.8
     Risk-free interest rate                                     3.9     4.9

     Weighted-average grant date fair value of options
     granted during the period, as calculated from above     $  7.13 $  7.71

    4.    In  June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)  issued
    Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 143 "Accounting  for
    Asset  Retirement Obligations."  SFAS No. 143 established a  new  accounting
    model   for  the  recognition  and  measurement  of  retirement  obligations
    associated with tangible long-lived assets.  SFAS No. 143 requires  that  an
    asset  retirement  obligation be capitalized as part  of  the  cost  of  the
    related  long-lived  asset and subsequently allocated  to  expense  using  a
    systematic  and rational method.  SFAS No. 143 requires proforma  disclosure
    of  the amount of the liability for obligations as if the statement had been
    applied  during  all  periods affected, using current  information,  current
    assumptions  and  current  interest  rates.   In  addition,  the  effect  of
    adopting  a  new accounting principle on net income and on the  related  per
    share  amounts  is  required to be shown on the face  of  the  statement  of
    operations  for  all  periods  presented under Accounting  Principles  Board
    Opinion No. 20.

           On   January  1,  2003,  the  date  of  adoption,  asset   retirement
    obligations,  primarily  related  to mine  and  landfill  closure  and  post
    closure  costs  of  $14 million were recorded (in addition  to  $15  million
    already  accrued),  compared  to the associated  long-lived  asset,  net  of
    accumulated  depreciation, of $7 million that was recorded, resulting  in  a
    cumulative effect of adopting this Statement of $5 million, net  of  tax  of
    $2  million.   There  were no changes in the carrying  value  of  the  asset
    retirement  obligations  during  the  first  quarter  of  2003  other   than
    accretion expense of $1 million, leaving a balance for these obligations  of
    $30  million at March 31, 2003.  Had this Statement been applied during  the
    first  quarter  2002, the asset retirement obligation at  January  1,  2002,
    would  have  been $26 million, with accretion expense of $1  million  during
    the quarter, leaving a balance of $27 million at March 31, 2002.

          Certain  asset  retirement obligations related to  disposal  costs  of
    fixed assets at our steel facilities were not recorded because they have  an
    indeterminate settlement date.  These asset retirement obligations  will  be
    initially  recognized in the period in which sufficient  information  exists
    to estimate fair value.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
 4.   (Continued)

           In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45, "Guarantor's
    Accounting  and  Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including  Indirect
    Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others." The Interpretation elaborates on  the
    disclosure  to  be  made  by  a guarantor about  obligations  under  certain
    guarantees  that it has issued.  It also clarifies that at the inception  of
    a  guarantee, the company must recognize liability for the fair value of the
    obligation undertaken in issuing the guarantee. The initial recognition  and
    measurement provisions apply on a prospective basis to guarantees issued  or
    modified after December 31, 2002.  The disclosure requirements were  adopted
    for  the  2002  annual  financial statements.  U. S. Steel  will  apply  the
    remaining provisions of the Interpretation prospectively as required.

          FASB  Interpretation  No.  46,  "Consolidation  of  Variable  Interest
    Entities,"  was  issued  in  January 2003  and  addresses  consolidation  by
    business  enterprises  of  variable  interest  entities  that  do  not  have
    sufficient  equity investment to permit the entity to finance its activities
    without  additional  subordinated financial support from  other  parties  or
    whose  equity investors lack the characteristics of a controlling  financial
    interest.  This statement was adopted in the first quarter of 2003  with  no
    initial impact to U. S. Steel.

    5.    In  February 2003, U. S. Steel sold 5 million shares of  7%  Series  B
    Mandatory  Convertible  Preferred  Shares (liquidation  preference  $50  per
    share)  (Series  B  Preferred)  for  net  proceeds  of  $242  million.   The
    Series  B  Preferred  have a dividend yield of 7%, a 20% conversion  premium
    (for  an  equivalent conversion price of $15.66 per common share)  and  will
    mandatorily  convert into shares of U. S. Steel common  stock  on  June  15,
    2006.   The  net proceeds of the offering will be used for general corporate
    purposes,   including   funding   working   capital,   financing   potential
    acquisitions,  debt  reduction  and  voluntary  contributions  to   employee
    benefit  plans.   The  number of common shares that  could  be  issued  upon
    conversion  of  the  5  million shares of Series  B  Preferred  ranges  from
    approximately  16.0 million shares to 19.2 million shares,  based  upon  the
    timing  of  the  conversion and the average market price of  U.  S.  Steel's
    common stock.

    6.    Total comprehensive loss was $38 million for the first quarter of 2003
    and $83 million for the first quarter of 2002.

    7.    Net interest and other financial costs include amounts related to  the
    remeasurement of USSK's net monetary assets into the U.S. dollar,  which  is
    USSK's  functional currency.  During the first quarter of 2003, a  net  loss
    of  $5  million  was  recorded as compared with a  net  loss  of  less  than
    $1 million in the first quarter of 2002.

    8.    Due  to  the relationship between domestic and USSK forecasted  annual
    pretax results, the application of the annual effective tax rate created  an
    unusual  relationship between income tax benefits and pretax losses  in  the
    first  quarter  of  2003.  Therefore, the actual tax  benefit  rate  of  59%
    applicable  to  the  first quarter 2003 pretax losses, which  was  developed
    using  first  quarter  2003 domestic pretax losses with  a  tax  benefit  of
    approximately  35%  and USSK pretax earnings with virtually  no  income  tax
    provision,  was considered the best estimate of the income tax  benefit  for
    the  period.  The income tax benefit in the first quarter of 2002  reflected
    an estimated annual effective tax rate for 2002 of approximately 13%.

          The  Slovak  Income  Tax Act provides an income tax  credit  which  is
    available to USSK if certain conditions are met.  In order to claim the  tax
    credit  in any year, 60% of USSK's sales must be export sales and USSK  must
    reinvest the tax credits claimed

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
    8.   (Continued)

    in  qualifying capital expenditures during the five years following the year
    in  which  the  tax credit is claimed.  The provisions of the Slovak  Income
    Tax  Act  permit USSK to claim a tax credit of 100% of USSK's tax  liability
    for  years  2000  through  2004 and 50% for the  years  2005  through  2009.
    Management believes that USSK fulfilled all of the necessary conditions  for
    claiming  the  tax  credit  for  the years for  which  it  was  claimed  and
    anticipates  meeting  such requirements in 2003.  As a  result  of  claiming
    these  tax credits and certain tax planning strategies to reinvest  earnings
    in  foreign  operations, virtually no income tax provision is  recorded  for
    USSK income.

    9.    U.  S. Steel has five reportable segments: Flat-rolled, Tubular, USSK,
    Straightline Source (Straightline) and USS Real Estate (Real Estate).

           The   Flat-rolled   segment  includes  the   operating   results   of
    U.  S. Steel's domestic integrated steel mills and equity investees involved
    in  the  production of sheet, plate and tin mill products.  These operations
    are  principally located in the United States and primarily serve  customers
    in  the  transportation (including automotive), appliance,  service  center,
    conversion, container and construction markets.

          The  Tubular segment includes the operating results of U.  S.  Steel's
    domestic  tubular production facilities and an equity investee  involved  in
    the  production of tubular goods.  These operations produce  and  sell  both
    seamless  and electric resistance weld tubular products and primarily  serve
    customers  in  the  oil,  gas  and  petrochemical  markets.   In  May  2003,
    U. S. Steel sold its interest in the equity investee.

          The  USSK  segment includes the operating results  of  U.  S.  Steel's
    integrated steel mill located in the Slovak Republic; a production  facility
    in  Germany; operations under facility management and support agreements  in
    Serbia;  and  equity investees, primarily located in Central Europe.   These
    operations produce and sell sheet, plate, tin, tubular, precision  tube  and
    specialty  steel products, as well as coke.  USSK primarily serves customers
    in  the  central  and western European construction, conversion,  appliance,
    transportation,  service center, container, and oil, gas  and  petrochemical

           The   Straightline   segment  includes  the  operating   results   of
    U.  S.  Steel's technology-enabled distribution business that  serves  steel
    customers  primarily in the eastern and central United States.  Straightline
    competes  in  the  steel service center marketplace using  a  nontraditional
    business process to sell, process and deliver flat-rolled steel products  in
    small  to  medium  sized order quantities primarily to job  shops,  contract
    manufacturers  and  original  equipment manufacturers  across  an  array  of

           The   Real   Estate  segment  includes  the  operating   results   of
    U.  S.  Steel's  domestic mineral interests that are not assigned  to  other
    operating   units;  timber  properties;  and  residential,  commercial   and
    industrial real estate that is managed or developed for sale or lease.

          All  other  U.  S.  Steel businesses not included  in  U.  S.  Steel's
    reportable  segments  are reflected in Other Businesses.   These  businesses
    are  involved  in  the  production and sale of coal, coke  and  iron-bearing
    taconite  pellets; transportation services; and engineering  and  consulting

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
 9.   (Continued)

           The   chief  operating  decision  maker  evaluates  performance   and
    determines  resource allocations based on a number of factors,  the  primary
    measure  being income (loss) from operations.  Income (loss) from operations
    for  reportable segments and other businesses does not include net  interest
    and  other  financial costs, the income tax provision (benefit), or  special
    items.   Information  on  segment assets is  not  disclosed  as  it  is  not
    reviewed by the chief operating decision maker.

          The  accounting principles applied at the operating segment  level  in
    determining  income (loss) from operations are generally the same  as  those
    applied  at the consolidated financial statement level.  Intersegment  sales
    and  transfers for some operations are accounted for at cost,  while  others
    are  accounted  for  at  market-based prices,  and  are  eliminated  at  the
    corporate  consolidation level.  All corporate-level  selling,  general  and
    administrative  expenses and costs related to certain former businesses  are
    allocated to the reportable segments and other businesses based on  measures
    of activity that management believes are reasonable.

   The results of segment operations for the first quarter of 2003 and 2002 are:

                 Flat-                       Straight-  Real  Reportable
(In millions)    rolled   Tubular    USSK      line    Estate   Segments
First Quarter 2003
Revenues and
 other income:
 Customer         $ 1,055   $   136  $   426   $    25   $   27   $ 1,669
 Intersegment          52         -        5         -        3        60
 Equity income
 (loss)(a)              5         -        -         -        -         5
 Other                  6         -        -         -        1         7
                   ------    ------   ------    ------   ------    ------
   Total          $ 1,118   $   136  $   431   $    25   $   31   $ 1,741
                   ======    ======   ======    ======   ======    ======
Income (loss)
from operations   $   (40)  $    (5) $    64   $   (15)  $   13   $    17
                   ======    ======   ======    ======   ======    ======
First Quarter 2002
Revenues and
 other income:
 Customer         $   926   $   124  $   201   $     6   $   15   $ 1,272
 Intersegment          38         -        -         -        2        40
 Equity income
 (loss)(a)            (11)        -        1         -        -       (10)
 Other                  -         -        1         -        -         1
                   ------    ------   ------    ------   ------    ------
   Total          $   953   $   124  $   203   $     6   $   17   $ 1,303
                   ======    ======   ======    ======   ======    ======
Income (loss)
from operations   $   (74)  $     3  $    (1)  $    (8)  $   10   $   (70)
                   ======    ======   ======    ======   ======    ======

(a)Represents equity in earnings (losses) of unconsolidated investees.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
    9.   (Continued)

                                   Reportable    Other    Reconciling   Total
 (In millions)                       Segments  Businesses    Items      Corp.
 First Quarter 2003
 Revenues and other income:
  Customer                            $ 1,669   $   229   $     -   $ 1,898
  Intersegment                             60       157      (217)        -
  Equity income (loss)(a)                   5       (4)         -         1
  Other                                     7         1         -         8
                                       ------    ------    ------    ------
    Total                             $ 1,741   $   383   $  (217)  $ 1,907
                                       ======    ======    ======    ======
 Income (loss) from operations        $    17   $   (36)  $   (25)  $   (44)
                                       ======    ======    ======    ======
 First Quarter 2002
 Revenues and other income:
  Customer                            $ 1,272   $   159   $     -   $ 1,431
  Intersegment                             40       186      (226)        -
  Equity income (loss)(a)                 (10)        -        12         2
  Other                                     1         -         -         1
                                       ------    ------    ------    ------
    Total                             $ 1,303   $   345   $  (214)  $ 1,434
                                       ======    ======    ======    ======
 Income (loss) from operations        $  (70)   $  (11)   $    20   $   (61)
                                       ======    ======    ======    ======

 (a)Represents equity in earnings (losses) of unconsolidated investees.

   The following is a schedule of reconciling items for the first quarter of
    2003 and 2002:

                                                Revenues       Income (Loss)
                                                  And              From
                                              Other Income      Operations
 (In millions)                               2003     2002     2003     2002
 Elimination of intersegment revenues      $ (217)  $ (226)     *       *
                                            -----    -----
  Special Items:
   Litigation items                             -        -   $  (25)  $    9
   Insurance recoveries related to USS-         -       12        -       12
     POSCO fire
   Costs related to Fairless shutdown           -        -        -       (1)
                                            -----    -----    -----    -----
                                                -       12      (25)      20
                                            -----    -----    -----    -----
 Total reconciling items                   $ (217)  $ (214)  $  (25)  $   20
                                            =====    =====    =====    =====

    *     Elimination  of intersegment revenues is offset by the elimination  of
    intersegment  cost of revenues within income (loss) from operations  at  the
    corporate consolidation level.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    10.   Revenues  from  related parties and receivables from  related  parties
    primarily  reflect  sales  of steel products, raw materials,  transportation
    services  and  fees  for  providing various  management  and  other  support
    services  to  equity  and certain other investees.  Generally,  transactions
    are conducted under long-term market-based contractual arrangements.

           Receivables   from   related  parties   at   March   31,   2003   and
    December  31,  2002,  also included $28 million due from  Marathon  for  tax
    settlements in accordance with the tax sharing agreement.

          Long-term  receivables from related parties  at  March  31,  2003  and
    December  31, 2002, reflect amounts due from Marathon related to contractual
    reimbursements  for  the  retirement of participants  in  the  non-qualified
    employee  benefit  plans.   These  amounts  will  be  paid  by  Marathon  as
    participants retire.

          Accounts  payable to related parties reflect balances due  to  PRO-TEC
    Coating  Company (PRO-TEC) under an agreement whereby U. S.  Steel  provides
    marketing,  selling and customer service functions, including invoicing  and
    receivables  collection, for PRO-TEC.  U. S. Steel, as  PRO-TEC's  exclusive
    sales   agent,   is  responsible  for  credit  risk  associated   with   the
    receivables.  Payables to PRO-TEC under the agreement were $57  million  and
    $42 million at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively.

          Accounts  payable  to  related parties at  both  March  31,  2003  and
    December 31, 2002, also included amounts related to the purchase of  outside
    processing services from equity investees and the net present value  of  the
    second  and  final  $37.5  million installment of  contingent  consideration
    payable in July 2003 to VSZ a.s. related to the acquisition of USSK.

    11.   Inventories  are  carried at the lower of cost  or  market.   Cost  of
    inventories  is  determined  primarily under the last-in,  first-out  (LIFO)

                                                     (In millions)
                                                  March 31  December 31
                                                    2003       2002
                                                  ---------  ---------
    Raw materials                                 $  208     $  228
    Semi-finished products                           507        472
    Finished products                                306        271
    Supplies and sundry items                         56         59
                                                   -----      -----
    Total                                         $1,077     $1,030
                                                   =====      =====

    Costs of revenues increased by $2 million and were reduced by $3 million  in
    the   three  months  of  2003  and  2002,  respectively,  as  a  result   of
    liquidations of LIFO inventories.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    12.   Net  loss  per common share was calculated by adjusting net  loss  for
    dividend  requirements  of  preferred stock and is  based  on  the  weighted
    average number of common shares outstanding during the quarter.

          Diluted  net loss per share assumes the exercise of stock options  and
    conversion  of  preferred  stock, provided  in  each  case,  the  effect  is
    dilutive.   As  of March 31, 2003 and March 31, 2002,  the potential  common
    stock  related  to  employee  options to purchase  5.8  million  shares  and
    3.5  million  shares of common stock, respectively, and 10.6 million  shares
    of  common  stock  applicable  to  the  conversion  of  preferred  stock  at
    March  31,  2003,  have been excluded from the computation  of  diluted  net
    income per share because their effect was antidilutive.

    13.   At March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel had no borrowings against its Inventory
    Facility  that provides for borrowings of up to $400 million.  At March  31,
    2003,  only $397 million was available under this facility due to  a  letter
    of credit issued against the facility.

          At  March  31,  2003, USSK had no borrowings against its  $10  million
    short-term  credit  facility or against its $40 million long-term  facility.
    At  March 31, 2003, only $46 million was available under these facilities as
    a  result  of  customs  guarantees  issued  against  the  short-term  credit

          At March 31, 2003, in the event of a change in control of U. S. Steel,
    debt  obligations totaling $885 million may be declared immediately due  and
    payable.   In  such  event,  U.  S. Steel may also  be  required  to  either
    repurchase  the leased Fairfield slab caster for $87 million  or  provide  a
    letter of credit to secure the remaining obligation.

    14.   On November 28, 2001, U. S. Steel entered into a five-year Receivables
    Purchase   Agreement  to  sell  a  revolving  interest  in  eligible   trade
    receivables  generated  by  U.  S. Steel and  certain  of  its  subsidiaries
    through   a   commercial   paper  conduit  program.    Qualifying   accounts
    receivables  are sold, on a daily basis, without recourse, to  U.  S.  Steel
    Receivables LLC (USSR), a consolidated wholly owned special purpose  entity.
    USSR  then  sells  an  undivided interest in these  receivables  to  certain
    conduits.   The conduits issue commercial paper to finance the  purchase  of
    their  interest  in  the receivables.  U. S. Steel has  agreed  to  continue
    servicing  the  sold  receivables at market  rates.   Because  U.  S.  Steel
    receives  adequate  compensation for these services, no servicing  asset  or
    liability has been recorded.

           Sales  of  accounts  receivable  are  reflected  as  a  reduction  of
    receivables  in the balance sheet and the proceeds received are included  in
    cash  flows from operating activities in the statement of cash flows.  Under
    the  facility, USSR may sell interests in the receivables up to  the  lesser
    of  a  funding  base, comprised of eligible receivables,  or  $400  million.
    Generally,  the  facility provides that as payments are collected  from  the
    sold accounts receivables, USSR may elect to have the conduits reinvest  the
    proceeds in new eligible accounts receivable.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    14.  (Continued)

          During  the first quarter ended March 31, 2003, no revolving  interest
    in  accounts  receivable were sold to or repurchased from conduits.   During
    the  first quarter of 2002, USSR sold $215 million of revolving interest  in
    accounts  receivable to the conduits, of which $15 million was  subsequently
    repurchased  prior  to March 31, 2002.  As of March 31, 2003,  $343  million
    was  available  to  be  sold under this facility.  The  net  book  value  of
    U.  S.  Steel's  retained interest in the receivables  represents  the  best
    estimate  of  the  fair  market value due to the short-term  nature  of  the

          USSR  pays  the  conduits a discount based on the conduits'  borrowing
    costs   plus   incremental   fees.   During   the   first   quarters   ended
    March  31, 2003 and 2002, U. S. Steel incurred costs of less than $1 million
    on  the  sale of its receivables.  These costs are included in net  interest
    and other financial costs in the statement of operations.

         The table below summarizes cash flows from and paid to USSR:
                                                        First Quarter
                                                           March 31
    (In millions)                                        2003    2002
    Proceeds from:
     Collections reinvested                             $1,207  $1,018
     Securitizations                                         -     200
     Servicing fee                                           1       1

         The table below summarizes the trade receivables for USSR:

                                                      March 31 December 31
    (In millions)                                        2003     2002
    Balance of accounts receivable, net, purchased by  $  555  $   451
    Revolving interest sold to conduits                     -        -
                                                         ----     ----
    Accounts receivable - net, included in the
      balance sheet of U. S. Steel                     $  555  $   451
                                                         ====     ====

          While  the  term  of  the facility is five years,  the  facility  also
    terminates  on the occurrence and failure to cure certain events, including,
    among  others, certain defaults with respect to the Inventory  Facility  and
    other  debt  obligations,  any failure of USSR to  maintain  certain  ratios
    related to the collectability of the receivables, and failure to extend  the
    commitments  of  the  commercial paper conduits' liquidity  providers  which
    currently terminate on November 26, 2003.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    15.   U.  S.  Steel is the subject of, or party to, a number of  pending  or
    threatened legal actions, contingencies and commitments involving a  variety
    of  matters,  including laws and regulations relating  to  the  environment.
    Certain  of  these matters  are discussed below. The ultimate resolution  of
    these contingencies could,  individually  or in  the aggregate, be  material
    to  the  consolidated  financial  statements. However,  management  believes
    that U. S. Steel will remain a viable and competitive enterprise even though
    it is possible that these contingencies could be resolved unfavorably.

          U. S. Steel accrues for estimated costs related to  existing lawsuits,
    claims and proceedings when it is probable that it will incur these costs in
    the future.  On March 28, 2003, a jury in Madison County, Illinois  returned
    a verdict against U. S. Steel related to an asbestos lawsuit for $50 million
    in  compensatory damages and $200 million in punitive damages.  U. S.  Steel
    believes  that the plaintiff's exclusive remedy was provided by the  Indiana
    workers'  compensation law and this issue and other errors  at  trial  would
    have  enabled U. S. Steel to succeed on appeal.  However, in order to  avoid
    the  delay  and  uncertainties of further litigation and posting  an  appeal
    bond  equal to the amount of the verdict, U. S. Steel settled this case  for
    an  amount  substantially less than the compensatory  damages  award,  which
    represented  a  small  fraction  of the total  award.   This  settlement  is
    reflected in the first quarter 2003 results.

          While  it is not possible to predict the ultimate outcome of asbestos-
    related  lawsuits,  claims and proceedings, the Company  believes  that  the
    ultimate  resolution  of  these matters will not  have  a  material  adverse
    effect on the Company's financial position.

          Property  taxes  -  U.  S. Steel is a party to  several  property  tax
    disputes involving its Gary Works property in Indiana, including claims  for
    refunds  of  approximately $65 million pertaining to tax years  1994-96  and
    1999,  and  assessments of approximately $110 million in excess  of  amounts
    paid  for the 2000 and 2001 tax years.  In addition, interest may be imposed
    upon  any  final assessment.  The disputes involve property values  and  tax
    rates  and are in various stages of administrative appeals. U. S.  Steel  is
    vigorously  defending against the assessments and pursuing  its  claims  for

          Environmental  matters  - U. S. Steel is subject  to  federal,  state,
    local  and  foreign laws and regulations relating to the environment.  These
    laws  generally  provide  for  control  of  pollutants  released  into   the
    environment  and  require  responsible parties to undertake  remediation  of
    hazardous  waste disposal sites. Penalties may be imposed for noncompliance.
    Accrued  liabilities for remediation totaled $140 million and  $135  million
    at  March  31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively. It is not presently
    possible  to  estimate  the ultimate amount of all  remediation  costs  that
    might be incurred or the penalties that may be imposed.

          For  a  number  of  years,  U. S. Steel has made  substantial  capital
    expenditures to bring existing facilities into compliance with various  laws
    relating to the environment. In the first quarter of 2003 and for the  years
    2002  and  2001, such capital expenditures totaled $3 million,  $14  million
    and  $15  million,  respectively. U. S. Steel anticipates making  additional
    such  expenditures in the future; however, the exact amounts and  timing  of
    such  expenditures  are  uncertain because of the  continuing  evolution  of
    specific regulatory requirements.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    15.  (Continued)

          Throughout  its history, U. S. Steel has sold numerous properties  and
    businesses  and has provided various indemnifications with respect  to  many
    of  the  assets that were sold.  These indemnifications have been associated
    with   the   condition   of   the  property,  the  approved   use,   certain
    representations and warranties, matters of title and environmental  matters.
    While  the  vast majority of indemnifications have not covered environmental
    issues,  there have been a few transactions in which U. S. Steel indemnified
    the  buyer  for  non-compliance with past, current and future  environmental
    laws  related  to existing conditions; however, most recent indemnifications
    are  of  a  limited nature only applying to non-compliance with past  and/or
    current  laws.   Some  indemnifications only run for a specified  period  of
    time  after the transactions close and others run indefinitely.  The  amount
    of  potential liability associated with these transactions is not  estimable
    due  to  the  nature  and extent of the unknown conditions  related  to  the
    properties  sold.   Aside  from approximately  $14  million  of  liabilities
    already  recorded  as  a result of these indemnifications  due  to  specific
    environmental  remediation cases (included in the $140  million  of  accrued
    liabilities  for  remediation discussed above), there  are  no  other  known
    liabilities related to these indemnifications.

          Guarantees - Guarantees of the liabilities of unconsolidated  entities
    of  U.  S.  Steel totaled $23 million at March 31, 2003 and $27  million  at
    December  31, 2002. In the event that any defaults of guaranteed liabilities
    occur,  U.  S.  Steel  has  access to its interest  in  the  assets  of  the
    investees to reduce potential losses resulting from these guarantees. As  of
    March  31,  2003,  the  largest  guarantee for  a  single  such  entity  was
    $15  million,  which  represents  the  maximum  exposure  to  loss  under  a
    guarantee of debt service payments of an equity investee.  No liability  has
    been recorded for these guarantees as management believes the likelihood  of
    occurrence is remote.

          Contingencies related to Separation from Marathon - U.  S.  Steel  was
    contingently  liable  for  debt and other obligations  of  Marathon  in  the
    amount  of  approximately  $167  million at  March  31,  2003,  compared  to
    $168  million  at  December  31, 2002. In the event  of  the  bankruptcy  of
    Marathon,  these  obligations for which U. S. Steel is  contingently  liable
    may  be  declared  immediately  due and  payable.   If  such  event  occurs,
    U.  S. Steel may not be able to satisfy such obligations.  No liability  has
    been  recorded for these contingencies as management believes the likelihood
    of occurrence is remote.

          If  the Separation is determined to be a taxable distribution  of  the
    stock  of  U.  S.  Steel,  but there is no breach  of  a  representation  or
    covenant by either U. S. Steel or Marathon, U. S. Steel would be liable  for
    any  resulting  taxes  (Separation No-Fault  Taxes)  incurred  by  Marathon.
    U.  S.  Steel's indemnity obligation for Separation No-Fault Taxes  survives
    until  the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations.  The maximum
    potential  amount  of  U.  S.  Steel's indemnity obligation  for  Separation
    No-Fault Taxes at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, was estimated to  be
    approximately  $90  million.   No  liability  has  been  recorded  for  this
    indemnity  obligation  as management believes that  the  likelihood  of  the
    Separation  being determined to be a taxable distribution of  the  stock  of
    U. S. Steel is remote.

          Other  contingencies  -  U.  S. Steel is contingently  liable  to  its
    Chairman  and Chief Executive Officer for a $3 million retention bonus.  The
    bonus  is  payable upon the earlier of his retirement from active employment
    or December 31, 2004, and is subject to certain performance measures.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    15.  (Continued)

          Under  certain operating lease agreements covering various  equipment,
    U.  S.  Steel has the option to renew the lease or to purchase the equipment
    at  the  end  of  the  lease term.  If U. S. Steel  does  not  exercise  the
    purchase  option  by  the end of the lease term, U. S.  Steel  guarantees  a
    residual  value  of the equipment as determined at the lease inception  date
    (totaling  approximately $52 million at March 31, 2003 and  $51  million  at
    December 31, 2002).  No liability has been recorded for these guarantees  as
    either  management believes that the potential recovery of  value  from  the
    equipment  when  sold is greater than the residual value guarantee,  or  the
    potential loss is not probable and/or estimable.

          Transtar  reorganization  - The 2001 reorganization  of  Transtar  was
    intended  to be tax-free for federal income tax purposes, with U.  S.  Steel
    and   Transtar   Holdings,   L.P.  (Holdings)   agreeing   through   various
    representations  and  covenants  to protect  the  reorganization's  tax-free
    status.  If the reorganization is determined to be taxable, but there is  no
    breach  of  a representation or covenant by either U. S. Steel or  Holdings,
    U.  S. Steel is liable for 44% of any resulting Holdings taxes (Transtar No-
    Fault  Taxes),  and  Holdings  is  responsible  for  56%  of  any  resulting
    U.  S.  Steel  taxes.  U. S. Steel's indemnity obligation for  Transtar  No-
    Fault  Taxes  survives until 30 days after the expiration of the  applicable
    statute  of  limitations.  The maximum potential amount  of  U.  S.  Steel's
    indemnity  obligation  for Transtar No-Fault Taxes at  March  31,  2003  and
    December  31,  2002,  was  estimated to be approximately  $70  million.   No
    liability  has  been  recorded for this indemnity obligation  as  management
    believes  that the likelihood of the reorganization being determined  to  be
    taxable  is  remote.   U.  S. Steel can recover all  or  a  portion  of  any
    indemnified  Transtar  No-Fault  Taxes if Holdings  receives  a  future  tax
    benefit as a result of the Transtar reorganization being taxable.

          Clairton  1314B  partnership - U. S. Steel has a  commitment  to  fund
    operating  cash  shortfalls  of  the partnership  of  up  to  $150  million.
    Additionally,  U.  S.  Steel, under certain circumstances,  is  required  to
    indemnify  the  limited partners if the partnership product  sales  fail  to
    qualify for the credit under Section 29 of the Internal Revenue Code.   This
    indemnity  will  effectively survive until the expiration of the  applicable
    statute  of  limitations.  The maximum potential amount  of  this  indemnity
    obligation  at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, including interest  and
    tax  gross-up,  was approximately $600 million.  Furthermore,  U.  S.  Steel
    under   certain   circumstances   has  indemnified   the   partnership   for
    environmental  obligations.  See discussion of environmental matters  above.
    The  maximum potential amount of this indemnity obligation is not estimable.
    Management  believes  that the $150 million deferred  gain  related  to  the
    partnership,  which  is recorded in deferred credits and other  liabilities,
    is  more  than  sufficient  to  cover  any  probable  exposure  under  these
    commitments and indemnifications.

          Self-insurance  - U. S. Steel is self-insured for certain  liabilities
    including  workers'  compensation,  auto liability  and  general  liability,
    within  specified deductible and retainage levels.  Certain  equipment  that
    is  leased  by U. S. Steel is also self-insured within specified  deductible
    and  retainage  levels.  Liabilities are recorded for workers'  compensation
    and  personal  injury obligations.  Other costs resulting from  self-insured
    losses are charged against income upon occurrence.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    15.  (Continued)

               U.  S.  Steel uses surety bonds, trusts and letters of credit  to
    provide  whole  or partial financial assurance for certain obligations  such
    as  workers' compensation.  The total amount of active surety bonds,  trusts
    and  letters  of  credit  being used for financial  assurance  purposes  was
    approximately  $147  million as of March 31, 2003 and  $144  million  as  of
    December  31,  2002,  which  reflects  our  maximum  exposure  under   these
    financial  guarantees,  but  not  our  total  exposure  for  the  underlying
    obligations.   Most  of  the trust arrangements and letters  of  credit  are
    collateralized  by  restricted  cash that is recorded  in  other  noncurrent

          Commitments - At March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, U.  S.  Steel's
    domestic  contract  commitments  to acquire property,  plant  and  equipment
    totaled $41 million and $24 million, respectively.

          USSK  has  a  commitment  to  the  Slovak  government  for  a  capital
    improvements program of $700 million, subject to certain conditions, over  a
    period  commencing  with  the acquisition date of  November  24,  2000,  and
    ending  on December 31, 2010.  The remaining commitments under this  capital
    improvements  program  as  of March 31, 2003 and  December  31,  2002,  were
    $523 million and $541 million, respectively.

          U.  S.  Steel entered into a 15-year take-or-pay arrangement in  1993,
    which  requires  it to accept pulverized coal each month or  pay  a  minimum
    monthly  charge  of  approximately $1 million.  If U.  S.  Steel  elects  to
    terminate  the contract early, a maximum termination payment of $80  million
    as  of  March  31, 2003, which declines over the duration of the  agreement,
    may be required.

    16.   On  March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel Balkan d.o.o., a wholly owned  Serbian
    subsidiary  of  U.  S. Steel, agreed to purchase out of bankruptcy,  Serbian
    steel  producer Sartid a.d. and six of its subsidiaries for a total purchase
    price  of  $23  million and other financial and employee  commitments.   The
    transaction is targeted for completion during the third quarter of 2003  and
    is  subject  to  several conditions including the successful  completion  of
    anti-monopoly review by competition authorities in several countries.

    In  an associated agreement, which will become effective upon the completion
    of  the acquisition, U. S. Steel Balkan committed to future spending  of  up
    to  $150  million  over  five  years for working  capital  and  the  repair,
    rehabilitation, improvement, modification and upgrade of the facilities.   A
    portion  of  this  spending  is  subject to certain  conditions  related  to
    Sartid's  commercial  operations, cash flow  and  viability.   U.  S.  Steel
    Balkan  will  conduct economic development activities  over  the  course  of
    three  years and spend no less than $1.5 million on these efforts,  and  has
    agreed  to  support community, charitable and sport activities  in  a  total
    amount  of  not less than $5 million during the three-year period  following
    closing  of the transaction.  In addition, U. S. Steel Balkan has agreed  to
    refrain  from  layoffs  for  a period of three years.   The  agreement  also
    requires  U. S. Steel Balkan to obtain the consent of the Serbian government
    prior  to  a transfer of a controlling interest of Sartid within five  years
    of the closing date.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    17.   On  April  21,  2003, U. S. Steel announced that the  U.S.  Bankruptcy
    Court  in  Chicago  approved  its purchase of National  Steel  Corporation's
    (National) integrated steel assets.  U. S. Steel also announced that it  has
    signed  a  definitive  Asset Purchase Agreement  with  National,  which  was
    approved by the bankruptcy court on that date.

    Under  the  terms of the agreement, U. S. Steel will purchase  substantially
    all  of National's assets for a contractual purchase price of $1.05 billion,
    which  includes  $850  million  in cash and the  assumption  of  certain  of
    National's  lease  and contractual obligations that the contract  values  at
    $200  million.  The $200 million in obligations will not be considered  part
    of  the purchase consideration for National's assets under accounting  rules
    and  will not be recorded on the opening balance sheet because of the nature
    of  these  obligations.   The agreement provides that  net  working  capital
    (accounts  receivable  plus inventory minus accounts  payable)  will  be  at
    least  $450 million on the closing date and the cash purchase price will  be
    reduced on a dollar for dollar basis for any amount of working capital  less
    than  $450  million.  Additional cash payments of approximately $21  million
    related to certain operating lease payments to be made by U. S. Steel at  or
    near  closing  will be considered part of the cash purchase price,  as  will
    direct  external  costs  incurred related  to  the  acquisition,  which  are
    broadly  estimated  at  $10  million.   Additional  amounts  that  will   be
    reflected  as part of the purchase consideration for National's  assets  are
    discussed in the following paragraph.

    In  connection with the acquisition of National's assets, U.  S.  Steel  has
    reached  a  new  labor  agreement with the United  Steelworkers  of  America
    (USWA).   This  agreement  will cover employees at U.  S.  Steel's  existing
    facilities   and  the  acquired  National  facilities.   The  agreement   is
    scheduled  for  a  ratification  vote by the  USWA  in  May.   The  purchase
    consideration  for National will include liabilities that will  be  recorded
    on  the  opening balance sheet related to benefits granted to current active
    National  employees  under  this  new labor agreement.   These  liabilities,
    primarily related to future retiree medical costs, are broadly estimated  at
    $290  million.   The purchase consideration will also include  approximately
    $100 million related to the estimated fair value of future contributions  to
    a  trust  to be administered by the USWA to assist current National retirees
    with  healthcare costs.  U. S. Steel will not assume any liabilities related
    to  National's  pension  plans, which have been terminated  by  the  Pension
    Benefit  Guaranty Corporation, nor will it assume National's defined benefit
    retiree  medical  and  life insurance plans, and consistent  with  the  U.S.
    Bankruptcy  Code,  the  transaction will exclude all liabilities  except  as
    have been agreed to by U. S. Steel.

    U. S. Steel intends to fund the cash component of the acquisition through  a
    combination  of  existing  cash balances, the sale  of  accounts  receivable
    under  the  receivables sales program and the issuance of  debt  securities.
    The  transaction  is  expected to close in May and is subject  to  customary
    closing conditions.

    18.  On April 25, 2003, U. S. Steel sold certain coal seam gas interests  in
    Alabama  for net cash proceeds of approximately $34 million, which  will  be
    reflected in other income.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                          AND PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS

First Quarter Ended
     March 31                     Year Ended December 31
------------------- --------------------------------------------------

  2003      2002      2002       2001      2000      1999       1998
  ----      ----      ----       ----      ----      ----       ----

  (a)        (b)      1.04       (c)       1.05      2.10       5.15
  ====      ====      ====       ====      ====      ====       ====

 (a) Earnings did not cover combined fixed charges and preferred stock
     dividends by $83 million.
 (b) Earnings did not cover combined fixed charges and preferred stock
     dividends by $96 million.
 (c) Earnings did not cover combined fixed charges and preferred stock
     dividends by $598 million.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

First Quarter Ended
     March 31                     Year Ended December 31
------------------- --------------------------------------------------

  2003      2002      2002       2001      2000      1999       1998
  ----      ----      ----       ----      ----      ----       ----

  (a)        (b)      1.04       (c)       1.13      2.33       5.89
  ====      ====      ====       ====      ====      ====       ====

 (a) Earnings did not cover fixed charges by $79 million.
 (b) Earnings did not cover fixed charges by $96 million.
 (c) Earnings did not cover fixed charges by $586 million.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     U. S. Steel has five reportable operating segments: Flat-rolled Products
(Flat-rolled), Tubular Products (Tubular), U. S. Steel Kosice (USSK),
Straightline Source (Straightline) and USS Real Estate (Real Estate).

     Prior to December 31, 2001, the businesses of U. S. Steel comprised an
operating unit of USX Corporation, now named Marathon Oil Corporation
(Marathon).  On December 31, 2001, U. S. Steel was capitalized through the
issuance of 89.2 million shares of common stock to holders of USX-U. S. Steel
Group common stock (Steel Stock) in exchange for all outstanding shares of Steel
Stock on a one-for-one basis (the Separation).

     Effective with the first quarter of 2002, following the Separation,
U. S. Steel established a new internal financial reporting structure, which
resulted in a change in reportable segments from Domestic Steel and USSK to
Flat-rolled, Tubular and USSK.  In addition, U. S. Steel revised the
presentation of several items of income and expense within income (loss) from
reportable segments.  Net pension credits, costs related to former businesses
and administrative expenses previously not reported at the segment level are now
directly charged or allocated to the reportable segments and other businesses.
Effective with the fourth quarter of 2002, the Straightline and Real Estate
reportable segments, which were previously reflected in Other Businesses, were
added.  The presentation of Straightline and Real Estate as separate segments
resulted from the application of quantitative threshold tests under Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 131 rather than any fundamental change
in the management or structure of the businesses.  The composition of the Flat-
rolled, Tubular and USSK segments remained unchanged from prior periods.
Comparative results for 2002 have been conformed to the current year

     The Flat-rolled segment includes the operating results of U. S. Steel's
domestic integrated steel mills and equity investees involved in the production
of sheet, plate and tin mill products.  These operations are principally located
in the United States and primarily serve customers in the transportation
(including automotive), appliance, service center, conversion, container, and
construction markets.

     The Tubular segment includes the operating results of U. S. Steel's
domestic tubular production facilities and an equity investee involved in the
production of tubular goods.  These operations produce and sell both seamless
and electric resistance weld tubular products and primarily serve customers in
the oil, gas and petrochemical markets.  In May 2003, U. S. Steel sold its
investment in the equity investee.

     The USSK segment includes the operating results of U. S. Steel's integrated
steel mill located in the Slovak Republic; a production facility in Germany;
operations under facility management and support agreements in Serbia; and
equity investees, primarily located in Central Europe.  These operations produce
and sell sheet, plate, tin, tubular, precision tube and specialty steel
products, as well as coke. USSK primarily serves customers in the central and
western European construction, conversion, appliance, transportation, service
center, container, and oil, gas and petrochemical markets.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     The Straightline segment includes the operating results of U. S. Steel's
technology-enabled distribution business that serves steel customers primarily
in the eastern and central United States.  Straightline competes in the steel
service center marketplace using a nontraditional business process to sell,
process and deliver flat-rolled steel products in small to medium sized order
quantities primarily to job shops, contract manufacturers and original
equipment manufacturers across an array of industries.

     The Real Estate segment includes the operating results of U. S. Steel's
domestic mineral interests that are not assigned to other operating units;
timber properties; and residential, commercial and industrial real estate that
is managed or developed for sale or lease.

     All other U. S. Steel businesses not included in reportable segments are
reflected in Other Businesses.  These businesses are involved in the production
and sale of coal, coke and iron-bearing taconite pellets; transportation
services; and engineering and consulting services.

    Certain sections of Management's Discussion and Analysis include forward-
looking statements concerning trends or events potentially affecting the
businesses of U. S. Steel.  These statements typically contain words such as
"anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "intends" or similar words
indicating that future outcomes are not known with certainty and are subject to
risk factors that could cause these outcomes to differ significantly from those
projected.  In accordance with "safe harbor" provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, these statements are accompanied by
cautionary language identifying important factors, though not necessarily all
such factors, that could cause future outcomes to differ materially from those
set forth in forward-looking statements.  For discussion of risk factors
affecting the businesses of U. S. Steel, see Supplementary Data -- Disclosures
About Forward-Looking Statements in the U. S. Steel Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2002.

Results of Operations
     Revenues and other income was $1,907 million in the first quarter of 2003,
compared with $1,434 million in the same quarter last year.  The $473 million
increase primarily reflected higher shipments and average realized prices for
USSK; increased prices for domestic sheet products; and higher commercial
shipments of coke.  The improvement also reflected increased Straightline
shipments and higher shipments of slabs.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     Income (Loss) from operations for U. S. Steel for the first quarter of 2003
and 2002 is set forth in the following table:

                                                     First Quarter
                                                       March 31
(Dollars in millions)                                 2003   2002
--------------------------------------------------  ------ ------
Flat-rolled                                           $(40)  $(74)
Tubular                                                 (5)     3
USSK                                                    64     (1)
Straightline                                           (15)    (8)
Real Estate                                             13     10
                                                    ------ ------
   Total income (loss) from reportable segments         17    (70)
Other Businesses                                       (36)   (11)
                                                    ------ ------
   Income (Loss) from operations before special        (19)   (81)
Special Items:
  Litigation items                                     (25)     9
  Costs related to Fairless shutdown                     -     (1)
  Insurance recoveries related to USS-POSCO fire         -     12
                                                    ------ ------
     Total income (loss) from operations              $(44)  $(61)
                                                    ====== ======

Segment results for Flat-rolled

     The segment loss for Flat-rolled was $40 million in the first quarter of
2003, compared with a loss of $74 million in the same quarter of 2002.  The
improvement was mainly due to higher average realized prices and improved
product mixes for sheet and plate products, partially offset by increased prices
for natural gas and higher employee benefit costs.

Segment results for Tubular

     The segment loss for Tubular was $5 million in the first quarter of 2003, a
decline of $8 million compared with the first quarter of 2002.  The decline
resulted primarily from lower average realized prices for seamless products,
higher natural gas prices and increased employee benefit costs, partially offset
by increased shipment volumes for seamless products.

Segment results for USSK

     Segment income for USSK was $64 million in the first quarter of 2003,
compared with a loss of $1 million in the first quarter of 2002.  The
improvement was primarily due to higher average realized prices, which were due
in large part to favorable exchange rate effects, and increased shipment
volumes, which were up significantly because of a blast furnace outage in last
year's first quarter.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

These were partially offset by the unfavorable effect on costs of foreign
exchange rate changes, and costs associated with conversion and facility
management agreements with Sartid in Serbia.

Segment results for Straightline

     The Straightline segment loss increased to $15 million in the first quarter
2003, compared to $8 million in the year earlier quarter. The decline was
primarily due to higher first quarter 2003 sales at negative margins.  The
negative margins were driven by sales from inventory, much of which was
purchased at higher prices in the second half of 2002.

Segment results for Real Estate

     Segment income for Real Estate was $13 million in the first quarter of
2003, compared with income of $10 million in the first quarter of 2002.  The
increase resulted mainly from higher coal seam gas and coal royalties.

Results for Other Businesses

     The loss for Other Businesses in the first quarter of 2003 was $36 million,
compared with a loss of $11 million in the first quarter of 2002.  Increased
losses at iron ore operations and higher employee benefit costs across all units
were partially offset by improved results at coke operations.  Iron ore
operations were negatively affected by increased prices for natural gas as well
as a particularly harsh winter.  Coke operations benefited from higher
commercial shipments and increased prices for coke and certain by-products.

Net Periodic Pension Costs

     Net periodic pension costs, which are primarily noncash and are included in
income (loss) from operations, were $16 million for the first quarter of 2003,
compared to a credit of $29 million for the corresponding period of 2002.  The
increase was primarily due to lower plan assets, reduced asset return
assumptions and a lower discount rate.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     Selling, general and administrative expenses included in income (loss) from
operations were $129 million for the first quarter of 2003, compared to $71
million in the first quarter of 2002.  The increase in 2003 was primarily due to
the increase in net periodic pension costs as previously discussed; higher
expenses at USSK due mainly to the unfavorable effects of foreign currency
exchange rate differences and increased business development expenses; and
higher retiree medical and life insurance costs resulting mainly from higher
actual base claim costs and a higher assumed escalation trend applied to those
claim costs.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

Items not allocated to segments:

     Litigation items are a charge of $25 million in the first quarter of 2003
and a credit of $9 million in the first quarter of 2002.

     Costs related to Fairless shutdown resulted from the permanent shutdown of
the pickling, cold-rolling and tin mill facilities at Fairless Works in the
fourth quarter of 2001.

     Insurance recoveries related to USS-POSCO fire represent U. S. Steel's
share of insurance recoveries in excess of facility repair costs for the cold-
rolling mill fire at USS-POSCO, which occurred in May 2001.

     Net interest and other financial costs were $38 million in the first
quarter of 2003, compared with $34 million during the same period in 2002.  The
increase in 2003 primarily reflects unfavorable foreign currency effects.  These
effects were primarily due to remeasurement of USSK net monetary assets into the
U.S. dollar, which is the functional currency, and resulted in a net loss of
approximately $5 million in the first quarter of 2003, compared to an immaterial
net loss in the first quarter of 2002.

     The benefit for income taxes in the first quarter of 2003 was $49 million,
compared with a benefit of $12 million in the first quarter last year.

     Due to the relationship between domestic and USSK forecasted annual pretax
results, the application of the annual effective tax rate created an unusual
relationship between income tax benefits and pretax losses in the first quarter
of 2003.  Therefore, the actual tax benefit rate of 59% applicable to the first
quarter 2003 pretax losses, which was developed using first quarter 2003
domestic pretax losses with a tax benefit of approximately 35% and USSK pretax
earnings with virtually no income tax provision, was considered the best
estimate of the income tax benefit for the period.  The income tax benefit in
the first quarter of 2002 reflected an estimated annual effective tax rate for
2002 of approximately 13%.

     During the year, management regularly updates the forecast estimate based
on changes in various factors such as prices, shipments, product mix, plant
operating performance, and cost estimates.  These factors will be considered
each quarter to ascertain whether an annual effective tax rate approach produces
a better estimate of income taxes for the year-to-date period.

     The cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net of tax was a
charge of $5 million and resulted from the adoption on January 1, 2003, of
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 143, "Accounting for
Asset Retirement Obligations."

     U. S. Steel's net loss was $38 million in the first quarter of 2003,
compared with a net loss of $83 million in the first quarter of 2002.  The
improvement primarily reflected the factors discussed above.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

Operating Statistics
     Flat-rolled shipments of 2.4 million tons for the first quarter of 2003
increased about five percent from the first quarter 2002, and two percent from
the fourth quarter of 2002.  Tubular shipments of 206,000 tons for the first
quarter of 2003 increased about 10 percent from the same period in 2002, and 36
percent from the fourth quarter of 2002.  At USSK, first quarter 2003 shipments
of 1.2 million net tons were up significantly from first quarter 2002 shipments
of 0.8 million net tons, which were negatively impacted by a blast furnace
outage, and up about 10 percent from shipments in the fourth quarter of 2002.

     Raw steel capability utilization for domestic facilities and USSK in the
first quarter of 2003 averaged 91.7 percent and 97.3 percent, respectively,
compared with 92.1 percent and 74.4 percent in the first quarter of 2002 and
80.8 percent and 90.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2002.

Balance Sheet
     Cash and cash equivalents of $367 million at March 31, 2003, increased
$124 million from year-end 2002.  For details, see cash flow discussion

     Receivables, less allowance for doubtful accounts increased $154 million
from year-end 2002, primarily due to increases in trade accounts receivable
resulting from increasing sales throughout the quarter.

     Receivables from related parties, less allowance for doubtful accounts
increased $16 million from year-end 2002, primarily due to increased shipments
to PRO-TEC Coating Company (PRO-TEC).

     Inventories increased $47 million from December 31, 2002, due mainly to
higher operating rates than in the fourth quarter of 2002 and the expansion of

     Accounts payable of $788 million at March 31, 2003, increased $111 million
from year-end 2002, mainly due to an increase in trade payables resulting from
increased operating levels as compared to late 2002.

     Accounts payable to related parties at March 31, 2003, increased by
$14 million from December 31, 2002, due primarily to increased payables to PRO-
TEC under an agreement for U. S Steel to serve as PRO-TEC's exclusive sales
agent.  The increase reflected higher PRO-TEC shipments in the first quarter of
2003 compared to last year's fourth quarter.

     Preferred stock increased by $242 million from December 31, 2002, due to an
offering of 5 million shares of 7% Series B Mandatory Convertible Preferred
Stock (Series B Preferred) that was completed in February 2003.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

Cash Flow
     Net cash used in operating activities was $44 million for the first quarter
of 2003, compared with cash provided from operating activities of $19 million in
the same period of 2002.  Last year's results were favorably affected by the net
receipt of $200 million cash for the sale of accounts receivable.  Excluding the
$200 million from net receivable sales, cash used in operating activities
improved by $137 million from last year's first quarter, due mainly to a
decreased loss adjusted for non-cash items and lower working capital

     Capital expenditures in the first quarter of 2003 were $63 million,
compared with $56 million in the same period in 2002.  Major projects in the
first quarter of 2003 included the quench and temper line project at Lorain
Tubular and various projects at USSK, including a new dynamo line, the sinter
plant dedusting project and the installation of additional tin mill facilities.

     U. S. Steel's domestic contract commitments to acquire property, plant and
equipment at March 31, 2003, totaled $41 million compared with $24 million at
December 31, 2002.

     USSK has a commitment to the Slovak government for a capital improvements
program of $700 million, subject to certain conditions, over a period commencing
with the acquisition date of November 24, 2000, and ending on December 31, 2010.
The remaining commitments under this capital improvements program as of
March 31, 2003, and December 31, 2002, were $523 million and $541 million,

     Capital expenditures for 2003 are expected to be approximately
$350 million, including approximately $100 million for USSK and $25 million for
the assets of National Steel Corporation (National).  U. S. Steel broadly
estimates that average annual capital expenditures for the acquired National
facilities will be between $75 million and $100 million.

     Restricted cash - deposits of $23 million in the first quarter of 2003 and
$15 million in the corresponding 2002 period were mainly used to collateralize
letters of credit to meet financial assurance requirements.  The 2003 period
also included a deposit of $7 million related to the planned acquisition of the
integrated steel assets of National (National transaction) (see discussion in

     Settlement with Marathon of $54 million in the first quarter of 2002
reflected a cash payment made in accordance with the terms of the Separation.

     Preferred stock issued in the first quarter of 2003 reflected net proceeds
from the offering of 5 million shares of Series B Preferred.

     Common stock issued in the first three months of 2003 and 2002 reflected
proceeds from stock sales to the U. S. Steel Corporation Savings Fund Plan for
Salaried Employees and sales through the Dividend Reinvestment and Stock
Purchase Plan.

     Dividends paid in the first quarter of 2003 were $5 million, compared with
$4 million in the same period in 2002.  Payments in both periods reflected the
quarterly dividend rate of five cents per share established by U. S. Steel after
the Separation.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    In February 2003, U. S. Steel issued 5 million shares of Series B
Preferred, which are expected to increase annual dividend payments by
$18 million.

     For discussion of restrictions on future dividend payments, see

    In November 2001, U. S. Steel entered into a five-year Receivables Purchase
Agreement with financial institutions.  U. S. Steel established a wholly owned
subsidiary, U. S. Steel Receivables LLC (USSR), which is a consolidated special-
purpose, bankruptcy-remote entity that acquires, on a daily basis, eligible
trade receivables generated by U. S. Steel and certain of its subsidiaries.
USSR can sell an undivided interest in these receivables to certain commercial
paper conduits. USSR pays the conduits a discount based on the conduits'
borrowing costs plus incremental fees, certain of which are determined by credit
ratings of U. S. Steel.

    Fundings under the facility are limited to the lesser of eligible
receivables or $400 million.  U. S. Steel expects to enter into an amendment to
the receivables sales program, which would increase fundings under the facility
to the lesser of eligible receivables or $500 million, effective upon the
closing of the National transaction (see discussion in "Outlook").  Eligible
receivables exclude certain obligors, amounts in excess of defined percentages
for certain obligors, and amounts past due or due beyond a defined period.  In
addition, eligible receivables are calculated by deducting certain reserves,
which are based on various determinants including concentration, dilution and
loss percentages, as well as the credit ratings of U. S. Steel.  As of March 31,
2003, U. S. Steel had $343 million of eligible receivables, none of which were

     In addition, U. S. Steel entered into a three-year revolving credit
facility expiring December 31, 2004, that provides for borrowings of up to $400
million secured by all domestic inventory and related assets (Inventory
Facility), including receivables other than those sold under the Receivables
Purchase Agreement.  The amount outstanding under the Inventory Facility cannot
exceed the permitted "borrowing base," calculated on percentages of the value of
eligible inventory.  Borrowings under the facility bear interest at a rate equal
to LIBOR or the prime rate plus an applicable margin determined by credit
ratings of U. S. Steel.  As of March 31, 2003, $397 million was available to
U. S. Steel under the Inventory Facility.  Effective upon the closing of the
National transaction, U. S. Steel will enter into a new revolving inventory
credit facility, which provides for borrowings of up to $600 million.  This
facility will expire in May 2007 and will contain a number of covenants that
require lender consent to incur debt or make capital expenditures above certain
limits; sell assets used in the production of steel or steel products or incur
liens on assets; and to limit dividends and other restricted payments if
available borrowings drop below certain levels.  The facility is also expected
to contain a provision reducing borrowing availability if U. S. Steel fails to
meet an earnings to fixed charge ratio.

     In July 2001, U. S. Steel issued $385 million of 10-3/4% senior notes due
August 1, 2008 (Senior Notes), and in September 2001, U. S. Steel issued an
additional $150 million of Senior Notes.  As of March 31, 2003, the aggregate
principal amount of Senior Notes outstanding was $535 million.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     The Senior Notes impose limitations on U. S. Steel's ability to make
restricted payments.  Restricted payments under the indenture include the
declaration or payment of dividends on capital stock; the purchase, redemption
or other acquisition or retirement for value of capital stock; the retirement of
any subordinated obligations prior to their scheduled maturity; and the making
of any investments other than those specifically permitted under the indenture.
In order to make restricted payments, U. S. Steel must satisfy certain
requirements which include a consolidated coverage ratio based on EBITDA and
consolidated interest expense for the four most recent quarters.  In addition,
the total of all restricted payments made since the Senior Notes were issued,
excluding up to $50 million of dividends paid on common stock through the end of
2003, cannot exceed the cumulative cash proceeds from the sale of capital stock
and certain investments plus 50% of consolidated net income from
October 1, 2001, through the most recent quarter-end treated as one accounting
period, or, if there is a consolidated net loss for the period, less 100% of
such consolidated net loss.  A complete description of the requirements and
defined terms such as restricted payments, EBITDA and consolidated net income
can be found in the indenture for the Senior Notes that was filed as
Exhibit 4(f) to U. S Steel's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2001.

     As of March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel met the consolidated coverage ratio and
had in excess of $300 million of availability to make restricted payments under
the calculation described in the preceding paragraph.  Also, exclusive of any
limitations imposed, U. S. Steel can make aggregate dividend payments of up to
$50 million on common stock from the third quarter of 2001 through the end of
2003, of which U. S. Steel has paid $38 million as of March 31, 2003.  In
addition to the remaining $12 million available through the end of 2003,
U. S. Steel has the ability to make other restricted payments of up to
$28 million as of March 31, 2003, which could also be used for dividend
payments.  U. S. Steel's ability to declare and pay dividends or make other
restricted payments in the future is subject to U. S. Steel's ability to
continue to meet the consolidated coverage ratio and have amounts available
under the calculation or one of the exclusions just discussed.

     The Senior Notes also impose other significant restrictions on U. S. Steel
such as the following: limits on additional borrowings, including limiting the
amount of borrowings secured by inventories or accounts receivable; limits on
sale/leasebacks; limits on the use of funds from asset sales and sale of the
stock of subsidiaries; and restrictions on U. S. Steel's ability to invest in
joint ventures or make certain acquisitions.  The new inventory credit facility
includes a fixed charge coverage ratio, calculated as the ratio of operating
cash flow to cash charges as defined in the agreement, of not less than
1.25 times on the last day of any fiscal quarter.  This coverage ratio must be
met if availability, as defined in the agreement, is less than $100 million.

     If these covenants are breached or if U. S. Steel fails to make payments
under its material debt obligations or the Receivables Purchase Agreement,
creditors would be able to terminate their commitments to make further loans,
declare their outstanding obligations immediately due and payable and foreclose
on any collateral, and it may also cause termination events to occur under the
Receivables Purchase Agreement and a default under the Senior Notes.  Additional
indebtedness that


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

U. S. Steel may incur in the future may also contain similar covenants, as well
as other restrictive provisions.  Cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses
in the Receivables Purchase Agreement, the Inventory Facility, the Senior Notes
and any future additional indebtedness could have an adverse effect upon
U. S. Steel's financial position and liquidity.

     U. S. Steel was in compliance with all of its debt covenants at
March 31, 2003.

     In conjunction with the closing of the National transaction, U. S. Steel
intends to sell $350 million of new senior notes (New Notes).  The New Notes
will be issued under an outstanding universal shelf registration statement.
Proceeds from the offering will be used to partially fund the National
transaction.  The New Notes will also impose certain restrictions that limit
U. S. Steel's ability to, among other things: incur debt; restrict dividend or
other payments from our subsidiaries; issue and sell capital stock of our
subsidiaries; engage in transactions with affiliates; create liens on assets to
secure indebtedness; transfer or sell assets; and consolidate, merge or transfer
all or substantially all of U. S. Steel's assets or the assets of its

     U. S. Steel is soliciting the consent of the holders of its Senior Notes to
modify certain terms of the Senior Notes to conform to the terms of the New
Notes.  Those conforming changes modify the definitions of Consolidated Net
Income and EBITDA, permit dividend payments on the Series B Preferred and expand
permitted investments to include loans made for the purpose of facilitating
like-kind exchange transactions.

     On May 6, 2003, Moody's Investors Service reduced its ratings assigned to
U. S. Steel's senior unsecured debt from Ba3 to B1 and assigned a stable
outlook, and Fitch Ratings reduced its ratings from BB to BB- and assigned a
negative outlook.  On May 7, 2003, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services reduced
its ratings assigned to U. S. Steel's senior unsecured debt from BB to BB- and
assigned a negative outlook.

     U. S. Steel has utilized surety bonds, trusts and letters of credit to
provide financial assurance for certain transactions and business activities.
The total amount of active surety bonds, trusts and letters of credit currently
being used for financial assurance purposes is approximately $147 million.
Events over the last two years have caused major changes in the surety bond
market including significant increases in surety bond premiums and reduced
market capacity.  These factors, together with U. S. Steel's non-investment
grade credit rating, have caused U. S. Steel to replace some surety bonds with
other forms of financial assurance.  The use of other forms of financial
assurance and collateral have a negative impact on liquidity.  U. S. Steel
expects to use approximately $25 million to $60 million of liquidity sources for
financial assurance purposes during 2003, depending upon the requirements of the
various authorities involved.  During the first quarter, U. S. Steel used
$12 million of the estimated total for 2003.  These amounts do not reflect any
additional requirements for the acquired National facilities, which are
currently expected to approximate $10 million.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     The very high property taxes at U. S. Steel's Gary Works facility in
Indiana continue to be detrimental to Gary Work's competitive position, both
when compared to competitors in Indiana and with other steel facilities in the
United States and abroad.  U. S. Steel is a party to several property tax
disputes involving Gary Works, including claims for refunds of approximately $65
million pertaining to tax years 1994-96 and 1999 and assessments of
approximately $110 million in excess of amounts paid for the 2000 and 2001 tax
years.  In addition, interest may be imposed upon any final assessment.  The
disputes involve property values and tax rates and are in various stages of
administrative appeals.  U. S. Steel is vigorously defending against the
assessments and pursuing its claims for refunds.  See discussion in "Outlook"
regarding recently enacted Indiana property tax legislation that will affect
U. S. Steel's tax expense in future periods.  The legislation has no impact on
the property taxes that are currently being disputed.

     U. S. Steel was contingently liable for debt and other obligations of
Marathon in the amount of $167 million as of March 31, 2003.  In the event of
the bankruptcy of Marathon, these obligations for which U. S. Steel is
contingently liable, as well as obligations relating to Industrial Development
and Environmental Improvement Bonds and Notes in the amount of $471 million that
were assumed by U. S. Steel from Marathon, may be declared immediately due and
payable.  If that occurs, U. S. Steel may not be able to satisfy such
obligations.  In addition, if Marathon loses its investment grade ratings,
certain of these obligations will be considered indebtedness under the Senior
Notes indenture and for covenant calculations under the Inventory Facility.
This occurrence could prevent U. S. Steel from incurring additional indebtedness
under the Senior Notes or may cause a default under the Inventory Facility.

     The following table summarizes U. S. Steel's liquidity as of
March 31, 2003:

(Dollars in millions)
            Cash and cash equivalents.......................     $  367
            Amount available under Receivables
               Purchase Agreement...........................        343
            Amount available under Inventory Facility.......        397
            Amounts available under USSK credit facilities..         46
              Total estimated liquidity.....................     $1,153

     U. S. Steel's liquidity has improved by $122 million since December 31,
2002, primarily reflecting net proceeds of $242 million from U. S. Steel's
offering of Series B Preferred, partially offset by first quarter cash


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     U. S. Steel management believes that U. S. Steel's liquidity will be
adequate to satisfy its obligations for the foreseeable future, including
obligations to complete currently authorized capital spending programs.  Future
requirements for U. S. Steel's business needs, including the funding of
acquisitions and capital expenditures, debt service for outstanding financings,
and any amounts that may ultimately be paid in connection with contingencies,
are expected to be financed by a combination of internally generated funds
(including asset sales), proceeds from the sale of stock, borrowings and other
external financing sources.  However, there is no assurance that our business
will generate sufficient operating cash flow or that external financing sources
will be available in an amount sufficient to enable us to service or refinance
our indebtedness or to fund other liquidity needs.  If there is a prolonged
delay in the recovery of the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy,
U. S. Steel believes that it can maintain adequate liquidity through a
combination of deferral of nonessential capital spending, sales of non-strategic
assets and other cash conservation measures.

     U. S. Steel management's opinion concerning liquidity and U. S. Steel's
ability to avail itself in the future of the financing options mentioned in the
above forward-looking statements are based on currently available information.
To the extent that this information proves to be inaccurate, future availability
of financing may be adversely affected.  Factors that could affect the
availability of financing include the performance of U. S. Steel (as measured by
various factors including cash provided from operating activities), levels of
inventories and accounts receivable, the state of worldwide debt and equity
markets, investor perceptions and expectations of past and future performance,
the overall U.S. financial climate, and, in particular, with respect to
borrowings, the level of U. S. Steel's outstanding debt and credit ratings by
rating agencies.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

Environmental Matters, Litigation and Contingencies
     U. S. Steel has incurred and will continue to incur substantial capital,
operating and maintenance, and remediation expenditures as a result of
environmental laws and regulations.  In recent years, these expenditures have
been mainly for process changes in order to meet Clean Air Act obligations,
although ongoing compliance costs have also been significant.  To the extent
these expenditures, as with all costs, are not ultimately reflected in the
prices of U. S. Steel's products and services, operating results will be
adversely affected.  U. S. Steel believes that its major domestic integrated
steel competitors are confronted by substantially similar conditions and thus
does not believe that its relative position with regard to such competitors is
materially affected by the impact of environmental laws and regulations.
However, the costs and operating restrictions necessary for compliance with
environmental laws and regulations may have an adverse effect on U. S. Steel's
competitive position with regard to domestic mini-mills and some foreign steel
producers and producers of materials which compete with steel, which may not be
required to undertake equivalent costs in their operations.  In addition, the
specific impact on each competitor may vary depending on a number of factors,
including the age and location of its operating facilities and its production

     USSK is subject to the laws of the Slovak Republic.  The environmental laws
of the Slovak Republic generally follow the requirements of the European Union,
which are comparable to domestic standards.  USSK has also entered into an
agreement with the Slovak government to bring, over time, its facilities into
European Union environmental compliance.

    U. S. Steel has been notified that it is a potentially responsible party
(PRP) at 21 waste sites under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) as of March 31, 2003.  In addition,
there are 18 sites related to U. S. Steel where it has received information
requests or other indications that it may be a PRP under CERCLA but where
sufficient information is not presently available to confirm the existence of
liability or make any judgment as to the amount thereof.  There are also 37
additional sites related to U. S. Steel where remediation is being sought under
other environmental statutes, both federal and state, or where private parties
are seeking remediation through discussions or litigation.  At many of these
sites, U. S. Steel is one of a number of parties involved and the total cost of
remediation, as well as U. S. Steel's share thereof, is frequently dependent
upon the outcome of investigations and remedial studies.  U. S. Steel accrues
for environmental remediation activities when the responsibility to remediate is
probable and the amount of associated costs is reasonably determinable.  As
environmental remediation matters proceed toward ultimate resolution or as
additional remediation obligations arise, charges in excess of those previously
accrued may be required.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     In 1988, U. S. Steel and two other PRPs (Bethlehem Steel Corporation and
William Fiore) agreed to the issuance of an administrative order by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to undertake emergency removal work at the
Municipal & Industrial Disposal Co. site in Elizabeth, Pa.  The cost of such
removal, which has been completed, was approximately $4.2 million, of which
U. S. Steel paid $3.4 million.  The EPA indicated that further remediation of
this site would be required.  In October 1991, the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Resources (PADER) placed the site on the Pennsylvania State
Superfund list and began a Remedial Investigation, which was issued in 1997.
After a feasibility study by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (PADEP) and submission of a conceptual remediation plan in 2001 by
U. S. Steel, U. S. Steel submitted a revised remedial action plan on May 31,
2002.  U. S. Steel and the PADEP signed a Consent Order and Agreement on August
30, 2002, under which U. S. Steel is responsible for remediation of this site.
On March 18, 2003, the PADEP notified U. S. Steel that the public comment period
was concluded and the Consent Order and Agreement is final.

     On January 26, 1998, pursuant to an action filed by the EPA in the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana titled United States
of America v. USX, U. S. Steel entered into a consent decree with the EPA which
resolved alleged violations of the Clean Water Act National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit at Gary Works and provides for a sediment
remediation project for a five mile section of the Grand Calumet River that runs
through and beyond Gary Works.  Contemporaneously, U. S. Steel entered into a
consent decree with the public trustees, which resolves potential liability for
natural resource damages on the same section of the Grand Calumet River.  In
1999, U. S. Steel paid civil penalties of $2.9 million for the alleged water act
violations and $0.5 million in natural resource damages assessment costs.  In
addition, U. S. Steel will pay the public trustees $1.0 million at the end of
the remediation project for future monitoring costs and U. S. Steel is obligated
to purchase and restore several parcels of property that have been or will be
conveyed to the trustees.  During the negotiations leading up to the settlement
with the EPA, capital improvements were made to upgrade plant systems to comply
with the NPDES requirements.  The sediment remediation project is an approved
final interim measure under the corrective action program for Gary Works.  As of
March 15, 2003, project costs have amounted to $34.4 million with another $8.8
million presently projected to complete the project, over the next seven months.
Construction began in January 2002 on a Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU)
to contain the dredged material on company property and construction was
completed in February 2003.  The water treatment plant, specific to this
project, was completed in November 2002, and placed into operation in March
2003.  Phase 1 removal of PCB-contaminated sediment was completed in December
2002.  Dredging resumed in February 2003 and will continue until dredging on the
river is concluded, which is expected to occur in October 2003.  Closure costs
for the CAMU are estimated to be an additional $4.9 million.

     On March 11, 2003, Gary Works received a notice of violation from the EPA
alleging construction of the two desulfurization facilities without proper
installation permitting.  Negotiations began April 24, 2003 and the cost of
settlement of this matter is currently indeterminable.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     On February 12, 1987, U. S. Steel and the PADER entered into a Consent
Order to resolve an incident in January 1985 involving the alleged unauthorized
discharge of benzene and other organic pollutants from Clairton Works in
Clairton, Pa.  That Consent Order required U. S. Steel to pay a penalty of
$50,000 and a monthly payment of $2,500 for five years.  In 1990, U. S. Steel
and the PADER reached agreement to amend the Consent Order.  Under the amended
Order, U. S. Steel agreed to remediate the Peters Creek Lagoon (a former coke
plant waste disposal site); to pay a penalty of $300,000; and to pay a monthly
penalty of up to $1,500 each month until the former disposal site is closed.
Remediation costs have amounted to $10.2 million with another $1.4 million
presently estimated to complete the project.

     U. S. Steel is the subject of, or a party to, a number of pending or
threatened legal actions, contingencies and commitments involving a variety of
matters, including laws and regulations relating to the environment.  The
ultimate resolution of these contingencies could, individually or in the
aggregate, be material to the U. S. Steel Financial Statements.  However,
management believes that U. S. Steel will remain a viable and competitive
enterprise even though it is possible that these contingencies could be resolved
unfavorably to U. S. Steel.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    Looking ahead, even though U. S. Steel is experiencing a softening of
the order book that is expected to have an impact late in the second
quarter, shipments for the Flat-rolled segment are expected to improve
somewhat from first quarter levels.  Second quarter average realized prices
are expected to decline slightly primarily due to weakening spot markets.
Second quarter natural gas prices, while significantly higher than in last
year's second quarter, are expected to decline from the first quarter of
2003.  Costs in the second quarter will be negatively impacted by
approximately $40 million for scheduled repair outages for U. S. Steel's
largest blast furnace, the hot strip mill and other major units at Gary
Works.  For full-year 2003, Flat-rolled shipments are expected to
approximate 10.0 million net tons.

    For the Tubular segment, second quarter shipments are projected to be
up moderately from the first quarter, and the average realized price is
expected to be slightly lower than in the first quarter.  Shipments for full-
year 2003 are expected to be approximately 1.0 million net tons.  The new
quench and temper line at Lorain Tubular will commence start-up in May with
full facility availability expected in July.

    USSK second quarter shipments are expected to be about equal to
shipments in the first quarter 2003.  Shipments for the full year are
projected to be approximately 4.4 million net tons.  USSK's second quarter
average realized price is expected to increase compared to first quarter due
to an April 1, 2003, price increase of 20 euros per metric ton for all
products.  This increase will be partially offset by an unfavorable change
in product mix projected for the second quarter.  A new continuous annealing
line is currently being commissioned and will be fully operational by the
end of the second quarter.  It is expected to reach full production during
the third quarter when a new electrolytic tinning line commences operation.

     On April 21, 2003, U. S. Steel's bid to acquire substantially all of the
integrated steel assets of National was approved by the bankruptcy court.
U. S. Steel and National signed an Asset Purchase Agreement, which was also
approved by the bankruptcy court on April 21, 2003.  Under the terms of the
agreement, U. S. Steel will purchase substantially all of National's assets for
a contractual purchase price of $1.05 billion, including $850 million in cash
and the assumption of certain of National's lease and contractual obligations
that the contract values at $200 million.  The $200 million in obligations will
not be considered part of the purchase consideration for National's assets under
accounting rules and will not be recorded on the opening balance sheet because
of the nature of these obligations.  The agreement provides that net working
capital will be at least $450 million on the closing date.  U. S. Steel intends
to fund the cash component of the acquisition through a combination of existing
cash balances, the Receivables Purchase Agreement and the issuance of debt
securities.  U. S. Steel will not assume any liabilities related to National's
pension plans, which have been terminated by the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation, nor will it assume National's defined benefit retiree medical and
life insurance plans and, consistent with the U. S. Bankruptcy Code, the
transaction will exclude all liabilities except as have been agreed to by
U. S. Steel.  While U. S. Steel is not assuming any historical employee benefit


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

liabilities of National, U. S. Steel will be recording certain liabilities in
connection with its new labor agreement, discussed later herein, and the portion
of such liabilities related to former National employees will be included in the
opening balance sheet as part of the accounting purchase price.  The transaction
is expected to close later in the second quarter and is subject to customary
closing conditions.

     Based on a preliminary assessment, U. S. Steel expects annual acquisition
synergies of at least $200 million within two years of completing the
transaction.  These synergies do not include the effect of the elimination of
costs related to National's pension and retiree medical and life insurance
plans, which have not been assumed by U. S. Steel, the reduction in depreciation
as a result of a reduced basis in the assets acquired from National, or savings
related to application of the new labor contract to existing U. S. Steel
facilities.  These synergies are expected to result from a number of actions
including increased scheduling and operating efficiencies, the elimination of
redundant overhead costs, the reduction of freight costs and the effects of the
new labor contract as it relates to active employees at the acquired National

    The new labor agreement reached by U. S. Steel and the United
Steelworkers of America (USWA), which expires in 2008, provides for a
workforce restructuring through which U. S. Steel expects to achieve
productivity improvements of at least 20 percent at both U. S. Steel and
National facilities.  U. S. Steel will record liabilities, as part of the
purchase price of the National transaction, related to current active
National employees primarily for future retiree medical costs, subject to
certain eligibility requirements.  These liabilities are broadly estimated
at $290 million, of which at least $35 million for early retirement
incentives and lump sum payments to the Steelworkers Pension Trust is
expected to have a cash impact in 2003.  The Steelworkers Pension Trust is a
multi-employer pension plan to which U. S. Steel will make defined
contributions per hour worked for all National union employees who join
U. S. Steel and, in the future, for all new employees represented by the

     Implementation of the new labor agreement and related actions for
U. S. Steel employees and retirees will result in charges in 2003 broadly
estimated to be $440 million, of which approximately $115 million for early
retirement incentives is expected to have a cash impact in 2003.  The balance
mainly relates to the recognition of deferred actuarial losses as a result of an
expected 2003 pension plan curtailment triggered by the anticipated early
retirements.  The agreement also enables U. S. Steel to significantly reduce its
employee and retiree healthcare expenses through the introduction of variable
cost sharing mechanisms.  U. S. Steel also anticipates realigning its non-
represented staff in the near-term so as to achieve significant productivity
gains, the effects of which are not reflected in the foregoing amounts.

     Included in the new labor agreement are three specific profit-based
payments, which will increase the variable component of U. S. Steel's cost.
These payments are calculated as percentages of income from operations on a
corporate wide basis, after special items: (1) paid as profit sharing to active
employees based on 7.5% of profit between $10 and $50 per ton and 10% of profits
above $50 per ton; (2) used to offset a portion of future medical insurance
premiums to be paid by U. S. Steel retirees based


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

on 5% of profits above $15 per ton; and (3) contributed to a trust administered
by the USWA to assist National retirees with healthcare costs of between 6% and
7.5% of profit per ton.  U. S. Steel expects to record a balance sheet liability
of approximately $100 million upon the closing of the National transaction,
which reflects U. S. Steel's estimate of the fair value of future contributions
to the trust administered by the USWA.

     U. S. Steel's underfunded benefit obligations for retiree medical and life
insurance increased from $1.8 billion at year-end 2001 to $2.6 billion at year-
end 2002.  Assuming the 6.25% discount rate assumption that was used at year-end
2002, U. S. Steel estimates that its underfunded benefit obligation at year-end
2003 will also be $2.6 billion as the favorable impact of the new labor
agreement is offset by the inclusion of active employees at the National
facilities and payments in 2003 out of the Voluntary Employee Benefit
Association (VEBA) trust U. S. Steel maintains for union retirees.  Also, the
funded status of the projected pension benefit obligation declined from an
overfunded position of $1.2 billion at year-end 2001 to an underfunded position
of $0.4 billion at year-end 2002.  With the expected workforce reduction and
certain retirement rate assumption changes, the plan, after the merger discussed
below, is expected to have a year-end 2003 underfunded position of approximately
$0.9 billion.  Assuming the 6.25% discount rate assumption that was used at
year-end 2002, pension and retiree medical and life insurance costs are expected
to increase to approximately $145 million and $190 million, respectively, in
2003, assuming the workforce reduction occurs mid-year.  This pension amount
does not include expenses for defined contribution payments to the Steelworkers
Pension Trust for National union employees who join U. S. Steel.  In addition to
the changes in net periodic benefit expense, one-time charges of approximately
$285 million for pensions and $40 million for retiree medical and life
insurance, associated with the workforce reduction, are expected in 2003.

     U. S. Steel intends to merge its two major pension plans covering benefits
for most domestic U. S. Steel employees and retirees.  Due to the plan merger,
pension accounting rules may require that U. S. Steel record an additional
minimum liability, which would result in a non-cash net charge against equity,
currently estimated in a range of $750 million to $800 million.  However,
because of uncertainties regarding the funded status of these plans at the
merger date, it is also possible that no additional minimum liability entries
will be recorded and, if this occurs, U. S. Steel will reverse the $748 million
net charge against equity that was recorded in the fourth quarter of 2002.
These entries will have no impact on income.

    Cash payments for retiree medical and life insurance in 2002 and 2001
totaled $212 million and $183 million, respectively.  During 2002 and 2001,
substantially all payments on behalf of union retirees were paid from the
VEBA trust.  U. S. Steel expects that all payments on behalf of union
retirees will be paid from the VEBA trust in 2003, but beginning in early
2004, corporate funds will be used for these payments.  Corporate funds used
for all retiree health and life benefits in 2004 and 2005, excluding
multiemployer plan payments, were previously expected to total $195 million
and $222 million, respectively.  Cash payments are now expected to exceed
the above estimates by approximately $45 million for 2004 and $25 million
for 2005 following the acquisition of National's assets; the implementation
of the Transition Assistance Program for National and U. S. Steel union
employees; the


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

implementation of the new labor agreement; and the merger of the union
pension plan and the non-union pension plan, which will eliminate the use of
pension assets to pay a portion of retiree medical expenses.  These payments
will reduce cash flow that would otherwise be available for other purposes.
Under the same conditions, no required minimum funding of the merged pension
plan is expected for the 2003 or 2004 plan years.  Thereafter, U. S. Steel
currently anticipates annual funding requirements broadly estimated to be
approximately $90 million per year.  U. S. Steel may also make voluntary
contributions in one or more future periods in order to mitigate potentially
larger contributions in later years.

    U. S. Steel is negotiating an asset purchase agreement to sell all of
the coal and related assets associated with U. S. Steel Mining Company's
West Virginia and Alabama mines for approximately $57 million.  U. S. Steel
anticipates that this sale will result in a pretax loss of approximately
$9 million.  The loss reflects approximately $36 million of other
obligations related to lease expense prepaid by the buyer, certain fee and
inventory purchase commitments and indemnifications provided by U. S. Steel.
In addition, U. S. Steel remains secondarily liable for the withdrawal fee
in the event the purchaser withdraws from the multiemployer pension plan
covering employees of the mining business within five years of the closing
date.  The withdrawal fee is currently broadly appraised at approximately
$80 million.  Furthermore, potential material incremental employee
liabilities could be required to be recorded should the buyer have a plan to
reduce the workforce which would increase the loss on sale.  In addition to
the loss on the sale of these assets, U. S. Steel will recognize the present
value of obligations related to a multiemployer health care benefit plan
created by the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992.  These
obligations, which were broadly estimated to be $80 million at
March 31, 2003 and would result in an extraordinary loss of approximately
$52 million on an after-tax basis, will be recognized when the sale is
consummated.  U. S. Steel Mining recorded income from operations in 2002 of
$42 million, which included $38 million resulting from a federal excise tax
refund.  U. S. Steel Mining recorded operating losses in each of the four
years prior to 2002.

    On April 25, 2003, U. S. Steel sold certain coal seam gas interests in
Alabama for net cash proceeds of approximately $34 million, which will be
reflected in other income.  These interests generated revenues and pretax
income of approximately $8 million in 2002.  U. S. Steel also has a non-
binding letter of intent to sell most of its remaining mineral interests for
net proceeds of approximately $75 million.

    In May 2003, U. S. Steel sold its interest in Delta Tubular Processing
for cash proceeds of approximately $6 million.

    On October 16, 2002, U. S. Steel announced that it had signed a letter
of intent to sell its raw materials and transportation businesses to an
entity to be formed by affiliates of Apollo Management, L.P.  In connection
with the new labor agreement with the USWA, U. S. Steel has agreed not to
pursue the sale of these businesses and on April 30, 2003, the letter of
intent expired.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    Legislation enacted in Indiana in April 2003 permits certain steel
companies and refinery operations to claim additional depreciation on older
facilities for Indiana property tax reporting.  As a result of this
legislation, U. S. Steel is projected to realize a reduction in Gary Works
property tax expenses of approximately $11 million in 2003 compared with

    On April 22, 2003, U. S. Steel submitted a confidential offer to the
Government of Poland for the purchase of Polskie Huty Stali S.A. (PHS), the
government-owned steel company.  PHS operates four facilities including the
two largest integrated steel mills in Poland, which currently have annual
raw steel production capability of approximately 9.0 million tons.  PHS's
steelmaking capability is expected to be reduced as a result of negotiations
related to Poland's accession into the European Union (EU).  PHS primarily
produces blooms, rails, wire and other products, as well as sheet products.
PHS has debts of approximately $1.4 billion, much of which is owed to other
government entities.  A senior Polish official has stated that the Polish
government is seeking an investor to (i) restructure PHS debt which is
expected to be in an amount between $350 million and $600 million,
(ii) make a capital infusion of approximately $150 million and (iii) honor
the commitments made by the Polish Government to the EU concerning PHS, the
most significant of which include capability reductions to approximately
8.0 million tons, personnel reductions, and making certain specified capital
investments.  U. S. Steel broadly estimates the cost of required capital
projects required under the EU agreement to be between $300 million and
$350 million through 2006.  The Polish government has announced that two
final bids have been submitted and that it will commence further discussions
with one or more bidders in May 2003.  U. S. Steel expects such discussions
will be substantial but cannot predict whether the Polish government will
engage in discussions with U. S. Steel, the timing of such negotiations,
and the final terms of any agreement.  U. S. Steel does not know whether
additional bidders will emerge.

     On March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel Balkan, a wholly owned U. S. Steel
subsidiary, agreed to purchase out of bankruptcy Serbian steel producer Sartid
a.d. and six of its subsidiaries for a total purchase price of $23 million.
This transaction, which is targeted for completion during the third quarter of
2003, is subject to several conditions, including the successful completion of
anti-monopoly review by competition authorities in several countries.

     In a related agreement, which will become effective upon the completion of
the acquisition, U. S. Steel Balkan committed to future spending of up to $150
million over five years for working capital and the repair, rehabilitation,
improvement, modification and upgrade of the facilities.  A portion of this
spending is subject to certain conditions related to Sartid's commercial
operations, cash flow and viability.  In addition, U. S. Steel Balkan has agreed
to refrain from layoffs for a period of three years.  Sartid has approximately
9,000 employees.  The agreement requires U. S. Steel Balkan to obtain the
consent of the Serbian government prior to a transfer of a controlling interest
of Sartid within five years of the closing date.  U. S. Steel Balkan will
conduct economic development activities over the course of three years and spend
no less than $1.5 million on these efforts, and has agreed to support community,
charitable and sport activities in a total amount of not less than $5 million
during the three-year period following closing of the transaction.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    The preceding discussion contains forward-looking statements with
respect to market conditions, operating costs, shipments and prices,
potential asset dispositions, potential acquisitions, the new labor
agreement, and the merger of U. S. Steel's two major pension plans.  Some
factors, among others, that could affect 2003 market conditions, costs,
shipments and prices for both domestic operations and USSK include product
demand, prices and mix, global and company steel production levels, plant
operating performance, the timing and completion of facility projects,
natural gas prices and usage, changes in environmental, tax and other laws,
the resumption of operation of steel facilities sold under the bankruptcy
laws, and U.S. and European economic performance and political
developments.  Domestic steel shipments and prices could be affected by
import levels and actions taken by the U.S. Government and its agencies.
Additional factors that may affect USSK's results are foreign currency
fluctuations and political factors in Europe that include, but are not
limited to, taxation, nationalization, inflation, currency fluctuations,
increased regulation, export quotas, tariffs, and other protectionist
measures.  Whether any of the acquisitions described above will be
implemented and the timing of such implementation will depend upon a number
of factors, many of which are beyond the control of U. S. Steel.  Among the
factors that may impact the occurrence and timing of the acquisition of
National's steelmaking and finishing assets are the absence of any
injunctions blocking the acquisition and the ratification of the tentative
labor agreement reached by U. S. Steel and the USWA.  Factors that may
affect expected synergies from the National transaction include
management's ability to successfully integrate National's operations.
Factors that may impact the occurrence and timing of the acquisition of PHS
include actions and decisions of the Polish government, anti-monopoly
review in several countries and negotiation of definitive documentation.
Factors that may impact the occurrence and timing of the acquisition of
Sartid and its subsidiaries include the successful completion of anti-
monopoly review by competition authorities in several countries.
Consummation of the sales of the mining assets and other mineral interests
will depend upon a number of factors including regulatory approvals and the
ability of the purchasers to arrange financing.  The amounts ultimately
measured and recorded for the application of the new labor agreement could
vary materially from those estimated depending on the census and timing of
the curtailment, the assumptions used to measure the liabilities and
various other factors.  Factors that may affect the amount of net periodic
benefit costs and the amount of any additional minimum liability include
among others, pension fund investment performance, liability changes and
interest rates.  Cash funding requirements for pensions and other
postretirement benefits depend upon various factors such as future asset
performance, the level of interest rates used to measure ERISA minimum
funding levels, medical cost inflation, the impacts of business
acquisitions or sales, union negotiated changes and future government
regulation.  In accordance with "safe harbor" provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, cautionary statements identifying
important factors, but not necessarily all factors, that could cause actual
results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking
statements have been included in the Form 10-K of U. S. Steel for the year
ended December 31, 2002, and in subsequent filings for U. S. Steel.


                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

    Steel imports to the United States accounted for an estimated 22% of the
domestic steel market in the first two months of 2003, 26% for the year 2002,
and 24% for the year 2001.

    Remedies under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 became effective for
imports entering the U.S. on and after March 20, 2002, and are intended to
provide relief to the U.S. industry that would remedy the injury caused by
increased imports, but there are products and countries not covered and imports
of these exempt products or of products from these countries may still have an
adverse effect upon U. S. Steel's revenues and income.  Through August 2002, in
the first round, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Office of the United
States Trade Representative had granted exclusions from the Section 201
remedies for many products.  The second round of exclusions granted were
announced on March 21, 2003.  The Office of the United States Trade
Representative has stated that these will be the only exclusions granted in
2003.  The exclusions impact a number of products produced by U. S. Steel and
have weakened the relief.  Additionally, as initially imposed, the remedies
decrease each year they are in effect.  For flat-rolled products, the tariff
decreased from 30% to 24% in March 2003, and will decrease to 18% in
March 2004, and the quota for slab imports that can enter the United States
without imposition of the Section 201 tariff increases from 5.4 million net
tons in the first year to 5.9 million net tons in the second year and 6.4
million net tons in the third year, although the quantity of slabs that can
actually enter the country free of tariffs is substantially larger than that
amount due to exemptions of various slab products and exemptions of certain
countries that ship slabs.

    Various countries challenged President Bush's action with the World Trade
Organization (WTO) and have taken other actions responding to the Section 201
remedies.  On May 2, 2003, the WTO Settlement Dispute Panel issued its final
decision on the challenges filed against the Section 201 action, finding that
the Section 201 action was in violation of WTO rules.  U. S. Steel expects the
United States to file an appeal with the WTO.  In addition, as provided by
President Bush when he announced the Section 201 action in March 2002, the U.S.
International Trade Commission announced on March 5, 2003 that it has initiated
a mid-term review of the Section 201 action.  The ITC will submit to the
President and Congress a report on the condition of the U.S. industry and the
progress made by domestic producers to adjust to import competition.  The ITC
will conduct hearings in July as part of the review.  Also, on April 4, 2003,
the ITC announced that, at the request of the House Committee on Ways and
Means, it was instituting a general fact finding investigation under Section
332 of the Tariff Act of 1930 to examine the impact of the Section 201 tariffs
on the domestic steel-consuming industries.  The ITC will hold a hearing on its
investigation in June 2003. The ITC will provide the results of the mid-term
review and the Section 332 investigation in the same report.  In
September 2003, the President will decide whether to continue, adjust or
terminate the relief.  At the same time, the Bush Administration is continuing
discussions at the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development aimed
at the reduction of inefficient steel production capacity and the elimination
and limitation of certain subsidies to the steel industry throughout the world.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

     On December 20, 2001, the European Commission commenced an anti-dumping
investigation concerning hot-rolled coils imported into the EU from the Slovak
Republic and five other countries.  On January 20, 2003, the Commission issued a
final disclosure advising of its determinations relative to the dumping and
injury margins applicable to those imports.  The Commission's findings set the
dumping margin applicable to those imports at 25.8% and the injury margin at
18.6%.  On March 18, 2003, however, this case was dismissed upon the rejection,
by the EU's General Affairs and External Relations Council, of the Commission's
proposal to impose definitive anti-dumping duties.  The Council's decision is
final and, accordingly, no anti-dumping duties will be imposed against hot
rolled coils shipped by USSK into the EU.

     Definitive measures were announced on September 27, 2002, in a separate
safeguard trade action commenced by the European Commission.  In that
proceeding, which is similar to the U.S. Section 201 proceedings, quota/tariff
measures were announced relative to the import of certain steel products into
the EU.  USSK is impacted by the quota/tariff measures on four products: non-
alloy hot-rolled coils, hot-rolled strip, hot-rolled sheet and cold-rolled flat
products.  Shipment quotas were set for all four products.  The shipment quotas
applicable to the first year of the measure were set at 10% above the average
shipments during the period 1999-2001.  An additional 5% will be added to the
shipment quotas applicable to the remainder of the safeguard measure period.
The shipment quotas on all products, other than non-alloy hot-rolled coils, are
country-specific.  The non-alloy hot-rolled coil quota is a global quota.  If
the shipment quotas are exceeded, tariffs will be imposed.  The tariffs
applicable to shipments into the EU through March 28, 2003, were set at 17.5%
for non-alloy hot-rolled coils and 26% for the other three products.  For the
period March 29, 2003, through March 28, 2004, these tariffs were reduced to
15.7% and 23.4%, respectively.  On March 29, 2004, these tariffs will again be
reduced to 14.1% and 21.0%, respectively.  The safeguard measures are scheduled
to expire on March 28, 2005.  These measures will be terminated at such time
that Slovakia becomes a member of the EU.  Slovakia has been accepted for
membership in the EU and entry is expected to occur in May 2004.

     Safeguard proceedings similar to those pursued by the European Commission
were subsequently commenced by Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Provisional quota/tariff measures were imposed in Poland and Hungary, which
measures were replaced by similar definitive measures on March 8, 2003 (Poland)
and March 28, 2003 (Hungary).  On April 30, 2003, the Czech Republic's Trade
Ministry published its decision dismissing the safeguard proceedings commenced
in that country, based upon its conclusion that the conditions for the
imposition of such measures were not met.  That decision is final and cannot be
appealed. The impact on USSK of these trade actions in the EU and Central Europe
cannot be predicted at this time.  However, in light of market opportunities
elsewhere; the recent dismissals of the EU hot-rolled coil anti-dumping case and
the Czech Republic's safeguard proceedings; and USSK's experience operating
under the safeguard measures in place in the EU, Poland and Hungary, it appears
unlikely that these matters will have a material adverse effect on USSK's
operating profit in 2003.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION

Accounting Standards

     In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS
No. 143 "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations."  SFAS No. 143 establishes
a new accounting model for the recognition and measurement of retirement
obligations associated with tangible long-lived assets.  SFAS No. 143 requires
that an asset retirement obligation be capitalized as part of the cost of the
related long-lived asset and subsequently allocated to expense using a
systematic and rational method.  U. S. Steel adopted this Statement effective
January 1, 2003.  See Note 4 of Selected Notes to Financial Statements.

      In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45, "Guarantor's
Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Indirect
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others." The Interpretation elaborates on the
disclosure to be made by a guarantor about obligations under certain guarantees
that it has issued.  It also clarifies that at the inception of a guarantee, the
company must recognize liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken
in issuing the guarantee. The initial recognition and measurement provisions
apply on a prospective basis to guarantees issued or modified after December 31,
2002.  The disclosure requirements were adopted for the 2002 annual financial
statements.  U. S. Steel will apply the remaining provisions of the
Interpretation prospectively as required.

     In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation - Transition and Disclosure," which amends SFAS No. 123.  SFAS
No. 148 provides alternative methods of transition for a voluntary change to the
fair value based method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation.  In
addition, SFAS No. 148 amends the disclosure requirements of SFAS No. 123 to
require more prominent and more frequent disclosures in financial statements
about the effects of stock-based compensation.  The Company adopted the annual
disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 148 for the annual financial statements and
adopted the interim provisions effective with the first quarter of 2003.  The
Company is not changing to the fair value based method of accounting for stock-
based employee compensation; therefore, the transition provisions are not
applicable.  See Note 3 of Selected Notes to Financial Statements for required

      FASB Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities,"
was issued in January 2003 and addresses consolidation by business enterprises
of variable interest entities that do not have sufficient equity investment to
permit the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated
financial support from other parties or whose equity investors lack the
characteristics of a controlling financial interest.  This statement was adopted
in the first quarter of 2003 with no initial impact to U. S. Steel.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                          QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE
                          DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK

Commodity Price Risk and Related Risks
     Sensitivity analyses of the incremental effects on pretax income of
hypothetical 10% and 25% decreases in commodity prices for open derivative
commodity instruments as of March 31, 2003, are provided in the following

                                            Incremental Decrease in
                                           Income Before Income Taxes
                                            Assuming a Hypothetical
                                               Price Decrease of:

(Dollars in millions)                             10%     25%
Commodity-Based Derivative Instruments

    Zinc                                          2.1     5.1

    Tin                                           0.4     1.1

      (a)  With the adoption of SFAS No. 133, the definition of a derivative
      instrument has been expanded to include certain fixed price physical
      commodity contracts.  Such instruments are included in the above table.
      Amounts reflect the estimated incremental effects on pretax income of
      hypothetical 10% and 25% decreases in closing commodity prices for each
      open contract position at March 31, 2003.  Management evaluates the
      portfolio of derivative commodity instruments on an ongoing basis and
      adjusts strategies to reflect anticipated market conditions, changes in
      risk profiles and overall business objectives.  Changes to the portfolio
      subsequent to March 31, 2003, may cause future pretax income effects to
      differ from those presented in the table.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                          QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE
                          DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK

Interest Rate Risk
     U. S. Steel is subject to the effects of interest rate fluctuations on
certain of its non-derivative financial instruments.  A sensitivity analysis of
the projected incremental effect of a hypothetical 10% decrease in March 31,
2003, interest rates on the fair value of the U. S. Steel's non-derivative
financial instruments is provided in the following table:

(Dollars in millions)
As of March 31, 2003
                                                            Increase in
Non-Derivative                                        Fair    Fair
Financial Instruments(a)                             Value   Value(b)
Financial assets:
 Investments and
   long-term receivables                              $41        $-
Financial liabilities:
 Long-term debt (c)(d)                             $1,178       $71
(a) Fair values of cash and cash equivalents, receivables, notes payable,
    accounts payable and accrued interest approximate carrying value and are
    relatively insensitive to changes in interest rates due to the short-term
    maturity of the instruments.  Accordingly, these instruments are excluded
    from the table.
(b) Reflects, by class of financial instrument, the estimated incremental
    effect of a hypothetical 10% decrease in interest rates at March 31, 2003,
    on the fair value of U. S. Steel's non-derivative financial instruments.
    For financial liabilities, this assumes a 10% decrease in the weighted
    average yield to maturity of U. S. Steel's long-term debt at March 31, 2003.
(c) Includes amounts due within one year.
(d) Fair value was based on market prices or estimated borrowing rates for
    financings with similar maturities.

     At March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel's portfolio of long-term debt was comprised
primarily of fixed-rate instruments.  Therefore, the fair value of the portfolio
is relatively sensitive to effects of interest rate fluctuations.  This
sensitivity is illustrated by the $71 million increase in the fair value of
long-term debt assuming a hypothetical 10% decrease in interest rates.  However,
U. S. Steel's sensitivity to interest rate declines and corresponding increases
in the fair value of its debt portfolio would unfavorably affect U. S. Steel's
results and cash flows only to the extent that U. S. Steel elected to repurchase
or otherwise retire all or a portion of its fixed-rate debt portfolio at prices
above carrying value.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                          QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE
                          DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK

Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk
     U. S. Steel, primarily through USSK, is subject to the risk of price
fluctuations due to the effects of exchange rates on revenues and operating
costs, firm commitments for capital expenditures and existing assets or
liabilities denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, in particular the
euro and Slovak koruna.  U. S. Steel has not generally used derivative
instruments to manage this risk.  However, U. S. Steel has made limited use of
forward currency contracts to manage exposure to certain currency price
fluctuations.  At March 31, 2003, U. S. Steel had open euro forward sale
contracts for both U.S. dollars (total notional value of approximately
$12.9 million) and Slovak koruna (total notional value of approximately
$30.6 million).  A 10% increase in the March 31, 2003 euro forward rates would
result in an additional $4.4 million charge to income.

Safe Harbor
     U. S. Steel's Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
include forward-looking statements with respect to management's opinion about
risks associated with U. S. Steel's use of derivative instruments.  These
statements are based on certain assumptions with respect to market prices,
industry supply and demand for steel products and certain raw materials, and
foreign exchange rates.  To the extent that these assumptions prove to be
inaccurate, future outcomes with respect to U. S. Steel's hedging programs may
differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                             CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES

Disclosure Controls and Procedures
     Within 90 days before filing this report, U. S. Steel evaluated the
effectiveness of the design and operation of its disclosure controls and
procedures.  These disclosure controls and procedures are the controls and other
procedures that were designed to ensure that information required to be
disclosed in reports that are filed with or submitted to the SEC is:(1)
accumulated and communicated to management, including the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding
required disclosures and (2) recorded, processed, summarized and reported within
the time periods specified in applicable law and regulations.  Based on this
evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded
that, as of the date of their evaluation, our disclosure controls and procedures
were effective.

Internal Controls
     Since the date of the evaluation described above, there have not been any
significant changes in U. S. Steel's internal accounting controls or in other
factors that could significantly affect those controls.

                         UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION
                       SUPPLEMENTAL STATISTICS (Unaudited)
                                                      First Quarter
                                                      Ended March 31
(Dollars in millions)                                  2003    2002
Flat-rolled Products                                    $(40)    $(74)
Tubular Products                                          (5)       3
U. S. Steel Kosice                                        64       (1)
Straightline                                             (15)      (8)
Real Estate                                               13       10
Other Businesses                                         (36)     (11)
                                                       -----    -----
Income (Loss) from Operations before special items       (19)     (81)
 Special Items:
  Litigation items                                       (25)       9
  Costs related to Fairless shutdown                       -       (1)
  Insurance recoveries related to USS-POSCO fire           -       12
                                                       -----    -----
   Total Income (Loss) from Operations                  $(44)    $(61)

 Flat-rolled Products                                    $11      $11
 Tubular Products                                         22        5
 U. S. Steel Kosice                                       20       17
 Straightline                                              1        3
 Real Estate                                               -        -
 Other Businesses                                          9       20
                                                       -----    -----
   Total                                                 $63      $56

 Average realized price: ($/net ton)(a)
   Flat-rolled Products                                 $421     $377
   Tubular Products                                      638      640
   U. S. Steel Kosice                                    341      245
 Steel Shipments:(a)(b)
   Flat-rolled Products                                2,436    2,330
   Tubular Products                                      206      188
   U. S. Steel Kosice                                  1,190      756
 Raw Steel-Production:(b)
   Domestic Facilities                                 2,895    2,906
   U. S. Steel Kosice                                  1,200      917
 Raw Steel-Capability Utilization:(c)
   Domestic Facilities                                 91.7%    92.1%
   U. S. Steel Kosice                                  97.3%    74.4%
 Domestic iron ore shipments(b)(d)                     1,817    2,289
 Domestic coke shipments(b)(d)                         1,309    1,164
      (a)  Excludes intersegment transfers.
      (b)  Thousands of net tons.
      (c)  Based on annual raw steel production capability of 12.8 million net
      tons for domestic facilities and 5.0 million net tons for U. S. Steel
      (d)  Includes intersegment transfers.


Part II - Other Information:


Environmental Proceedings
     In 1988, U. S. Steel and two other PRPs (Bethlehem Steel Corporation and
William Fiore) agreed to the issuance of an administrative order by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to undertake emergency removal work at the
Municipal & Industrial Disposal Co. site in Elizabeth, Pa. The cost of such
removal, which has been completed, was approximately $4.2 million, of which
U. S. Steel paid $3.4 million. The EPA indicated that further remediation of
this site would be required. In October 1991, the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Resources (PADER) placed the site on the Pennsylvania State
Superfund list and began a Remedial Investigation, which was issued in 1997.
After a feasibility study by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (PADEP) and submission of a conceptual remediation plan in 2001 by
U. S. Steel, U. S. Steel submitted a revised remedial action plan on May 31,
2002. U. S. Steel and the PADEP signed a Consent Order and Agreement on August
30, 2002, under which U. S. Steel is responsible for remediation of this site.
On March 18, 2003, the PADEP notified U. S. Steel that the public comment period
was concluded and the Consent Order and Agreement is final.

     On January 26, 1998, pursuant to an action filed by the EPA in the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana titled United States
of America v. USX, U. S. Steel entered into a consent decree with the EPA which
resolved alleged violations of the Clean Water Act National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit at Gary Works and provides for a sediment
remediation project for a five mile section of the Grand Calumet River that runs
through and beyond Gary Works.  Contemporaneously, U. S. Steel entered into a
consent decree with the public trustees, which resolves potential liability for
natural resource damages on the same section of the Grand Calumet River.  In
1999, U. S. Steel paid civil penalties of $2.9 million for the alleged water act
violations and $0.5 million in natural resource damages assessment costs.  In
addition, U. S. Steel will pay the public trustees $1.0 million at the end of
the remediation project for future monitoring costs and U. S. Steel is obligated
to purchase and restore several parcels of property that have been or will be
conveyed to the trustees.  During the negotiations leading up to the settlement
with the EPA, capital improvements were made to upgrade plant systems to comply
with the NPDES requirements.  The sediment remediation project is an approved
final interim measure under the corrective action program for Gary Works.  As of
March 15, 2003, project costs have amounted to $34.4 million with another $8.8
million presently projected to complete the project, over the next seven months.
Construction began in January 2002 on a Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU)
to contain the dredged material on company property and construction was
completed in February 2003.  The water treatment plant, specific to this
project, was completed in November 2002, and placed into operation in March
2003.  Phase 1 removal of PCB-contaminated sediment was completed in December
2002.  Dredging resumed in February 2003 and will continue until dredging on the
river is concluded, which is expected to occur in October 2003.  Closure costs
for the CAMU are estimated to be an additional $4.9 million.

     On March 11, 2003, Gary Works received a notice of violation from the EPA
alleging construction of the two desulfurization facilities without proper
installation permitting.  Negotiations began April 24, 2003 and the cost of
settlement of this matter is currently indeterminable.


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

     On February 12, 1987, U. S. Steel and the PADER entered into a Consent
Order to resolve an incident in January 1985 involving the alleged unauthorized
discharge of benzene and other organic pollutants from Clairton Works in
Clairton, Pa.  That Consent Order required U. S. Steel to pay a penalty of
$50,000 and a monthly payment of $2,500 for five years.  In 1990, U. S. Steel
and the PADER reached agreement to amend the Consent Order.  Under the amended
Order, U. S. Steel agreed to remediate the Peters Creek Lagoon (a former coke
plant waste disposal site); to pay a penalty of $300,000; and to pay a monthly
penalty of up to $1,500 each month until the former disposal site is closed.
Remediation costs have amounted to $10.2 million with another $1.4 million
presently estimated to complete the project.

Asbestos Litigation
     U. S. Steel is a defendant in a large number of cases in which
approximately 14,000 claimants actively allege injury resulting from exposure to
asbestos.  Almost all these cases involve multiple plaintiffs and multiple
defendants.  These claims fall into three major groups:  (1) claims made under
certain federal and general maritime laws by employees of the Great Lakes Fleet
or Intercoastal Fleet, former operations of U. S. Steel; (2) claims made by
persons who performed work at U. S. Steel facilities (referred to as "premises
claims"); and (3) claims made by industrial workers allegedly exposed to an
electrical cable product formerly manufactured by U. S. Steel.  While
U. S. Steel has excess casualty insurance, these policies have multi-million
dollar self insured retentions and, to date,  U. S. Steel has not received any
payments under these policies relating to asbestos claims.  In most cases, this
excess casualty insurance is the only insurance applicable to asbestos claims.

     These cases allege a variety of respiratory and other diseases based on
alleged exposure to asbestos contained in a U. S. Steel electric cable product
or to asbestos on U. S. Steel's premises; approximately 200 plaintiffs allege
they are suffering from mesothelioma.  In many cases, the plaintiffs cannot
demonstrate that they have suffered any compensable loss as a result of such
exposure or that any injuries they have incurred did in fact result from such
exposure.  Virtually all asbestos cases seek money damages from multiple
defendants.  U. S. Steel is unable to provide meaningful disclosure about the
total amount of such damages alleged in these cases for the following reasons:
(1) many cases do not claim a specific demand for damages, or contain a demand
that is stated only as being in excess of the minimum jurisdictional limit of
the relevant court; (2) even where there are specific demands for damages, there
is no meaningful way to determine what amount of the damages would or could be
assessed against any particular defendant; (3) plaintiffs' lawyers often allege
the same amount of damages irrespective of the specific harm that has been
alleged, even though the ultimate outcome of any claim may depend upon the
actual disease, if any, that the plaintiff is able to prove and the actual
exposure, if any, to the U. S. Steel product or the duration of exposure, if
any, on U. S. Steel's premises.  U. S. Steel believes the amount of any damages
alleged in the complaints initially filed in these cases is not relevant in
assessing our potential liability.

     U. S. Steel aggressively pursues grounds for the dismissal of U. S. Steel
from pending cases and makes efforts to settle appropriate cases for reasonable,
and frequently nominal, amounts.  For example, in 2000, U. S. Steel settled 22
claims for an aggregate total payment of approximately $80,000; in 2001, it
settled approximately 11,000 claims for an aggregate total payment of
approximately $190,000; and, in 2002, it settled approximately 1,100 claims for
an aggregate total payment of approximately $700,000.  In those three years,
3,860, 1,679 and 842, respectively, new claims were filed.


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

     U. S. Steel also litigates cases to verdict where it believes that
litigation is appropriate.  Until March 2003, U. S. Steel was successful in all
asbestos cases that it tried to final judgment.  On March 28, 2003, a jury in
Madison County, Illinois returned a verdict against U. S. Steel for $50 million
in compensatory damages and $200 million in punitive damages.  The plaintiff, an
Indiana resident, alleged he was exposed to asbestos while working as a
U. S. Steel employee at Gary Works in Gary, Indiana from 1950 to 1981 and that
he suffers from mesothelioma as a result.  U. S. Steel believes the plaintiff's
exclusive remedy was provided by the Indiana workers' compensation law and that
this issue and other errors at trial would have enabled U. S. Steel to succeed
on appeal.  However, in order to avoid the delay and uncertainties of further
litigation and having to post an appeal bond equal to the amount of the verdict
and to allow U. S. Steel to actively pursue its current acquisition activities
and other strategic initiatives, U. S. Steel settled this case.  See Note 15 of
Selected Notes to Financial Statements.

     Management views the Madison County verdict as aberrational and continues
to believe that it is unlikely that the resolution of the pending asbestos
actions against U. S. Steel would have a material adverse effect on
U. S. Steel's financial condition.  Among the factors considered in reaching
this conclusion were:  (1) that U. S. Steel had been subject to a total of
approximately 34,000 asbestos claims over the last 12 years that had been
administratively dismissed or were inactive due to the failure of the claimants
to present any medical evidence supporting their claims; (2) that over the last
several years, the total number of pending claims had remained steady; (3) that
it had been many years since U. S. Steel employed maritime workers or
manufactured electrical cable; and (4) U. S. Steel's history of trial outcomes,
settlements and dismissals, including such matters since the March 28 jury
decision.  Management concluded the recent verdict in Madison County, Illinois
was an aberration and that the likelihood of similar results is remote, although
not impossible.

     This statement of belief is a forward-looking statement.  Predictions as to
the outcome of pending litigation are subject to substantial uncertainties with
respect to (among other things) factual and judicial determinations, and actual
results could differ materially from those expressed in this forward-looking
statement.  U. S. Steel does not know whether the jury verdict described above
will have any impact upon the number of claims filed against U. S. Steel in the
future or on the amount of future settlements.


Part II - Other Information (Continued):



       12.1 Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and
            Preferred Stock Dividends

       12.2 Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges

       99.1 Certification of Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
            Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002

       99.2 Certification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
            Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002


         Form  8-K dated January 9, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other  Events,
       the  filing of the January 9, 2003 press release titled "U. S.  Steel  to
       Acquire National Steel Assets."

         Form  8-K dated January 28, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other Events,
       the filing of the January 28, 2003 U. S. Steel Earnings Release.

         Form  8-K dated February 3, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other Events,
       the  filing  of the February 3, 2003 press release titled  "U.  S.  Steel
       Announces $200 Million Mandatory Convertible Preferred Share Offering."

         Form  8-K dated February 4, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other Events,
       the  filing  of the underwriting agreement that U. S. Steel executed  and
       delivered  on February 4, 2003, with J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.  as  the
       bookrunning  manager,  and  the  filing  of  the  press  release   titled
       "U.   S.  Steel  Prices  $250  Million  Mandatory  Convertible  Preferred

             Form  8-K  dated February 10, 2003, reporting under Item  5.  Other
       Events,  the  filing  of  the  February 10,  2003  press  release  titled
       "U.  S.  Steel  and  USWA  Begin  Negotiations  for  National  Steel  and
       U. S. Steel Represented Facilities."

             Form  8-K  dated  March 31, 2003, reporting  under  Item  5.  Other
       Events,   the  filing  of  the  March  31,  2003  press  release   titled
       "U. S. Steel Settles Illinois Case."

             Form  8-K  dated  March 31, 2003, reporting  under  Item  5.  Other
       Events,   the  filing  of  the  March  31,  2003  press  release   titled
       "U.  S.  Steel  Receives Antitrust Clearance for Proposed National  Steel

         Form 8-K dated April 1, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other Events, the
       filing  of  the  Form of Purchase and Sale Agreement of  a  Legal  Entity
       between Sartid a.d. in bankruptcy and U. S. Steel Balkan d.o.o., and  the
       filing  of the April 1, 2003 press release titled "U. S. Steel to Acquire
       Serbian Steel Company."


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

     * Form 8-K dated April 9, 2003, reporting under Item 9. Regulation FD
       Disclosure, that U. S. Steel is furnishing information for the
       April 9, 2003 press release titled "U. S. Steel and USWA Reach
       Progressive New Labor Agreement for U. S. Steel and National Steel
       Represented Facilities."

             Form  8-K  dated  April 11, 2003, reporting  under  Item  5.  Other
       Events,   the  filing  of  the  April  11,  2003  press  release   titled
       "U. S. Steel Confirms Bid for National Steel Assets."

         Form  8-K  dated April 21, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other  Events,
       the filing of the Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of April 21, 2003  by
       and  among United States Steel Corporation and National Steel Corporation
       and  certain subsidiaries of National Steel Corporation, and  the  filing
       of  the  April  21,  2003  press release titled  "U.  S.  Steel  Receives
       Bankruptcy Court Approval for Purchase of National Steel Assets."

         Form  8-K  dated April 29, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other  Events,
       the filing of the April 29, 2003 U. S. Steel Earnings Release.

     * Form 8-K dated May 6, 2003, reporting under Item 9. Regulation FD
       Disclosure, that U. S. Steel is furnishing information for the
       May 6, 2003 press release titled "U. S. Steel Announces Offering of
       Senior Notes."

      Form 8-K dated May 6, 2003, reporting under Item 5. Other Events, that
       U. S. Steel was informed of downgrades to its senior unsecured debt
       ratings by Fitch Ratings, Moody's Investors Service and
       Standard & Poor's Ratings Services.
       * Reports submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission under Item
       9, Regulation FD Disclosure.  Pursuant to General Instruction B of Form
       8-K, the reports submitted under Item 9 are not deemed to be "filed" for
       the purpose of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are
       not subject to the liabilities of that section.  U. S. Steel is not
       incorporating, and does not intend to incorporate, by reference these
       reports into a filing under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned chief accounting officer thereunto duly authorized.


      By /s/ Larry G. Schultz
        Larry G. Schultz
        Vice President and Controller

May 12, 2003


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

I, Thomas J. Usher, certify that:

  1.   I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of the United States
     Steel Corporation;

  2.   Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to
     make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such
     statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered
     by this quarterly report;

  3.   Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
     information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all
     material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash
     flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this
     quarterly report;

  4.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as
     defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant
     and we have:

       a)   designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that
          material information relating to the registrant, including its
          consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within
          those entities, particularly during the period in which this
          quarterly report is being prepared;

       b)   evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
          controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the
          filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

       c)   presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our
          evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

  5.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on
     our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit
     committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the
     equivalent function):

       a)   all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
          controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial data and have
          identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in
          internal controls; and

       b)   any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
          other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
          internal controls; and


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

  6.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this
     quarterly report whether or not there were significant changes in internal
     controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal
     controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including
     any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material

  May 12, 2003            /s/ Thomas J. Usher
                         Thomas J. Usher
                         Chairman of the Board of Directors
                         and Chief Executive Officer

I, Gretchen R. Haggerty, certify that:

  1.   I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of the United States
     Steel Corporation;

  2.   Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to
     make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such
     statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered
     by this quarterly report;

  3.   Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
     information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all
     material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash
     flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this
     quarterly report;

  4.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as
     defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant
     and we have:

       a)   designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that
          material information relating to the registrant, including its
          consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within
          those entities, particularly during the period in which this
          quarterly report is being prepared;

       b)   evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
          controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the
          filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

       c)   presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our
          evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;


Part II - Other Information (Continued):

  5.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on
     our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit
     committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the
     equivalent function):

       a)   all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
          controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial data and have
          identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in
          internal controls; and

       b)   any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
          other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
          internal controls; and

  6.   The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this
     quarterly report whether or not there were significant changes in internal
     controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal
     controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including
     any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material

  May 12, 2003             /s/ Gretchen R. Haggerty
                              Gretchen R. Haggerty
                            Executive Vice President, Treasurer
                            and Chief Financial Officer


     This Form 10-Q will be posted on the U. S. Steel web site, www.ussteel.com,
within a few days of its filing.