Form 6-K

                             WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of

                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of April 2005
                        Commission File Number: 001-06439

                                SONY CORPORATION
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)


                    (Address of principal executive offices)

          The registrant files annual reports under cover of Form 20-F.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  files or will file annual reports
under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F,

                  Form 20-F  X                   Form 40-F __

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  by  furnishing  the  information
contained  in this  Form is  also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
Yes No X

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Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                            SONY CORPORATION

                                         By:  /s/  Katsumi Ihara    

                                             Katsumi Ihara
                                             Executive Deputy President, 
                                             Group Chief Strategy Officer and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

Date: April 15, 2005

List of materials

Documents attached hereto:

i)   Press release announcing Sony Ericsson First Quarter Results

                                                                  April 15, 2005

Sony Ericsson reports First Quarter Results

Tokyo and Stockholm, April 15 -- Sony and Ericsson today announced the
consolidated financial summary for the first quarter ended March 31, 2005 of
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (Sony Ericsson), the 50:50 joint venture
of Sony and Ericsson.

                                                     Q1 2004   Q4 2004   Q1 2005
Numbers of units shipped (million)                       8.8      12.6       9.4

Sales (EURO m.)                                         1338      2005      1289

Income before taxes (EURO m.)                             97       140        70

Net income (EURO m.)                                      82        55        32

* Q4 2004 and Q1 2005 IBT includes consolidation of BMC and Net Income includes 
  deduction of minority interest in BMC1

** Q4 2004 Net Income includes a negative effect of a valuation allowance on 
   deferred tax assets of Euro 45 million

Units shipped in the quarter reached 9.4 million, a 7% increase compared to the
same period last year. Sales for the quarter were Euro 1,289 million,
representing a year on year decrease of 4%. Income before taxes was Euro 70
million and net income was Euro 32 million, which represent year on year
decreases of Euro 27 million and Euro 50 million respectively.

In line with expectation, market growth was moderate during the quarter. As a
result of more normal seasonality the market declined sequentially. The Western
European market declined slightly and witnessed a shift to pre-paid products,
while general inventory build up in the sales channels during Q4 spilling over
into the first quarter created a more competitive market environment than a year

Sony Ericsson's decrease in average selling price (ASP) was partly due to the
general market conditions outlined above, but also because the product line-up
was mature and few new products were launched during the period. The company
continued investment in product portfolio and brand development, while
maintaining gross margins.

"The exciting and innovative products we announced during the first quarter have
been well received and will give us a stronger portfolio during the rest of the
year," said Miles Flint, President of Sony Ericsson. "We believe there is good
growth potential in the market, both from new subscribers and from consumers who
are upgrading their mobile phones, so the increased investments we are making
now will build our brand and strengthen our product portfolio so we can continue
to excite consumers."

During the quarter Sony Ericsson announced a large number of new products
including two new 3G UMTS phones, the company's first 2 megapixel auto focus
camera phones and a new Walkman(R) branded music phone as well as several other
phones and accessories that will roll out during Q2 and Q3. Sony Ericsson
started shipping the T290 and K300, the S710 in the United States plus the
A1404S for KDDI and the NTT DoCoMo premini-II in Japan. The company also
activated a major global sports sponsorship deal with the Women's Tennis
Association Tour during the period, which was renamed the Sony Ericsson WTA

1. On June 30 2004, Sony Ericsson announced it had increased its equity stake in
a Chinese factory, Beijing Ericsson Putian Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. (BMC)
to 51%, taking over majority ownership of the facility from Ericsson. BMC
operations have been fully consolidated into Sony Ericsson from the second
quarter 2004 which had a positive effect on the company results. The name of the
factory has been changed to Beijing SE Putian Mobile Communications Co. Ltd

2. Walkman(R) is the registered trademark of the Sony Corporation.

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications serves the global communications market with
innovative and feature-rich mobile phones, accessories, PC-cards and M2M
solutions. Established as a joint venture by Ericsson and Sony in 2001, with
headquarters in London, the company employs approximately 5,000 people
worldwide, including R&D sites in Europe, Japan, China and America. For more
information, please visit


Ericsson Investor Relations
Gary Pinkham, Vice President                       +46 8 719 0000

Sony Investor Relations
Yukio Ozawa, Vice President (Tokyo)                +81 3 5448 2180
Chris Hohman, Senior Manager (London)              +44 20 7444 9711

Ericsson External Relations
Pia Gideon, Vice President                         +46 8 719 2864

Sony Corporate Communications
Koji Kurata (Tokyo)                                +81 3 5448 2200

Sony Ericsson Corporate Communications
Aldo Liguori, Corporate Vice President (London)    +44 208 762 5860
Merran Wrigley, Manager (London)                   +44 208 762 5862
Peter Bodor, Manager, (Sweden)                     +46 702 484372

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent
risks and uncertainties. We have identified certain important factors that may
cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-
looking statements. For a detailed description of risk factors see Sony's and
Ericsson's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly
each company's latest published Annual Report on Form 20-F.