Washington, D.C. 20549

                              File No. 005-56295


                                SCHEDULE 13D/A
                                (Rule 13d-101)

                               Amendment No. 89

                  RULE 13d-1(a) AND AMENDMENTS THERETO FILED
                           PURSUANT TO RULE 13d-2(a)

                         The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
                               (Name of Issuer)

                    Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
                        (Title of Class of Securities)

                                  38141G 10 4
                                (CUSIP Number)

                              Kenneth L. Josselyn
                              Beverly L. O'Toole
                         The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
                                200 West Street
                           New York, New York 10282
                           Telephone: (212) 902-1000
         (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Persons Authorized to
                      Receive Notices and Communications)

                                October 1, 2015
            (Date of Event which Requires Filing of this Statement)

     If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule 13G
  to report the acquisition that is the subject of this Schedule 13D, and is
filing this schedule because of Rule 13d-1(e), 13d-1(f) or 13d-1(g), check the
                              following box [_].

                        (Continued on following pages)

CUSIP NO. 38141G 10 4                    13D

1.       NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS: Each of the persons identified on
         Appendix A.
         As to a group consisting solely of Covered Persons/1/                   (a)          [X]
         As to a group consisting of persons other than Covered Persons          (b)          [X]
3.       SEC USE ONLY
4.       SOURCE OF FUNDS: OO and PF (Applies to each person listed on
         Appendix A.)
         ITEM 2(d) OR 2(e) (Applies to each person listed on Appendix A.)
6.       CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION United States unless otherwise indicated on
         Appendix A.
                 7.    SOLE VOTING POWER: 0
                 8.    SHARED VOTING POWER (See Item 6) (Applies to each person listed on Appendix
   NUMBER OF           A.)
    SHARES             18,106,916 Voting Shares/2/ held by Covered Persons
 BENEFICIALLY          9,983 Shared Ownership Shares held by Covered Persons/3/
   OWNED BY            8,339,369 Sixty Day Shares held by Covered Persons/4/
     EACH              2,407,092 Other Shares held by Covered Persons/5/
   REPORTING     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    PERSON       9.    SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER (See Item 6)
     WITH              As to Voting Shares, less than 1%
                       As to Shared Ownership Shares, Sixty Day Shares and
                       Other Shares, 0
                 10.   SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER (See Item 6):
                       As to Voting Shares, 0
                       As to Shared Ownership Shares, less than 0.01%
                       As to Sixty Day Shares and Other Shares, less than 1%.
13.      PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW (11)                                     6.62%
14.      TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON: IN as to Covered Persons; CO as to
         Reporting Entities/1/ that are corporations; OO as to Reporting
         Entities that are trusts

/1/  For a definition of this term, please see Item 2.
/2/  For a definition of this term, please see Item 6.
/3/  "Shared Ownership Shares" are shares of Common Stock (other than Other
     Shares, as defined below) of which a Covered Person shares beneficial
     ownership with someone other than the Covered Person's spouse. Each
     Covered Person disclaims beneficial ownership of Shared Ownership Shares
     beneficially owned by each other Covered Person.
/4/  "Sixty Day Shares" are shares of Common Stock deemed to be beneficially
     owned under Rule 13d-3(d)(1) because a Covered Person has the right to
     acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days of the date hereof. See
     Annex D for a description of these shares. Upon acquisition by the Covered
     Person, these shares will become Voting Shares. Each Covered Person
     disclaims beneficial ownership of Sixty Day Shares beneficially owned by
     each other Covered Person.
/5/  "Other Shares" include: (i) 225,680 shares of Common Stock held by 14
     private charitable foundations established by 14 Covered Persons;
     (ii) 2,178,031 shares of Common Stock held by certain family members of
     Covered Persons and by certain estate planning entities established by
     Covered Persons; and (iii) 3,381 shares of Common Stock held by the trust
     underlying The Goldman Sachs 401(k) Plan. Each Covered Person disclaims
     beneficial ownership of Other Shares beneficially owned by each other
     Covered Person, and each Covered Person disclaims beneficial ownership of
     all shares held by any private charitable foundation or any family member
     of a Covered Person.


                                                                     Appendix A

                                    ITEM 6                                            ITEM 6
           ITEM 1                Citizenship                ITEM 1                 Citizenship
----------------------------   (United States    ----------------------------    (United States
                              unless otherwise                                  unless otherwise
 Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)       Names of Reporting Persons       indicated)
----------------------------  ----------------   ----------------------------  ------------------
Paul R. Aaron                                    Valentino D. Carlotti
Fadi Abuali                     Canada/Kuwait    Anthony H. Carpet
Charles F. Adams                                 Michael J. Carr
Nick S. Advani                        UK         Donald J. Casturo
Mark E. Agne                                     Sonjoy Chatterjee                    India
Gregory A. Agran                                 R. Martin Chavez
Raanan A. Agus                                   Alex S. Chi
Dalinc Ariburnu                   UK/Turkey      David Chou                            UK
Philip S. Armstrong                   UK         Gary W. Chropuvka
Aaron M. Arth                                    Thalia Chryssikou                   Greece
Armen A. Avanessians                             Kent A. Clark                     Canada/USA
Dean C. Backer                                   Abby Joseph Cohen
Charles Baillie                                  Alan M. Cohen
Vivek J. Bantwal                                 Darren W. Cohen
Jennifer A. Barbetta                             Stephanie E. Cohen
Steven K. Barg                                   Gary D. Cohn
Thomas J. Barrett III                            Christopher A. Cole
Steven M. Barry                                  Colin Coleman                    South Africa
Stacy Bash-Polley                                Denis P. Coleman III
Gareth W. Bater                       UK         William J. Conley, Jr.
Gerard M. Beatty                                 Kathleen A. Connolly
Jonathan A. Beinner                              Thomas G. Connolly               Ireland/USA
Heather Bellini                                  Karen R. Cook                         UK
Tracey E. Benford                                Edith W. Cooper
Philip R. Berlinski              Belgium/USA     Kenneth W. Coquillette
Frances R. Bermanzohn                            Richard N. Cormack                    UK
Robert A. Berry                       UK         Thomas W. Cornacchia
Avanish R. Bhavsar                               E. Gerald Corrigan
Lloyd C. Blankfein                               James V. Covello
Vivek Bohra                                      Jeffrey R. Currie
Stefan R. Bollinger              Switzerland     Michael D. Daffey                 Australia
Brian W. Bolster                                 John F. Daly
Shane M. Bolton                       UK         John S. Daly                       Ireland
Robert D. Boroujerdi                             Anne Marie B. Darling
Jill A. Borst                                    David H. Dase
William C. Bousquette, Jr.                       Francois-Xavier de Mallmann   France/Switzerland
Sally A. Boyle                        UK         Daniel L. Dees
Michael J. Brandmeyer                            Mark F. Dehnert
Jason H. Brauth                                  James Del Favero                  Australia
Clarence K. Brenan                               Massimo Della Ragione               Italy
Anne F. Brennan                                  Sara V. Devereux
Samuel S. Britton                                Olaf Diaz-Pintado                   Spain
Craig W. Broderick                               Joseph P. DiSabato
Torrey J. Browder                                Michele I. Docharty
Steven M. Bunson                                 Thomas M. Dowling
Richard M. Campbell-Breeden           UK         Robert Drake-Brockman                 UK
Philippe L. Camu                   Belgium       Iain N. Drayton                       UK
Tavis Cannell                     UK/Ireland     Donald J. Duet
Thomas J. Carella                                Alessandro Dusi                     Italy


                                    ITEM 6                                           ITEM 6
           ITEM 1                Citizenship                ITEM 1                Citizenship
----------------------------   (United States    ----------------------------   (United States
                              unless otherwise                                 unless otherwise
 Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)       Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)
----------------------------  ----------------   ----------------------------  ----------------
Isabelle Ealet                     France        Andrew M. Gordon
Kenneth M. Eberts III                            Jason A. Gottlieb
David P. Eisman                                  Michael J. Graziano
Charalampos Eliades                Greece        Bradley J. Gross                   UK/USA
James Ellery                         UK          Peter Gross
Kathleen G. Elsesser                             Celeste A. Guth
Edward A. Emerson               Argentina/UK     Anthony Gutman                     UK/USA
James P. Esposito                                Elizabeth M. Hammack
Michael P. Esposito                              Joanne Hannaford                     UK
Antonio F. Esteves                Portugal       Julie A. Harris
Carl Faker                     France/Lebanon    Jan Hatzius                       Germany
Elizabeth C. Fascitelli                          Michael L. Hensch
Douglas L. Feagin                                Edouard Hervey                     France
Stephan J. Feldgoise                             Matthias Hieber                   Austria
Patrick J. Fels                                  Charles P. Himmelberg
Benjamin W. Ferguson                             Martin Hintze                     Germany
Carlos Fernandez-Aller              Spain        Kenneth L. Hirsch
Jonathan H. Fine                   UK/USA        Kenneth W. Hitchner
Wolfgang Fink                      Germany       Todd Hohman
Samuel W. Finkelstein                            Simon N. Holden                      UK
Peter E. Finn                                    Dane E. Holmes
David A. Fishman                                 Ning Hong                           China
Elisabeth Fontenelli                             Sean C. Hoover
Colleen A. Foster                                Ericka T. Horan
Sheara J. Fredman                                Shin Horie                          Japan
Matthew T. Fremont-Smith                         Russell W. Horwitz
Christopher G. French                UK          James P. Houghton                    UK
David A. Friedland                               Ronald Hua                       Taiwan/USA
Richard A. Friedman                              Paul J. Huchro
Johannes P. Fritze              Germany/USA      Pierre Hudry                       France
Dino Fusco                                       Ming Yunn Stephanie Hui         UK/Hong Kong
Jacques Gabillon                   France        Irfan S. Hussain                  Pakistan
Sean J. Gallagher                                Hidehiro Imatsu                    Japan
Gonzalo R. Garcia                   Chile        Timothy J. Ingrassia
James R. Garman                      UK          William L. Jacob III
Micheal H. Garriott                              Christian W. Johnston             Australia
Francesco U. Garzarelli             Italy        Andrew J. Jonas
Matthew R. Gibson                                Adrian M. Jones                    Ireland
Jeffrey M. Gido                                  Eric S. Jordan
Gary T. Giglio                                   Roy R. Joseph                      Guyana
Michelle Gill                                    Pierre-Emmanuel Y. Juillard        France
Nick V. Giovanni                                 Andrew J. Kaiser
John L. Glover III                               Etsuko Kanayama                    Japan
Justin G. Gmelich                                Vijay M. Karnani                   India
Richard J. Gnodde              Ireland/South     Alan S. Kava
                                   Africa        Kevin G. Kelly
Cyril J. Goddeeris                 Canada        Christopher Keogh
Jeffrey B. Goldenberg                            Tammy A. Kiely
Alexander S. Golten                  UK          John J. Kim


                                    ITEM 6                                           ITEM 6
           ITEM 1                Citizenship                ITEM 1                Citizenship
----------------------------   (United States    ----------------------------   (United States
                              unless otherwise                                 unless otherwise
 Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)       Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)
----------------------------  ----------------   ----------------------------  ----------------
Robert C. King, Jr.                              Alison J. Mass
Hideki Kinuhata                    Japan         Robert A. Mass
Shigeki Kiritani                   Japan         Kathy M. Matsui
Marie Louise Kirk                 Denmark        Joseph S. Mauro
Maxim B. Klimov                   Ukraine        Alastair J.C. Maxwell               UK
Edward C. Knight                     UK          John J. McCabe
Michael E. Koester                               Matthew B. McClure                  UK
J. Christopher A. Kojima         Canada/USA      Dermot W. McDonogh               Ireland
Adam M. Korn                                     Charles M. McGarraugh
David J. Kostin                                  John J. McGuire, Jr.
Jorg H. Kukies                    Germany        John W. McMahon
Meena K. Lakdawala                               James A. McNamara
Eric S. Lane                                     Richard P. McNeil              Jamaica/USA
Andre Laport Ribeiro               Brazil        Sanjeev K. Mehra
Nyron Z. Latif                                   Avinash Mehrotra
Hugh J. Lawson                                   Ali S. Melli                  Saint Kitts and
Scott L. Lebovitz                                                                  Nevis
Brian J. Lee                                     Jonathan M. Meltzer
George C. Lee                                    Xavier C. Menguy                  France
Gregory P. Lee                                   Anthony J. Miller               Australia
Ronald Lee                                       David D. Miller
David A. Lehman                                  Milton R. Millman III
Tim Leissner                   Brazil/Germany    Christopher Milner                  UK
Todd W. Leland                                   Christina P. Minnis
Laurent Lellouche                  France        Kayhan Mirza                      Canada
Gregg R. Lemkau                                  Peeyush Misra                     India
Deborah R. Leone                                 Bryan P. Mix
Eugene H. Leouzon                  France        Masanori Mochida                  Japan
John R. Levene                       UK          Timothy H. Moe                   Ireland
Brian T. Levine                                  Philip J. Moffitt               Australia
Gwen R. Libstag                                  Atosa Moini                        Iran
Dirk L. Lievens                   Belgium        Joseph Montesano
Ryan D. Limaye                                   Ricardo Mora
Luca M. Lombardi                   Italy         J. Ronald Morgan III
Victor M. Lopez-Balboa                           Simon P. Morris                     UK
Kyriacos Loupis                  Cyprus/USA      Thomas C. Morrow
David B. Ludwig                                  Sharmin Mossavar-Rahmani            UK
Peter J. Lyon                                    Eric D. Muller
Paula B. Madoff                                  Takashi Murata                    Japan
John G. Madsen                                   Marc O. Nachmann
Raja Mahajan                                     Ezra Nahum                      France/USA
John A. Mahoney                                  Amol S. Naik                    India/USA
Puneet Malhi                         UK          Manikandan Natarajan              India
Raghav Maliah                      India         Jyothsna Natauri
Matthew F. Mallgrave                             Una M. Neary
John V. Mallory                                  Jeffrey P. Nedelman
Richard M. Manley                    UK          Gavin G. O'Connor
David M. Marcinek                                Fergal J. O'Driscoll             Ireland
Michael C. J. Marsh                  UK          Gregory G. Olafson                Canada


                                    ITEM 6                                           ITEM 6
           ITEM 1                Citizenship                ITEM 1                Citizenship
-----------------------------  (United States    ----------------------------   (United States
                              unless otherwise                                 unless otherwise
 Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)       Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)
----------------------------- ----------------   ----------------------------  ----------------
Brett A. Olsher                   UK/USA         Peter C. Russell
Jernej Omahen                    Slovenia        Paul M. Russo
Timothy J. O'Neill                               Colin J. Ryan                     Ireland
Lisa Opoku                                       Ankur A. Sahu                      India
Peter C. Oppenheimer                UK           Guy E. Saidenberg                  France
Gerald B. Ouderkirk III                          Pablo J. Salame
Craig W. Packer                                  Julian Salisbury                     UK
Gregory K. Palm                                  Yann Samuelides                    France
Konstantinos N. Pantazopoulos     Greece         Luke A. Sarsfield III
James R. Paradise                   UK           Susan J. Scher
Paul Gray Parker                                 Stephen M. Scherr
Francesco Pascuzzi                Italy          Clare R. Scherrer
Anthony W. Pasquariello                          Joshua S. Schiffrin
Sheila H. Patel                                  Jeffrey W. Schroeder
Nirubhan Pathmanabhan               UK           Carsten Schwarting                Germany
Jonathan Mark Penkin          UK/South Africa    Harvey M. Schwartz
David B. Philip                                  Mark Schwartz
Nicholas W. Phillips                UK           David A. Schwimmer
Richard Phillips                Australia        Stephen B. Scobie                    UK
Stephen R. Pierce                                John A. Sebastian
Hugh R. Pill                        UK           Peter A. Seccia
Michelle H. Pinggera                UK           Peter D. Selman                      UK
Kenneth A. Pontarelli                            Gaurav Seth                        India
Ellen R. Porges                                  Kunal K. Shah                        UK
Dmitri Potishko                 Australia        Konstantin A. Shakhnovich
Dina Powell                                      Heather K. Shemilt                 Canada
Gilberto Pozzi                    Italy          Michael S. Sherwood                  UK
Robert Pulford                      UK           Michael H. Siegel
Lorin P. Radtke                                  Richard L. Siewert, Jr.
John J. Rafter                   Ireland         Suhail A. Sikhtian
Sumit Rajpal                                     Jason E. Silvers
Richard N. Ramsden                  UK           Gavin Simms                          UK
Sara E. Recktenwald                              Michael L. Simpson
Andrew K. Rennie               Australia/UK      Kristin O. Smith
James H. Reynolds                 France         Marshall Smith
Sean D. Rice                                     Michael Smith                    Australia
Kate D. Richdale                    UK           Sarah E. Smith                       UK
Michael J. Richman                               David M. Solomon
Francois J. Rigou                 France         Mark R. Sorrell                      UK
Michael Rimland                                  Theodore T. Sotir
Lora J. Robertson                                Christoph W. Stanger              Austria
Elizabeth E. Robinson                            Esta E. Stecher
Scott M. Rofey                                   Laurence Stein                     South
John F. W. Rogers                                Kevin M. Sterling
Scott A. Romanoff                                John D. Storey                   Australia
Johannes Rombouts             The Netherlands    Patrick M. Street                    UK
Michael E. Ronen              Germany/Israel     Steven H. Strongin
Simon A. Rothery                 Australia       Joseph Struzziery III
Jami Rubin                                       Umesh Subramanian                  India


                                    ITEM 6                                           ITEM 6
           ITEM 1                Citizenship                ITEM 1                Citizenship
----------------------------   (United States    ----------------------------   (United States
                              unless otherwise                                 unless otherwise
 Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)       Names of Reporting Persons      indicated)
----------------------------  ----------------   ----------------------------  ----------------
Ram K. Sundaram                     India        Matthew P. Verrochi
Damian E. Sutcliffe                UK/USA        Jeffrey L. Verschleiser
Robert J. Sweeney                                Robin A. Vince                    UK/USA
Michael S. Swell                                 Andrea A. Vittorelli              Italy
Michael J. Swenson                               Alejandro Vollbrechthausen        Mexico
Joseph D. Swift                                  John E. Waldron
Gene T. Sykes                                    Paul Walker
Harit Talwar                                     Alasdair J. Warren                  UK
Megan M. Taylor                                  Simon R. Watson                     UK
Teresa Teague                                    Toby C. Watson                      UK
Thomas D. Teles                                  Martin M. Werner                  Mexico
Pawan Tewari                                     Owen O. West
Ryan J. Thall                                    Matthew Westerman                   UK
Ben W. Thorpe                        UK          Ronnie A. Wexler
Oliver Thym                       Germany        Elisha Wiesel
Joseph K. Todd                                   David D. Wildermuth
Klaus B. Toft                     Denmark        John S. Willian
Hiroyuki Tomokiyo                  Japan         Andrew F. Wilson                New Zealand
Thomas Tormey                                    Steve Windsor                       UK
Frederick Towfigh                                Andrew E. Wolff
Donald J. Truesdale                              Kent J. Wosepka
Kenro Tsutsumi                     Japan         Denise A. Wyllie                    UK
Richard J. Tufft                     UK          Yoshihiko Yano                     Japan
Eiji Ueda                          Japan         Shinichi Yokote                    Japan
Toshihiko Umetani                  Japan         W. Thomas York, Jr.
Mark A. Van Wyk                                  Wassim G. Younan                Lebanon/UK
Jonathan R. Vanica                               Paul M. Young
Ashok Varadhan                                   Paolo Zannoni                     Italy
John J. Vaske                                    Xiaoyin Zhang                 China/Hong Kong
Christoph Vedral                  Germany        Xing Zhang                        China
Andrea Vella                       Italy         Han Song Zhu                      China
Philip J. Venables                 UK/USA        Adam J. Zotkow
Rajesh Venkataramani
Simone Verri                       Italy


Reporting Entities

               ITEM 1                                         ITEM 6              Name of Establishing
           Name of Entity              Type of Entity  Place of Organization         Covered Person
-------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------
Campbell-Breeden 2004 Settlement           Trust                UK             Richard M. Campbell-Breeden
Drayton 2004 Settlement                    Trust                UK                    Karen R. Cook
French 2004 Settlement                     Trust                UK                Christopher G. French
RJG Holding Company                     Corporation       Cayman Islands            Richard J. Gnodde
Sherwood 2004 Settlement                   Trust                UK                 Michael S. Sherwood
Westerman 2004 Settlement                  Trust                UK                  Matthew Westerman


         This Amendment No. 89 to a Statement on Schedule 13D amends and
restates in its entirety such Schedule 13D (as so amended and restated, this
"Schedule"). This Amendment No. 89 is being filed primarily because the number
of shares of Common Stock (as defined in Item 1 below) beneficially owned by
Covered Persons (as defined in Item 2 below) has decreased by an amount in
excess of one percent of the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding.

ITEM 1.  Security and Issuer

         This Schedule relates to the Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
(the "Common Stock"), of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ("GS Inc."), a Delaware
corporation. The address of the principal executive offices of GS Inc. is 200
West Street, New York, New York 10282.

ITEM 2.  Identity and Background

         (a), (b), (c), (f) The cover page to this Schedule and Appendix A
hereto contain the names of the individuals ("Covered Persons") who are parties
to an Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement, originally dated as of
May 7, 1999 and amended and restated effective as of January 15, 2015 (as
amended from time to time, the "Shareholders' Agreement"). This filing is being
made on behalf of all of the Covered Persons, and their agreement that this
filing may be so made is contained in the Shareholders' Agreement.

         Appendix A hereto also provides the citizenship of each Covered
Person. Each Covered Person is a current or former Participating Managing
Director (as defined in Item 6 below) of GS Inc. or one of its affiliates. GS
Inc. is a global investment banking, securities and investment management firm.
The business address of each Covered Person for purposes of this Schedule is
200 West Street, New York, New York 10282.

         Each entity listed on Appendix A under "Reporting Entities" (each a
"Reporting Entity") is a trust or corporation created by or for a Covered
Person for estate planning purposes. Each Reporting Entity is controlled by a
Covered Person. The name, citizenship, business address and present principal
occupation or employment of each of the directors and executive officers of
each Reporting Entity that is a corporation (other than the Covered Person that
established the Reporting Entity) are set forth in Annex A hereto. The business
address of each Reporting Entity for purposes of this Schedule is: (i) in the
case of entities organized under the laws of the United Kingdom, 26 New Street,
St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RA; and (ii) in the case of entities organized in the
Cayman Islands, P.O. Box 309, Ugland House, South Church Street, George Town,
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.

         (d), (e) Except as described in Annex A or Annex B, during the last
five years no Covered Person and, to the best knowledge of the Covered Persons,
no executive officer or director of a Reporting Entity, has been convicted in a
criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations or similar misdemeanors) or
has been a party to a civil proceeding or a judicial or administrative body of
competent jurisdiction resulting in such Covered Person or executive officer or
director being subject to a judgment, decree or final order enjoining future
violations of, or prohibiting or mandating activities subject to, federal or
state securities laws or finding any violation with respect to such laws.

ITEM 3.  Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration

         The Covered Persons have acquired and will acquire shares of Common
Stock in the following manners: (i) the former profit participating limited
partners active in the business of The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P. ("Group L.P.")
(the "IPO PMDs") acquired certain shares of Common Stock in exchange for their
interests in Group L.P. and certain of its affiliates and investee
corporations; (ii) the former owners (the "Acquisition Covered Persons") of
Hull and Associates, L.L.C. ("Hull") and Goldman Sachs & Partners Australia
Group Holdings Pty Ltd ("GS&PA") acquired certain shares of Common Stock in
exchange for their interests in Hull and GS&PA, respectively; and (iii) certain
Covered Persons have acquired and will acquire beneficial ownership of certain
shares of Common Stock in connection with GS Inc.'s initial public offering
and/or pursuant to GS Inc.'s employee compensation, benefit or similar plans.
The Reporting Entities have acquired and may in the future acquire beneficial
ownership of shares of Common Stock as contributions or gifts made by Covered


         Covered Persons may from time to time acquire shares of Common Stock
for investment purposes. Such Common Stock may be acquired with personal funds
of or funds borrowed by such Covered Person.

ITEM 4.  Purpose of Transactions

         The Covered Persons, other than the Acquisition Covered Persons,
acquired certain shares of Common Stock in connection with the succession of GS
Inc. to the business of Group L.P. and GS Inc.'s initial public offering and/or
through certain employee compensation, benefit or similar plans of GS Inc. The
Acquisition Covered Persons acquired certain shares of Common Stock in
connection with the acquisition by GS Inc. of Hull or GS&PA, as applicable, and
through certain employee compensation, benefit or similar plans of GS Inc. The
Reporting Entities acquired shares of Common Stock as contributions or gifts
made by Covered Persons.

         Covered Persons may from time to time acquire shares of Common Stock
for investment purposes. Except as described herein and in Annex C and except
for the acquisition by Covered Persons or their Reporting Entities of Common
Stock pursuant to employee compensation, benefit or similar plans of GS Inc. in
the future or as described above, none of the Covered Persons has any plans or
proposals which relate to or would result in the acquisition of additional
Common Stock by them or their Reporting Entities or any of the other events
described in Item 4(a) through 4(j).

         Each Covered Person is expected to evaluate on an ongoing basis GS
Inc.'s financial condition and prospects and his or her interests in and with
respect to GS Inc. Accordingly, each Covered Person may change his or her plans
and intentions at any time and from time to time. In particular, each Covered
Person or Reporting Entity may at any time and from time to time acquire or
dispose of shares of Common Stock.

ITEM 5.  Interest in Securities of the Issuer

         (a) Rows (11) and (13) of the cover page to this Schedule and Appendix
A are hereby incorporated by reference. Each Covered Person hereby disclaims
beneficial ownership of any shares of Common Stock held by any other Covered
Person. Except as described in Annex D, none of the shares of Common Stock
reported in rows (11) and (13) of the cover page to this Schedule and Appendix
A are shares as to which there is a right to acquire exercisable within 60 days.

         (b) Rows (7) through (10) of the cover page to this Schedule set forth
for each Covered Person and Reporting Entity: the percentage range of Voting
Shares, Shared Ownership Shares, Sixty Day Shares and Other Shares (each as
defined on the cover page hereof) as to which there is sole power to vote or
direct the vote or to dispose or direct the disposition or shared power to vote
or direct the vote or to dispose or direct the disposition. The power to vote
Voting Shares by Covered Persons is shared with each other Covered Person, as
described below in response to Item 6. Each Covered Person hereby disclaims
beneficial ownership of any shares of Common Stock held by any other Covered

         (c) Except as described in Annex E or previously reported on Schedule
13D, no Covered Person or Reporting Entity has effected any transactions in
Common Stock in the 60 days preceding October 1, 2015.

         (d), (e) Not applicable.

ITEM 6.  Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships with Respect
         to Securities of the Issuer

         Each Covered Person listed on the cover page to this Schedule and
Appendix A hereto is a party to the Shareholders' Agreement. The Shareholders'
Agreement and forms of the Counterparts to the Shareholders' Agreement are
filed as Exhibits to this Schedule, and the following summary of the terms of
the Shareholders' Agreement is qualified in its entirety by reference thereto.
References to the "board of directors" are to the board of directors of GS Inc.

         The Covered Persons under the Shareholders' Agreement include all
Managing Directors of GS Inc. who participate in the GS Inc. Partner
Compensation Plan or Restricted Partner Compensation Plan (each as defined in
the Shareholders' Agreement) or any other employee benefit plan specified by
the Shareholders' Committee


described below under "Information Regarding the Shareholders' Committee" (the
"Participating Managing Directors").

         The "Voting Shares" include all of the shares of Common Stock of which
a Covered Person (or, in approved cases, his or her spouse or domestic partner)
is the sole beneficial owner (excluding shares of Common Stock held by the
trust underlying The Goldman Sachs 401(k) Plan). The interest of a spouse or
domestic partner in a joint account, an economic interest of GS Inc. as
pledgee, and the interest of certain persons in the Reporting Entities and
other approved estate planning vehicles will be disregarded for the purposes of
determining whether a Covered Person is the sole beneficial owner of shares of
Common Stock.


         Each Covered Person has agreed in the Shareholders' Agreement, among
other things, to retain sole beneficial ownership of a number of shares of
Common Stock at least equal to 25% of such Covered Person's Covered Shares (as
defined below); provided, that with respect to 2009 year-end equity awards
granted in accordance with the equity deferral table approved by the board of
directors or its Compensation Committee, such number shall equal 30% of the
Covered Shares relating thereto (the "General Transfer Restrictions").
Effective January 15, 2015 (the "Effective Date"), in connection with GS Inc.'s
implementation of stock ownership guidelines (the "Guidelines") for its senior
executive officers, the transfer restrictions in the Shareholders' Agreement
applicable to certain senior officers designated by the Shareholders' Committee
(the "Special Transfer Restrictions" and, together with the General Transfer
Restrictions, the "Transfer Restrictions") were amended to require such
officers to retain sole beneficial ownership of a number of shares of Common
Stock at least equal to 50% of the increase (or, if such Covered Person is then
the chief executive officer of GS Inc., 75% of the increase) in Covered Shares
received by or delivered to such Covered Person following the Effective Date.
The prior Special Transfer Restrictions, which required each senior officer to
retain 75% of his or her Covered Shares, will continue to apply to deliveries
made prior to the Effective Date. The Guidelines require that the Corporation's
chief executive officer hold shares of common stock equal to 10 times his or
her base salary and each other senior executive officer hold shares of common
stock equal to 6 times his or her base salary. The same shares may be used to
satisfy the Guidelines, the Special Transfer Restrictions and the General
Transfer Restrictions. The Transfer Restrictions applicable to a Covered Person
terminate upon the death of the Covered Person. Shares beneficially owned by a
Covered Person through a Reporting Entity or certain other approved estate
planning vehicles established by Covered Persons or, as applicable, by the
Covered Person's spouse or domestic partner are generally deemed to count
toward the satisfaction of the Transfer Restrictions.

         For these purposes, "Covered Shares," with respect to a Covered
Person, will be recalculated each time the Covered Person receives Common Stock
underlying an award of restricted stock units, exercises a stock option (not
including, in each case, awards in connection with GS Inc.'s initial public
offering) or receives an award of restricted stock. The calculation of Covered
Shares will include the gross number of shares underlying such restricted stock
units or stock options or the gross number of shares of restricted stock, in
each case less (i) a number of shares determined by reference to tax rates
specified by the Shareholders' Committee and (ii) the number of shares
necessary to cover the option exercise price, if applicable (all as calculated
pursuant to a formula set out in the Shareholders' Agreement). The calculation
of Covered Shares will only take into account awards that occurred after the
Covered Person became a Participating Managing Director. The Shareholders'
Committee has the power to determine, and has determined from time to time in
particular situations, whether restricted stock or shares of Common Stock
delivered pursuant to restricted stock units or stock options are deemed
"Covered Shares."


         The Shareholders' Committee has the power to waive, and has waived,
the Transfer Restrictions from time to time to permit Covered Persons to
transfer Common Stock in particular situations (such as transfers to family
members, partnerships or trusts), but not generally. The Shareholders'
Committee also has the power to waive the Transfer Restriction to permit
Covered Persons to: participate as sellers in underwritten public offerings of,
and stock repurchase programs and tender and exchange offers by GS Inc. for,
Common Stock; transfer Common Stock to charities, including charitable
foundations; and transfer Common Stock held in employee benefit plans. Taking
into account the Shareholders' Committee's waivers and determinations regarding
Covered Shares to date, 7,567,603 shares of Common Stock are subject to the
Transfer Restrictions as of October 1, 2015.


         In the case of a third-party tender or exchange offer, the Transfer
Restrictions may be waived or terminated: if the board of directors is
recommending acceptance or is not making any recommendation with respect to
acceptance of the tender or exchange offer, by a majority of the outstanding
Covered Shares; or if the board of directors is recommending rejection of the
tender or exchange offer, by 66 2/3% of the outstanding Covered Shares.

         In the case of a tender or exchange offer by GS Inc., a majority of
the outstanding Covered Shares may also waive or terminate the Transfer


         Prior to any vote of the shareholders of GS Inc., the Shareholders'
Agreement requires a separate, preliminary vote of substantially all Voting
Shares on each matter upon which a vote of the shareholders is proposed to be
taken (the "Preliminary Vote"). Each Voting Share will be voted in accordance
with the majority of the votes cast by the Voting Shares in the Preliminary
Vote. In elections of directors, each Voting Share will be voted in favor of
the election of those persons, equal in number to the number of such positions
to be filled, receiving the highest numbers of votes cast by the Voting Shares
in the Preliminary Vote.


         The Shareholders' Agreement also prohibits Covered Persons from
engaging in certain activities relating to any securities of GS Inc. with any
person who is not a Covered Person or a director, officer or employee of GS
Inc. ("Restricted Persons"). Among other things, a Covered Person may not:
participate in a proxy solicitation to or with a Restricted Person; deposit any
shares of Common Stock in a voting trust or subject any shares of Common Stock
to any voting agreement or arrangement that includes any Restricted Person;
form, join or in any way participate in a "group" with any Restricted Person;
or together with any Restricted Person, propose certain transactions with GS
Inc. or seek the removal of any directors of GS Inc. or any change in the
composition of the board of directors.


         The Shareholders' Agreement is to continue in effect until the earlier
of January 1, 2050 and the time it is terminated by the vote of 66 2/3% of the
outstanding Covered Shares. The Shareholders' Agreement may generally be
amended at any time by a majority of the outstanding Covered Shares.

         Unless otherwise terminated, in the event of any transaction in which
a third party succeeds to the business of GS Inc. and in which Covered Persons
hold securities of the third party, the Shareholders' Agreement will remain in
full force and effect as to the securities of the third party, and the third
party shall succeed to the rights and obligations of GS Inc. under the
Shareholders' Agreement.


         The Shareholders' Committee constituted pursuant to the Shareholders'
Agreement (the "Shareholders' Committee") shall at any time consist of each of
those individuals who are both Covered Persons and members of the board of
directors and who agree to serve as members of the Shareholders' Committee. If
there are less than three individuals who are both Covered Persons and members
of the board of directors and who agree to serve as members of the
Shareholders' Committee, the Shareholders' Committee shall consist of each such
individual plus such additional individuals who are Covered Persons and who are
selected pursuant to procedures established by the Shareholders' Committee as
shall assure a Shareholders' Committee of not less than three members who are
Covered Persons. Currently, Lloyd C. Blankfein, Gary D. Cohn and Harvey M.
Schwartz are the members of the Shareholders' Committee.


         Shares of Common Stock delivered to Covered Persons pursuant to
certain GS Inc. employee compensation plans and arrangements are subject to
restrictions on transfer. These restrictions lapse at various times depending
on the terms of the grant or award.



         In connection with the sale by certain Covered Persons (the "Former
Employee Managing Directors") of shares of Common Stock acquired from GS Inc.
pursuant to the terms of restricted stock units, GS Inc. entered into a
Supplemental Registration Rights Instrument, dated as of June 19, 2000 (the
"EMD Supplement"), which supplements the Registration Rights Instrument, dated
as of December 10, 1999 (the "Registration Rights Instrument"). The following
is a description of the Registration Rights Instrument, as supplemented by the
EMD Supplement. The Registration Rights Instrument and the EMD Supplement are
filed as Exhibits to this Schedule, and the following summary of these
agreements is qualified in its entirety by reference thereto.

         Pursuant to the Registration Rights Instrument and the EMD Supplement,
GS Inc. has agreed to pay all of the fees and expenses relating to the
registered offering of shares of Common Stock held by the Former Employee
Managing Directors, other than any agency fees and commissions or underwriting
commissions or discounts or any transfer taxes incurred by the Former Employee
Managing Directors in connection with the sales. GS Inc. also has agreed to
indemnify the Former Employee Managing Directors against certain liabilities,
including those arising under the Securities Act.


         Certain Covered Persons have entered into derivative transactions with
regard to shares of Common Stock as described in Annex F.


Material to be Filed as Exhibits

Exhibit                              Description
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

   A.   Registration Rights Instrument, dated as of December 10, 1999
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit G to Amendment No. 1 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed December 17, 1999 (File No. 005-56295)).

   B.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for former profit
        participating limited partners of The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P.
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit I to Amendment No. 2 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 21, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   C.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for non-U.S.
        corporations (incorporated by reference to Exhibit L to Amendment
        No. 3 to the Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 30, 2000 (File No.

   D.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for non-U.S. trusts
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit M to Amendment No. 3 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 30, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   E.   Supplemental Registration Rights Instrument, dated as of June 19, 2000
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit R to Amendment No. 5 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed August 2, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   F.   Power of Attorney (incorporated by reference to Exhibit X to Amendment
        No. 14 to the Initial Schedule 13D, filed March 29, 2001 (File
        No. 005-56295)).

   G.   Form of Written Consent Relating to Sale and Purchase of Common Stock
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit FF to Amendment No. 35 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed January 8, 2003 (File No. 005-56295)).

   H.   Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement, effective as of
        January 15, 2015 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to GS
        Inc.'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
        December 31, 2014 (File No. 001-14965)).


                                                                        ANNEX A

                              REPORTING ENTITIES.

                                                                 Convictions or      Beneficial
                                                                 Violations of    Ownership of the
                                                                Federal or State   Common Stock of
                                                  Present       Laws within the      The Goldman
   Name     Citizenship   Business Address       Employment     Last Five Years   Sachs Group, Inc.
   ----     ----------- -------------------- ------------------ ----------------  -----------------
Steven M.       USA     200 West Street      Managing Director,       None        Less than 1% of
Bunson                  New York, NY         The Goldman                          the outstanding
                        10282                Sachs Group, Inc.                    shares of Common

Michael H.      UK      26 New Street,       Partner,                 None        None
Richardson              St. Helier, Jersey,  Bedell Cristin
                        JE4 3RA

Anthony J.      UK      26 New Street,       Partner,                 None        None
Dessain                 St. Helier, Jersey,  Bedell Cristin
                        JE4 3RA


                                                                        ANNEX B




                                                                        ANNEX C


As of October 1, 2015, certain Covered Persons were parties to sales plans
intended to comply with Rule 10b5-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended, pursuant to which such Covered Persons or their estate planning
entities may in the future sell up to 47,242 Covered Shares and exercise up to
125,143 Options in the aggregate.


                                                                        ANNEX D


An aggregate of 8,339,369 shares of Common Stock are deliverable to Covered
Persons upon the exercise of stock options that have vested and are
exercisable. This share amount includes the gross number of shares of Common
Stock underlying these options, and these shares are included in the aggregate
number of shares beneficially owned by the Covered Persons under Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they represent a right to acquire beneficial ownership
within 60 days of October 1, 2015. Upon exercise of stock options, a net amount
of shares will be actually delivered to the Covered Person, with some shares
withheld for tax payments, to fund the option strike price or for other
reasons. The net shares delivered to the Covered Person will continue to be
included in the aggregate number of shares beneficially owned by the Covered
Persons. The withheld shares will cease to be beneficially owned by any Covered
Person, and will no longer be included in the aggregate number of shares
beneficially owned by Covered Persons.

Prior to delivery, the shares are included in Sixty Day Shares because the
Covered Persons do not have the right to vote the shares. Upon delivery, the
shares become Voting Shares.


                                                                        ANNEX E


The following sales of Voting Shares were made by the following Covered Persons
or Reporting Entities through one or more subsidiaries of GS Inc. for cash on
the New York Stock Exchange or by delivery to counterparties upon settlement of
derivative transactions:

                                                                Price Per Share
Covered Person                   Trade Date    Number of Shares     (in $)
--------------                 --------------- ---------------- ---------------
Lora J. Robertson              August 3, 2015             1,460        204.8256
Alessandro Dusi                August 4, 2015               500        207.0000
Alessandro Dusi                August 4, 2015               500        206.4100
Brett A. Olsher                August 4, 2015             4,102        205.9495
Robert A. Mass                 August 5, 2015               890        207.0994
Sean C. Hoover                 August 6, 2015             1,420        205.3117
Kunal K. Shah                  August 6, 2015               875        205.9534
Kunal K. Shah                  August 6, 2015             1,000        206.0413
Kunal K. Shah                  August 6, 2015             1,000        205.9120
Richard J. Tufft               August 6, 2015               250        205.8540
Sheila H. Patel                August 7, 2015               186        203.4000
Jeffrey L. Verschleiser        August 7, 2015             5,422        203.2999
David M. Solomon               August 10, 2015            2,430        205.9193
Andrew E. Wolff                August 10, 2015            1,500        206.2000
Kathy M. Koll                  August 11, 2015               17        203.1000
Peter A. Seccia                August 11, 2015              745        201.5700
Robert Drake-Brockman          August 12, 2015            1,146        198.8479
Wolfgang Fink                  August 12, 2015            3,000        199.6200
Lora J. Robertson              August 17, 2015            1,461        202.6052
Andrew E. Wolff                August 27, 2015            1,500        188.2000
Julie A. Harris*               August 28, 2015              674        188.0200
James H. Reynolds              August 28, 2015              250        187.9040

* This transaction was conducted through an estate planning entity or private
  charitable foundation and relates to Other Shares.

The following purchases of Voting Shares were made by the following Covered
Persons through one or more subsidiaries of GS Inc. for cash on the New York
Stock Exchange:

                                                                Price Per Share
Covered Person                   Trade Date    Number of Shares     (in $)
--------------                 --------------- ---------------- ---------------
Andrea Vella                   August 20, 2015           35,000        198.4946
Andrea Vella                   August 21, 2015           35,000        190.5210
Andrea Vella                   August 24, 2015           30,000        181.8890
Alison J. Mass*                August 26, 2015            5,995        180.0673

* This transaction was conducted through an estate planning entity or private
  charitable foundation and relates to Other Shares.

The following charitable contributions and other transfers of shares in
transactions for which no consideration was received were made by the following
Covered Person:


                                                       Number of Acquisition or
Covered Person                          Transfer Date   Shares    Disposition
--------------                         --------------- --------- --------------
Gene T. Sykes*                         August 14, 2015     3,500  Disposition

* This transaction was conducted through an estate planning entity or private
  charitable foundation and relates to Other Shares.

The following cashless exercises of stock options were effected by the
following Covered Persons, with the indicated number of underlying shares
withheld by the Company to satisfy the exercise price and, in certain cases,
applicable taxes, and the indicated number of underlying shares sold through
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC for cash on the New York Stock Exchange:

                                       Number  Strike  Number                Number
                                         of    Price  of Shares Sales Price of Shares
   Covered Person     Date of Exercise Options (in $) Withheld    (in $)      Sold
   --------------     ---------------- ------- ------ --------- ----------- ---------
David M. Solomon      August 17, 2015   16,500 131.64         0    202.3927    16,500
John S. Willian       August 27, 2015   20,000  78.78    14,453    184.4000     5,547
John S. Willian       August 28, 2015   20,000  78.78    14,362    188.5600     5,638


                                                                        ANNEX F


The following Covered Persons or Reporting Entities have written or purchased
American-style standardized call options or put options on Voting Shares. The
following sets forth the terms of options that were in place on October 1, 2015:

                               Instrument and Number of Price
       Covered Person             Position     Shares   (in $)  Maturity Date
       --------------          -------------- --------- ------ ----------------
Michael J. Carr                 Call Written     10,000    205 January 15, 2016
Michael J. Carr*                Call Written      4,000    205 January 15, 2016
Mark F. Dehnert                 Call Written     34,200    220 January 20, 2017
Michelle Gill                   Call Written      3,000    215 October 16, 2015
Michelle Gill                   Call Written     10,000    230 October 16, 2015
Michael L. Hensch               Call Written      7,700    205 October 16, 2015
Todd Hohman                     Call Written     16,600    215 January 15, 2016
Ming Yunn Stephanie Hui*        Call Written      4,800    220 January 15, 2016
Luca M. Lombardi                Call Written      1,900    210 October 16, 2015
Avinash Mehrotra                Call Written      3,000    205 October 16, 2015
Avinash Mehrotra                Call Written      3,000    210 October 16, 2015
Peeyush Misra                   Call Written        600    200 January 15, 2016
Kenneth A. Pontarelli           Call Written      5,000    190 January 15, 2016
Kenneth A. Pontarelli           Call Written      5,000    200 October 16, 2015
Scott A. Romanoff               Call Written      3,200    180 January 15, 2016
Kristin O. Smith                Call Written        500    210 January 15, 2016
Kristin O. Smith                Call Written      1,000    205 January 15, 2016
Kristin O. Smith                Call Written        400    205 October 16, 2015
Martin M. Werner*               Call Written     10,000    215 January 15, 2016
Martin M. Werner*               Call Written     10,000    215 October 16, 2015

* This transaction was conducted through an estate planning entity or private
  charitable foundation and relates to Other Shares.



   After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I
certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete and

Dated: October 9, 2015

                                          By:     /s/ Beverly L. O'Toole
                                          Name:   Beverly L. O'Toole
                                          Title:  Attorney-in-Fact


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit                              Description
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

   A.   Registration Rights Instrument, dated as of December 10, 1999
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit G to Amendment No. 1 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed December 17, 1999 (File No. 005-56295)).

   B.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for former profit
        participating limited partners of The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P.
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit I to Amendment No. 2 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 21, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   C.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for non-U.S.
        corporations (incorporated by reference to Exhibit L to Amendment
        No. 3 to the Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 30, 2000
        (File No. 005-56295)).

   D.   Form of Counterpart to Shareholders' Agreement for non-U.S. trusts
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit M to Amendment No. 3 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed June 30, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   E.   Supplemental Registration Rights Instrument, dated as of June 19, 2000
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit R to Amendment No. 5 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed August 2, 2000 (File No. 005-56295)).

   F.   Power of Attorney (incorporated by reference to Exhibit X to Amendment
        No. 14 to the Initial Schedule 13D, filed March 29, 2001 (File
        No. 005-56295)).

   G.   Form of Written Consent Relating to Sale and Purchase of Common Stock
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit FF to Amendment No. 35 to the
        Initial Schedule 13D, filed January 8, 2003 (File No. 005-56295)).

   H.   Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement, effective as of
        January 15, 2015 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to GS
        Inc.'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
        December 31, 2014 (File No. 001-14965)).