Washington, DC 20549-1004
                                    FORM 10-K

--- 1934

                 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000


--- 1934

                        For the transition period from to

                          Commission file number 1-143

                          GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

        STATE OF DELAWARE                                     38-0572515
        -----------------                                     ----------
    (State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
    Incorporation or Organization)                       Identification No.)

300 Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan                   48265-3000
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                      (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (313) 556-5000

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                 Name of Each Exchange on
           Title of Each Class                      Which Registered
--------------------------------------------    -------------------------
Common, $1-2/3 par value (548,533,683 shares
  outstanding as of February 28, 2001)          New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
Class H Common, $0.10 par value (875,528,992
  shares outstanding as of February 28, 2001)   New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
Preference, $0.10 par value, Series G
  9.12% Depositary Shares, stated value
  $25 per share, dividends cumulative
  (5,015,410 depositary shares outstanding
  as of February 28, 2001)                      New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
General Motors Capital Trust G 9.87% Trust
  Originated Preferred Securitiessm (TOPrSsm),
  Series G (5,221,123 shares outstanding as of
  February 28, 2001)                            New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

Note:  The $1-2/3 par value common stock of the Registrant is also listed for
trading on:

    Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc.                Chicago, Illinois
    Pacific Exchange, Inc.                      San Francisco, California
    Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc.           Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Montreal Stock Exchange                     Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Toronto Stock Exchange                      Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Borse Frankfurt am Main                     Frankfurt on the Main, Germany
    Borse Dusseldorf                            Dusseldorf, Germany
    Bourse de Bruxelles                         Brussels, Belgium
    Courtiers en Valeurs Mobilieres             Paris, France
    The London Stock Exchange                   London, England

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by  Section 13 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  during the
preceding 12 months,  and (2) has been subject to such filing  requirements  for
the past 90 days. Yes X . No   .
                     ---    ---

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. ( )

The  aggregate  market  value  (based upon the average of the highest and lowest
sales  prices on the  Composite  Tape on February  28,  2001) of General  Motors
Corporation  $1-2/3 par value and GM Class H common stocks held by nonaffiliates
on  February  28,  2001 was  approximately  $29.5  billion  and  $19.7  billion,

GM's Class H common stock is a "tracking stock" designed to provide holders with
financial returns based on the financial performance of Hughes.  However, in the
event of a GM liquidation,  insolvency or similar event, GM Class H stockholders
would have no direct  claim  against  the assets of Hughes.  Rather,  GM Class H
stockholders  would only have rights in the assets of GM as common  stockholders
of GM.

We determine the earnings per share and the amounts available for the payment of
dividends  on the GM  Class H common  stock by a  fraction  which  reflects  the
portion of Hughes' earnings that is allocated to the GM Class H common stock. We
sometimes  refer to this  fraction as the "Class H fraction."  The numerator and
denominator of the Class H fraction are determined as follows:

    - The  numerator of the Class H fraction is the weighted  average  number of
      shares  of GM Class H  common  stock  outstanding  during  the  applicable

    - The  denominator of the Class H fraction is the notional  number of shares
      of GM Class H common stock which, if outstanding,  would represent 100% of
      the tracking stock interest in the earnings of Hughes.

We  sometimes  also  refer to the  denominator  of the Class H  fraction  as the
"Average Class H dividend base." It can be adjusted by the GM board of directors
in specified circumstances, including to reflect contributions by GM to Hughes.

Documents incorporated by reference are as follows:
                                                Part and Item Number of Form
Document                                        10-K into Which Incorporated
--------                                        ----------------------------

General Motors Notice of Annual Meeting
  of Stockholders  and Proxy Statement for
  the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be
  held June 5, 2001                             Part III, Items 10 through 13

sm "Trust Originated Preferred Securities" and "TOPrS" are service trademarks of
Merrill Lynch & Co.

                                   COVER PAGE

                                     PART I


                                 THE CORPORATION

   General Motors Corporation,  incorporated in 1916 under the laws of the State
of Delaware,  is hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the  "Registrant" or the
"Corporation"  and,  together with its  subsidiaries,  is hereinafter  sometimes
referred to as "General Motors" or "GM."

ITEM 1.  Business


     The  following  information  is  incorporated  herein by  reference  to the
indicated pages in Part II:

     Item                                                   Page(s)
     ----                                                   -------

     Wholesale Sales                                        II-6
     Employment and Payrolls                                II-10
     Note 23 of Notes to the GM Consolidated
       Financial Statements
        (Segment Reporting)                                 II-49 through II-52

   GM presents separate  supplemental  consolidating  statements of  income and
other  financial  information  for the  following  businesses:  (1)  Automotive,
Communications  Services,  and Other  Operations and (2) Financing and Insurance
Operations. GM participates in the automotive industry through the activities of
its automotive business operating segment: General Motors Automotive (GMA) which
is comprised of four regions: GM North America (GMNA), GM Europe (GME), GM Latin
America/Africa/Mid-East  (GMLAAM),  and GM Asia Pacific  (GMAP).  GMNA  designs,
manufactures,  and  markets  vehicles  primarily  in  North  America  under  the
following nameplates:  Chevrolet, Pontiac, GMC, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, and
Saturn.  GME,  GMLAAM,  and GMAP meet the  demands of  customers  outside  North
America with vehicles designed,  manufactured,  and marketed under the following
nameplates:  Opel, Vauxhall,  Holden,  Isuzu, Saab, Buick,  Chevrolet,  GMC, and
Cadillac.   GM's  communications  services  relate  to  its  Hughes  Electronics
Corporation   subsidiary   (Hughes)   which  includes   digital   entertainment,
information and communications  services,  and satellite-based  private business
networks. GM's other operations includes the design, manufacturing and marketing
of locomotives  and heavy-duty  transmissions,  the  elimination of intersegment
transactions,  certain  non-segment  specific  revenues  and  expenditures,  and
certain corporate activities.  GM's Financing and Insurance Operations primarily
relate to General Motors Acceptance  Corporation  (GMAC).  GMAC provides a broad
range of financial services, including consumer vehicle financing,  full-service
leasing and fleet leasing,  dealer  financing,  car and truck  extended  service
contracts,  residential and commercial mortgage services,  commercial,  vehicle,
and homeowners' insurance, and asset-based lending.
   Substantially  all  automotive-related  products are marketed  through retail
dealers and through  distributors and jobbers in the United States,  Canada, and
Mexico,  and through  distributors and dealers  overseas.  At December 31, 2000,
there were  approximately  8,000 GM vehicle dealers in the United States, 840 in
Canada,  and 155 in Mexico.  Additionally,  there were a total of  approximately
11,220 outlets overseas which include dealers and authorized sales, service, and
parts outlets.

Raw Materials and Services

   GM purchases materials, parts, supplies, freight transportation,  energy, and
other services from numerous unaffiliated firms.  Interruptions in production or
delivery of these goods or services could adversely affect GM.

Backlog of Orders

   Shipments of GM  automotive  products are made as promptly as possible  after
receipt of firm sales  orders;  therefore,  no  significant  backlog of unfilled
orders  accumulates.  Hughes  had a $6.7  billion  and $9.2  billion  backlog of
commercial contracts relating to its  telecommunications and space businesses at
the end of 2000 and 1999, respectively.



Competitive Position

   GM's principal  competitors in passenger cars and trucks in the United States
and Canada  include  Ford Motor  Company,  DaimlerChrysler  Corporation,  Toyota
Corporation,  Nissan Motor Corporation,  Ltd., Honda Motor Company,  Ltd., Mazda
Motor Corporation,  Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Volkswagen A.G. (Volkswagen),
Hyundai Motor Company,  Ltd.  (Hyundai),  and Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW).
All  but  Volkswagen  and  Hyundai  currently   operate  vehicle   manufacturing
facilities in the United States or Canada.  Toyota and GM operate the New United
Motor  Manufacturing,  Inc.  facility in Fremont,  California as a joint venture
which  currently  builds  passenger cars and light-duty  trucks.  Wholesale unit
sales of GM passenger  cars and trucks during the three years ended December 31,
2000 are  summarized  in  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial
Conditions and Results of Operations in Part II.
   Total  industry  new  motor  vehicle  (passenger  cars,  trucks,  and  buses)
registrations of domestic and foreign makes and GM's competitive position during
the years  ended  December  31,  2000,  1999,  and 1998,  respectively,  were as

                                                   2000(1)   1999     1998
                                                   ----      ----     ----
                                                     (units in thousands)
Total industry registrations
  In the United States                            17,817   17,418   15,966
  In Canada and Mexico                             2,474    2,231    2,092
  In other countries                              36,583   35,933   34,687
                                                  ------   ------   ------
Total industry registrations - all countries      56,874   55,582   52,745
                                                  ======   ======   ======

                                                   2000(1)   1999     1998
                                                   ----      ----     ----
                                                 (percent of total industry)
GM's registrations
  In the United States                                28%      29%      29%
  In Canada and Mexico                                28       29       29
  In other countries                                   8        8        9
Total GM's registrations - all countries              15       16       16

(1) Preliminary

   The above  information on  registrations of new cars,  trucks,  and buses was
obtained from outside sources and that pertaining to GM's registrations includes
units which are manufactured  overseas by other companies and which are imported
and sold by GM and affiliates.

Research and Development

   In 2000,  GM spent $6.6  billion  for  research,  manufacturing  engineering,
product  engineering,  and  development  activities  related  primarily  to  the
development of new products or services or the improvement of existing  products
or services, including activities related to vehicle emissions control, improved
fuel  economy,  and the safety of persons using GM products.  In addition,  $278
million was spent for customer-sponsored  activities.  Comparably,  $6.8 billion
and $6.3 billion were spent on  company-sponsored  activities  in 1999 and 1998,
respectively, and $295 million and $717 million were spent on customer-sponsored
activities in 1999 and 1998, respectively.

Environmental Matters

Automotive Emissions Control
   Both the  federal  and  California  governments  currently  impose  stringent
emission  control  requirements  on  motor  vehicles  sold in  their  respective
jurisdictions.  These requirements include  pre-production  testing of vehicles,
testing of vehicles  after  assembly,  the  imposition  of  emission  defect and
performance  warranties,  and the obligation to recall and repair customer-owned
vehicles determined to be non-compliant with emissions requirements.
   Both the U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency (EPA) and the California Air
Resources Board (CARB) continue to place great emphasis on compliance testing of
customer-owned  vehicles.  Failure  to comply  with the  emission  standards  or
defective  emission control hardware  discovered during such testing can lead to
substantial cost for General Motors related to emissions  recalls.  New CARB and
federal  requirements  will  increase  the time and mileage  periods  over which
manufacturers are responsible for a vehicle's emission performance.



Automotive Emissions Control - (concluded)
   Both  the EPA and the  CARB  emission  requirements  will  become  even  more
stringent in the future. A new tier of exhaust  emission  standards for cars and
light-duty trucks, the "LEV II" standards,  will begin phasing in for California
vehicles in the 2004 model year.  Similar  federal "Tier 2" standards  will also
start in 2004.  In  addition,  both  CARB and EPA have  adopted  more  stringent
standards applicable to future heavy-duty trucks.
   The requirement that, for model years  2003 and later,  10% of cars and small
light-duty  trucks (up to 3,750 lbs.  Loaded Vehicle  Weight) sold in California
must be zero emission vehicles (ZEVs), was modified by the LEV II rules to allow
up to 6% of the 10% to be met using  partial  ZEV  credits  (PZEVs).  In January
2001,  CARB  adopted  additional  changes to its ZEV  requirements,  including a
variety of credit  multipliers  that  would  reduce the number of ZEVs and PZEVs
required in the early years and increase the  number of ZEVs and PZEVs required
in the later years.  Also, GM and six other major vehicle  manufacturers  signed
Memorandums  of  Agreement  (MOAs)  with  CARB  to  provide  for a  more  market
driven-introduction of ZEVs. The MOAs include provisions for an advanced battery
ZEV demonstration program. General Motors is fulfilling this MOA commitment with
its EV1 and S-10 Electric Pickup  products  equipped with  nickel-metal  hydride
batteries.  General Motors is also  fulfilling its other MOA  obligations  which
include a National LEV program,  the capability to produce  specified numbers of
ZEVs as warranted by demand,  and continued research and development of advanced
   The Clean Air Act permits states that have areas with air quality problems to
adopt the  California  car and truck  emission  standards in lieu of the federal
requirements and four states, New York,  Massachusetts,  Maine and Vermont, have
done so.  To  provide  states  an  alternative  to the  adoption  of  California
standards,  GM and  other  auto  manufacturers   began  selling  LEVs  in  the
remaining 45 states in 2001,  under the  provisions of the National Low Emission
Vehicle Program. In addition to the  above-mentioned  exhaust emission programs,
onboard  diagnostic  (OBD)  devices,  used to diagnose  problems  with  emission
control systems,  were required both federally and in California  effective with
the 1996 model year. This system has the potential of increasing  warranty costs
and the chance for recall. OBD requirements become more challenging each year as
vehicles meet lower emission standards, and new diagnostics are required.
   New  evaporative  emission  control  requirements  for  cars and trucks began
phasing  in with the 1995  model  year in  California  and the 1996  model  year
federally.  Systems  will need to be further  modified  to  accommodate  federal
onboard  refueling  vapor recovery (ORVR) control  standards.  ORVR phases in on
passenger  cars in the 1998  through  2000  model  years  and  will  phase in on
light-duty trucks in the 2001 through 2006 model years.  Beginning with the 2004
model  year,  even  more  stringent  evaporative  emission  standards  apply  in
California, as well as federally.
   Starting in the 2001 model year, today's test procedure for exhaust emissions
will become more  complex with  vehicles  required to meet two  additional  test
requirements:  1) measuring exhaust emissions over a new test cycle with the air
conditioner operating;  and 2) measuring exhaust emissions over a new high speed
(80 mph) and high load cycle.  Both of these  requirements have the potential of
adding hardware (and thus costs) to many vehicles.

Industrial Environmental Control
   GM is subject to various laws relating to the  protection of the  environment
including laws regulating air emissions, water discharges, waste management, and
environmental cleanup.
   GM is in various  stages of  investigation  or  remediation  for sites  where
contamination  has been  alleged and recorded  a  liability  of $316  million at
December  31,  2000  and  $404  million  at  December  31,  1999  for  worldwide
environmental investigation and remediation as summarized below:

     . GM has  been  identified  as a  potentially  responsible  party  at sites
       identified by the EPA and state regulatory agencies for investigation and
       remediation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
       and Liability Act (CERCLA) and similar state statutes. GM voluntarily and
       actively  participates  in cleanup  activity  where such  involvement  is
       verified.  The total liability for sites involving GM was estimated to be
       $97 million at  December  31, 2000.  This compares  with $114  million at
       December 31, 1999.

     . For closed or  closing  plants  owned by the  Corporation,  an  estimated
       liability for  environmental  investigation  and remediation is typically
       recognized at the time of the closure decision. Such liability,  which is
       based on an environmental assessment of the plant property, was estimated
       at $74  million at December 31, 2000.  This  compares with $92 million at
       December 31, 1999.

     . GM is involved in investigation and remediation  activities at additional
       locations  worldwide with an estimated  liability of  approximately  $145
       million at December 31, 2000. This compares with $198 million at December
       31, 1999.



Industrial Environmental Control (concluded)
   The cost impact of the Clean Air Act  Amendments  under Title V is the annual
emission fees of  approximately $9 million per year.  Additional  programs under
the Clean Air Act, including Hazardous Air Pollutant  standards,  and Compliance
Assurance Monitoring and periodic monitoring  requirements are estimated to cost
$500 million to $700 million in aggregate through the year 2004.
   For  the  years ended December 31, 2000,  1999, and 1998,  expenditures by GM
in the U.S. for industrial  environmental  control  facilities were $85 million,
$71 million, and $78 million, respectively.  The Corporation currently estimates
that future expenditures for industrial environmental control facilities through
2004 will be approximately  $216 million.  Specific  environmental  expenses are
difficult to isolate since  expenditures  may be made for more than one purpose,
making precise classification difficult.

Vehicular Noise Control
   Federal Truck  Regulations  preempt all  state/local  noise  regulations  for
trucks over 10,000 lb Gross Vehicle  Weight  Rating  (GVWR).  All  jurisdictions
regulating  noise  levels of school buses which are built on  medium-duty  truck
chassis  have  adopted  standards   compatible  with  Federal   regulations  for
medium-duty  trucks.  Federal Truck Regulations contain label and owner's manual
   Passenger  cars and  light-duty  trucks are  subject to state and local motor
vehicle noise regulations. The current standard for vehicles in these classes is
80 dB as measured at 50 feet.  Future  implementation  of more stringent exhaust
emission regulations and more stringent fuel economy regulations will require an
assessment of increased costs of noise control.

Safety Regulations & Consumer Information
   Expenditures  to  maintain  and  improve  the  operational  safety,  occupant
protection,  and vehicle theft deterrence  capability of new GM models continue.
These expenditures  include amounts for the study of alternative  approaches for
meeting the needs of all three areas.
   GM continues to meet the  government  requirement  for passive  restraints by
installing driver and passenger supplemental inflatable restraints (air bags) on
all passenger cars and many light trucks and vans.
   Once permitted by federal  regulatory changes to do so, GM introduced in 1998
and later models,  less  aggressive air bags in order to address  concerns about
inflation  injuries,  particularly to children and smaller adult  passengers who
are not  properly  positioned.  GM continues  to make  available  air bag on-off
switches for those customers  eligible to request them under the requirements of
the National Highway Traffic Safety  Administration  (NHTSA) regulation allowing
these devices.
   In 2000, the NHTSA adopted  extensive  modifications to Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard (FMVSS) 208, an occupant  protection  regulation.  The amendment
entails a substantial  increase in the number of crash test  configurations  and
test dummy occupant sizes for which certification compliance performance will be
required beginning  September 1, 2003. It also will add a large number of static
air bag  suppression or low risk  deployment  test  requirements.  A significant
amount of  engineering  design and  development is already  underway,  with more
anticipated, for the advanced air bag systems this amendment requires.
   Dynamic side impact protection  requirements  apply to cars and certain light
trucks and vans.  Side structure and interior trim designs of future models will
continue to be  affected.  Additional  market  pressure  and future model design
effects are likely regarding side impact  performance as the federal  government
continues  its consumer  information  side impact crash test program at elevated
impact speeds.
   A new government requirement for vehicle interior impact protection continues
to significantly affect upper body structure and interior trim designs of future
model passenger cars and light trucks and vans. The phase-in for this rulemaking
began on September 1, 1998, and will apply to all these vehicles by September 1,
   NHTSA  has  proposed  changing  the   existing  fuel system  crash  integrity
requirements  of FMVSS 301.  The  potentially  significant  changes,  especially
associated with the substantially increased rear impact crash test energy, would
compel some undetermined  redesign,  cost, and weight increases for some of GM's
   The new FMVSS 225 requirement  for universal  child  restraint  anchorages in
motor vehicles continues to have significant mass and cost implications for many
near-future GM vehicles.  Unless ongoing auto industry  actions can convince the
NHTSA to  modify  certain  FMVSS 225 test  procedures  and  requirements,  these
implications will continue to affect many GM vehicles.



Safety Regulations & Consumer  Information  (concluded)
   The  expansion  of  vehicle  parts  marking,  required by  the passage of the
Anti-Car  Theft Act of 1992,  affected  approximately  22 passenger car assembly
plants and 4 light-duty  truck plants.  For many of the affected  plants,  major
expenditures  were required for new label printer  installations  and additional
stamping  equipment.  A recent opinion,  favorable to the effectiveness of parts
marking,  by the U.S. Attorney  General,  threatens to expand the requirement to
remaining unmarked low-theft vehicle lines. Eight additional vehicle lines and 4
additional  assembly  plants  would  be  affected.   The  added  cost  would  be
approximately $6.00 per vehicle.
   The  Transportation  Recall  Enhancement,  Accountability  and  Documentation
(TREAD) Act requires certain regulatory and consumer  information actions by the
NHTSA.  Among other items, the agency must upgrade tire  regulations,  require a
vehicle  tire  pressure  warning  system,  and develop and  implement a consumer
information program for vehicle rollover resistance.  Some undetermined redesign
and cost  implications  likely will  result  following  implementation  of these

Automotive Fuel Economy
   The  Energy  Policy  and   Conservation  Act  passed  in  1975  provided  for
production-weighted  average fuel economy  standards for passenger cars for 1978
and thereafter.  Based on EPA combined city-highway test data, the GM 2000 model
year  domestic  passenger  car fleet is projected to attain a Corporate  Average
Fuel  Economy  (CAFE) of 27.9 miles per gallon (mpg) versus the standard of 27.5
mpg. The CAFE estimate for 2001 model year domestic  passenger cars is projected
at 28.4 mpg versus the standard of 27.5 mpg.
   For GM's  imported  passenger  cars,  2000 model year CAFE is projected to be
25.4 mpg versus a standard of 27.5 mpg.  The CAFE  estimate  for 2001 model year
import  passenger  cars is 26.4 mpg versus the  standard of 27.5 mpg.  Projected
shortfalls to the standard will be offset by credits from previous model years.
   Fuel  economy  standards  for  light-duty  trucks  became  effective in 1979.
General  Motors'  light truck CAFE fleet average for the 2000 model year is 21.0
mpg versus a standard of 20.7 mpg.  GM's 2001 model year truck CAFE is projected
at 20.6 mpg versus a standard of 20.7 mpg. Projected  shortfalls to the standard
will be offset by credits from future model years.
   GM's ability to meet increased CAFE standards is contingent on various future
economic,  consumer,  legislative, and regulatory factors that GM cannot control
and cannot  predict  with  certainty.  If GM could not comply  with any new CAFE
standards,  GM could be subject to sizeable  civil  penalties  and could have to
close plants or severely restrict product offerings to remain in compliance.

End of Life Vehicles
   During September 2000, the European  parliament passed a directive  requiring
member  states  to adopt  legislation  regarding  end-of-life  vehicles  and the
responsibility of manufacturers for dismantling and recycling vehicles they have
sold.  European  Union  member  states are  required to  transform  the concepts
detailed in the directive into national law by March 2002.  Under the directive,
manufacturers are financially  responsible for at least a portion of the cost of
the  take-back of vehicles put on the market as of July 2002 and all of the cost
for all of the vehicles put on the market as of 2007.  The laws developed in the
individual local  legislatures  throughout Europe will have a significant impact
on the  amount  ultimately  paid by the  manufacturers  for this  issue.  GME is
currently assessing the impact of this potential legislation on their results of
operations and financial position.

Seasonal Nature of Business

   In the automotive business, there are retail sales fluctuations of a seasonal
nature, so that production varies from month to month. Certain changeovers occur
throughout  the year for  reasons  such as new market  entries  and new  vehicle
changes;  however,  the  changeover  period  related  to the  annual  new  model
introduction has  traditionally  occurred in the third quarter of each year. For
this reason,  third quarter  operating  results are, in general,  less favorable
than those in the other three  quarters of the year,  depending on the magnitude
of the changeover needed to commence production of new models incorporating, for
example,  design modifications related to more fuel-efficient vehicle packaging,
stricter   government   standards   for  safety  and  emission   controls,   and
consumer-oriented improvements in performance, comfort, convenience, and style.



Segment Reporting Data

   Operating segment and principal geographic area data for 2000, 1999, and 1998
are summarized in Note 23 to the GM  Consolidated  Financial  Statements in Part

                                 * * * * * *

   The  Registrant  makes no attempt  herein to predict the future  trend of its
business and earnings or the effect thereon of the results of changes in general
economic, industrial, regulatory, and international conditions.

ITEM 2.  Properties

   The Corporation,  excluding its Financing and Insurance  Operations,  has 194
locations  operating in 33 states and 109 cities in the United States. Of these,
21 are engaged in the final assembly of GM cars and trucks; 43 are service parts
operations responsible for distribution or warehousing; 6 major plants, offices,
and  research   facilities  relate  to  the  operations  of  Hughes  Electronics
Corporation;  and the remainder are offices or involved primarily in the testing
of vehicles or the manufacturing of automotive components and power products. In
addition,   the   Corporation   has  20  locations   in  Canada  and   assembly,
manufacturing,  distribution,  or warehousing  operations in 51 other countries,
including  equity  interests in associated  companies  which  conduct  assembly,
manufacturing,  or distribution  operations.  The major  facilities  outside the
United  States and  Canada,  which are  principally  vehicle  manufacturing  and
assembly operations, are located in Germany, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico,
Australia, Belgium, Spain, China, Thailand, Argentina, Portugal, and Poland.
   Most  facilities  are owned by the  Corporation or its  subsidiaries.  Leased
properties consist primarily of warehouses and administration,  engineering, and
sales offices. The leases for warehouses generally provide for an initial period
of five  years  and  contain  renewal  options.  Leases  for sales  offices  are
generally for shorter periods.
   Properties of the Registrant and its subsidiaries  include  facilities which,
in the opinion of  management,  are suitable  and adequate for the  manufacture,
assembly, and distribution of their products.
   Additional  information  regarding  worldwide  expenditures  for  plants  and
equipment is presented in Note 23 to the GM Consolidated Financial Statements in
Part II.

ITEM 3.  Legal Proceedings

(a)Material pending legal  proceedings,  other than ordinary routine  litigation
   incidental to the business,  to which the Corporation became, or was, a party
   during the year ended  December 31, 2000, or subsequent  thereto,  but before
   the filing of this report are summarized below:

Environmental Matters

   In 1998, GM sold its vehicle lighting products operation in Anderson, Indiana
to Guide Corporation,  but continued to own the land and buildings.  More than a
year later an incident occurred in which a significant  amount of fish died in a
50-mile  stretch of the White  River  from  Anderson  to south of  Indianapolis.
Federal and state agencies sued Guide Corporation and its subcontractor alleging
that the incident was caused by a chemical release from the Guide  operation.  A
citizen   class  action  suit  has  also  been  filed   against  Guide  and  its
subcontractor  related  to the same  incident.  GM is not  named in any of those
lawsuits and denies  liability for this matter.  On December 7, 2000 the federal
and state agencies made a settlement demand in excess of $100,000 against Guide,
Guide's parent, Guide's subcontractor and GM.

                                    * * *

   General Motors received  Notices of Violation dated March 28, 2000  and  July
5, 2000 from the Michigan Department of Environmental  Quality ("MDEQ") alleging
non-compliance  with  certain  clean air  regulations  at the GM  Service  Parts
Operations - Flint Processing Center. MDEQ  representatives  have indicated they
are seeking fines or penalties in excess of $100,000.

                                    * * *



Environmental Matters (concluded)

   General  Motors  received  two  Notices of  Violation  dated May 25, 2000 and
August 23,  2000 from the MDEQ  alleging  non-compliance  at the  Lansing  Craft
Centre with  certain  clean air  regulations.  General  Motors has  received two
additional  Notices of Violation;  one dated November 17, 2000 from the MDEQ and
another dated October 27, 2000 from the U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency.
Government representatives have indicated they are seeking fines or penalties in
excess of $100,000.

                                    * * *

Others Matters

   Seven putative  nationwide  and statewide  class actions are pending in state
and federal courts alleging that the paint or paint application  process used on
some GM vehicles was  defective  due to the omissions of a surface layer primer.
Generally,  plaintiffs  allege that GM's failure to disclose  the alleged  paint
defects is a fraudulent  omission  and a violation of various  states'  consumer
protection  laws. Two federal court actions have been  consolidated in a federal
court  in  Chicago,   Illinois  for   coordinated   pretrial   proceedings.   No
determination has been made that any cases may proceed as class actions.

   Christian Amedee and Louis Fuxan v. General Motors Corporation,  et al, Civil
District Court for the Parish of New Orleans, State of Louisiana filed March 24,
1995 and Cherise  Miller et al. v. General  Motors  Corporation,  United  States
District  Court for the Northern  District of Illinois,  filed on April 8, 1998,
are  purported  nationwide  class  actions.  Eddie  Glorioso v.  General  Motors
Corporation  and Scott Arnold v. General  Motors  Corporation,  consolidated  in
Superior Court for the City and County of San Francisco,  California, both filed
in  July  1998,  are  purported  California   statewide  class  actions.  Scott
Haverdink v. General Motors Corporation),  Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia
County,  Pennsylvania,  filed  on  May  16,  1999,  is a  putative  Pennsylvania
statewide  class action.  Ernesto Bravo et al. v. General Motors  Corporation et
al.,  United  States  District  Court for the  Southern  District of Texas,  was
amended on October 27, 2000, to allege a purported  Texas statewide class action
on behalf of owners  and  lessees  of 1990 to 1997  vehicles  painted  without a
surface layer primer  and which  subsequently  experienced  peeling  paint.  In
Darryl  Oshanek v.  General  Motors  Corporation  and General  Motors of Canada,
Limited,  Supreme Court of British  Columbia,  Canada,  filed on June 2, 1999, a
putative class action on behalf of residents of British Columbia,  on January 5,
2001,  General Motors  Corporation  was dismissed as a defendant.  Plaintiff has
appealed.  Five other courts have denied class  certification  of similar  paint
claims against other automobile  manufacturers.  GM intends to vigorously oppose
class certification and defend these cases.

                                    * * *

   General  Electric  Capital  Corporation  ("GECC") and DIRECTV  entered into a
contract  on July 31,  1995,  in which  GECC  agreed to  establish  and manage a
private label  consumer  credit  program for consumer  purchases of hardware and
related  DIRECTV  programming.  Under the contract,  GECC also agreed to provide
certain related services to DIRECTV,  including credit risk scoring, billing and
collections services. DIRECTV agreed to act as a surety for loans complying with
the terms of the contract.  Hughes  guaranteed  DIRECTV's  performance under the
contract.  A complaint  and  counterclaim  were filed by the parties in the U.S.
District Court for the District of Connecticut concerning GECC's performance and
DIRECTV's obligation to act as a surety. A trial commenced on June 12, 2000 with
GECC presenting evidence to the jury for damages of $157 million. DIRECTV sought
damages from GECC of $45 million.  On July 21, 2000, the jury returned a verdict
in favor of GECC and awarded contract damages in the amount of $133 million. The
trial  judge  issued an order  granting  GECC $48.5  million in  interest  under
Connecticut's  offer-of-judgment  statute.  With this order,  the total judgment
entered in GECC's favor was $181.5 million. Hughes and DIRECTV filed a notice of
appeal on December 29, 2000.  Hughes and DIRECTV  believe that it is  reasonably
possible  that the jury  verdict  will be  overturned  and a new trial  granted.
Although it is not possible to predict the result of any eventual appeal in this
case,  Hughes  does not  believe  that the  litigation  will  ultimately  have a
material adverse impact on Hughes.

                                    * * *



Others Matters (continued)

   EchoStar  Communications  Corporation  ("EchoStar") and others  commenced  an
action in the U.S.  District  Court in  Colorado  on  February  1, 2000  against
DIRECTV, Hughes Network Systems and Thomson Consumer Electronics,  Inc. seeking,
among other things, injunctive relief and unspecified damages,  including treble
damages,  in connection with  allegations  that the defendants have entered into
agreements  with  retailers  and program  providers and engaged in other conduct
that violates the antitrust laws and constitutes  unfair  competition.  On March
13, 2000, DIRECTV filed a motion seeking a determination of the relevant market,
which, if granted, would result in the dismissal of EchoStar's antitrust claims.
Hughes and DIRECTV  filed  counterclaims  against  EchoStar  on March 13,  2000,
alleging that EchoStar  tortiously  interfered with DIRECTV's  relationship with
Kelly Broadcasting System, a provider of foreign-language  programming,  engaged
in unfair  business  practices  in  connection  with  improper  sales of network
programming,  misleading  advertisements  for National Football League games and
EchoStar's   "PRIMESTAR   bounty   program,"  and  infringed  on  PRIMESTAR  (R)
trademarks.  Although an amount of loss,  if any,  cannot be  estimated  at this
time, an unfavorable  outcome could be reached that could be material to Hughes'
results of operations or financial  position.  DIRECTV  believes that EchoStar's
complaint  is  without  merit and  intends  to  vigorously  defend  against  the
allegations raised.

                                    * * *

   On  September  7, 2000,  a  putative  class  action   was  commenced  against
DIRECTV,  Inc., Thomson Consumer Electronics,  Inc., Best Buy Co., Inc., Circuit
City Stores, Inc. and Tandy Corporation,  Inc. in the U.S. District Court in Los
Angeles.  The named plaintiffs purport to represent a class of all consumers who
purchased  DIRECTV  equipment  and  services  at any  time  from  March  1996 to
September 1, 2000.  The  plaintiffs  allege that the  defendants  have  violated
federal and California antitrust statutes by entering into agreements to exclude
competition and force retailers to boycott  competitors'  products and services.
The plaintiffs seek  declaratory and injunctive  relief,  as well as unspecified
damages,  including  treble  damages.  DIRECTV  believes  that the  complaint is
without merit and intends to vigorously  defend against the allegations  raised.
DIRECTV  has  moved to  compel  arbitration  pursuant  to the  DIRECTV  customer
agreement  or, in the  alternative,  to stay the case pending the  resolution of
relevant  issues in the  antitrust  suit brought by EchoStar as described in the
preceeding paragraph. Although an amount of loss, if any, cannot be estimated at
this time,  an  unfavorable  outcome  could be reached that could be material to
Hughes' results of operations or financial position.

                                    * * *

   On  June  3,  1999,  the  National   Rural  Telecommunications    Cooperative
("NRTC")   filed a lawsuit  against  DIRECTV,  Inc.  and  Hughes  Communications
Galaxy, Inc., which is referred to together in this description as "DIRECTV," in
the U.S.  District Court for the Central  District of California,  alleging that
DIRECTV has  breached  the DBS  Distribution  Agreement  with the NRTC.  The DBS
Distribution  Agreement provides the NRTC with certain  distribution  rights, in
certain specified portions of the United States, for a specified period of time,
with respect to DIRECTV(R)  programming  delivered over 27 of the 32 frequencies
at the  101(degrees)  west  longitude  orbital  location.  The NRTC  claims that
DIRECTV  has  wrongfully  deprived  it of  the  exclusive  right  to  distribute
programming formerly provided by United States Satellite  Broadcasting  Company,
Inc.  ("USSB")  over the  other  five  frequencies  at  101(degrees),  and seeks
recovery of related revenues from the date USSB was acquired by Hughes.  DIRECTV
denies that the NRTC is entitled to exclusive  distribution rights to the former
USSB programming because,  among other things, the NRTC's exclusive distribution
rights are limited to programming  distributed  over 27 of the 32 frequencies at
101(degrees).  The NRTC also plead, in the alternative,  the right to distribute
former USSB programming on a non-exclusive basis, but stipulated to dismiss this
claim without  prejudice on August 25, 2000.  DIRECTV  maintains that the NRTC's
right under the DBS Distribution Agreement is to market and sell the former USSB
(R) programming as its  non-exclusive  sales agent and that NRTC is not entitled
to the additional claimed revenues. DIRECTV intends to vigorously defend against
the NRTC claims.  DIRECTV also filed a  counterclaim  against the NRTC seeking a
declaration of the parties' rights under the DBS Distribution Agreement.

   On August  26,  1999,  the NRTC filed a second  lawsuit in the U.S.  District
Court for the Central  District of  California  against  DIRECTV  alleging  that
DIRECTV has breached the DBS Distribution  Agreement.  In this lawsuit, the NRTC
is asking the Court to require DIRECTV to pay the NRTC a proportionate  share of
unspecified  financial benefits that DIRECTV derives from programming  providers
and other  third  parties.  DIRECTV  denies that it owes any sums to the NRTC on
account of the  allegations  in these  matters  and plans to  vigorously  defend
itself against these claims or this claim.



Others Matters (continued)

   Pegasus  Satellite  Television,  Inc.  ("Pegasus  Satellite")  and Golden Sky
Systems,  Inc. ("Golden Sky"), the two largest NRTC affiliates,  filed an action
on January 11, 2000 against  DIRECTV in the U.S.  District Court for the Central
District of California. The plaintiffs alleged, among other things, that DIRECTV
has interfered with their contractual relationship with the NRTC. The plaintiffs
alleged that their rights and damages are  derivative  of the rights and damages
asserted  by the NRTC in its two cases  against  DIRECTV.  The  plaintiffs  also
alleged  that  DIRECTV  interfered  with their  contractual  relationships  with
manufacturers   and  distributors  by  preventing  those  parties  from  selling
receiving equipment to the plaintiffs'  dealers. On October 19, 2000, Golden Sky
agreed to dismiss its  equipment-related  claims with prejudice.  DIRECTV denies
that  it  has  wrongfully  interfered  with  any  of  the  plaintiffs'  business
relationships and will vigorously defend the lawsuit.

   A class  action suit was filed  in  the U.S.  District  Court for the Central
District of  California  against  DIRECTV on behalf of the NRTC's  participating
members on February 29, 2000. The Court  certified a class on December 29, 2000.
The class asserted claims  identical to the claims that were asserted by Pegasus
Satellite  and Golden Sky in their  lawsuit  against  DIRECTV,  described in the
preceding  paragraph.  Similar to Golden Sky,  however,  the class has agreed to
dismiss its equipment-related claims without prejudice.

   The  U.S.   District  Court  for  the  Central  District  of  California  has
consolidated  for purposes of discovery the NRTC,  Pegasus  Satellite and Golden
Sky and class  action  lawsuits,  but has not  determined  if the cases  will be
consolidated  for trial. A trial date in February 2002 has been set in the first
NRTC case. Although an amount of loss, if any, cannot be estimated at this time,
an  unfavorable  outcome could be reached in the NRTC,  Pegasus and class action
litigation  that could be material to Hughes' results of operations or financial

                                    * * *

   In connection  with  General Motors' 1997 spin-off of the defense electronics
business   of  Hughes'   predecessor   as  part  of  the  Hughes   restructuring
transactions,  and the subsequent  merger of that business with Raytheon Company
("Raytheon"), the terms of the merger agreement provided processes for resolving
disputes that might arise in connection with post-closing  financial adjustments
that were also called for by the terms of the merger agreement.  These financial
adjustments might require a cash payment from Raytheon to Hughes or vice versa.

   A dispute  currently  exists  regarding the  post-closing  adjustments  which
Hughes and Raytheon  have proposed to one another and related  issues  regarding
the  adequacy of  disclosures  made by Hughes to Raytheon in the period prior to
consummation of the merger.  Hughes and Raytheon are proceeding with the dispute
resolution  process.  It  is  possible  that  the  ultimate  resolution  of  the
post-closing financial adjustment and of related disclosure issues may result in
Hughes making a payment to Raytheon  that would be material to Hughes.  However,
the amount of any  payment  that  either  party might be required to make to the
other cannot be determined  at this time.  Hughes  intends to vigorously  pursue
resolution  of the  disputes  through the  arbitration  processes,  opposing the
adjustments  proposed by Raytheon,  and seeking the payment from  Raytheon  that
Hughes has proposed.

                                    * * *

   There  is  a pending grand jury  investigation  into whether Hughes should be
accused of criminal  violations of the United States export control laws arising
out of the participation of two of its employees on a committee formed to review
the findings of Chinese  engineers  regarding the failure of a Long March rocket
in  China  in  1996.  Hughes  is also  subject  to the  authority  of the  State
Department to impose  sanctions for  non-criminal  violations of the Arms Export
Control Act. The possible criminal and/or civil sanctions could include fines as
well as debarment from various export privileges and participating in government
contracts.  On October  6,  2000,  Hughes  completed  the sale of its  satellite
systems  manufacturing  businesses  to The Boeing  Company  ("Boeing").  In that
transaction,  Hughes retained  limited  liability for certain possible fines and
penalties and the financial  consequences  of debarment  related to the business
now owned by Boeing should such sanctions be imposed by either the Department of
Justice  or  State  Department  against  the  satellite  systems   manufacturing
businesses.  Hughes  does not  expect  sanctions  imposed by the  Department  of
Justice  or State  Department,  if any,  to have a  material  adverse  effect on

                                      * * *



Others Matters (concluded)

   On  December 5, 2000,  Personalized  Media  Communications,  LLC ("PMC") and
Pegasus Development  Corporation  ("Pegasus") filed suit in U. S. District Court
for  the  District  of  Delaware  against  DIRECTV,   Hughes,  Thomson  Consumer
Electronics  and  Philips  Electronics  North  American  Corporation,   alleging
infringement of seven U.S.  patents.  Based on the successful  defense by Hughes
against an earlier action brought by PMC on one of the subject  patents,  Hughes
expects  that strong  defenses of  invalidity  and  non-infringement  exist,  in
addition to numerous  other  defenses  including  license,  laches and estoppel,
Lanham Act violations,  patent misuse and abuse of process.  Hughes answered the
complaint on January 21, 2001 raising these  defenses and related  counterclaims
and intends to vigorously  defend the lawsuit and pursue  counterclaims  against
Pegasus and PMC.

                                    * * *

   Hughes  Communications  Galaxy,  Inc. ("HCGI")  filed a  lawsuit on March 22,
1991 against the U.S.  Government based upon the National  Aeronautics and Space
Administration's  breach of  contract  to  launch  ten  satellites  on the Space
Shuttle.  The U.S.  Court of Federal  Claims  granted  HCGI's motion for summary
judgment on the issue of liability on November 30, 1995. A trial was held on May
1, 1998 on the issue of damages.  On June 30, 2000, a final judgment was entered
in favor of HCGI in the amount of $103 million.  On July 13, 2000,  HCGI filed a
notice to appeal the  judgment  with the U.S.  Court of Appeals  for the Federal
Circuit and is requesting a greater amount than was previously  awarded to HCGI.
On August 4, 2000,  the  Government  filed its cross appeal.  As a result of the
uncertainty regarding the outcome of this matter, no amount has been recorded in
the consolidated  financial statements to reflect the award. Final resolution of
this issue could result in a gain that would be material to Hughes.

                                     * * *

  On July 9,  1999,  a jury in a Los  Angeles  Superior  Court in the matter of
Anderson  et. al v.  General  Motors  Corporation,  returned  a verdict  of $4.9
billion  against  General  Motors in a product  liability  lawsuit  involving  a
post-collision, fuel fed fire in a 1979 Chevrolet Malibu. The initial jury award
consisted of $102 million in  compensatory  damages and $4.8 billion in punitive
damages.  After  trial,  the trial court  reduced the  punitive  damages to $1.1
billion.  GM will continue to vigorously pursue its appellate rights,  including
efforts to secure a new trial and the complete  elimination of responsibility to
pay any damages in this matter  consistent with GM's view that the design of the
Chevrolet Malibu was not responsible for plaintiff's  injuries.  This matter now
constitutes ordinary routine litigation incidental to the Corporation's business
as to which reporting is no longer required.

                                    * * *

(b)Previously  reported legal  proceedings  which have been  terminated,  either
   during the year ended  December 31, 2000, or subsequent  thereto,  but before
   the filing of this report are summarized below:

   As  previously  reported  in  December  1998,  the  Louisiana  Department  of
Environmental  Quality  ("LDEQ")  issued  a  Penalty  Assessment  to the  Delphi
Automotive  plant  in  Monroe,  Louisiana  ("Delphi")  for  alleged  air  permit
violations.  On July 1, 1998 a Notice of Violation  was issued by LDEQ to Delphi
alleging that the volatile  organic  compound limits for calendar year 1997 were
exceeded.  Delphi was a division of GM when LDEQ brought the enforcement action.
In October 1998 the Monroe  plant was sold to a third party,  under the terms of
which GM retained  responsibility  for  certain  pre-sale  environmental  issues
including the permit  violations  alleged by LDEQ.  After  challenging  the 1998
Penalty  Assessment,  GM entered into a settlement with the LDEQ on December 20,
2000 in which it paid $12,400 without admitting liability.

                                    * * *

   Thirty-nine class  actions were filed in state,  federal and Canadian  courts
against the  Corporation,  claiming that the 1973-1987  model  Chevrolet and GMC
full-size pickup trucks are defective because their fuel tanks are mounted below
the cab and outside the frame rails.  A nationwide  settlement was approved by a
Louisiana trial court on December 19, 1996.  Following an appeal, the settlement
was again  approved in January 20, 1999. GM appealed  changes to the  settlement
made by the trial court after the time for appeal had run. On January 16,  2001,
the Louisiana  Court of Appeal ruled that the changes  challenged by GM's appeal
were improper. No further appeals were timely filed. It is now expected that the
settlement  will  proceed and the  remaining  class  actions  against GM will be

                                   * * * * * *



ITEM 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


ITEM 4A.  Executive Officers of the Registrant

   The names and ages of all  executive  officers of the  Registrant at February
28, 2001 and their positions and offices with the Registrant on that date are as

Name and (Age)                           Positions and Offices
--------------                           ---------------------

John F. Smith, Jr. (62)             Chairman of the Board; Member,
                                       Investment Funds Committee

Harry J. Pearce (58)                Vice Chairman of the Board

G. Richard Wagoner, Jr. (48)        President and Chief Executive Officer

John M. Devine (55)                 Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer

Ronald L. Zarrella (51)             Executive Vice President; President,
                                       GM North America

John D. Finnegan (52)               Executive Vice President; President, GMAC

   There are no  family  relationships,  as  defined,  between  any of the above
executive officers,  and there is no arrangement or understanding between any of
the above  executive  officers  and any other  person  pursuant  to which he was
selected as an officer.  Each of the above executive officers was elected by the
Board of Directors to hold office until the next annual election of officers and
until his successor is elected and qualified or until his earlier resignation or
removal.  The Board of Directors  elects the officers in  conjunction  with each
annual meeting of the stockholders.



ITEM 4A.  Executive Officers of the Registrant - concluded

   Mr. John F. Smith, Jr. has been associated with General Motors since
1961.  He was elected Executive Vice President in charge of International
Operations in 1988.  Effective August 1990, he was elected Vice Chairman of
the Board of Directors.  On April 6, 1992, Mr. Smith was elected President
and Chief Operating Officer.  Effective November 1992, he was elected Chief
Executive Officer and President.  He served as President until October 1998
and Chief Executive Officer until June 2000.  On January 1, 1996, Mr. Smith
became Chairman of the Board of Directors.

   Mr. Harry J. Pearce has been  associated  with General  Motors since 1985. In
May 1987, he was elected Vice President and General  Counsel of General  Motors.
Effective  November  1992, he was elected  Executive  Vice  President of General
Motors with responsibility for the Legal Staff,  Industry-Government  Relations,
Environmental  and  Energy,   Worldwide   Economics,   Electronic  Data  Systems
Corporation  and GM  Hughes  Electronics  Corporation  (now  Hughes  Electronics
Corporation).  In July  1994,  he  assumed  responsibility  for  GM's  Strategic
Decision  Center,  Corporate  Communications,   Allison  Transmission  Division,
Electro-Motive   Division  (now  GM  Locomotive  Group),   Corporate  Relations,
Worldwide  Executive  Compensation  and Corporate  Governance,  and the Business
Support Group. He remained  General  Counsel  through August 1, 1994.  Effective
January 1996,  Mr. Pearce was elected a director and became Vice Chairman of the
Board of Directors and assumed  responsibility  for Information System Services.
In 1997 he assumed responsibility for the Enterprise Activities Group and Global
Human Resources and GM University.

   Mr. G. Richard Wagoner, Jr. has been associated with General Motors since
1977.  He was elected Vice President in charge of finance for General Motors
Europe in June 1989.  In July 1991, he was elected President and Managing
Director of General Motors do Brasil.  Effective November 1992, he was
elected Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of General
Motors.  In July 1994, he was named President of North American Operations.
In October 1998, he was elected a director, President and Chief Operating
Officer of General Motors.  Effective June 1, 2000, he was elected Chief
Executive Officer.

   Mr. John M. Devine was named Vice  Chairman  and Chief  Financial  Officer of
General Motors Corporation, effective January 1, 2001. He has responsibility for
GM's Worldwide Financial  Operations and GM Asset Management.  He is a member of
the GM Automotive  Strategy  Board and serves as its global  process  leader for
finance.  Mr. Devine was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fluid Ventures,
LLC, immediately prior to his GM appointment. He retired from Ford Motor Company
in  October  1999,  after a 32 year  career,  as the  company's  Executive  Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer.

   Mr. Ronald L. Zarrella has been associated with General Motors since 1994. In
December  1994,  he was  elected  Vice  President  of  General  Motors and Group
Executive in charge of GM's North American Vehicle Sales,  Service and Marketing
Group.  In October  1998,  he was elected  Executive  Vice  President of General
Motors and President of General Motors North America.

   Mr. John D. Finnegan has been  associated  with General Motors since 1976. In
1992, he was elected as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of
General   Motors   Acceptance   Corporation.   During   1994,   he   added   the
responsibilities  of  Chairman  and  President  of  GMAC  Mortgage  Corporation.
Effective  December  1995, he was named Vice  President and Treasurer of General
Motors.  In November 1997, he was elected Vice President and Group  Executive of
General Motors and President of General Motors Acceptance Corporation. Effective
May 1999, he was elected Chairman of General Motors  Acceptance  Corporation and
Executive Vice President of General Motors.


                                     PART II


ITEM 5.  Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder

   General  Motors'  (GM's)  common  stocks  are  listed on the stock  exchanges
specified on the cover page of this Form 10-K under the trading symbols (GM) and
(GMH).  GM's Dividend  Policy is described in the  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis (MD&A) in Part II. As of December 31, 2000,  there were 464,399 holders
of record of GM $1-2/3 par value common  stock and 192,813  holders of record of
GM Class H common stock. As of December 31, 1999,  there were 499,809 holders of
record of GM $1-2/3 par value common  stock and 192,866  holders of record of GM
Class H common  stock.  The  following  table  sets  forth the high and low sale
prices of GM's common stocks as reported on the Composite Tape and the quarterly
dividends  declared  for the last two years,  not  adjusted  to account  for the
spin-off of Delphi which occurred during the second quarter of 1999.

                                                     2000 Quarters
                                        1st         2nd         3rd         4th
Cash dividends per share of common stocks
    $1-2/3 par value                   $0.50       $0.50       $0.50      $0.50
    Class H                              $-          $-          $-         $-

Price range of common stocks
  $1-2/3 par value (1): High          $88.13      $94.63      $76.63     $68.25
                        Low           $70.75      $57.25      $56.94     $48.44
  Class H (1)(2):       High          $47.00      $41.58      $37.61     $38.00
                        Low           $30.50      $27.33      $24.63     $21.33

                                                     1999 Quarters
                                        1st         2nd         3rd         4th
Cash dividends per share of common stocks
    $1-2/3 par value                   $0.50       $0.50       $0.50      $0.50
    Class H                              $-          $-          $-         $-

Price range of common stocks
  $1-2/3 par value (1): High          $93.88      $94.88      $72.44     $79.06
                        Low           $69.19      $61.06      $59.75     $60.69
  Class H (1)(2):       High          $17.67      $21.29      $20.81     $32.54
                        Low           $12.83      $16.31      $16.25     $18.65

(1)The principal market is the New York Stock Exchange,  and prices are based on
   the  Composite  Tape.  GM $1-2/3 par value common stock is also listed on the
   Chicago and Philadelphia stock exchanges and on the Pacific Exchange.
(2)The stock prices have been adjusted to reflect the three-for-one  stock split
   of the GM Class H common stock, in the form of a 200% stock dividend, paid on
   June 30, 2000.



ITEM 6.  Selected Financial Data (Unaudited)

                                          Years Ended December 31
                                  2000       1999      1998     1997     1996
                                  ----       ----      ----     ----     ----
                                  (dollars in millions except per share amounts)

Total net sales and revenues  $184,632   $176,558  $155,445  $172,580 $158,281
                               =======    =======   =======   =======  =======

Income from continuing
   operations                   $4,452     $5,576    $3,049    $6,483   $4,100
Income (loss) from
   discontinued operations           -        426       (93)      215      863
                                 -----      -----     -----     -----    -----
  Net income                    $4,452     $6,002    $2,956    $6,698   $4,963
                                 =====      =====     =====     =====    =====

$1-2/3 par value common stock
  Basic earnings per share (EPS)
   from continuing operations    $6.80      $8.70     $4.40    $8.52     $5.08
  Basic earnings (losses)
   per share from
   discontinued operations        $  -      $0.66    $(0.14)    $0.18    $0.98
  Diluted EPS from continuing
   operations                    $6.68      $8.53     $4.32     $8.45    $5.04
  Diluted earnings (losses)
   per share from
   discontinued operations        $  -      $0.65    $(0.14)    $0.17    $0.98
  Cash dividends declared
   per share                     $2.00      $2.00     $2.00    $2.00     $1.60

Class H common stock (1) (3)
  Basic EPS from continuing
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -     $0.77    $0.61
  Basic EPS from discontinued
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -     $0.29    $0.35
  Diluted EPS from continuing
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -     $0.77    $0.61
  Diluted EPS from discontinued
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -     $0.29    $0.35
  Cash dividends declared
   per share                      $  -       $  -      $  -     $0.33    $0.32

Class H common stock (1) (4)
  Basic earnings (losses)
   per share from
   continuing operations         $0.56     $(0.26)    $0.23     $0.01     $  -
  Diluted earnings (losses)
   per share from
   continuing operations         $0.55     $(0.26)    $0.23     $0.01     $  -
  Cash dividends declared
   per share                      $  -       $  -      $  -      $  -     $  -

Class E common stock
  Basic EPS from discontinued
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -      $  -    $0.04
  Diluted EPS from discontinued
   operations                     $  -       $  -      $  -      $  -    $0.04
  Cash dividends declared
   per share                      $  -       $  -      $  -      $  -    $0.30

Total assets                  $303,100   $274,730  $246,688  $221,767 $216,965
Long-term debt (2)              $7,410     $7,415    $7,118    $5,669   $5,352
GM-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred
   securities of subsidiary
   trusts                         $139       $218      $220      $222     $  -
Stockholders' equity           $30,175    $20,644   $15,052   $17,584  $23,413

Reference should be made to the notes to GM's consolidated  financial statements
and Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of

(1)Adjusted  to reflect the  three-for-one  stock split of the GM Class H common
   stock, in the form of a 200% stock dividend, paid on June 30, 2000.
(2)Calculated from Automotive, Communications Services, and Other
   Operations only.
(3)Prior to its recapitalization on December 17, 1997.
(4)Subsequent to its recapitalization on December 17, 1997.

                                 * * * * * *



ITEM 7.  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
         Results of Operations

   The following management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and
results  of  operations  (MD&A)  should be read in  conjunction  with the Hughes
Electronics  Corporation (Hughes) consolidated financial statements and MD&A for
the period ended  December  31,  2000,  included as Exhibit 99 to this GM Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the period ended  December 31, 2000,  and related Hughes
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed  separately  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  (SEC); and the General Motors Acceptance  Corporation  (GMAC) Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the period ended  December 31,  2000,  filed  separately
with the SEC. All earnings per share  amounts  included in the MD&A are reported
as diluted.
   GM presents separate financial information for the following businesses:
Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations and Financing and
Insurance Operations.
   GM's reportable  operating  segments  within its  Automotive,  Communications
Services, and Other Operations business consist of:

   -  GM Automotive (GMA), which is comprised of four regions: GM North
      America (GMNA), GM Europe (GME), GM Latin America/Africa/Mid-East
      (GMLAAM), and GM Asia Pacific (GMAP);
   -  Hughes,  which  includes  activities  relating  to digital  entertainment,
      information  and  communications  services,  and  satellite-based  private
      business networks; and
   -  Other,   which  includes  the  design,   manufacturing  and  marketing  of
      locomotives and heavy-duty transmissions,  the elimination of intersegment
      transactions,  certain non-segment specific revenues and expenditures, and
      certain corporate activities.

   GM's  reportable  operating  segments  within  its  Financing  and  Insurance
Operations  business  consist  of  GMAC  and  Other  Financing,  which  includes
financing entities operating in the U.S., Canada, Brazil,  Germany,  Sweden, and
Mexico that are not associated with GMAC.
   The  disaggregated  financial  results  for GMA have  been  prepared  using a
management  approach,  which is consistent with the basis and manner in which GM
management  internally  disaggregates  financial  information for the purpose of
assisting in making internal operating decisions. In this regard, certain common
expenses were allocated  among regions less precisely than would be required for
stand-alone   financial  information  prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the U.S. (GAAP) and certain expenses (primarily
certain  U.S.  taxes  related  to  non-U.S.  operations)  were  included  in the
Automotive,  Communications  Services,  and Other Operations' Other segment. The
financial  results  represent the historical  information used by management for
internal decision making purposes;  therefore,  other data prepared to represent
the way in which the business will operate in the future,  or data prepared on a
GAAP basis, may be materially different.




   For the year ended December 31, 2000,  income from continuing  operations for
the  Corporation  was $4.5  billion,  or $6.68 per share of GM $1-2/3  par value
common stock,  compared  with $5.6 billion and $3.0 billion,  or $8.53 and $4.32
per share of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock, for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.
Income from  continuing  operations  includes the special  items on an after-tax
basis outlined below:

Years Ended December 31, (dollars in millions except per share amounts)

                                   Phase-      Post
                                   out of    Employment  Capacity    Satellite   Adjusted
                        Income   Oldsmobile   Benefits   Reduction   Businesses   Income

GM Automotive
   GMNA                 $3,174      $(939)     $(294)       $ -          $ -      $4,407
   GME                    (676)         -          -       (419)           -        (257)
   GMLAAM                   26          -          -          -            -          26
   GMAP                   (233)         -          -          -            -        (233)
                         -----     ------     ------      -----        -----       -----
      Total GMA          2,291       (939)      (294)      (419)           -       3,943
Hughes                     829          -          -          -        1,132        (303)
Other Automotive          (281)         -          -          -            -        (281)
GMAC                     1,602          -          -          -            -       1,602
Other Financing             11          -          -          -            -          11
                        ------     ------     ------     ------        -----      ------
Total GM                $4,452      $(939)     $(294)     $(419)      $1,132      $4,972
                         =====        ===        ===        ===        =====       =====

      Earnings Per Share $6.68     $(1.59)    $(0.50)    $(0.71)       $0.90       $8.58
                          ====       ====       ====       ====         ====        ====

                                    Post       Hourly
                                 Employment   Retiree   Termination    Wireless  Adjusted
                        Income    Benefits    Benefits   Benefits      Business   Income

GM Automotive
   GMNA                 $4,857       $553      $(257)      $(39)         $ -      $4,600
   GME                     423          -          -          -            -         423
   GMLAAM                  (81)         -          -          -            -         (81)
   GMAP                   (218)         -          -          -            -        (218)
                         -----      -----      -----       ----       ------       -----
      Total GMA          4,981        553       (257)       (39)           -       4,724
Hughes                    (270)         -          -          -         (165)       (105)
Other Automotive          (669)         -       (151)       (35)           -        (483)
GMAC                     1,527          -          -        (16)           -       1,543
Other Financing              7          -          -          -            -           7
                       -------      -----      -----       ----        -----       -----
Total GM                $5,576       $553      $(408)      $(90)       $(165)     $5,686
                         =====        ===        ===         ==          ===       =====

      Earnings Per Share $8.53      $0.84     $(0.62)    $(0.14)      $(0.17)      $8.62
                          ====       ====       ====       ====         ====        ====

                                       Asset      Schedule     Termination   Adjusted
                           Income   Impairments  Modification    Benefits     Income
GM Automotive
   GMNA                    $1,633      $(38)          $-           $(42)      $1,713
   GME                        419         -          (44)             -          463
   GMLAAM                    (175)      (30)           -            (21)        (124)
   GMAP                      (243)      (97)           -              -         (146)
                            -----      ----         ----           ----        -----
      Total GMA             1,634      (165)         (44)           (63)       1,906
Hughes                        272         -            -              -          272
Other Automotive             (279)        -            -              -         (279)
GMAC                        1,325         -            -              -        1,325
Other Financing                97         -            -              -           97
                           ------     -----         ----           ----        -----
Total GM                   $3,049     $(165)        $(44)          $(63)      $3,321
                            =====       ===           ==             ==        =====

      Earnings Per Share    $4.32    $(0.24)      $(0.06)        $(0.10)       $4.72
                             ====      ====         ====           ====         ====



   The phase-out  of  Oldsmobile at GMNA  represents the costs  associated  with
GM's decision in the fourth quarter of 2000 to phase-out the Oldsmobile division
as the  current  model  lineup  product  lifecycles  come to an end, or when the
models are no longer  economically  viable.  Included in the $939 million charge
for the  phase-out of  Oldsmobile  was $356 million  related to  underperforming
assets and $583  million  related to  estimated  future  payments to dealers and
others.  Underperforming  assets represent the write-down of impaired long-lived
assets, principally tooling and equipment on operating leases, recorded pursuant
to GM's policy for the  evaluation  of  long-lived  assets (see Note 2 to the GM
consolidated  financial  statements).  Estimated  future payments to dealers and
others  represent  transition  assistance to be paid to  Oldsmobile  dealers and
increased sales incentives on Oldsmobile vehicles in dealer inventory.  The $294
million  charge  for  postemployment   benefits  at  GMNA  was  attributable  to
postemployment   costs  for  termination  and  other   postemployment   benefits
associated  with the four North  American  manufacturing  facilities  slated for
conversion  and capacity  reduction  (Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma;  Delta  Engine,
Lansing, Michigan; Spring Hill, Tennessee; and Wilmington, Delaware) (see Note 3
to the GM consolidated financial statements). This action will reduce production
capacity by  approximately  376,000  engines per year and 127,000  vehicles  per
year. The capacity  reduction at GME represents  the costs  associated  with the
reduction in production capacity, including the restructuring of Vauxhall Motors
Limited's  manufacturing  operations  in the UK.  Included  in the $419  million
charge for  capacity  reduction  was $231  million  related  to  underperforming
assets,  $80 million  related to  cancellation  charges to be paid to  suppliers
incurred  as a result of certain GME  restructuring  actions,  and $108  million
related to early retirements and other separation programs. The charge for these
programs  primarily  relates  to  approximately  2,000  employees  at the  Luton
assembly plant.  This action will reduce  production  capacity by  approximately
270,000  vehicles per year.  GM's net of tax cash  requirements  relating to the
GMNA and GME charges are  expected to total  approximately  $1.2  billion,  with
anticipated spending of approximately 90% through 2003. The $1.1 billion gain at
Hughes  was  attributable  to the sale of its  satellite  systems  manufacturing
businesses to The Boeing Company for $3.8 billion in cash.
   In 1999, the $553 million benefit for postemployment  benefits was related to
the reversal of a liability for benefits payable to excess U.S. hourly employees
(see  Note 3 to the GM  consolidated  financial  statements).  The $408  million
charge for hourly retiree  benefits was related to the benefit  increase granted
to hourly  retirees  in  connection  with the 1999  United  Auto  Workers  (UAW)
agreement. The $90 million charge for termination benefits was related to a U.S.
salaried  early   retirement   program   (approximately   1,700  people  elected
participation in this program).  The $165 million charge for the Hughes Wireless
business was related to Hughes' decision to discontinue  certain of its wireless
manufacturing operations at Hughes Network Systems.
   In 1998, the $165 million charge for impairment  represents the write-down of
impaired tooling and other property,  plant, and equipment (see Note 2 to the GM
consolidated financial  statements).  The $44 million work schedule modification
charge  resulted from schedule  modifications  at Opel Belgium.  The $63 million
termination  benefits charge  represents  voluntary  early  retirement and other
separation programs affecting approximately 4,450 employees.

Vehicle Unit Deliveries of Cars and Trucks - GMA

                                                          Years Ended December 31,
                                    2000                             1999                             1998
                        ---------------------------      ----------------------------     ----------------------------
                                              GM as                          GM as                             GM as
                                             a % of                          a % of                            a % of
                        Industry     GM     Industry     Industry     GM     Industry     Industry     GM     Industry
                        ----------------------------     ----------------------------     ----------------------------
                                                             (units in thousands)
United States
  Cars                    8,857     2,532     28.6%        8,700     2,591     29.8%        8,141     2,456      30.2%
  Trucks                  8,960     2,421     27.0%        8,718     2,426     27.8%        7,825     2,148      27.5%
                         ------     -----                 ------     -----                 ------     -----
  Total United States    17,817     4,953     27.8%       17,418     5,017     28.8%       15,966     4,604      28.8%
Canada, Mexico, and Other 2,648       707     26.7%        2,562       683     26.7%        2,406       639      26.6%
                         ------     -----                 ------     -----                 ------     -----
  Total GMNA             20,465     5,660     27.7%       19,980     5,700     28.5%       18,372     5,243      28.5%
  GME                    19,972     1,855      9.3%       20,219     1,970      9.7%       19,230     1,849       9.6%
  GMLAAM                  3,708       603     16.3%        3,353       536     16.0%        4,179       654      15.6%
  GMAP                   12,729       473      3.7%       12,030       468      3.9%       10,964       439       4.0%
                         ------     -----                 ------    ------                 ------    ------
Total Worldwide          56,874     8,591     15.1%       55,582     8,674     15.6%       52,745     8,185      15.5%


Wholesale Sales

                                     Years Ended December 31,
                                2000           1999          1998
                              --------       --------      --------
                                        (units in thousands)

  Cars                         2,933          2,992         2,731
  Trucks                       2,842          2,882         2,340
                               -----          -----         -----
    Total GMNA                 5,775          5,874         5,071
                               -----          -----         -----
  Cars                         1,744          1,824         1,764
  Trucks                         135            144           118
                               -----          -----         -----
    Total GME                  1,879          1,968         1,882
                               -----          -----         -----
  Cars                           438            350           404
  Trucks                         196            173           248
                                 ---            ---           ---
    Total GMLAAM                 634            523           652
                                 ---            ---           ---
  Cars                           175            162           202
  Trucks                         283            259           217
                                 ---            ---           ---
    Total GMAP                   458            421           419
                                 ---            ---           ---

Total Worldwide                8,746          8,786         8,024
                               =====          =====         =====

GMA Financial Review

   GMA's income and margin adjusted to exclude  special items  (adjusted  income
and margin) was $3.9 billion and 2.7% for 2000,  $4.7 billion and 3.2% for 1999,
and $1.9  billion and 1.5% for 1998.  The decrease in 2000  adjusted  income and
margin,  compared  with 1999,  was  primarily due to an increase in spending for
product development activities, pricing pressures in North America and Europe, a
decrease in wholesale sales volume,  and unfavorable  product mix,  primarily in
Europe.  These  unfavorable  conditions were partially  offset by cost structure
improvements, primarily in North America.
   The improvement in 1999 adjusted  income and margin,  compared with 1998, was
primarily  due to  improvement  in the  profitability  of new  vehicles,  higher
production  volumes at GMNA compared with the prior year when work  stoppages at
two component plants in Flint, Michigan, halted production of wholesale units at
26 of 29 assembly plants in North America, and lower material costs.
   GMA's  total  net  sales and  revenues  adjusted  to  exclude  special  items
(adjusted  total net sales and  revenues)  for 2000 were $148.1  billion,  which
represented  an increase of $2.0 billion,  compared  with 1999.  The increase in
adjusted  total net sales and  revenues  was largely due to growth  initiatives,
including  OnStar and Service Parts  Operations,  which were partially offset by
lower wholesale volumes,  and unfavorable net price in North America and Europe.
Net price  comprehends  the percent  increase/(decrease)  a customer pays in the
current period for the same comparably equipped vehicle produced in the previous
year's  period.  Adjusted  total  net sales and  revenues  for 1999 were  $146.1
billion,  which represented an increase of $17.0 billion compared with 1998. The
increase was primarily  due to increases in wholesale  sales volumes as a result
of the previously mentioned 1998 GMNA work stoppages.
   GMNA's adjusted income was $4.4 billion,  $4.6 billion,  and $1.7 billion for
2000,  1999, and 1998,  respectively.  The decrease in 2000 adjusted income from
1999 was  primarily  due to  unfavorable  net price and  lower  wholesale  sales
volumes.  The decrease was partially  offset by  improvements  in  manufacturing
costs due to performance  efficiencies and material cost savings.  Net price was
unfavorable for 2000 at (0.7)% year-over-year.
   The  improvement  in GMNA adjusted  income for 1999,  compared with 1998, was
primarily  due to the 1998  work  stoppages,  higher  wholesale  sales  volumes,
improvement in the cost and profitability of new vehicles, lower material costs,
and reduced warranty expense resulting from improved  quality.  This improvement
was partially offset by increased  manufacturing  costs, launch costs associated
with the new LeSabre,  Impala, Monte Carlo, Saturn LS, DeVille,  Aurora,  Tahoe,
Suburban, Yukon, and Yukon XL models, as well as increased engineering costs for
further innovation in GM's portfolio.
   GME's adjusted loss was $257 million for 2000,  compared with adjusted income
of $423 million and $463 million for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The decrease
in GME's 2000 adjusted income from 1999 was due to the weakening of the European
industry,  a shift in sales mix from  larger,  more  profitable  vehicles to the
smaller,  less profitable  entries, a continued increase in competitive  pricing
pressure, and a decrease in wholesale sales volume which was further impacted by
the reduced availability of the new



GMA Financial Review (concluded)

Corsa during the launch period.  The decrease in GME's 1999 adjusted income from
1998 was primarily due to increased  competitive  pricing pressure and increased
engineering   expense  associated  with  the  model  year  2000  mid-life  cycle
enhancements  for the Vectra and Omega and the new model year 2001 Corsa.  These
decreases were partially  offset by continued  material cost  improvements  as a
result of GM's global  purchasing  efforts,  as well as  improved  manufacturing
   During September 2000, the European  parliament passed a directive  requiring
member  states  to adopt  legislation  regarding  end-of-life  vehicles  and the
responsibility of manufacturers for dismantling and recycling vehicles they have
sold.  European  Union  member  states are  required to  transform  the concepts
detailed in the directive into national law by March 2002.  Under the directive,
manufacturers are financially  responsible for at least a portion of the cost of
the  take-back of vehicles put on the market as of July 2002 and all of the cost
for all of the vehicles put on the market as of 2007.  The laws developed in the
individual local  legislatures  throughout Europe will have a significant impact
on the  amount  ultimately  paid by the  manufacturers  for this  issue.  GME is
currently assessing the impact of this potential legislation on its  results of
operations and financial position.
   GMLAAM's  adjusted  income was $26 million for 2000  compared  with adjusted
losses of $81 million  and $124  million  for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The
increase in 2000  adjusted  income,  compared  with 1999,  was  primarily due to
nominal price  increases and an increase in wholesale  sales  volumes.  This was
partially offset by an increase in  manufacturing  costs and material costs. The
decrease in 1999 adjusted loss, compared with 1998, was primarily due to nominal
price increases and reduced  structural costs (reducing  employee and production
costs),  partially  offset by lower industry  volumes due to the economic crisis
throughout Latin America,  and increased material and freight costs driven by GM
do Brasil's and its suppliers' exposure to hard currencies.
   GMAP's adjusted loss was $233 million for 2000 compared with adjusted losses
of $218 million and $146 million for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The increase
in 2000 adjusted loss,  compared to 1999, was primarily due to increased  equity
losses at Isuzu  which  were  partially  offset  by  increased  wholesale  sales
volumes.  Increased  adjusted  losses for 1999 compared with 1998 were primarily
due to  start-up  costs in the  region  and  equity  losses  at Isuzu due to the
economic downturn in Asia,  partially offset by continued strong  performance in
Australia and earnings improvements at Shanghai GM.
    GMA's effective  income tax rate on an adjusted basis was 30.9%,  31.7%, and
34.7% for 2000, 1999, and 1998, respectively. GMA's effective income tax rate on
a  reported  basis  was  26.6%,  32.0%, and  34.8%  for  2000,  1999,  and 1998,

Hughes Financial Review

   Total  adjusted  net sales and  revenues  increased  to $8.7 billion in 2000,
compared  with $7.6  billion in 1999 and $6.1  billion in 1998.  The increase in
adjusted net sales and revenues in 2000  compared with 1999 resulted from growth
in the  DIRECTV  businesses  from the  addition of more than 2.0 million net new
subscribers  in the United  States and Latin  America  since  December 31, 1999.
PanAmSat  Corporation also contributed to the increase in adjusted net sales and
revenues  primarily due to increased revenues from outright sales and sales-type
lease transactions  executed during 2000. The increase in adjusted net sales and
revenues  from 1999  compared  with 1998 resulted from the growth in the DIRECTV
businesses  due to the  addition  of  slightly  more  than 1.7  million  net new
subscribers  in the United States and Latin America since December 31, 1998, and
added  revenues  from  acquisitions  of PRIMESTAR  and United  States  Satellite
Broadcasting Company, Inc., in mid-1999. Also contributing to the growth of 1999
revenues were increased sales of DIRECTV  receiver  equipment and a $155 million
pre-tax gain that resulted from the  settlement of a patent  infringement  case.
The 1999  increase was partially  offset by decreased  revenues at the satellite
systems manufacturing businesses,  which was principally due to contract revenue
adjustments  and  delayed  revenue  recognition  that  resulted  from  increased
development  costs and  schedule  delays  on  several  new  product  lines,  and
decreased activity associated with a contract with ICO Global Communications.
   Hughes'  adjusted  loss was $303 million for 2000,  compared with an adjusted
loss of $105  million in 1999 and adjusted  income of $272 million in 1998.  The
increase in 2000 adjusted loss,  compared with 1999, was primarily due to higher
marketing costs at the  Direct-To-Home  businesses,  increased  depreciation and
amortization  expense due to 1999  acquisitions  and additions to satellites and
property, as well as increased interest expense as a result of increased average
outstanding  borrowings throughout the year. The adjusted loss in 1999, compared
with  adjusted  income  in 1998,  was a result  of an $85  million  decrease  in
interest  income,  a  $105  million  increase  in  interest  expense,  increased
subscriber  acquisition  costs, and higher  depreciation  and amortization  that
resulted from 1999 acquisitions.
   Due to rapid consolidation in the media and telecommunications industries, GM
is now considering alternative strategic transactions involving Hughes and other
participants  in  those  industries.  Any such  transaction  might  involve  the
separation  of Hughes from GM. GM's  objective in this effort is to maximize the
enterprise  value of Hughes for the  long-term  benefit  of the  holders of GM's
Class H common stock and GM $1-2/3 par value  common  stock  through a structure
that maintains the financial  strength of GM. No assurance can be given that any
transaction  will be  agreed  upon  with  any  party or that  other  conditions,
including any stockholder or regulatory approvals will be satisfied.



GMAC Financial Review

   GMAC's  adjusted income was $1.6 billion,  $1.5 billion,  and $1.3 billion in
2000, 1999, and 1998,  respectively.  Income from automotive and other financing
operations totaled $1.1 billion,  $1.1 billion,  and $1.0 billion in 2000, 1999,
and 1998,  respectively.  In 2000,  increased financing volumes and asset levels
were  offset by the  negative  impact from the higher  level of market  interest
rates  compared  with 1999.  The increase in 1999 from 1998 was due to increased
financing  volumes  and  reduced  credit  losses,  partially  offset by a higher
effective tax rate. Income from insurance operations totaled $220 million,  $210
million, and $226 million in 2000, 1999, and 1998, respectively. The increase in
income  from 1999 was  primarily  due to improved  operating  results and higher
investment  income  and  capital  gains.  The  decrease  in 1999  from  1998 was
primarily  attributable  to pricing  pressure in the  personal  lines  insurance
business.  Income from mortgage  operations totaled $327 million,  $260 million,
and  $115  million  in  2000,   1999,   and  1998,   respectively.   The  strong
year-over-year  performance reflects the benefit of strong international growth,
lower cost of servicing,  and increased mortgage  originations during the second
half of 1999.  The  unusually  low  earnings in 1998 were largely due to reduced
mortgage asset values from higher prepayment levels.
   Financing revenue totaled $15.5 billion in 2000,  compared with $13.8 billion
and $12.7 billion for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  These increases were mainly
due  to  higher  average  retail,  wholesale,  and  commercial  and  other  loan
receivable  balances.


Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

   At December 31, 2000, cash, marketable securities, and $3.0 billion of assets
of the Voluntary  Employees'  Beneficiary  Association  (VEBA) trust invested in
fixed-income  securities  totaled $13.3 billion,  compared with $14.4 billion at
December 31, 1999.  The decrease  from  December 31, 1999  was primarily  due to
decreased  operating cash flows,  GM's purchase of a 20% equity interest in Fuji
Heavy Industries Ltd. for approximately $1.3 billion, a $1.0 billion cash equity
injection in GMAC, and stock  repurchases.  These items were partially offset by
the  net  cash  proceeds  from  the  sale  of  the  Hughes'   satellite  systems
manufacturing  businesses  to The Boeing  Company  and  improvements  in managed
working  capital.  Total assets in the VEBA trust used to pre-fund  part of GM's
other  postretirement  benefits  liability  approximated  $6.7  billion and $6.3
billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  GM  previously  indicated
that  it  had a goal  of  maintaining  $13.0  billion  of  cash  and  marketable
securities in order to continue funding product development  programs throughout
the next downturn in the business cycle. This $13.0 billion target includes cash
to pay certain costs that were pre-funded in part by VEBA contributions.
   Net liquidity, calculated as cash and marketable securities less the total of
loans  payable and  long-term  debt,  was $662  million at December  31, 2000, a
decrease of $1.4 billion from the prior year.
   Long-term debt was $7.4 billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.
The ratio of long-term debt to long-term debt and GM's net assets of Automotive,
Communications  Services,  and Other  Operations was 30.8% and 42.3% at December
31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The ratio of  long-term  debt and  short-term
loans  payable  to the  total of this debt and GM's net  assets  of  Automotive,
Communications  Services,  and Other  Operations was 36.6% and 48.2% at December
31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

Financing and Insurance Operations

   At December 31, 2000, GMAC owned assets and serviced  automotive  receivables
totaling  $185.6  billion,  compared  with $162.3  billion at December 31, 1999.
Total  consolidated  assets of GMAC at December  31, 2000  were $168.4  billion,
compared  with $148.8  billion at December 31, 1999.  The increase over year-end
1999 was primarily the result of higher serviced retail receivables,  commercial
and other  loan  receivables,  serviced  wholesale  receivables,  other  assets,
factored receivables,  mortgage lending receivables,  mortgage servicing rights,
mortgage loans held for investment and due and deferred from  receivable  sales,
and  receivables  due  from  Automotive,   Communications  Services,  and  Other
Operations.  These  increases  were  partially  offset by a decline in operating
lease assets.
   Consolidated  automotive  and  commercial  finance  receivables  serviced  by
GMAC,  including sold  receivables,  totaled $112.5 billion and $97.0 billion at
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. This increase was primarily the result
of a $7.4  billion  increase  in serviced  retail  receivables,  a $4.9  billion
increase in commercial and other loan  receivables,  and a $4.4 billion increase
in serviced  wholesale  receivables.  Continued  GM-sponsored  retail  financing
incentives contributed to the rise in serviced retail receivables.  The increase
in commercial and other loan receivables was primarily attributable to increases
in secured notes as well as continued  growth at Commercial  Credit LLC and GMAC
Business  Credit  LLC.  The  growth  at  Commercial  Credit  LLC  was  partially
attributable to the  acquisitions of the factoring  businesses of Finova Capital
Corporation  and Banc of America  during the third and fourth  quarters of 2000.
The increase in serviced  wholesale  loan  receivables  was due to higher dealer
inventory levels, as well as an increase in penetration.



Financing and Insurance Operations - (concluded)

   GMAC's liquidity,  as well as its ability to profit from ongoing  acquisition
activity,  is in large part  dependent  on its timely  access to capital and the
costs  associated  with  raising  funds in  different  segments  of the  capital
markets.  In this regard,  GMAC regularly accesses the short-term,  medium-term,
and long-term debt markets,  principally  through  commercial paper,  notes, and
underwritten transactions.
   At December 31, 2000,  GMAC's total borrowings were $133.4 billion,  compared
with  $121.2  billion  at  December  31,  1999.  Approximately  81% of this debt
represented funding for operations in the U.S. and the remaining 19% represented
borrowings for operations in Canada (9%), the United Kingdom (3%), Germany (3%),
and other  countries  (4%).  GMAC's 2000  year-end  ratio of total debt to total
stockholder's  equity was 9.5:1,  compared with 10.9:1 at December 31, 1999. The
higher  year-to-year debt balances were principally used to fund increased asset
levels.  Total short-term  debt  outstanding  at  December 31, 2000  amounted to
$56.9 billion, compared with $50.8 billion at December 31, 1999.

Book Value Per Share

   Book value per share was determined  based on the  liquidation  rights of the
various  classes  of common  stock.  Book value per share of GM $1-2/3 par value
common  stock increased  to $39.36 at December 31, 2000, from $27.02 at December
31, 1999.  Book value per share of GM Class H common stock,  adjusted to reflect
the GM Class H common stock split, increased to $7.87 at December 31, 2000, from
$5.40 at December 31, 1999.

Return on Net Assets (RONA)

   As  part of its  shareholder  value  initiatives,  GM has  adopted  RONA as a
performance measure to heighten  management's focus on balance sheet investments
and the  return  on  those  investments.  GM's  RONA  calculation  is  based  on
principles  established  by  management  and  approved  by  the GM  Board.  GM's
four-quarter  rolling-average RONA for continuing operations adjusted to exclude
special items, excluding Hughes, was 11.1% and 13.8% as of December 31, 2000 and
1999, respectively.


   Dividends may be paid on common stocks only when,  as, and if declared by the
GM Board  in its sole  discretion.  The  amount  available  for the  payment  of
dividends on each class of common stock will be reduced on occasion by dividends
paid on that class and will be adjusted on occasion for changes to the amount of
surplus  attributed to the class  resulting  from the  repurchase or issuance of
shares of that class.
   At December 31, 2000, the amount available for the payment of dividends on GM
$1-2/3  par  value  and GM Class H common  stocks  was $9.8  billion  and  $19.7
billion, respectively.  GM's policy is to distribute dividends on its $1-2/3 par
value  common  stock  based on the outlook and  indicated  capital  needs of the
business.  Cash  dividends  per share of GM $1-2/3 par value  common  stock were
$2.00 in 2000,  1999, and 1998. With respect to GM Class H common stock,  the GM
Board  determined  that it will not pay any cash dividends at this time in order
to  allow  the  earnings  of  Hughes  to  be  retained  for  investment  in  its
telecommunications and space businesses.
   The dividends per share for the GM Series H 6.25%  Automatically  Convertible
Preference Stock were $35.1172 in 2000. The GM Board also paid dividends in 2000
on the  Series D and  Series G  Depositary  Shares of $0.99 and $2.28 per share,
respectively.  The Series D preference stock was redeemed on May 2, 2000, and as
a result,  the amount paid on that date to the Series D  shareholders  of record
included accrued and unpaid dividends as part of the total redemption price.

Euro Conversion

   On  January  1,  1999,  11 of 15  member  countries  of  the  European  Union
established fixed conversion rates between their existing currencies and adopted
the euro as their new common currency. The euro trades on currency exchanges and
the legacy currencies  remain legal tender in the participating  countries for a
transition  period until  January 1, 2002.  Beginning  on January 1, 2002,  euro
denominated  bills  and coins  will be  issued  and  legacy  currencies  will be
withdrawn from circulation.
   The  Corporation  has  reviewed  and  has  made  required   modifications  to
applicable  information  technology  systems  and  contracts  based  on the  new
currency. At December 31, 2000, the conversion to the euro has not resulted, nor
is the remaining transition expected to result in any material adverse impact on
GM's financial position and results of operations.



Employment and Payrolls

Worldwide employment at December 31,
(in thousands)                                   2000        1999       1998(1)
                                                 ----        ----       ----
  GMNA                                            212         217        226
  GME                                              89          91 (2)     94(2)
  GMLAAM                                           24          23         24
  GMAP                                             11          10         10
  GMAC                                             29          27         24
  Hughes                                            9          18         15
  Other                                            12          12         13
                                                  ---         ---        ---
      Total employees                             386         398        406
                                                  ===         ===        ===

  Worldwide payrolls - continuing operations
   (in billions) (3)                            $21.6       $21.8      $20.4
  U.S. hourly payrolls (in billions) (4)         $9.4       $10.0       $8.8
  Average labor cost per active hour
   worked U.S. hourly                          $52.89      $50.51     $46.17

(1) Amounts have been adjusted to exclude Delphi employees.
(2) Amounts have been adjusted to include SAAB employees.
(3) Amounts have been adjusted to exclude Hughes' employees.
(4) Includes employees "at work" (excludes laid-off employees receiving

New Accounting Standards

   In  June 1998,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  (FASB)  issued
Statement of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 133,  Accounting  for
Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging  Activities.  In June 2000, the FASB issued
SFAS No. 138, which amended certain  provisions of SFAS No. 133. GM adopted SFAS
No.  133, as amended,  on January 1, 2001.  GM will record a one-time  after-tax
charge to income for the initial  adoption of SFAS No. 133  totaling $6 million,
as well as an after-tax  unrealized  loss of $77 million to other  comprehensive
income as of January 1, 2001.  The outcome of pending issues at the FASB and the
Derivatives  Implementation  Group  could  impact the  amount of the  cumulative
transition  adjustment  presented  herein.
   In September 2000, the FASB issued SFAS No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and
Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - a replacement
of FASB  Statement  No. 125.  This  statement is  effective  for  transfers  and
servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities occurring after
March 31, 2001, and is effective for the  recognition  and  reclassification  of
collateral  and  disclosures   relating  to   securitization   transactions  and
collateral for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2000.  Management does not
expect this  statement to have a material  impact on GM's results of  operations
and financial position.

Forward-Looking Statements

   In this  report,  in reports  subsequently  filed by GM with the SEC on Forms
10-Q and 8-K, and in related comments by management of GM and Hughes, our use of
the words "expect," "anticipate,"  "estimate," "forecast,"  "objective," "plan,"
"goal,"  and  similar  expressions  is  intended  to  identify   forward-looking
statements.  While these statements  represent our current judgment on what the
future may hold, and we believe these judgments are  reasonable,  actual results
may differ materially due to numerous important factors that are described below
and other factors that may be described in subsequent  reports which GM may file
with the SEC on Forms 10-Q and 8-K:

   . Changes in economic  conditions,  currency  exchange  rates,  or  political
     stability in the major markets  where the  Corporation  procures  material,
     components,  and supplies for the  production of its principal  products or
     where its products are produced, distributed, or sold (i.e., North America,
     Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific).
   . Shortages  of  fuel  or  interruptions  in  transportation  systems,  labor
     strikes,  work stoppages,  or other interruptions to or difficulties in the
     employment of labor in the major markets  where the  Corporation  purchases
     material,  components,  and supplies for the  production of its products or
     where its products are produced, distributed, or sold.
   . Significant  changes in the  competitive  environment  in the major markets
     where the Corporation purchases material,  components, and supplies for the
     production of its products or where its products are produced, distributed,
     or sold.
   . Changes  in  the  laws,  regulations,  policies,  or  other  activities  of
     governments,  agencies,  and similar  organizations  where such actions may
     affect   the   production,   licensing,   distribution,   or  sale  of  the
     Corporation's products, the cost thereof, or applicable tax rates.



Forward-Looking Statements (concluded)

   . The ability of the Corporation to achieve reductions in cost and employment
     levels,  to  realize  production  efficiencies,  and to  implement  capital
     expenditures, all at the levels and times planned by management.
   . With  respect  to  Hughes,   additional  risk  factors  include:   economic
     conditions, product demand and market acceptance,  government action, local
     political or economic  developments in or affecting  countries where Hughes
     has operations, ability to obtain export licenses, competition,  ability to
     achieve  cost  reductions,  technological  risk,  limitations  on access to
     distribution  channels,  the success and timeliness of satellite  launches,
     in-orbit  performance  of  satellites,   ability  of  customers  to  obtain
     financing,  and Hughes' ability to access capital to maintain its financial
     flexibility.  Additionally,  the in-orbit  satellites of Hughes and its 81%
     owned subsidiary, PanAmSat  Corporation, are subject to the risk of failing
     prematurely due to, among other things, mechanical failure,  collision with
     objects in space, or an inability to maintain  proper orbit. Satellites are
     subject to the risk of launch  delay and  failure,  destruction  and damage
     while  on  the  ground  or  during  launch,  and  failure to  become  fully
     operational  once  launched.  Delays  in  the  production,  or launch  of a
     satellite,  or the  complete  or partial loss of a  satellite,  in-orbit or
     during  launch,  could have a material  adverse  impact on the operation of
     Hughes' businesses.  Hughes purchases in-orbit and launch insurance for its
     satellite fleet to mitigate the potential  financial impact of in-orbit and
     launch failures.  The insurance  generally does not compensate for business
     interruption  or loss of future  revenues or customers.  Certain of Hughes'
     insurance policies contain exclusions related to known anomalies and Hughes
     is  self-insured  for certain  other  satellites.  Hughes has, in the past,
     experienced  technical  anomalies  on  some  of  its  satellites.   Service
     interruptions caused by these anomalies, depending on their severity, could
     result in claims by affected customers for termination of their transponder
     agreements,  cancellation  of other service contracts, or the loss of other

                                 * * * * * *

ITEM 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

   GM is exposed to market risk from changes in foreign currency exchange rates,
interest rates, and certain commodity and equity security prices. GM enters into
a variety of foreign  exchange,  interest rate, and commodity  forward contracts
and options,  primarily to maintain the desired  level of exposure  arising from
these risks. A risk  management  control  system is utilized to monitor  foreign
exchange,  interest  rate,  commodity and equity price risks,  and related hedge

   A discussion of GM's accounting policies for derivative financial instruments
is  included  in Note 1 to the GM  consolidated  financial  statements.  Further
information  on GM's  exposure  to market risk is included in Notes 19 and 20 to
the GM consolidated financial statements.

   The  following  analyses  provide  quantitative  information  regarding  GM's
exposure  to foreign  currency  exchange  rate  risk,  interest  rate risk,  and
commodity and equity price risk. GM uses a model to evaluate the  sensitivity of
the fair  value of  financial  instruments  with  exposure  to market  risk that
assumes  instantaneous,  parallel shifts in exchange rates,  interest rate yield
curves,  and  commodity  and equity  prices.  For options and  instruments  with
non-linear  returns,  models  appropriate  to the  instrument  are  utilized  to
determine the impact of market shifts. There are certain  shortcomings  inherent
in the  sensitivity  analyses  presented,  primarily due to the assumption  that
exchange  rates  change in a parallel  fashion and that  interest  rates  change
instantaneously.  In  addition,  the  analyses are unable to reflect the complex
market reactions that normally would arise from the market shifts modeled.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk
   GM has foreign currency exposures related to buying,  selling,  and financing
in  currencies  other  than the  local  currencies  in which it  operates.  More
specifically,  GM is exposed to foreign currency risk related to the uncertainty
to which  future  earnings or asset and  liability  values are exposed to as the
result of  operating  cash  flows and  various  financial  instruments  that are
denominated in foreign  currencies.  At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the net fair
value liability of financial  instruments with exposure to foreign currency risk
was approximately $13.6 billion and $11.2 billion,  respectively.  The potential
loss in fair value for such financial  instruments  from a 10% adverse change in
quoted foreign currency  exchange rates would be approximately  $1.2 billion and
$1.0 billion for 2000 and 1999, respectively.



Interest Rate Risk
   GM  is  subject to market risk from exposure to changes in interest rates due
to its financing,  investing, and cash management activities. More specifically,
the  Corporation is exposed to interest rate risk associated with long term debt
and  contracts  to provide  commercial  and retail  financing,  retain  mortgage
servicing  rights,  and retain  assets  related to mortgage  securitization.  In
addition,  GM is exposed to  prepayment  risk  associated  with its  capitalized
mortgage  servicing rights.  This risk is managed with U.S. Treasury options and
futures,  which exposes GM to basis risk since the derivative instruments do not
have identical  characteristics to the underlying  mortgage servicing rights. At
December  31,  2000  and  1999,  the  net  fair  value  liability  of  financial
instruments  held for purposes other than trading with exposure to interest rate
risk was  approximately  $18.1  billion  and $18.8  billion,  respectively.  The
potential  loss in fair  value  resulting  from a 10%  adverse  shift in  quoted
interest rates would be approximately $385 million and $127 million for 2000 and
1999,  respectively.  At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the net fair value asset of
financial  instruments  held for trading purposes with exposure to interest rate
risk  was  approximately  $3.2  billion  and  $2.7  billion,  respectively.  The
potential  loss in fair  value  resulting  from a 10%  adverse  shift in  quoted
interest rates would be approximately  $217 million and $39 million for 2000 and
1999,  respectively.  This analysis  excludes GM's operating lease portfolio.  A
fair value change in the debt that funds this portfolio would potentially have a
diametric impact on the fair value of the portfolio itself. As such, the overall
impact to the fair value of financial  instruments from a hypothetical change in
interest rates may be overstated.

Commodity Price Risk
   GM is  exposed to changes  in prices of  commodities  used in its  Automotive
business,  primarily  associated  with  various  non-ferrous  metals used in the
manufacturing  of automotive  components.  GM enters into commodity  forward and
option contracts to offset such exposure. At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the net
fair value  asset of such  contracts  was  approximately  $51  million  and $151
million,  respectively.  The potential  loss in fair value  resulting from a 10%
adverse change in the underlying  commodity prices would be  approximately  $152
million and $210 million for 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  This amount excludes
the offsetting impact of the price risk inherent in the physical purchase of the
underlying commodities.

Equity Price Risk
   GM is  exposed to  changes  in prices of  various  available-for-sale  equity
securities in which it invests. At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the fair value of
such investments was approximately $3.3 billion and $3.2 billion,  respectively.
The potential  loss in fair value  resulting from a 10% adverse change in equity
prices would be  approximately  $330 million and $323 million for 2000 and 1999,

                                 * * * * * *



   The following consolidated financial statements of General Motors Corporation
and  subsidiaries  were prepared by management,  which is responsible  for their
integrity and objectivity.  The statements have been prepared in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and, as
such, include amounts based on judgments of management.

   Management is further  responsible for maintaining  internal control designed
to  provide  reasonable  assurance  that  the  books  and  records  reflect  the
transactions of the companies and that  established  policies and procedures are
carefully  followed.  From a  stockholder's  point  of  view,  perhaps  the most
important  feature in internal  control is that it is  continually  reviewed for
effectiveness  and is augmented by written policies and guidelines,  the careful
selection and training of qualified personnel,  and a strong program of internal

   Deloitte & Touche LLP, an independent  auditing firm, is engaged to audit the
consolidated financial statements of General Motors Corporation and subsidiaries
and issue reports  thereon.  The audit is conducted in accordance  with auditing
standards generally accepted in the United States of America that comprehend the
consideration  of  internal  control  and tests of  transactions  to the  extent
necessary to form an independent opinion on the financial statements prepared by
management. The Independent Auditors' Report appears on the next page.

   The Board of Directors,  through the Audit  Committee  (composed  entirely of
non-employee  Directors),  is responsible for assuring that management  fulfills
its   responsibilities   in  the  preparation  of  the  consolidated   financial
statements.  The Audit Committee  annually  recommends to the Board of Directors
the selection of the  independent  auditors in advance of the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  and submits the  selection  for  ratification  at the Meeting.  In
addition, the Audit Committee reviews the scope of the audits and the accounting
principles  being  applied in financial  reporting.  The  independent  auditors,
representatives  of  management,   and  the  internal  auditors  meet  regularly
(separately  and jointly) with the Audit  Committee to review the  activities of
each, to ensure that each is properly discharging its  responsibilities,  and to
assess the effectiveness of internal control. It is management's conclusion that
internal  control at December 31, 2000 provides  reasonable  assurance  that the
books and records reflect the transactions of the companies and that established
policies and  procedures  are complied  with. To ensure  complete  independence,
Deloitte & Touche LLP has full and free access to meet with the Audit Committee,
without management representatives present, to discuss the results of the audit,
the adequacy of internal control, and the quality of financial reporting.

/s/John F. Smith, Jr.   /s/G. Richard Wagoner, Jr.    /s/John M. Devine
John F. Smith, Jr.      G. Richard Wagoner, Jr.       John M. Devine
Chairman                President and                 Vice Chairman and
                        Chief Executive Officer       Chief Financial Officer


Independent Auditors' Report

General Motors Corporation, its Directors, and Stockholders:

   We have audited the Consolidated Balance Sheets of General Motors Corporation
and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related  Consolidated
Statements of Income, Cash Flows, and Stockholders' Equity for each of the three
years in the period  ended  December  31,  2000.  Our audits also  included  the
financial  statement schedule listed at Item 14. These financial  statements and
the financial  statement  schedule are the  responsibility  of the Corporation's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements and the financial statement schedule based on our audits.

   We conducted  our audits in  accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States of America.  Those standards  require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

   In our opinion,  such financial  statements  present fairly,  in all material
respects,  the financial position of General Motors Corporation and subsidiaries
at December  31, 2000 and 1999,  and the results of their  operations  and their
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended  December 31, 2000 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America.  Also,  in  our  opinion,  such  financial  statement  schedule,   when
considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a
whole,  presents  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the information set forth


Detroit, Michigan
January 17, 2001



                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                            2000          1999          1998
                                            ----          ----          ----
                                  (dollars in millions except per share amounts)


Total net sales and revenues
   (Notes 1, 2, and 22)                 $184,632      $176,558      $155,445
                                        --------      --------      --------
Cost of sales and other expenses
   (Notes 2, 3, and 22)                  145,664       140,708       127,785
Selling, general, and administrative
  expenses                                22,252        19,053        16,087
Interest expense (Note 13)                 9,552         7,750         6,629
                                         -------       -------       -------
  Total costs and expenses               177,468       167,511       150,501
                                         -------       -------       -------
Income from continuing operations
   before income taxes
   and minority interests                  7,164         9,047         4,944
Income tax expense (Note 8)                2,393         3,118         1,636
Equity income/(loss) and
   minority interests                       (319)         (353)         (259)
                                           -----         -----         -----
Income from continuing operations          4,452         5,576         3,049
Income (loss) from discontinued
   operations (Note 1)                         -           426           (93)
                                           -----         -----         -----
  Net income                               4,452         6,002         2,956
Dividends on preference stocks (Note 17)    (110)          (80)          (63)
                                           -----         -----         -----
  Earnings attributable to common stocks  $4,342        $5,922        $2,893
                                           =====         =====         =====

Basic earnings (losses) per
   share attributable to
   common stocks (Note 18)
$1-2/3 par value
  Continuing operations                    $6.80         $8.70         $4.40
  Discontinued operations (Note 1)             -          0.66         (0.14)
                                            ----          ----          ----
Earnings per share attributable
   to $1-2/3 par value                     $6.80         $9.36         $4.26
                                            ====          ====          ====
Earnings per share attributable
   to Class H                              $0.56        $(0.26)        $0.23
                                            ====          ====          ====

Earnings (losses) per share
  attributable to common
  stocks assuming dilution (Note 18)
$1-2/3 par value
  Continuing operations                    $6.68         $8.53         $4.32
  Discontinued operations (Note 1)             -          0.65         (0.14)
                                            ----          ----          ----
Earnings per share attributable
   to $1-2/3 par value                     $6.68         $9.18         $4.18
                                            ====          ====          ====
Earnings per share attributable
   to Class H                              $0.55        $(0.26)        $0.23
                                            ====          ====          ====

Reference should be made to the notes to consolidated financial statements.


                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME - concluded

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                            2000          1999          1998
                                            ----          ----          ----
                                                  (dollars in millions)


Total net sales and revenues
   (Notes 1, 2, and 22)                 $160,627      $156,107      $137,161
                                        --------      --------      --------
Cost of sales and other expenses
   (Notes 2, 3, and 22)                  138,303       134,111       121,491
Selling, general, and administrative
   expenses                               16,246        14,324        11,918
                                         -------       -------       -------
  Total costs and expenses               154,549       148,435       133,409
                                         -------       -------       -------
Interest expense (Note 13)                   815           828           786
Net expense from transactions with
   Financing and Insurance Operations
   (Note 1)                                  682           308            82
                                          ------        ------       -------
Income from continuing
   operations before income
   taxes and minority interests            4,581         6,536         2,884
Income tax expense (Note 8)                1,443         2,167         1,018
Equity income/(loss) and minority
   interests                                (299)         (327)         (239)
                                           -----         -----         -----
Income from continuing operations          2,839         4,042         1,627
Income (loss) from discontinued
   operations (Note 1)                         -           426           (93)
                                           -----         -----         -----
  Net income - Automotive, Communications
    Services, and Other Operations        $2,839        $4,468        $1,534
                                           =====         =====         =====

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                            2000          1999          1998
                                            ----          ----          ----
                                                  (dollars in millions)


Total revenues                           $24,005       $20,451       $18,284
                                          ------        ------        ------

Interest expense (Note 13)                 8,737         6,922         5,843
Depreciation and amortization
   expense (Note 9)                        5,982         5,445         4,920
Operating and other expenses               5,805         4,595         4,067
Provisions for financing and
   insurance losses (Notes 1 and 22)       1,580         1,286         1,476
                                           -----         -----         -----
  Total costs and expenses                22,104        18,248        16,306
                                          ------        ------        ------
Net income from transactions
   with Automotive,
   Communications Services,
   and Other Operations (Note 1)            (682)         (308)          (82)
                                           -----         -----         -----
Income before income taxes and
   minority interests                      2,583         2,511         2,060
Income tax expense (Note 8)                  950           951           618
Equity income/(loss) and
   minority interests                        (20)          (26)          (20)
                                           -----         -----         -----
  Net income - Financing and
   Insurance Operations                   $1,613        $1,534        $1,422
                                          ======        ======        ======

The above supplemental consolidating information is explained in Note 1, "Nature
of Operations."

Reference should be made to the notes to consolidated financial statements.


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                               December 31,
GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES                2000           1999
                                                           ----           ----
                        ASSETS                            (dollars in millions)
Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 1)                       $9,119        $9,730
Marketable securities (Note 4)                            1,161         1,698
                                                        -------       -------
  Total cash and marketable securities                   10,280        11,428
Accounts and notes receivable (less allowances)           5,835         5,093
Inventories (less allowances) (Note 6)                   10,945        10,638
Equipment on operating leases (less accumulated
   depreciation) (Note 7)                                 5,699         5,744
Deferred income taxes and other current assets (Note 8)   8,388         9,006
                                                        -------       -------
  Total current assets                                   41,147        41,909
Equity in net assets of nonconsolidated associates        3,497         1,711
Property - net (Note 9)                                  33,977        32,779
Intangible assets - net (Notes 1 and 10)                  7,622         8,527
Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                           14,870        15,277
Other assets (Note 11)                                   32,243        25,358
                                                       --------      --------
  Total Automotive, Communications Services, and
    Other Operations assets                             133,356       125,561
Financing and Insurance Operations
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 1)                        1,165           712
Investments in securities (Note 4)                        9,595         9,110
Finance receivables - net (Note 5)                       92,415        80,627
Investment in leases and other receivables (Note 7)      36,752        36,407
Other assets (Note 11)                                   27,846        21,312
Net receivable from Automotive,
   Communications Services, and
   Other Operations (Note 1)                              1,971         1,001
                                                        -------       -------
  Total Financing and Insurance Operations assets       169,744       149,169
                                                        -------       -------
Total assets                                           $303,100      $274,730
                                                        =======       =======


Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations
Accounts payable (principally trade)                    $18,309       $17,254
Loans payable (Note 13)                                   2,208         1,991
Accrued expenses (Note 12)                               33,252        32,854
Net payable to Financing and Insurance
   Operations (Note 1)                                    1,971         1,001
                                                         ------        ------
  Total current liabilities                              55,740        53,100
Long-term debt (Note 13)                                  7,410         7,415
Postretirement benefits other than pensions (Note 14)    34,306        34,166
Pensions (Note 14)                                        3,480         3,339
Other liabilities and deferred income taxes (Note 12)    15,768        17,426
                                                        -------       -------
  Total Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations liabilities                     116,704       115,446
Financing and Insurance Operations
Accounts payable                                          7,416         4,262
Debt (Note 13)                                          135,037       122,282
Other liabilities and deferred income taxes (Note 12)    12,922        11,282
                                                       --------      --------
  Total Financing and Insurance Operations liabilities  155,375       137,826
Minority interests                                          707           596
General Motors - obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred securities of
   subsidiary trusts holding solely junior
   subordinated debentures of General Motors
   (Note 16)
    Series D                                                  -            79
    Series G                                                139           139
Stockholders' equity (Note 17)
$1-2/3 par value common stock (issued,
   548,181,757 and 619,412,233 shares)                      914         1,033
Class H common stock (issued, 875,286,559
   and 411,345,561 shares)                                   88            14
Capital surplus (principally additional paid-in capital) 21,020        13,794
Retained earnings                                        10,119         6,961
                                                         ------        ------
    Subtotal                                             32,141        21,802
Accumulated foreign currency translation adjustments     (2,502)       (2,033)
Net unrealized gains on securities                          581           996
Minimum pension liability adjustment                        (45)         (121)
                                                         ------        ------
    Accumulated other comprehensive loss                 (1,966)       (1,158)
                                                         ------        ------
      Total stockholders' equity                         30,175        20,644
                                                        -------       -------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity             $303,100      $274,730
                                                        =======       =======

Reference should be made to the notes to consolidated financial statements.


                              CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                For The Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000                         1999                         1998
                                      ------------------------     ------------------------     -------------------------
                                      Automotive,    Financing     Automotive,    Financing     Automotive,    Financing
                                      Comm.Serv.,       and        Comm.Serv.,       and        Comm.Serv.,      and
                                      and Other      Insurance     and Other      Insurance     and Other      Insurance
                                      -----------    ---------     -----------    ---------     -----------    ---------
Cash flows from operating activities                            (dollars in millions)
Income from continuing operations       $2,839        $1,613         $4,042        $1,534         $1,627        $1,422
Adjustments to reconcile income from
  continuing operations to net cash
  provided by operating activities
   Depreciation and amortization
    expenses                             7,429         5,982          6,873         5,445          6,227         4,920
   Postretirement benefits
    other than pensions,
    net of payments and
    VEBA contributions                     772            27         (1,057)           21            157            31
   Pension expense, net of contributions   128             -           (808)            -            223             -
   Originations and purchases
    of mortgage loans                        -       (51,202)             -       (53,006)             -       (54,433)
   Proceeds on sales of mortgage loans       -        51,444              -        55,777              -        51,582
   Originations and purchases of
    mortgage securities                      -        (1,571)             -        (1,309)             -        (2,237)
   Proceeds on sales of
    mortgage securities                      -           994              -         1,545              -           849
   Change in other investments and
     miscellaneous assets                1,154        (1,692)           522          (127)          (162)          932
   Change in other operating assets
    and liabilities (Note 1)               724         2,505          7,523           (23)            90         1,468
   Other                                (2,175)          779           (951)          944            581         1,066
                                       -------        ------        -------      --------         ------        ------
Net cash provided by operating
   activities                          $10,871        $8,879        $16,144       $10,801         $8,743        $5,600
                                       -------        ------        -------       -------         ------        ------

Cash flows from investing activities
Expenditures for property               (9,200)         (522)        (7,061)         (323)        (7,952)         (279)
Investments in marketable securities
   - acquisitions                       (2,520)      (24,599)        (4,149)      (21,257)       (13,010)      (21,152)
Investments in marketable securities
   - liquidations                        3,057        24,114          2,886        20,593         16,272        21,688
Mortgage servicing rights
   - acquisitions                            -        (1,096)             -        (1,424)             -        (1,862)
Mortgage servicing rights
   - liquidations                            -            12              -            35              -            80
Finance receivables - acquisitions           -      (214,666)             -      (186,379)             -      (155,613)
Finance receivables - liquidations           -       143,242              -       130,293              -       114,662
Proceeds from sales of finance
   receivables                               -        58,369              -        48,178              -        27,681
Operating leases - acquisitions         (6,709)      (15,174)        (6,415)      (16,750)        (6,397)      (17,128)
Operating leases - liquidations          6,149         9,844          4,243         7,836          5,609         9,777
Investments in companies,
   net of cash acquired                 (4,302)       (2,077)        (2,706)       (2,402)          (971)         (173)
Net investing activity with Financing
   and Insurance Operations             (1,069)            -             75             -            338             -
Other                                    3,281            93           (924)          732           (889)         (242)
                                        ------        ------         ------        ------          -----        ------
Net cash used in investing activities  (11,313)      (22,460)       (14,051)      (20,868)        (7,000)      (22,561)
                                        ------        ------         ------        ------          -----        ------

Cash flows from financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in loans
   payable                                 142         7,723            140        (2,500)           (94)        8,280
Long-term debt - borrowings              5,279        22,414          9,090        26,471          2,937        21,098
Long-term debt - repayments             (6,196)      (16,196)        (8,281)      (13,078)        (1,492)      (11,377)
Net financing activity with
   Automotive, Communications
   Services, and Other Operations            -         1,069              -           (75)             -          (338)
Repurchases of common and preference
   stocks                               (1,613)            -         (3,870)            -         (3,089)            -
Proceeds from issuing common and
   preference stocks                     2,792             -          2,090             -            343             -
Cash dividends paid to stockholders     (1,294)            -         (1,367)            -         (1,388)            -
                                         -----        ------          -----        ------          -----        ------
Net cash (used in) provided by
   financing activities                   (890)       15,010         (2,198)       10,818         (2,783)       17,663
                                         -----        ------          -----        ------          -----        ------
Effect of exchange rate changes
   on cash and cash equivalents           (249)           (6)          (206)            -            315             2
Net transactions with Automotive/
   Financing Operations                    970          (970)           185          (185)         1,135        (1,135)
                                           ---          ----            ---          ----          -----        ------
Net cash (used in) provided by
   continuing operations                  (611)          453           (126)          566            410          (431)
Net cash provided by (used in)
   discontinued operations (Note 1)          -             -            128             -           (378)            -
                                         -----         -----            ---         -----            ---         -----
Net (decrease)  increase in cash
   and cash equivalents                   (611)          453              2           566             32          (431)
Cash and cash equivalents at
   beginning of the year                 9,730           712          9,728           146          9,696           577
                                         -----         -----          -----         -----          -----         -----
Cash and cash equivalents at
   end of the year                      $9,119        $1,165         $9,730          $712         $9,728          $146
                                        ======        ======         ======          ====         ======          ====

Reference should be made to the notes to consolidated financial statements.


            FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999, and 1998

                                               Total                                          Other          Total
                                              Capital  Capital  Comprehensive  Retained   Comprehensive   Stockholders'
                                               Stock   Surplus      Income     Earnings        Loss          Equity
                                               -----   -------      ------     --------        ----          ------
                                                                    (dollars in millions)
Balance at January 1, 1998                    $1,167   $15,369                   $5,416      $(4,368)       $17,584
Shares reacquired                                (75)   (3,105)                       -            -         (3,180)
Shares issued                                     12       397                        -            -            409
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                       -         -      $2,956        2,956            -          2,956
  Other comprehensive income (loss):
      Foreign currency translation adjustments     -         -        (279)           -            -              -
      Unrealized losses on securities              -         -         (23)           -            -              -
      Minimum pension liability adjustment         -         -      (1,027)           -            -              -
         Other comprehensive loss                  -         -      (1,329)           -       (1,329)        (1,329)
           Comprehensive income                    -         -      $1,627            -            -              -
Cash dividends                                     -         -                   (1,388)           -         (1,388)
                                               -----    ------                   ------        -----        -------
Balance at December 31, 1998                   1,104    12,661                    6,984       (5,697)        15,052
Shares reacquired                                (76)   (3,794)                       -            -         (3,870)
Shares issued                                     19     3,588                        -            -          3,607
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                       -         -      $6,002        6,002            -          6,002
  Other comprehensive income (loss):
      Foreign currency translation adjustments     -         -        (944)           -            -              -
      Unrealized gains on securities               -         -         515            -            -              -
      Minimum pension liability adjustment         -         -       4,968            -            -              -
         Other comprehensive income                -         -       4,539            -        4,539          4,539
            Comprehensive income                   -         -     $10,541            -            -              -
Cash dividends                                     -         -                   (1,367)           -         (1,367)
Delphi initial public offering (Note 1)            -     1,244                        -                       1,244
Delphi spin-off (Note 1)                           -        95                   (4,658)           -         (4,563)
                                               -----    ------                   ------        -----         ------
Balance at December 31, 1999                   1,047    13,794                    6,961       (1,158)        20,644
Shares reacquired                               (184)   (9,626)                       -            -         (9,810)
Shares issued                                    139    16,852                        -            -         16,991
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                       -         -      $4,452        4,452            -          4,452
  Other comprehensive income (loss):
      Foreign currency translation adjustments     -         -        (469)           -            -              -
      Unrealized losses on securities              -         -        (415)           -            -              -
      Minimum pension liability adjustment         -         -          76            -            -              -
         Other comprehensive loss                  -         -        (808)           -         (808)          (808)
            Comprehensive income                   -         -      $3,644            -            -              -
Cash dividends                                     -         -                   (1,294)           -         (1,294)
                                               -----    ------                   ------        -----         ------
Balance at December 31, 2000                  $1,002   $21,020                  $10,119      $(1,966)       $30,175
                                               =====    ======                   ======        =====         ======

Reference should be made to the notes to consolidated financial statements.




NOTE 1.  Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation
   The consolidated  financial statements include the accounts of General Motors
Corporation  (hereinafter  referred  to as the  Corporation)  and  domestic  and
foreign  subsidiaries that are more than 50% owned,  principally  General Motors
Acceptance   Corporation  and   Subsidiaries   (GMAC)  and  Hughes   Electronics
Corporation and  Subsidiaries  (Hughes),  (collectively  referred to as "General
Motors" or "GM"). General Motors' share of earnings or losses of associates,  in
which at least  20% of the  voting  securities  is  owned,  is  included  in the
consolidated operating results using the equity method of accounting, except for
investments  where GM is not able to  exercise  significant  influence  over the
operating  and  financial  decisions of the  investee,  in which case,  the cost
method of accounting is used.  The financial  data related to Delphi  Automotive
Systems  Corporation  (Delphi) is presented as  discontinued  operations for the
periods ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998.  GM encourages  reference to the GMAC
Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the  period  ended  December  31,  2000,  filed
separately  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,   and  the  Hughes
consolidated  financial  statements  included  as  Exhibit  99 to this GM Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the period ended  December 31, 2000, and related  Hughes
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed  separately  with the  Securities  and Exchange
   Certain amounts for 1999 and 1998 have been  reclassified to conform with the
2000 classifications.

Nature of Operations
   GM presents  separate  supplemental  consolidating  statements  of income and
other  financial  information  for the  following  businesses:  (1)  Automotive,
Communications  Services,  and Other  Operations  which  consists of the design,
manufacturing,  and  marketing  of cars,  trucks,  locomotives,  and heavy-duty
transmissions  and related parts and  accessories,  as well as the operations of
Hughes;  and (2) Financing and Insurance  Operations which consists primarily of
GMAC,  which provides a broad range of financial  services,  including  consumer
vehicle financing, full-service leasing and fleet leasing, dealer financing, car
and truck  extended  service  contracts,  residential  and  commercial  mortgage
services, vehicle and homeowners' insurance, and asset-based lending.
   Transactions  between  businesses have been  eliminated in the  Corporation's
consolidated  statements of income.  These transactions  consist  principally of
borrowings  and other  financial  services  provided by Financing  and Insurance
Operations to Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations.

Use of Estimates in the  Preparation of the Financial  Statements
   The preparation of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  accounting
principles  generally accepted in the U.S. requires management to make estimates
and  assumptions  that affect  amounts  reported  therein.  Due to the  inherent
uncertainty  involved in making  estimates,  actual  results  reported in future
periods may differ from those estimates.

Revenue Recognition
   Sales are generally  recorded when products are shipped (when title and risks
and  rewards of  ownership  have  passed),  or when  services  are  rendered  to
independent  dealers  or  other  third  parties.  Provisions  for  dealer  sales
incentives,  allowances,  and  rebates  are made at the time of  vehicle  sales.
Incentives  related to vehicles  previously sold are recognized as reductions to
sales when announced.
   Financing  revenue is recorded  over the terms of the  receivables  using the
interest  method.  Income  from  operating  lease  assets  is  recognized  on  a
straight-line basis over the scheduled lease term.
   Insurance  premiums are earned on a basis  related to coverage  provided over
the terms of the policies.  Commission,  premium taxes, and other costs incurred
in acquiring  new business  are  deferred  and  amortized  over the terms of the
related  policies on the same basis as premiums are earned.  The  liability  for
losses and loss expenses  includes a provision for unreported  losses,  based on
past experience, net of the estimated salvage and subrogation recoverable.

Product-Related Expenses
   Advertising  and  sales  promotion,   research  and  development,  and  other
product-related  costs are  charged  to  expense  as  incurred.  Provisions  for
estimated expenses related to product warranty are made at the time the products
are sold.  Advertising  expense was $4.3 billion in 2000,  $4.5 billion in 1999,
and $3.7 billion in 1998.  Research and development  expense was $6.6 billion in
2000, $6.8 billion in 1999, and $6.3 billion in 1998.




NOTE 1.  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Depreciation and Amortization
   Depreciation  of real estate,  plants and equipment is provided  based on the
estimated useful lives of property groups, generally using accelerated methods,
which  accumulate  depreciation of  approximately  two-thirds of the depreciable
cost during the first half of the estimated useful lives.
   Equipment on operating  leases is depreciated on a  straight-line  basis over
the term of the lease agreement.  The difference  between the net book value and
the  proceeds  of sale or salvage on items  disposed  of is  accounted  for as a
charge against or credit to the provision for depreciation.
   Expenditures  for special tools are  amortized  over their  estimated  useful
lives,  primarily using the units of production  method.  Replacement of special
tools for reasons other than changes in products is charged  directly to cost of
   Goodwill is amortized on a  straight-line  basis over periods ranging from 20
to 40 years.

Internal-Use Software
   As of January 1, 1999, GM adopted Statement of Position 98-1,  Accounting for
the Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use, which, on
a prospective  basis,  revised the  accounting for software  development  costs.
Based  on  this  accounting  standard,   certain  internal-use   software  costs
historically  expensed are now  capitalized  once specific  criteria are met and
these costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over a three-year period. The
adoption of this statement did not have a material  impact on the  Corporation's
financial statements.

Valuation of Long-Lived Assets
   GM periodically  evaluates the carrying value of long-lived assets to be held
and used and long-lived  assets to be disposed of, including  goodwill and other
intangible assets,  when events and circumstances  warrant such a review. If the
carrying  value  of a  long-lived  asset  is  considered  impaired,  a  loss  is
recognized  based on the amount by which the  carrying  value  exceeds  the fair
market  value of the  long-lived  asset for  assets to be held and used,  or the
amount by which the  carrying  value  exceeds the fair market value less cost to
dispose for assets to be  disposed.  Fair market value is  determined  primarily
using the anticipated cash flows discounted at a rate commensurate with the risk

Foreign Currency Translation
   Foreign currency exchange  transaction and translation losses on an after-tax
basis included in consolidated net income in 2000,  1999, and 1998,  pursuant to
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 52,  Foreign  Currency
Translation,   amounted  to  $100  million,  $162  million,  and  $298  million,

Stock-Based Compensation
   As permitted by SFAS No. 123,  Accounting for  Stock-Based  Compensation,  GM
applies the  recognition  and  measurement  principles of Accounting  Principles
Board  Opinion  No.  25 to its stock  options  and  other  stock-based  employee
compensation awards.

Cash and Cash Equivalents
   Cash  equivalents are defined as short-term,  highly liquid  investments with
original maturities of 90 days or less.

Statement of Cash Flows Supplementary Information
                                                  Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000       1999       1998
                                                 ----       ----       ----
                                                   (dollars in millions)
Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations
Changes in other operating assets and
   liabilities were as follows:
  Accounts receivable                           $(625)     $(659)      $(80)
  Prepaid expenses and other deferred charges      66       (623)       217
  Inventories                                    (297)       (66)      (494)
  Accounts payable                              1,254      5,606      1,249
  Deferred taxes and income taxes payable        (629)      (160)    (2,315)
  Accrued expenses and other liabilities          955      3,425      1,513
                                                  ---      -----      -----
     Total                                       $724     $7,523        $90
                                                  ===      =====         ==

Cash paid for interest and income
   taxes was as follows:
  Interest                                       $968       $526       $435
  Income taxes                                 $2,310     $2,166     $1,132




NOTE 1.  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Statement of Cash Flows Supplementary Information (concluded)

   During 2000, Automotive,  Communications  Services, and Other Operations made
investments in companies,  net of cash acquired of  approximately  $4.3 billion.
This amount consists primarily of GM's purchase of a 20% equity interest in Fuji
Heavy Industries Ltd. (Fuji) for approximately $1.3 billion and GM's acquisition
of a 20% interest in Fiat Auto Holdings,  B.V. (Fiat Auto) for $2.4 billion.  In
addition, Fiat S.p.A. purchased approximately 32 million shares of GM $1-2/3 par
value common stock for $2.4 billion  which is included in proceeds  from issuing
common and preference stocks.

                                                  Years Ended December 31,
Financing and Insurance Operations              2000        1999       1998
----------------------------------              ----        ----       ----
                                                   (dollars in millions)
Changes in other operating assets and
   liabilities were as follows:
  Other receivables                             $(726)     $(269)      $206
  Other assets                                    (29)       (83)       (36)
  Accounts payable                              3,155        114        858
  Deferred taxes and other liabilities            105        215        440
                                                -----        ---      -----
     Total                                     $2,505       $(23)    $1,468
                                                =====         ==      =====

Cash paid for interest and income
   taxes was as follows:
  Interest                                     $8,511     $6,618     $5,695
  Income taxes                                   $475       $214       $138

Derivative Instruments
   GM is party to a variety of foreign  exchange,  interest  rate, and commodity
forward  contracts and options entered into in connection with the management of
its exposure to fluctuations  in foreign  exchange  rates,  interest rates,  and
certain  commodity prices.  These financial  exposures are managed in accordance
with corporate policies and procedures.
   Foreign  exchange forward and option contracts are accounted for as hedges to
the extent they are  designated,  and are  effective,  as hedges of firm foreign
currency  commitments.  Additionally,  certain foreign exchange option contracts
receive hedge  accounting  treatment to the extent such contracts  hedge certain
anticipated  foreign currency  transactions.  Gains and losses on such contracts
are deferred and recognized with the related transactions.
   Gains and losses from  interest  rate swaps and options that are  designated,
and are effective,  as hedges of underlying debt  obligations are used to adjust
interest  expense  recognized over the lives of the underlying debt  agreements.
Gains and losses from terminated hedge contracts are deferred and amortized over
the  remaining  period  of the  original  swap  or  the  remaining  term  of the
underlying  exposure,  whichever is shorter.  Open interest  rate  contracts are
reviewed  regularly  to ensure that they remain  effective as hedges of interest
rate exposure.
   GM  also  enters into commodity  forward and option  contracts.  Since GM has
the discretion to settle these transactions either in cash or by taking physical
delivery,   these  contracts  are  not  considered  financial   instruments  for
accounting  purposes.  Commodity forward contracts and options are accounted for
as hedges to the extent they are  designated,  and are  effective,  as hedges of
firm or  anticipated  commodity  purchase  contracts.  Gains and  losses on such
contracts are deferred and recognized with the related transactions.  Derivative
instruments  that do not qualify for hedge  accounting  treatment  are marked to
market and the related gains and losses are included in net income.

New Accounting Standards
   In June 1998,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS
No. 133, Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities.  In June
2000, the FASB issued SFAS No. 138, which amended certain provisions of SFAS No.
133. GM adopted SFAS No. 133, as amended,  on January 1, 2001.  GM will record a
one-time  after-tax  charge to income for the  initial  adoption of SFAS No. 133
totaling $6 million,  as well as an after-tax  unrealized loss of $77 million to
other comprehensive  income as of January 1, 2001. The outcome of pending issues
at the FASB and the Derivatives  Implementation Group could impact the amount of
the cumulative transition adjustment presented herein.
   In September 2000, the FASB issued SFAS No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and
Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - a replacement
of FASB  Statement  No. 125.  This  statement is  effective  for  transfers  and
servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities occurring after
March 31, 2001, and is effective for the  recognition  and  reclassification  of
collateral  and  disclosures   relating  to   securitization   transactions  and
collateral for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2000.  Management does not
expect this  statement to have a material  impact on GM's results of  operations
and financial position.



NOTE 1.  Significant Accounting Policies (concluded)

Discontinued Operations
   On February 5, 1999, Delphi completed an initial public offering (IPO) of 100
million shares of its common stock,  which  represented 17.7% of its outstanding
common shares.  On April 12, 1999, the GM Board of Directors (GM Board) approved
the  complete  separation  of Delphi  from GM by means of a spin-off  (which was
tax-free to GM and its stockholders  for U.S.  federal income tax purposes).  On
May 28,  1999, GM distributed  to holders of its $1-2/3 par value  common  stock
80.1% of the outstanding  shares of Delphi,  which resulted in 0.69893 shares of
Delphi  common  stock  being  distributed  for each share of GM $1-2/3 par value
common stock  outstanding  on the record date of May 25, 1999.  In addition,  GM
contributed the remaining 2.2% of Delphi shares (around 12.4 million shares), to
a Voluntary Employee  Beneficiary  Association (VEBA) trust established by GM to
fund  benefits to its hourly  retirees.  In total,  the complete  separation  of
Delphi  in  the  year  ended  December  31,  1999  resulted  in a  reduction  to
stockholders' equity of approximately $3.3 billion.
   The financial data related to GM's  investment in Delphi through May 28, 1999
is classified as discontinued operations for the periods ended December 31, 1999
and 1998.
   Delphi  net  sales   (including  sales  to  GM)  included  in  discontinued
operations  totaled $12.5 billion and $28.5 billion for the years ended December
31,  1999  and  1998,  respectively.  Income  (loss)  from  Delphi  discontinued
operations  of $426 million and $(93)  million for the years ended  December 31,
1999 and 1998,  is reported net of income tax expense  (benefit) of $314 million
and $(173) million, respectively.

NOTE 2.  Asset Impairments

   GM periodically  evaluates the carrying value of long-lived assets to be held
and used and long-lived  assets to be disposed of, when events and circumstances
warrant  such  review.  These  evaluations  and  reviews are  generally  done in
conjunction with the annual business planning cycle.
   In 2000, GM recorded pre-tax charges against income for asset  impairments of
$917 million ($587 million after-tax,  or $0.99 per share of GM $1-2/3 par value
common  stock).  GM did not record any such pre-tax  charges  against  income in
1999. In 1998, GM recorded  pre-tax charges against income of $122 million ($165
million  after-tax,  or $0.24 per share of GM $1-2/3  par value  common  stock).
These  charges  are  components  of the  following  line  items  in  the  income
                                             Years Ended December 31,
                                            2000      1999       1998
                                            ----      ----       ----
                                              (dollars in millions)
Total net sales and revenues                $315      $ -          $-
Cost of sales and other expenses             602        -         122
                                             ---       --         ---
  Total                                     $917        -        $122
                                             ===       ==         ===

   In 2000,  the pre-tax  charges were  comprised of $572 million  ($356 million
after-tax)  for  GM  North  America  (GMNA),  and  $345  million  ($231  million
after-tax)  for GM Europe  (GME).  The amount is related  to the  write-down  of
special tools and equipment on operating  leases as a result of the phase-out of
the Oldsmobile  division as the current model lineup product  lifecycles come to
an end, or until the models are no longer economically viable, and the reduction
in production  capacity at GME,  including the  restructuring of Vauxhall Motors
Limited's manufacturing operations in the U.K.
   In 1998,  the pre-tax  charges  were  comprised  of $37 million  ($38 million
after-tax)  for  GMNA,  $48  million  ($30  million   after-tax)  for  GM  Latin
America/Africa/Mid-East (GMLAAM), and $37 million ($97 million after-tax) for GM
Asia Pacific (GMAP). The amount represents the write-down of certain tooling and
other property, plant, and equipment that was determined to be impaired.

NOTE 3. Postemployment Benefit Costs

   GM records liabilities for termination and other  postemployment  benefits to
be paid pursuant to union or other  contractual  agreements  in connection  with
closed plants in North America.  GM reviews the adequacy and continuing need for
these liabilities on an annual basis in conjunction with its year-end production
and  labor  forecasts.  Furthermore,  GM  reviews  the  reasonableness  of these
liabilities on a quarterly basis.
   In  the  fourth  quarter  of 2000,  GM  recognized  postemployment  benefits
liabilities associated with reductions in production capacity and conversions at
the following U.S.  plants:  Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma;  Delta Engine,  Lansing,
Michigan;  Spring  Hill, Tennessee; and  Wilmington,  Delaware.  The 2000 charge
relates to  approximately  4,000 U.S.  employees and increased  cost of sales by
$473 million ($294 million after-tax,  or $0.50 per share of GM $1-2/3 par value
common stock).




NOTE 3. Postemployment Benefit Costs (concluded)

   In the fourth quarter of 1999, as a result of several factors,  including the
separation of Delphi from GM, a stronger than expected U.S. vehicle market,  and
changes to the  National  Labor  Agreement  between GM and the UAW,  GM reversed
postemployment  benefits  liabilities  for employees at closed plants through an
adjustment to cost of sales  totaling  approximately  $892 million ($553 million
after-tax,  or $0.84 per share of GM $1-2/3 par value  common  stock).  The 1999
adjustment of  postemployment  benefit costs reflects the decrease in the number
of excess employees at December 31, 1999, as compared with December 31, 1998, as
well as a shortened  duration of benefit payments based on current  redeployment
   The  liability for  postemployment  benefits as of December  31, 2000  totals
approximately $665 million,  with anticipated spending of approximately 86% over
the next three years.  The following tables summarize the activity from December
31, 1998  through December 31, 2000  for this liability (dollars in millions):

                    December 31, 1999               2000 Activity              December 31, 2000
                    -------------------   ---------------------------------   -------------------
                      Excess                          Interest                           Excess
     Plant          Employees   Balance   Spending   Accretion   Adjustment   Balance   Employees
     -----          ---------   -------   --------   ---------   ----------   -------   ---------
   Buick City/
     Flint V-6         403        $50       $(19)       $3          $ -         $34        313
   Kalamazoo           459         43        (18)        2            -          27        289
   Flint V-8           659         51        (46)        2            -           7        106
   Van Nuys            366         96        (23)        5            -          78        329
   Tarrytown            61          6         (2)        -            -           4         61
   Framingham           91         16         (4)        1            -          13         37
   Danville             16          4         (1)        -            -           3          7
   Delta Engine          -          -          -         -           26          26        664
   Oklahoma City         -          -          -         -          221         221      2,080
   Spring Hill           -          -          -         -          107         107        444
   Wilmington            -          -          -         -          119         119        879
   Other               615         29         (3)        -            -          26        572
                     -----       ----       ----       ---          ---         ---        ---
     Total           2,670       $295      $(116)      $13         $473        $665      5,781
                     =====        ===        ===        ==          ===         ===      =====

                    December 31, 1998               1999 Activity              December 31, 1999
                    -------------------   ---------------------------------   -------------------
                      Excess                          Interest                           Excess
     Plant          Employees   Balance   Spending   Accretion   Adjustment   Balance   Employees
     -----          ---------   -------   --------   ---------   ----------   -------   ---------
   Buick City/
     Flint V-6 (1)   2,123       $537       $(56)      $29        $(460)        $50        403
   Kalamazoo         1,254        229        (46)       12         (152)         43        459
   Flint V-8           876        224        (30)       11         (154)         51        659
   Van Nuys            396        156        (17)        8          (51)         96        366
   Tarrytown            79         30         (4)        2          (22)          6         61
   Framingham           99         21         (2)        1           (4)         16         91
   Danville             47         18         (1)        1          (14)          4         16
   Other               658         72        (12)        4          (35)         29        615
                    ------      -----       ----       ---        -----        ----      -----
     Total           5,532     $1,287      $(168)      $68        $(892)       $295      2,670
                     =====      =====        ===        ==          ===         ===      =====

   (1)The  reduction in excess  employees  at the Buick City  assembly and Flint
      V-6  engine  plants  was a result of  redeployment  to other GM and Delphi
      plants (1,239) and retirement (481).

NOTE 4.  Marketable Securities

   Marketable securities held by GM are classified as available-for-sale, except
for  certain  mortgage-related  securities,  which  are  classified  as  trading
securities.  Unrealized  gains and  losses,  net of related  income  taxes,  for
available-for-sale   securities   are  included  as  a  separate   component  of
stockholders'  equity.  Unrealized  gains and losses for trading  securities are
included  in income on a  current  basis.  GM  determines  cost on the  specific
identification basis.




NOTE 4.  Marketable Securities (continued)

Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

   Investments in marketable securities were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                 December 31, 2000
                                                  Fair  Unrealized  Unrealized
                                        Cost     Value    Gains      Losses
                                        ----     -----    -----      ------
Type of security
Bonds, notes, and other securities
  United States government and agencies  $90       $91      $ 1        $ -
  States and municipalities                9         9        -          -
  Corporate debt securities and other  1,063     1,061        -          2
                                       -----     -----       --         --
Total marketable securities           $1,162    $1,161      $ 1        $ 2
                                       =====     =====       ==         ==

                                                 December 31, 1999
                                                 Fair  Unrealized  Unrealized
                                        Cost    Value    Gains       Losses
                                        ----    -----    -----       ------
Type of security
Bonds, notes, and other securities
  United States government and agencies $533      $528       $-         $5
  States and municipalities               21        21        -          -
  Corporate debt securities and other  1,154     1,149        1          6
                                       -----     -----        -        ---
Total marketable securities           $1,708    $1,698       $1        $11
                                       =====     =====        =         ==

   Debt securities totaling $256 million mature within one year and $905 million
mature  after  one  through  five  years.  Proceeds  from  sales  of  marketable
securities  totaled $1.3 billion in 2000, $2.0 billion in 1999, and $4.4 billion
in 1998.  The gross  gains  related to sales of  marketable  securities  were $1
million, $21 million, and $17 million in 2000, 1999, and 1998, respectively. The
gross losses  related to sales of  marketable  securities  were $12 million,  $6
million, and $11 million in 2000, 1999, and 1998, respectively.

Financing and Insurance Operations

   Investments in securities were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                December 31, 2000
                                                 Fair   Unrealized  Unrealized
                                        Cost    Value     Gains       Losses
                                        ----    -----     -----       ------
Type of security
Bonds, notes, and other securities
  United States government and agencies $556      $565      $10        $ 1
  States and municipalities            1,492     1,567       81          6
  Mortgage-backed securities             387       384       14         17
  Corporate debt securities and other  2,520     2,506       47         61
                                       -----     -----      ---         --
Total debt securities
   available-for-sale                  4,955     5,022      152         85
  Mortgage-backed securities held for
    trading purposes                   3,516     3,516        -          -
                                       -----     -----    -----      -----
Total debt securities                  8,471     8,538      152         85
Equity securities                        766     1,057      395        104
                                      ------     -----      ---        ---
  Total investment in securities      $9,237    $9,595     $547       $189
                                       =====     =====      ===        ===




NOTE 4.  Marketable Securities (concluded)

   Investments in securities were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                 December 31, 1999
                                                  Fair  Unrealized  Unrealized
                                        Cost     Value    Gains       Losses
                                        ----     -----    -----       ------
Type of security
Bonds, notes, and other securities
  United States government and agencies $488      $476       $-        $12
  States and municipalities            1,534     1,540       47         41
  Mortgage-backed securities             480       453       10         37
  Corporate debt securities and other  2,515     2,491       39         63
                                       -----     -----       --        ---
Total debt securities
   available-for-sale                  5,017     4,960       96        153
  Mortgage-backed securities held for
    trading purposes                   2,889     2,889        -          -
                                       -----     -----      ---        ---
Total debt securities                  7,906     7,849       96        153
Equity securities                        685     1,261      634         58
                                      ------     -----      ---       ----
  Total investment in securities      $8,591    $9,110     $730       $211
                                       =====     =====      ===        ===

   Debt  securities  available-for-sale  totaling $891 million mature within one
year,  $2.1 billion  mature after one through  five years,  $797 million  mature
after  five years  through 10 years,  and $1.3  billion  mature  after 10 years.
Proceeds from sales of marketable  securities totaled $3.5 billion in 2000, $2.9
billion in 1999,  and $3.6 billion in 1998.  The gross gains related to sales of
marketable securities were $315 million, $292 million, and $218 million in 2000,
1999,  and 1998,  respectively.  The gross losses related to sales of marketable
securities were $147 million,  $126 million,  and $49 million in 2000, 1999, and
1998, respectively.

NOTE 5.  Finance Receivables and Securitizations

Finance Receivables - Net

   Finance receivables - net included the following (dollars in millions):
                                                           December 31,
                                                        2000          1999
                                                        ----          ----

   Retail                                            $51,337        $46,036
   Wholesale                                          26,993         23,987
   Commercial                                          5,546          3,550
   Leasing and lease financing                         2,178          2,681
   Term loans to dealers and others                   12,565          9,640
                                                      ------         ------
     Total finance receivables                        98,619         85,894

   Less - Unearned income                             (4,872)        (4,153)
     Allowance for financing losses                   (1,332)        (1,114)
                                                      ------         ------
     Total finance receivables - net                 $92,415        $80,627
                                                      ======         ======

   Finance  receivables  that originated  outside the U.S. are $21.4 billion and
$20.8 billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  The aggregate amount
of  total  finance  receivables  maturing  in each of the five  years  following
December  31,  2000  is as  follows:  2001-$52.5  billion;  2002-$18.1  billion;
2003-$14.9  billion;   2004-$7.3  billion;   2005-$3.8  billion;  and  2006  and
thereafter-$2.0 billion.

Securitizations of Finance Receivables and Mortgage Loans

   The Corporation has sold retail finance  receivables  through special purpose
subsidiaries  with principal  aggregating  $5.2 billion in 2000, $5.1 billion in
1999, and  $1.6  billion  in  1998.  These   subsidiaries   generally  retain  a
subordinated  investment of no greater than 6.25% of the total  receivables pool
and sell the  remaining  portion.  Net  pre-tax  gains  relating  to such  sales
amounted  to $14  million in 2000, $64 million in 1999, and $31 million in 1998.
The Corporation's sold retail finance receivable servicing portfolio amounted to
$7.0 billion and $5.6 billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.




NOTE 5.  Finance Receivables and Securitizations (continued)

Securitizations of Finance Receivables and Mortgage Loans (continued)

   The  Corporation   has  sold   wholesale  receivables  on a  revolving  basis
resulting  in  decreases in  wholesale  outstandings  of $10.0  billion and $8.4
billion  at  December  31,  2000 and  1999,  respectively.  The  Corporation  is
committed  to sell  eligible  wholesale  receivables  arising in certain  dealer
accounts. During the years 2000, 1999, and 1998, there were no gains recorded on
the sale of wholesale  receivables.  Due to the  short-term  nature of wholesale
receivables,  the fair value of retained interests in wholesale  securitizations
is assumed to approximate cost.

   When the Corporation securitizes retail and wholesale receivables, it retains
interest-only  strips,  all or a portion  of senior and  subordinated  tranches,
servicing rights, and cash reserve accounts, all of which are retained interests
in the securitized receivables.  Interest-only strip receivables, cash deposits,
and other related amounts are generally restricted assets and subject to limited
recourse provisions.  With respect to retained servicing  responsibilities,  the
Corporation  receives  annual  servicing  fees  approximating  2.0% (for  retail
receivables)  and 1.0% (for wholesale  receivables) of the outstanding  balance.
Additionally,  the Corporation  receives the rights to future cash flows arising
after the investors in the  securitization  trust have received their contracted

   During 2000, GM sold  residential,  commercial,  and other  mortgage loans in
securitization transactions, generally retaining servicing responsibilities and,
in some cases,  subordinated  interests.  In 2000,  1999 and 1998, GM recognized
pre-tax gains of $723 million, $603 million, and $320 million, respectively, on
the securitization of residential and commercial mortgages.

   At December 31, 2000, total mortgage loans owned or securitized totaled $86.8
billion, of which $79.1 billion had been securitized,  $5.8 billion was held for
sale,  and $1.9  billion  was held for  investment  (see Note 11). At that date,
mortgage loans owned or securitized which were 60 days or more past due, totaled
$3.0 billion.

   The  investors and the  securitization  trusts  associated  with the sales of
finance receivables and mortgage loans have no recourse to GM's other assets for
failure of debtors to pay when due. The  Corporation's  retained  interests  are
subordinate to the investors' interests.  Their fair value is subject to credit,
prepayment, and interest rate risks on the transferred assets.

   The resulting gain or loss on  securitization  transactions  is determined by
allocating the carrying amount of the loans or finance  receivables  between the
securities sold and the interests retained based on their relative fair value at
the date of sale.  Fair values are based on quoted  market  prices if available.
Otherwise,  the fair value of the retained  interests is estimated  based on the
present value of expected future cash flows.

   Key  economic  assumptions  used in  measuring  the fair  value  of  retained
interests  at the  date of the  securitization,  for  securitizations  completed
during 2000, were as follows:
                                                          Mortgage Loans
                                  Retail Finance  ------------------------------
                                    Receivables     Residential      Commercial
                                  --------------    -----------      ----------

Prepayment speed                   1.2% to 1.7%   10.5% to 38.0%   0.0% to 68.0%
Weighted-average life (in years)    1.4 to 1.7      1.7 to 6.3      2.6 to 10.4
Residual cash flows discounted at  9.5% to 12.0%   6.5% to 14.0%  12.7% to 34.0%
Variable returns to transferees   One month LIBOR     Forward benchmark
                                  plus contractual    interest rate yield curve
                                  spread ranging      plus contractual spread
                                  from 7 to 9 basis

   Expected  credit  losses  used in  measuring  the  fair  value  of  retained
interests in residential and commercial  mortgage loans securitized  during 2000
were   0.0%  to  21.7%  and  0.0%  to  2.0%,   respectively,   at  the  date  of




NOTE 5.  Finance Receivables and Securitizations (concluded)

Securitization of Finance Receivables and Mortgage Loans (concluded)

   At December 31, 2000,  key economic  assumptions  and the  sensitivity of the
current  fair value of  residual  cash flows to  immediate  10% and 20%  adverse
changes in those assumptions were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                         Mortgage Loans
                                  Retail Finance  ------------------------------
                                    Receivables     Residential      Commercial
                                  --------------    -----------      ----------
Carrying amount/fair value
   of retained interests              $1,196          $2,368           $292

Prepayment speed (annual rate)     1.2% to 1.7%   12.7% to 38.9%   0.0% to 68.0%
   Reduction in fair value due to
     10% adverse change                 $3            $160              $1
   Reduction in fair value due to
     20% adverse change                 $6            $313              $1

Residual cash flows discount
   rate (annual rate)              9.3% to 12.0%   6.5% to 13.9%   9.9% to 34.0%
   Reduction in fair value due to
    10% adverse change                  $4             $89             $23
   Reduction in fair value due to
    20% adverse change                  $9            $168             $37

Variable returns to transferees
   Reduction in fair value due to
    10% adverse change                  $4             $27             $ -
   Reduction in fair value due to
    20% adverse change                  $7             $55             $ -

   Expected  credit  losses  used in  the  calculation  of the  fair  value  of
residual cash flows at December 31, 2000 for residential and commercial mortgage
loans  were  0.0% to 21.7%  and 0.0% to 3.0%,  respectively.  An  immediate  10%
adverse  change in these  assumptions  would  reduce the fair value of such cash
flows by $97 million  and $2 million for  residential  and  commercial  mortgage
loans, respectively.  An immediate 20% adverse change in these assumptions would
reduce  the fair  value of such cash flows by $191  million  and $4 million  for
residential and commercial mortgage loans, respectively.

   These  sensitivities are hypothetical and should be used with caution. As the
figures indicate,  changes in fair value based on a 10% variation in assumptions
generally  cannot be  extrapolated  because  the  relationship  of the change in
assumption  to the change in fair value may not be linear.  Also, in this table,
the effect of a variation  in a particular  assumption  on the fair value of the
retained  interest is  calculated  without  changing  any other  assumption.  In
reality,  changes in one factor may result in changes in another  (for  example,
increases in market interest rates may result in lower prepayments and increased
credit losses),  which might magnify or counteract the  sensitivities.  Further,
these  sensitivities  show only the change in the asset balances and do not show
any expected  changes in the fair value  instruments used to manage the interest
rate and prepayment risks associated with these assets, as discussed in Note 19.

   The following  summarizes  cash flows received from (paid to)  securitization
trusts during the year ended December 31, 2000 (dollars in millions):

                                                         Mortgage Loans
                                  Retail Finance  ------------------------------
                                    Receivables     Residential      Commercial
                                  ---------------   -----------      ----------

Proceeds from new securitizations     $3,717           $24,959         $2,476
Servicing fees received                  190               212             13
Other cash flows received on
   retained interests                  2,181               483             46
Pool buybacks and purchases of
   delinquent assets                    (530)             (282)             -
Servicing advances                       (75)             (616)           (82)
Repayments of servicing advances          66               586             74

Mortgage Servicing Rights

   The  fair value of  GM's mortgage  servicing  rights totaled $4.1 billion and
$3.5  billion at December  31,  2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The key  economic
assumptions  used in the  calculation of such fair values are prepayment  speeds
and discount  rates.  At December  31,  2000, a prepayment  speed of 13.6% and a
discount rate of 10.6% were used in the calculation of fair value. At that date,
an immediate 10% and 20% adverse  change in the assumed  prepayment  speed would
reduce the fair value of  mortgage  servicing  rights by $135  million  and $262
million,  respectively.  An immediate 10% and 20% adverse  change in the assumed
discount rate would reduce the fair value of mortgage  servicing  rights by $113
million and $218 million, respectively. These sensitivities are hypothetical and
should be used with caution for reasons similar to those discussed above.




NOTE 6.  Inventories

   Inventories included the following for Automotive,  Communications  Services,
and Other Operations (dollars in millions):
                                                              December 31,
                                                           2000         1999
                                                           ----         ----

Productive material, work in process, and supplies       $5,555       $5,505
Finished product, service parts, etc.                     7,319        7,023
                                                          -----      -------
  Total inventories at FIFO                              12,874       12,528
   Less LIFO allowance                                    1,929        1,890
                                                          -----      -------
     Total inventories (less allowances)                $10,945      $10,638
                                                         ======       ======

   Inventories are stated  generally at cost,  which is not in excess of market.
The cost of approximately 90% of U.S.  inventories is determined by the last-in,
first-out  (LIFO)  method.  Generally,  the  cost of all  other  inventories  is
determined by either the first-in, first-out (FIFO) or average cost methods.

NOTE 7.  Equipment on Operating Leases

   The  Corporation  has  significant  investments in the residual values of its
leasing portfolios.  The residual values represent the estimate of the values of
the assets at the end of the lease contracts and are initially recorded based on
appraisals and estimates. Realization of the residual values is dependent on the
Corporation's future ability to market the vehicles under then prevailing market
conditions.  Management  reviews residual values  periodically to determine that
recorded amounts are appropriate.

Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

  Equipment  on  operating  leases and other  assets was as follows  (dollars in

                                               December 31,
                                            2000        1999
                                            ----        ----

   Equipment on operating leases         $11,268     $10,754
   Less accumulated depreciation          (1,335)     (1,099)
                                          ------      ------
     Net book value                       $9,933      $9,655
                                          ======       =====

   Current                                $5,699      $5,744
   Noncurrent (Note 11)                    4,234       3,911
                                           -----       -----
     Net book value                       $9,933      $9,655
                                           =====       =====

Financing and Insurance Operations

   Equipment  on operating  leases  included in  investment  in leases and other
receivables was as follows (dollars in millions):

                                              December 31,
                                            2000        1999

   Equipment on operating leases         $41,295     $41,522
   Less accumulated depreciation          (8,762)     (8,336)
                                         -------     -------
   Net book value                        $32,533     $33,186
                                          ======      ======

   The lease  payments to be received  related to equipment on operating  leases
maturing in each of the five years following  December 31, 2000 are as follows:
Automotive,  Communications  Services, and Other Operations - 2001-$2.1 billion;
2002-$580  million;  2003-$544  million;  2004-$505  million;  and  2005  - $450
million.  Financing  and  Insurance  Operations - 2001-$7.2  billion;  2002-$4.7
billion; 2003-$1.7 billion; 2004-$171 million; and 2005 - $10 million.




NOTE 8.  Income Taxes

   Income from continuing  operations before income taxes and minority interests
included the following (dollars in millions):
                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000        1999        1998
                                                 ----        ----        ----

U.S. income                                    $3,019      $4,156      $1,783
Foreign income                                  4,145       4,891       3,161
                                                -----       -----       -----
  Total                                        $7,164      $9,047      $4,944
                                                =====       =====       =====

   The  provision  for  income  taxes  was  estimated  as  follows  (dollars  in

                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000        1999        1998
                                                 ----        ----        ----

Income taxes estimated to be payable currently
   U.S. federal                                   $45        $156         $83
   Foreign                                        971       1,368       1,952
   U.S. state and local                            72         308         295
                                               ------      ------      ------
     Total payable currently                    1,088       1,832       2,330
                                                -----       -----       -----
Deferred income tax expense (credit) - net
   U.S. federal                                   742       1,008         354
   Foreign                                        281         244        (852)
   U.S. state and local                           282          34        (196)
                                                -----      ------         ---
     Total deferred                             1,305       1,286        (694)
                                                -----       -----       -----

      Total income taxes                       $2,393      $3,118      $1,636
                                                =====       =====       =====

   Annual  tax  provisions   include  amounts   considered   sufficient  to  pay
assessments that may result from examination of prior year tax returns; however,
the  amount  ultimately  paid  upon  resolution  of  issues  raised  may  differ
materially from the amount accrued.
   Provisions  are made for  estimated  U.S.  and  foreign  income  taxes,  less
available tax credits and deductions, which may be incurred on the remittance of
the Corporation's share of subsidiaries' undistributed earnings not deemed to be
permanently  invested.  Taxes have not been  provided  on foreign  subsidiaries'
earnings, which are deemed essentially permanently reinvested,  of $13.4 billion
at December 31, 2000, and $13.2 billion at December 31, 1999. Quantification  of
the deferred tax  liability,  if any,  associated  with  permanently  reinvested
earnings is not practicable.
   A reconciliation  of the provision for income taxes compared with the amounts
at the U.S. federal statutory rate was as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000        1999        1998
                                                 ----        ----        ----

Tax at U.S. federal statutory income tax rate  $2,507      $3,166      $1,730
Foreign rates other than 35%                       78        (109)          1
Taxes on unremitted earnings of subsidiaries        -         138          92
Tax credits                                       (45)       (207)       (203)
Subsidiary settlement of affirmative
   claim with IRS                                   -           -         (92)
Other adjustments                                (147)        130         108
                                                -----       -----       -----
    Total income tax                           $2,393      $3,118      $1,636
                                                =====       =====       =====

   Deferred  income tax assets and  liabilities  for 2000 and 1999  reflect  the
impact of temporary  differences  between  amounts of assets,  liabilities,  and
equity  for  financial   reporting  purposes  and  the  bases  of  such  assets,
liabilities,  and  equity  as  measured  by tax laws as well as tax loss and tax
credit carryforwards.




NOTE 8.  Income Taxes (concluded)

   Temporary differences and carryforwards that gave rise to deferred tax assets
and liabilities included the following (dollars in millions):

                                                      December 31,
                                             2000                1999
                                             ----                ----
                                           Deferred Tax         Deferred Tax
                                           ------------         ------------
                                       Assets   Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities
                                       ------   -----------  ------  -----------

Postretirement benefits other
   than pensions                      $14,393        $ -   $14,351        $ -
Employee benefit plans                  2,884      8,182     3,189      7,596
Policy and warranty reserves            2,405          -     2,471          -
Sales and product reserves              2,547          -     2,587          -
Depreciation and amortization             652      3,742       577      3,696
Tax carryforwards                       3,202          -     3,184          -
Lease transactions                          -      3,911         -      3,844
Miscellaneous foreign                   4,150      1,372     3,233        887
Other                                   7,287      4,493     6,718      4,249
                                       ------     ------    ------     ------
  Subtotal                             37,520     21,700    36,310     20,272
Valuation allowances                     (717)         -      (789)         -
                                       ------     ------    ------     ------
     Total deferred taxes             $36,803    $21,700   $35,521    $20,272
                                       ======     ======    ======     ======

   Of the  tax  carryforwards,  approximately  26%  relates  to the  alternative
minimum tax credit (which can be carried forward indefinitely) and approximately
18% relates to the U.S. state net operating loss carryforwards which will expire
in the years 2001-2020 if not used.  However, a substantial  portion of the U.S.
state net  operating  loss  carryforwards  will not expire  until after the year
2005. The other tax credit  carryforwards,  consisting primarily of research and
experimentation credits, will expire in the years 2004, 2011-2012, and 2018-2020
if not used.

NOTE 9.  Property - Net

   Property  -  net  included  the  following  for  Automotive,   Communications
Services, and Other Operations (dollars in millions):

                                              Estimated       December 31,
                                                Useful      ----------------
                                             Lives (Years)  2000        1999
                                             -------------  ----        ----

  Land                                            -         $924        $751
  Buildings and land improvements              2-40       12,997      13,898
  Machinery and equipment                      3-30       40,900      41,341
  Construction in progress                        -        4,664       3,787
                                                         -------     -------
    Real estate, plants, and equipment                    59,485      59,777
    Less accumulated depreciation                        (32,875)    (34,363)
                                                          ------      ------
      Real estate, plants, and equipment - net            26,610      25,414
      Special tools - net                                  7,367       7,365
                                                         -------     -------
        Total property - net                             $33,977     $32,779
                                                          ======      ======

   Financing and Insurance  Operations had net property of $1.4 billion and $496
million recorded in other assets at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.




NOTE 9.  Property - Net (concluded)

   Depreciation and amortization expense was as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000       1999       1998
                                                 ----       ----       ----
Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations

   Depreciation                                $4,368     $4,155     $3,772
   Amortization of special tools                2,753      2,492      2,350
   Amortization of intangible assets (Note 10)    308        226        105
                                                -----      -----      -----
      Total                                    $7,429     $6,873     $6,227
                                                =====      =====      =====

Financing and Insurance Operations

   Depreciation and amortization expense       $5,982     $5,445     $4,920
                                                =====      =====      =====

NOTE 10.  Intangible Assets - Net

   Automotive,  Communications Services, and Other Operations had net intangible
assets of $7.6  billion and $8.5  billion at December  31, 2000 and December 31,
1999, respectively.
   Financing and Insurance  Operations had net intangible assets of $3.2 billion
and $2.9  billion  recorded  in other  assets  at  December  31,  2000 and 1999,
   Intangible  assets  primarily  consist  of  goodwill,  which  is the  cost of
acquired  businesses  in  excess  of the fair  value of their  identifiable  net

NOTE 11.  Other Assets

Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

   Other assets included the following (dollars in millions):

                                                              December 31,
                                                          2000            1999
                                                          ----            ----

Equipment on operating leases - noncurrent (Note 7)     $4,234          $3,911
Notes receivable from Delphi                                 -           1,538
Investments in equity securities (1)                     4,666           1,970
U.S. prepaid pension assets (Note 14)                   20,184          15,267
Other                                                    3,159           2,672
                                                        ------          ------
   Total other assets                                  $32,243         $25,358
                                                        ======          ======

(1)The balance at December 31, 2000  includes  GM's 20% interest in Fiat Auto of
   $2.4  billion.  This  investment  is  accounted  for using the cost method of
   accounting.  Amounts  also  include the fair value of  investments  in equity
   securities classified as available-for-sale for all periods presented.  It is
   GM's  intent to hold these  securities  for greater  than one year.  Balances
   include  historical  costs of $1.9 billion and $1.3  billion with  unrealized
   gains of $495 million and $687 million and unrealized  losses of $146 million
   and $36 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.




NOTE 11.  Other Assets (concluded)

Financing and Insurance Operations

   Other assets included the following (dollars in millions):
                                                              December 31,
                                                          2000            1999
                                                          ----            ----

Mortgage servicing rights                               $3,985          $3,422
Real estate mortgage - held for sale                     5,759           5,678
                     - held for investment               1,895           1,497
                     - lending receivables               2,960           1,801
Other mortgage - related assets                          1,451           1,094
Receivables purchased from factored clients              2,291             765
Due and deferred from receivables sales                  1,097             742
Rental car buybacks                                        826             712
Intangible assets                                        3,188           2,898
Other                                                    4,394           2,703
                                                        ------          ------
   Total other assets                                  $27,846         $21,312
                                                        ======          ======

NOTE 12.  Accrued Expenses, Other Liabilities, and Deferred Income Taxes

Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

   Accrued expenses,  other liabilities,  and deferred income taxes included the
following (dollars in millions):
                                                             December 31,
                                                          2000            1999
                                                          ----            ----

Warranties, dealer and customer allowances,
   claims, and discounts                               $15,993         $15,284
Deferred revenue                                         9,974           9,504
Payrolls and employee benefits
   (excludes postemployment)                             4,609           5,211
Unpaid losses under self-insurance programs              2,031           1,923
Taxes, other than income taxes                           1,009           1,084
Interest                                                 1,401           1,542
Income taxes                                               445           1,006
Deferred income taxes                                    2,430           2,926
Postemployment benefits (including
   extended disability benefits)                         2,380           2,097
Other                                                    8,748           9,703
                                                        ------          ------
  Total accrued expenses, other liabilities,
   and deferred income taxes                           $49,020         $50,280
                                                       =======         =======

Financing and Insurance Operations

   Other  liabilities and deferred income taxes included the following  (dollars
in millions):

                                                              December 31,
                                                          2000            1999
                                                          ----            ----
Unpaid insurance losses, loss adjustment
  expenses, and unearned insurance premiums             $3,870          $3,811
Postemployment benefits                                    761             722
Income taxes                                               571             439
Deferred income taxes                                    4,021           3,730
Interest                                                 1,828           1,602
Other                                                    1,871             978
                                                        ------          ------
  Total other liabilities and deferred income taxes    $12,922         $11,282
                                                        ======          ======




NOTE 13.  Long-Term Debt and Loans Payable

Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations

  Long-term debt and loans payable were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                        Interest Rate         December 31,
                                       ----------------     -----------------
                                        2000     1999       2000        1999
                                        ----     ----       ----        ----
Long-term debt and loans payable
   Payable within one year
     Current portion of long-term debt  6.3%      6.3%      $415        $681
     Commercial paper (1)               5.8%      5.8%       519         405
     All other                          4.8%      4.8%     1,274         905
                                                           -----      ------
      Total loans payable                 -         -      2,208       1,991
   Payable beyond one year              8.1%      8.9%     7,438       7,444
   Unamortized discount                                      (28)        (29)
                                                          ------      ------
        Total long-term debt and loans payable            $9,618      $9,406

(1) The weighted-average  interest rates for commercial paper include the impact
    of interest rate swap agreements.

   Long-term  debt  payable  beyond  one  year at  December  31,  2000 included
maturities  as follows:  2002 - $426 million;  2003 - $715 million;  2004 - $454
million; 2005 - $799 million; 2006 and after - $5.0 billion.
   Amounts payable beyond one year after consideration of foreign currency swaps
at December 31, 2000 included  $1.5 billion in  currencies  other than the U.S.
dollar,  primarily  the Swedish  krona ($776  million),  the Japanese yen ($435
million),  the  Brazilian  real ($151  million),  and the  Canadian  dollar ($64
   At  December  31,  2000 and  1999,  long-term  debt  and  loans  payable  for
Automotive,  Communications Services, and Other Operations included $8.3 billion
and $7.4 billion,  respectively,  of  obligations  with fixed interest rates and
$1.3  billion and $2.0  billion,  respectively,  of  obligations  with  variable
interest rates  (predominantly  LIBOR), after considering the impact of interest
rate swap agreements.
   To achieve its desired  balance  between fixed and variable rate debt, GM has
entered into interest rate swap and cap agreements. The notional amounts of such
agreements as of December 31, 2000 for Automotive, Communications Services, and
Other Operations were  approximately $1.2 billion ($200 million pay variable and
$1.0 billion pay fixed) and $90 million,  respectively.  The notional amounts of
such agreements as of December 31, 1999 were  approximately  $600 million ($400
million  pay  variable  and  $200   million  pay  fixed),   and  $100   million,
   GM and its  subsidiaries  maintain  substantial  lines of credit with various
banks that totaled  $11.6  billion at December  31, 2000,  of which $4.3 billion
represented  short-term credit facilities and $7.3 billion represented long-term
credit  facilities.  At December  31,  1999,  bank lines of credit  totaled $9.6
billion, of which $3.9 billion represented short-term credit facilities and $5.7
billion  represented  long-term  credit  facilities.  The unused  short-term and
long-term  portions of the credit lines totaled $3.1 billion and $6.2 billion at
December 31, 2000,  compared  with $3.5 billion and $4.8 billion at December 31,
1999.  Certain bank lines of credit contain covenants with which the Corporation
and applicable  subsidiaries  were in compliance  during the year ended December
31, 2000.




NOTE 13.  Long-Term Debt and Loans Payable (concluded)

Financing and Insurance Operations

  Debt was as follows (dollars in millions):
                                        Interest Rate         December 31,
                                       ----------------     ----------------
                                        2000     1999       2000        1999
                                        ----     ----       ----        ----
   Payable within one year
     Current portion of debt            6.5%     6.6%    $18,603     $14,996
     Commercial paper (1)               6.5%     5.8%     43,634      33,229
     All other                          4.6%     4.6%     14,506      18,727
   Payable beyond one year              6.4%     6.3%     58,846      55,952
   Unamortized discount                                     (552)       (622)
                                                         -------     -------
        Total debt                                      $135,037    $122,282
                                                         =======     =======
(1) The weighted-average  interest rates for commercial paper include the impact
    of interest rate swap agreements.

   Debt payable  beyond one year at December  31, 2000 included  maturities  as
follows: 2002 - $19.9 billion; 2003 - $14.1 billion; 2004 - $7.2 billion; 2005 -
$5.9 billion; 2006 and after - $11.7 billion.
   Amounts payable beyond one year after consideration of foreign currency swaps
at December 31, 2000 included  $9.8 billion in  currencies  other than the U.S.
dollar,  primarily the Canadian dollar ($6.6 billion),  the euro ($1.6 billion),
the  U.K.  pound  sterling  ($738  million),  and the  Australian  dollar  ($573
   At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  debt for Financing  and Insurance  Operations
included $86.1 billion and $78.3  billion,  respectively,  of  obligations  with
fixed  interest  rates and $48.9  billion and $44.0  billion,  respectively,  of
obligations  with  variable   interest  rates   (predominantly   LIBOR),   after
considering the impact of interest rate swap agreements.
   To achieve its desired  balance  between fixed and variable rate debt, GM has
entered into interest rate swap, cap, and floor agreements. The notional amounts
of  such  agreements  as of  December  31,  2000 for  financing  and  insurance
operations  were  approximately  $35.2 billion  ($24.0  billion pay variable and
$11.2  billion pay fixed),  $74  million,  and $83  million,  respectively.  The
notional  amounts  for  interest  rate swap,  cap,  and floor  agreements  as of
December 31, 1999, were approximately  $26.1 billion ($18.1 billion pay variable
and $8.0 billion pay fixed), $483 million, and $93 million, respectively.
   GM's  financing  and insurance  subsidiaries  maintain  substantial  lines of
credit with various  banks that totaled  $48.5  billion at December 31, 2000, of
which $17.5 billion  represented  short-term credit facilities and $31.0 billion
represented  long-term  credit  facilities.  At December 31, 1999, bank lines of
credit  totaled $46.9  billion,  of which $16.8 billion  represented  short-term
credit facilities and $30.1 billion represented long-term credit facilities. The
unused  short-term  and  long-term  portions of the credit  lines  totaled  $8.1
billion and $30.5  billion at December 31, 2000, compared  with $6.3 billion and
$29.3  billion at  December  31,  1999.  Certain  bank  lines of credit  contain
covenants  with  which  the  Corporation  and  applicable  subsidiaries  were in
compliance during the year ended December 31, 2000.

NOTE 14.  Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits

   GM has a number of defined benefit pension plans covering  substantially  all
employees.  Plans  covering U.S. and Canadian  represented  employees  generally
provide benefits of negotiated,  stated amounts for each year of service as well
as significant  supplemental  benefits for employees who retire with 30 years of
service  before  normal  retirement  age.  The  benefits  provided  by the plans
covering U.S. and Canadian  salaried  employees and employees in certain foreign
locations are generally  based on years of service and salary  history.  GM also
has certain  nonqualified  pension plans covering  executives  that are based on
targeted wage replacement percentages and are unfunded.
   Pension plan assets are primarily  invested in U.S.  Government  obligations,
equity and fixed income securities,  commingled  pension trust funds,  insurance
contracts,  and GM Class H common  stock  (valued at  December  31, 2000 at $3.4




NOTE 14.  Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits (continued)

   GM's  funding  policy  with  respect  to its  qualified  pension  plans is to
contribute  annually not less than the minimum  required by  applicable  law and
regulations.  GM made pension  contributions to the U.S. hourly and salary plans
of $5.0  billion  in 2000  (consisting  entirely  of GM  Class  H  common  stock
contributed  during the second quarter of 2000),  $794 million in 1999, and $1.1
billion in 1998. In addition,  GM made pension  contributions  to all other U.S.
plans of $69 million,  $67  million,  and $51 million in 2000,  1999,  and 1998,
   Additionally,  GM  maintains  hourly and salary  benefit  plans that  provide
postretirement medical, dental, vision, and life insurance to most U.S. retirees
and  eligible  dependents.  The  cost  of such  benefits  is  recognized  in the
consolidated financial statements during the period employees provide service to
GM.  Postretirement  plan assets in GM's VEBA trust are  invested  primarily  in
fixed income securities and GM Class H common stock (valued at December 31, 2000
at $438 million).
   Certain of the Corporation's non-U.S. subsidiaries have postretirement plans,
although most participants are covered by  government-sponsored  or administered
programs. The cost of such programs generally is not significant to GM.



NOTE 14.  Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits (continued)

                                U.S. Plans           Non-U.S. Plans
                              Pension Benefits     Pension Benefits     Other Benefits
                              ----------------     ----------------     --------------
                              2000        1999     2000        1999     2000      1999
                              ----        ----     ----      ----       ----      ----
Change in benefit obligations                 (dollars in millions)
Benefit obligation at
   beginning of year       $73,269     $76,963   $9,728     $10,283  $44,683   $47,346
Service cost                   900       1,007      177         202      448       502
Interest cost                5,425       4,722      630         604    3,346     2,802
Plan participants'
   contributions                32          37       25          29       47        41
Amendments                       5       5,326        3         381      (49)        4
Actuarial losses(gains)      4,269      (4,565)     251        (700)   4,392        32
Benefits paid               (6,299)     (5,636)    (503)       (511)  (2,805)   (2,368)
   Delphi Spin-Off               -      (4,652)       -           -        -    (3,590)
   Hughes' satellite
    systems                 (1,263)          -        -           -        -         -
Curtailment charges
   and other                  (207)         67     (400)       (560)    (173)      (86)
                            ------      ------    -----       -----   ------     -----
   Benefit obligation
    at end of year          76,131      73,269    9,911       9,728   49,889    44,683
                            ------      ------    -----       -----   ------    ------
Change in plan assets
Fair value of plan assets
   at beginning of year     80,462      75,007    7,062       5,976    6,291     4,574
Actual return on plan assets   634      13,582      821         965      421       207
Employer contributions       5,031         861      187         566      743     1,970
Plan participants'
   contributions                32          37       25          29        -         -
Benefits paid               (6,299)     (5,636)    (386)       (391)    (731)     (460)
   Delphi Spin-Off               -      (3,369)       -           -        -         -
   Hughes' satellite
    systems                 (1,841)          -        -           -        -         -
Settlement charges
   and other                  (153)        (20)    (312)        (83)       -         -
                            ------      ------    -----      ------    -----     -----
   Fair value of plan
    assets at end of year   77,866      80,462    7,397       7,062    6,724     6,291
                            ------      ------    -----      ------    -----     -----
Funded status                1,735       7,193   (2,514)     (2,666) (43,165)  (38,392)
Unrecognized actuarial
   loss(gain)                9,195      (2,463)     555         586    6,444     1,842
Unrecognized prior
   service cost              8,442       9,850      909       1,048      207       212
Unrecognized transition
   obligation (asset)            1         (47)      63          52        -         -
                            ------      ------      ---        ----   ------    ------
   Net amount recognized   $19,373     $14,533    $(987)      $(980)$(36,514) $(36,338)
                            ======      ======      ===         ===   ======    ======
Amounts recognized in the
   consolidated balance
   sheets consist of:
     Prepaid benefit cost  $20,184     $15,267   $1,676        $809     $  -      $  -
     Accrued benefit
       liability              (936)       (815)  (2,668)     (2,612) (36,514)  (36,338)
     Intangible asset           56          13        1         700        -         -
     Accumulated other
       comprehensive income     69          68        4         123        -         -
                            ------      ------      ---         ---   ------    ------
     Net amount recognized $19,373     $14,533    $(987)      $(980)$(36,514) $(36,338)
                            ======      ======      ===         ===   ======    ======

   The projected benefit obligation,  accumulated  benefit obligation,  and fair
value of plan assets for the pension plans with accumulated  benefit obligations
in excess of plan assets were $4.0 billion,  $3.4 billion, and $0, respectively,
as of December 31, 2000,  and $7.3  billion,  $6.8  billion,  and $3.5  billion,
respectively, as of December 31, 1999.

                                  U.S. Plans            Non-U.S. Plans
                                Pension Benefits      Pension Benefits        Other Benefits
                              --------------------  -------------------    --------------------
                              2000    1999    1998  2000   1999    1998    2000    1999    1998
                              ----    ----    ----  ----   ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
                                                    (dollars in millions)
Components of expense
Service cost                  $900  $1,007  $1,270  $177   $202    $214    $448    $502    $663
Interest cost                5,425   4,722   4,974   630    604     643   3,346   2,802   3,113
Expected return on
   plan assets              (7,666) (6,726) (6,815) (578)  (526)   (516)   (650)   (377)   (286)
Amortization of prior
   service cost              1,416     926   1,173    97     99      99     (42)   (104)   (116)
Amortization of transition
   asset                       (48)    (37)    (44)  (17)   (17)    (17)      -       -       -
Recognized net actuarial loss    8     348     331     2     79      75      70     124      97
Curtailments, settlements,
   and other                   235   2,351     207    24     22      48       -       -       -
Discontinued operations          -  (2,349)   (409)    -      -       -       -       -    (966)
                               ---   -----     ---   ---    ---     ---   -----   -----   -----
Net expense                   $270    $242    $687  $335   $463    $546  $3,172  $2,947  $2,505
                               ===    ====     ===   ===    ===     ===   =====   =====   =====




NOTE 14.  Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits (concluded)

                                  U.S. Plans            Non-U.S. Plans
                                Pension Benefits      Pension Benefits        Other Benefits
                              --------------------  -------------------    --------------------
                              2000    1999    1998  2000   1999    1998    2000    1999    1998
                              ----    ----    ----  ----   ----    ----    ----    ----    ----

Weighted-average assumptions
Discount rate                  7.3%    7.8%    6.8%  7.1%   7.1%    6.4%    7.7%    7.7%    6.7%
Expected return on
   plan assets                10.0%   10.0%   10.0%  9.0%   9.0%    9.2%    8.1%    8.3%    7.7%
Rate of compensation increase  5.0%    5.0%    5.0%  4.0%   4.0%    3.5%    4.3%    4.4%    4.4%

   For measurement  purposes, an approximate 8.6% annual rate of increase in the
per capita cost of covered  health care benefits was assumed for 2001.  The rate
was  assumed to decrease on a linear  basis to 5.0%  through  2007 and remain at
that level thereafter.
   A one  percentage  point increase in the assumed health care trend rate would
have  increased the  Accumulated  Projected  Benefit  Obligation  (APBO) by $5.2
billion at December 31, 2000 and increased  the  aggregate  service and interest
cost components of non-pension  postretirement  benefit expense for 2000 by $450
million.  A one percentage  point decrease would have decreased the APBO by $4.4
billion and  decreased the  aggregate  service and interest  cost  components of
non-pension postretirement benefit expense for 2000 by $375 million.

NOTE 15.  Commitments and Contingent Matters

   GM had the following minimum commitments under noncancelable operating leases
having  terms in  excess  of one year  primarily  for real  property:  2001-$541
million;  2002-$484  million;  2003-$406 million;  2004-$319 million;  2005-$273
million, and $1.3 billion in 2006 and thereafter.  Certain of the leases contain
escalation  clauses and  renewal or  purchase  options.  Rental  expenses  under
operating  leases were $861  million,  $825  million,  and $826 million in 2000,
1999, and 1998, respectively.
   GM sponsors a credit card program,  entitled the GM Card program, that offers
rebates  that can be  applied  primarily  against  the  purchase  or lease of GM
vehicles.  The amount of rebates available to qualified  cardholders at December
31,  2000 was $3.8  billion  and $3.7  billion at  December 31,  1999 and 1998,
   As part of a marketing agreement entered into with America Online, Inc. (AOL)
on June  21,  1999,  Hughes  committed  to  increase  its  sales  and  marketing
expenditures   through   2002  by   approximately   $1.5   billion   related  to
DirecPC/AOL-Plus, DIRECTV, DIRECTV/AOL TV, and DirecDuo. At  December  31, 2000,
Hughes'  remaining  commitment  under  this  agreement  was  approximately  $1.1

Contingent Matters
   Litigation  is  subject  to  uncertainties  and  the  outcome  of  individual
litigated  matters is not  predictable  with  assurance.  Various legal actions,
governmental  investigations,  claims,  and  proceedings are pending against the
Corporation,   including   those  arising  out  of  alleged   product   defects;
employment-related   matters;   governmental  regulations  relating  to  safety,
emissions, and fuel economy; product  warranties;  financial  services;  dealer,
supplier, and  other  contractual  relationships  and  environmental matters. In
connection with the disposition by Hughes of its defense electronics business to
Raytheon Company in 1997 and its satellite systems  manufacturing  businesses to
The Boeing Company in 2000, there are disputes  regarding the purchase price and
other matters that may result in payments by Hughes to the  acquiring  companies
that would be material to Hughes.  GM has  established  reserves  for matters in
which losses are probable and can be reasonably  estimated.  Some of the matters
may involve  compensatory,  punitive,  or other treble damage claims, or demands
for recall campaigns,  environmental remediation programs, or sanctions, that if
granted, could require the Corporation to pay damages or make other expenditures
in amounts that could not be estimated  at December 31, 2000.  After  discussion
with  counsel,  it is the  opinion  of  management  that such  liability  is not
expected to have a material  adverse  effect on the  Corporation's  consolidated
financial condition or results of operations.




NOTE 16.  Preferred Securities of Subsidiary Trusts

General Motors - Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Securities
of Subsidiary Trusts
   In July 1997,  the General  Motors  Capital  Trust D (Series D Trust)  issued
approximately $79 million of its 8.67% Trust Originated  Preferred  Securitiessm
(TOPrSsm) Series D, (Series D Preferred  Securities),  in a one-for-one exchange
for  3,055,255 of the  outstanding  GM Series D 7.92%  Depositary  Shares,  each
representing  one-fourth of a share of GM Series D Preference  Stock,  $0.10 par
value per share.  In  addition,  the General  Motors  Capital  Trust G (Series G
Trust) issued  approximately $143 million of its 9.87% TOPrS, Series G (Series G
Preferred   Securities),   in  a  one-for-one  exchange  for  5,064,489  of  the
outstanding GM Series G 9.12% Depositary Shares, each representing one-fourth of
a share of GM Series G Preference Stock, $0.10 par value per share.
   Concurrently  with the  exchanges  and the related  purchases  by GM from the
Series D and Series G Trusts  (Trusts) of the common  securities of such Trusts,
which represent  approximately 3% of the total assets of such Trusts,  GM issued
to the wholly-owned Trusts, as the Series D Trust's sole assets its 8.67% Junior
Subordinated  Deferrable Interest Debentures,  Series D, due July 1, 2012 and as
the Series G Trust's  sole  assets,  its 9.87%  Junior  Subordinated  Deferrable
Interest  Debentures,  Series G, due July 1, 2012 (the "Series D Debentures" and
"Series G  Debentures"  or  collectively  the  "Debentures"),  having  aggregate
principal  amounts  equal to the  aggregate  stated  liquidation  amounts of the
Series D and Series G Preferred  Securities and the related  common  securities,
respectively  ($79  million  with  respect to the Series D  Debentures  and $131
million with respect to the Series G Debentures).
   On May 2, 2000,  GM redeemed  the Series D Trust's  sole  assets  causing the
Series D Trust  to  redeem  the  approximately  3  million  Series  D  Preferred
Securities.  The Series D Preferred  Securities  were redeemed at a price of $25
per share plus accrued and unpaid distributions of $0.01 per share. Also, on May
2, 2000,  GM redeemed the  approximately  3 million  outstanding  Series D 7.92%
Depositary Shares. The Series D 7.92% Depositary Shares were redeemed at a price
of $25 per share plus  accrued  and  unpaid  dividends  of $0.18 per share.  The
securities together had a total face value of approximately $154 million.
   On April 2, 2001, GM will redeem 5,064,489  outstanding Series G 9.87% TOPrS.
The Series G TOPrS will be redeemed at a price of $25 per security  plus accrued
and unpaid  dividends of $0.42 per share, for a total redemption price of $25.42
per share.
sm "Trust Originated Preferred Securities" and "TOPrS" are service trademarks of
Merrill Lynch & Co.

NOTE 17.  Stockholders' Equity

   The  following  table  presents  changes in capital stock for the period from
January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2000 (dollars in millions):

                                               Common Stocks
                                          -----------------------  Total
                              Preference    $1-2/3                Capital
                                Stocks     par value   Class H     Stock
                              ----------   ---------   -------    -------

Balance at January 1, 1998       $ 1        $1,156       $10       $1,167
  Shares reacquired                -           (75)        -          (75)
  Shares issued                    -            11         1           12
                                  --         -----        --        -----

Balance at December 31, 1998       1         1,092        11        1,104
  Shares reacquired               (1)          (75)        -          (76)
  Shares issued                    -            16         3           19
                                  --         -----        --        -----

Balance at December 31, 1999       -         1,033        14        1,047
  Shares reacquired                -          (184)        -         (184)
  Shares issued                    -            65        74          139
                                  --         -----        --        -----
Balance at December 31, 2000     $ -          $914       $88       $1,002
                                  ==           ===        ==        =====




NOTE 17.  Stockholders' Equity (continued)

Preference Stocks
   On June 24, 1999, as part of a strategic  alliance with Hughes,  AOL invested
$1.5 billion in return for approximately 2.7 million shares of GM Series H 6.25%
Automatically  Convertible  Preference  Stock,  par value $0.10 per share.  This
preference  stock will  automatically  convert  into GM Class H common  stock in
2002,  based upon a variable  conversion  factor linked to the GM Class H common
stock price at the time of conversion, and accrues quarterly dividends at a rate
of 6.25% per year. It may be converted earlier in certain limited circumstances.
GM immediately invested the $1.5 billion received from AOL into shares of Hughes
Series A Preferred Stock designed to correspond to the financial terms of the GM
Series H 6.25%  Automatically  Convertible  Preference  Stock.  Dividends on the
Hughes Series A Preferred Stock are payable to GM quarterly at an annual rate of
6.25%.  Upon  conversion  of the GM  Series  H 6.25%  Automatically  Convertible
Preference  Stock into GM Class H common stock,  Hughes will redeem the Series A
Preferred  Stock  through a cash payment to GM equal to the fair market value of
GM Class H common stock  issuable upon the  conversion.  Simultaneous  with GM's
receipt of the cash redemption proceeds,  GM will make a capital contribution to
Hughes of the same amount.

Common Stocks
   During the second quarter of 2000, GM completed an exchange offer in which GM
repurchased  86 million shares of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock and issued 92
million  shares of GM Class H common  stock.  In addition,  on June 12, 2000, GM
contributed  approximately 54 million shares and  approximately 7 million shares
of GM Class H common stock to the U.S.  Hourly-Rate  Employees  Pension Plan and
VEBA trust, respectively. The total value of the contributions was approximately
$5.6  billion.  As a result of the  exchange  offer and  employee  benefit  plan
contributions,  the economic  interest in Hughes  attributable  to GM $1-2/3 par
value common stock decreased from approximately 62% to approximately 30% and the
economic  interest in Hughes  attributable  to GM Class H common stock increased
from approximately 38% to 70% on a fully diluted basis.
   On June 6, 2000, the GM Board declared a three-for-one  stock split of the GM
Class H common stock.  The stock split was in the form of a 200% stock dividend,
paid on June 30,  2000 to GM Class H common  stockholders  of record on June 13,
2000.  All GM Class H common  stock per share  amounts and numbers of shares for
all  periods  presented   have  been  adjusted  to  reflect  the  stock  split.
Furthermore,  as a result of this stock split, the voting and liquidation rights
of the GM Class H common  stock  were  reduced  from 0.6 votes per share and 0.6
liquidation  units per share, to 0.2 votes per share and 0.2  liquidation  units
per share in order to avoid  dilution  in the  aggregate  voting or  liquidation
rights of any  class.  The voting  and  liquidation  rights of the GM $1-2/3 par
value  common stock were not changed.  The voting and  liquidation  rights of GM
$1-2/3 par value  common stock are one vote per share and one  liquidation  unit
per share.
   On July 24, 2000,  Fiat S.p.A.  purchased for $2.4 billion  approximately  32
million  shares of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock,  or  approximately  5.4% of
GM's $1-2/3 par value common stock outstanding as of that date.
   The  liquidation  rights  of the GM  $1-2/3  par  value and GM Class H common
stocks  are  subject to  certain  adjustments  if  outstanding  common  stock is
subdivided,  by stock  split or  otherwise,  or if shares of one class of common
stock are issued as a dividend  to  holders  of another  class of common  stock.
Holders of GM Class H common stock have no direct rights in the equity or assets
of Hughes, but rather have rights in the equity and assets of GM (which includes
100% of the stock of Hughes).
   The  outstanding  shares of GM Class H common stock may be  recapitalized  as
shares of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock at any time after  December 31, 2002,
at the sole  discretion of the GM Board,  or  automatically,  if at any time the
Corporation should sell,  liquidate,  or otherwise dispose of 80% or more of the
business of Hughes,  based on fair market value of the assets, both tangible and
intangible,  of Hughes as of the date that such proposed transaction is approved
by the GM Board. In the event of any recapitalization, all outstanding shares of
GM Class H common stock will automatically be converted into  GM's  $1-2/3  par
value  common  stock at an  exchange  rate that would  provide GM Class H common
stockholders with that number of shares of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock that
would have a value equal to 120% of the value of their GM Class H common  stock,
on such date. A  recapitalization  of the type  described in the prior  sentence
would occur if any of the triggering  events took place unless the holders of GM
common  stock  (including  the holders of GM $1-2/3 par value  common  stock and
holders of the GM Class H common stock voting separately as individual  classes)
vote to approve an alternative proposal from the GM Board.




NOTE 17.  Stockholders' Equity (concluded)

Other Comprehensive Income
   The  changes  in the  components  of other  comprehensive  income  (loss) are
reported net of income taxes, as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                  Years Ended December 31,
                                        2000                            1999                              1998
                         ------------------------------    ------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                         Pre-tax      Tax Exp.     Net     Pre-tax     Tax Exp.     Net     Pre-tax     Tax Exp.      Net
                         Amount      (Credit)    Amount    Amount      (Credit)    Amount   Amount      (Credit)     Amount
                         ------       ------     ------    ------      -------     ------   --------    -------      ------
Foreign currency translation
   adjustments           $(741)       $(272)     $(469)   $(1,519)      $(575)     $(944)    $(280)        $(1)      $(279)
Unrealized (loss) gain
   on securities:
  Unrealized holding
   (loss) gain            (481)        (179)      (302)       998         372        626        38         (14)         52
   adjustment             (175)         (62)      (113)      (171)        (60)      (111)     (115)        (40)        (75)
                          ----          ---       ----       ----         ---       ----      ----         ---         ---
   Net unrealized
     (loss) gain          (656)        (241)      (415)       827         312        515       (77)        (54)        (23)
                          ----         ----       ----        ---         ---        ---       ---         ---         ---
Minimum pension
   liability adjustment    118           42         76      7,980       3,012      4,968    (1,657)       (630)     (1,027)
                           ---           --         --      -----       -----      -----    ------        ----      ------
Other comprehensive
   (loss) income from
   operations          $(1,279)       $(471)     $(808)    $7,288      $2,749     $4,539   $(2,014)      $(685)    $(1,329)
                       =======        =====      =====     ======      ======     ======   =======       =====     =======

NOTE 18.  Earnings Per Share Attributable to Common Stocks

   Earnings per share (EPS)  attributable to each class of GM common stock was
determined  based on the  attribution  of  earnings to each such class of common
stock for the period divided by the weighted-average number of common shares for
each such class outstanding during the period.  Diluted EPS attributable to each
class of GM common stock considers the impact of potential common shares, unless
the inclusion of the potential common shares would have an antidilutive  effect.
All GM Class H common  stock per share  amounts  and  numbers  of shares for all
periods presented have been adjusted to reflect the  three-for-one  stock split,
in the form of a 200% stock dividend, paid on June 30, 2000.
   The  attribution  of earnings to each class of GM common stock was as follows
(dollars in millions):

                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                 2000        1999        1998
                                                 ----        ----        ----
Earnings (losses) attributable to common stocks
   $1-2/3 par value
     Continuing operations                     $3,957      $5,592      $2,914
     Discontinued operations                        -         426         (93)
                                                -----       -----       -----
   Earnings attributable to $1-2/3 par value   $3,957      $6,018      $2,821
                                                =====       =====       =====

   Earnings (losses) attributable to Class H     $385        $(96)        $72
                                                  ===          ==          ==

   Earnings  attributable  to GM $1-2/3  par value  common  stock for the period
represent  the  earnings  attributable  to all GM common  stocks for the period,
reduced by the Available Separate  Consolidated Net Income (ASCNI) of Hughes for
the respective period.
   Earnings (losses) attributable to GM Class H common stock represent the ASCNI
of Hughes,  excluding the effects of GM purchase accounting  adjustments arising
from GM's  acquisition  of Hughes  Aircraft  Company,  reduced  by the amount of
dividends  accrued on the Series A Preferred  Stock of Hughes (as an  equivalent
measure of the effect that GM's  payment of  dividends  on the GM Series H 6.25%
Automatically  Convertible  Preference Stock would have if paid by Hughes).  The
calculated earnings (losses) used for computation of the ASCNI of Hughes is then
multiplied   by  a   fraction,   the   numerator   of  which  is  equal  to  the
weighted-average  number of shares of GM Class H common stock  outstanding  (681
million, 374 million,  and 316 million for 2000, 1999, and 1998,  respectively),
and the denominator of which is a number equal to the weighted-average number of
shares  of GM Class H  common  stock  which  if  issued  and  outstanding  would
represent a 100%  interest  in the  earnings  of Hughes  (the  "Average  Class H
dividend base"). The Average Class H dividend base was 1.3 billion, 1.3 billion,
and 1.2 billion during 2000,  1999, and 1998,  respectively.  Upon conversion of
the GM Series H 6.25% Automatically Convertible Preference Stock into GM Class H
common stock,  and the redemption of Series A Preferred  Stock and  simultaneous
capital  contribution to Hughes,  both the numerator and the denominator used in
the computation of ASCNI will increase by the number of shares of the GM Class H
common stock issued.




NOTE 18.  Earnings Per Share Attributable to Common Stocks (continued)

   In addition,  the denominator  used in determining the ASCNI of Hughes may be
adjusted  on occasion  as deemed  appropriate  by the GM Board to reflect
subdivisions or combinations of the GM Class H common stock,  certain  transfers
of capital to or from Hughes,  the contribution of shares of capital stock of GM
to or for the benefit  of Hughes  employees,  and the  retirement  of GM Class H
common  stock  purchased  by  Hughes.  The GM  Board's  discretion  to make such
adjustments  is limited by criteria set forth in GM's  Restated  Certificate  of
   Effective  January 1, 1999, shares of GM Class H common stock delivered by GM
in connection with the award of such shares to and the exercise of stock options
by employees of Hughes  increase the numerator and  denominator  of the fraction
referred  to above.  Prior to  January  1, 1999,  there was no  dilutive  effect
resulting from the assumed  exercise of stock  options,  because the exercise of
stock  options  did  not  affect  the GM  Class H  common  stock  dividend  base
(denominator). On occasion, in anticipation of exercises  of  stock  options,
Hughes  purchases GM Class H common stock from the open market.  Upon  purchase,
these shares are retired and therefore decrease the numerator and denominator of
the fraction referred to above.
   The  reconciliation of the amounts used in the basic and diluted earnings per
share computations for income from continuing operations was as follows (dollars
in millions except per share amounts):

                                 $1-2/3 Par Value Common Stock           Class H Common Stock
                                 -----------------------------       ------------------------------
                                                     Per Share                            Per Share
                                 Income     Shares     Amount         ASCNI      Shares     Amount
                                 ------     ------     ------         -----      ------     ------
Year ended December 31, 2000
Income from continuing
   operations                    $4,016                                $436
Less:Dividends on preference
   stocks                            59                                  51
                                  -----                                ----
Basic EPS
  Income from continuing
   operations attributable
   to common stocks              $3,957       582       $6.80          $385        681       $0.56
                                                         ====                                 ====
Effect of Dilutive Securities
  Assumed exercise of
   dilutive stock options            (7)        9                         7         27
                                  -----       ---                       ---       ----
Diluted EPS
  Adjusted income from
   continuing operations
   attributable to
   common stocks                 $3,950       591       $6.68          $392        708       $0.55
                                  =====       ===        ====           ===        ===        ====

Year ended December 31, 1999
Income (loss) from
   continuing operations         $5,657                                $(81)
Less:Dividends on
   preference stocks                 65                                  15
                                  -----                                  --
Basic EPS
  Income (loss) from
   continuing operations
   attributable to
   common stocks                  5,592       643       $8.70           (96)       374      $(0.26)
                                                         ====                                 ====
Effect of Dilutive Securities
  Assumed exercise of
   dilutive stock options             -        12                         -          -
                                  -----       ---                       ---        ---
Diluted EPS
  Adjusted income (loss)
   from continuing
   operations attributable
   to common stocks              $5,592       655       $8.53          $(96)       374      $(0.26)
                                  =====       ===        ====            ==        ===       =====

Year ended December 31, 1998
Income from continuing
   operations                    $2,977                                 $72
Less:Dividends on
   preference stocks                 63                                   -
                                 ------                                 ---
Basic EPS
  Income from continuing
   operations attributable
   to common stocks               2,914       663       $4.40            72        316       $0.23
                                                         ====                                 ====
Effect of Dilutive Securities
  Assumed exercise of
   dilutive stock options            (3)       11                         3         12
                                  -----       ---                       ---        ---
Diluted EPS
  Adjusted income from
   continuing operations
   attributable to
   common stocks                 $2,911       674       $4.32           $75        328       $0.23
                                  =====       ===        ====            ==        ===        ====




NOTE 19.  Derivative Financial Instruments and Risk Management

   GM is a party to financial  instruments  with  off-balance-sheet  risk. These
financial  instruments  are used in the  normal  course  of  business  to manage
exposure to  fluctuations in interest rates and foreign  exchange rates,  and to
meet the financing needs of its customers.
   The primary classes of derivatives  used by GM are foreign  exchange  forward
contracts and options, interest rate swaps and options, and forward contracts to
purchase or sell  mortgages or  mortgage-backed  securities.  Those  instruments
involve, to varying degrees, market risk, as the instruments are subject to rate
and price fluctuations,  and elements of credit risk in the event a counterparty
should  default.  Credit  risk is managed  through  the  approval  and  periodic
monitoring of financially sound counterparties.
   Derivative  transactions  are used to hedge  underlying  business  exposures.
Market  risk in  these  instruments  is  offset  by  opposite  movements  in the
underlying exposure. Cash receipts or payments on these contracts normally occur
at maturity,  or for interest rate swap  agreements,  at periodic  contractually
defined intervals.

Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts and Options
   GM is an  international  corporation with operations in over 50 countries and
has foreign currency exposures at these operations  related to buying,  selling,
and financing in currencies other than the local currency. GM's most significant
foreign currency exposures relate to Canada,  Mexico, Western European countries
(primarily  Germany,   United  Kingdom,  Spain,  Italy,  Belgium,  and  France),
Australia,  Japan,  and Brazil.  The magnitude of these exposures  significantly
varies over time  depending  upon the strength of local  automotive  markets and
sourcing decisions.
   GM uses  derivative  financial  instruments  to manage certain of its foreign
exchange  exposures,  primarily  through foreign exchange forward  contracts and
purchased and written foreign exchange options. These agreements primarily hedge
cash  flows  such  as  debt,  firm  commitments,  and  anticipated  transactions
involving  vehicles,  components,  fixed assets,  and subsidiary  dividends.  At
December 31, 2000 and 1999, the Automotive,  Communications  Services, and Other
Operations held foreign exchange  forward  contracts and options of $6.2 billion
and $4.5 billion, respectively. At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the Financing and
Insurance  Operations  held foreign  exchange  forward  contracts and options of
$15.3 billion and $13.3 billion (including  cross-currency swaps of $4.7 billion
and $5.2 billion), respectively.
     The Automotive,  Communications Services, and Other Operations had deferred
hedging gains (losses) on outstanding  foreign  exchange  forward  contracts and
options  totaling  $34 million and $(22)  million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,
respectively.  The Financing and Insurance  Operations  had no deferred  hedging
gains on outstanding  foreign exchange forward contracts and options  (including
cross-currency  swaps) at December 31, 2000,  compared  with a deferred  hedging
gain of $1 million at December 31, 1999.
   The  fair   value  of   foreign   exchange   forward   contracts   (including
cross-currency  swaps) was determined by using current  exchange rates. The fair
value of foreign  exchange  options  was  estimated  using  pricing  models with
indicative quotes obtained for the market variables.

Interest Rate Swaps and Options
   GM's financing and cash management  activities subject it to market risk from
exposure to changes in interest  rates.  GM has entered into  various  financial
instrument transactions to maintain the desired level of exposure to the risk of
interest rate  fluctuations and to minimize  interest  expense.  To achieve this
objective,  GM will at times use  written  options  in the  management  of these
   At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  the total  notional  amount of interest  rate
contracts  with  off-balance-sheet  risk was  $1.6  billion  and  $1.0  billion,
respectively, for the Automotive, Communications Services, and Other Operations.
At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the Financing and Insurance  Operations held such
agreements  with  off-balance-sheet  risk with notional  amounts  totaling $44.3
billion and $33.4 billion, respectively.
   The Automotive,  Communications  Services, and Other Operations' net gains on
interest rate swaps totaled  approximately $6 million and $3 million at December
31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Net (losses) gains on interest rate swaps for
the Financing and Insurance  Operations  totaled  approximately $(5) million and
$45 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
   The fair value of interest rate swaps,  including contracts with optionality,
was estimated  using pricing  models based upon current market  interest  rates.
Exchange traded options are valued at quoted market prices.

Mortgage Contracts
   The  Corporation  has  also  entered  into  contracts  to  purchase  and sell
mortgages at specific future dates and has entered into certain  exchange-traded
futures  and option  contracts  to reduce  exposure to  interest  rate risk.  At
December 31, 2000 and 1999,  commitments  to sell mortgage  loans and securities
totaled $2.2 billion and $1.6 billion, respectively, and commitments to purchase
or originate mortgage




NOTE 19.  Derivative Financial Instruments and Risk Management - concluded

Mortgage Contracts (concluded)
loans  totaled  $5.0  billion and $4.8  billion,  respectively.  Exchange-traded
futures and option  contracts,  used to hedge  mortgage loans held for sale, had
notional  values of $1.1 billion and $6.3 billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999,
respectively. Gains and losses on derivatives, including exchange-traded futures
and  option  contracts,  used  to  hedge  interest  rate  risk  associated  with
rate-locked  funding  commitments and mortgage loans held for sale, are deferred
and considered in the reporting of the  underlying  mortgages on a lower of cost
or market basis.
   The notional values of derivatives used to hedge price and interest rate risk
associated  with  mortgage-related  securities  totaled  $11.8  billion and $7.5
billion at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. Gains and losses associated
with these  instruments  are  recognized  in income in the  current  period on a
marked to market basis.  Derivatives used to hedge mortgage servicing rights had
notional  values of $31.1  billion and $17.2  billion at  December  31, 2000 and
1999,  respectively.  Gains and  losses on such  contracts  are  recorded  as an
adjustment to amortization expense.
   The fair value of mortgage contracts was estimated based upon the amount that
would be received or paid to terminate the  contracts  based on market prices of
similar financial  instruments and current rates for mortgage loans. Book values
and estimated fair values of financial  instrument  derivatives  were as follows
(dollars in millions):

                                          Fair Value of Open Contracts at
                                                     December 31,
                                              2000                 1999
                                              ----                 ----
                                        Asset   Liability    Asset   Liability
                                      Position  Position   Position  Position
                                      --------  --------   --------  --------

Automotive, Communications Services,
      and Other Operations
Foreign exchange contracts (1)            $111       $103       $30        $85
Interest rate contracts (2)                $33         $3        $2        $18

Financing and Insurance Operations
Foreign exchange contracts (3)(5)         $239     $1,106      $386       $862
Interest rate contracts (4)               $605       $633       $82       $586
Mortgage contracts (6)                    $446       $101      $105       $102

(1)The related  asset  (liability)  recorded on the  balance  sheet  totaled $14
   million and $(15) million, at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
(2)The  related  asset  (liability)  recorded on the  balance  sheet  totaled $2
   million and $(12) million, at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
(3)The related (liability)  recorded on the balance sheet totaled $(959) million
   and $(374) million, at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
(4)The related asset  recorded on the balance sheet totaled $114 million and $33
   million, at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
(5)Foreign exchange  forward  contracts  included certain  derivatives with both
   foreign exchange and interest rate exposures which had a fair value of $(613)
   million and $(368) million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
(6)The related asset  recorded on the balance sheet totaled $266 million and $23
   million, at December 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively.

Credit Risk
   The financial  instruments  previously  discussed  contain an element of risk
that the  counterparties  may be  unable  to meet the  terms of the  agreements.
However, GM minimizes such risk exposure by limiting the counterparties to major
international  banks and financial  institutions  that meet  established  credit
guidelines  and by limiting the amount of its risk exposure with any one bank or
financial institution.  Management also reduces its credit risk for unused lines
of credit by applying the same credit policies in making  commitments as it does
for extending loans.  Management does not expect to incur any losses as a result
of counterparty  default.  GM generally does not require or place collateral for
these financial instruments,  except for the lines of credit it extends. Because
loans extended under these commitments are at market interest rates, there is no
significant fair value position related to outstanding commitments.
   GM has business activities with customers, dealers, and associates around the
world. The  Corporation's  receivables from, and guarantees to, such parties are
well diversified,  and when warranted, are secured by collateral.  Consequently,
in management's opinion, no significant  concentration of credit risk exists for




NOTE 20.  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

   The estimated fair value of financial  instruments has been determined  using
available  market  information  or other  appropriate  valuation  methodologies.
However,  considerable  judgment  is  required  in  interpreting  market data to
develop  estimates of fair value;  therefore,  the estimates are not necessarily
indicative  of the amounts  that could be realized or would be paid in a current
market  exchange.  The  effect  of using  different  market  assumptions  and/or
estimation methodologies may be material to the estimated fair value amounts.

   Book and  estimated  fair values of  financial  instruments,  for which it is
practicable to estimate fair value, were as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                    December 31,
                                             2000                   1999
                                             ----                   ----
                                      Book        Fair        Book        Fair
                                      Value       Value       Value       Value
                                      -----       -----       -----       -----

Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations

  Other assets (1)                  $3,269      $3,244      $4,450      $4,431
  Long-term debt (2)                $7,410      $7,019      $7,415      $7,139
  Other liabilities (1)               $516        $548        $535        $559
Preferred securities of
   subsidiary trusts (3)
   (Note 16)                          $139        $136        $218        $206

Financing and Insurance Operations

  Finance receivables - net (4)    $91,853     $91,781     $80,287     $79,934
  Other assets (1)                 $14,002     $14,054     $10,484     $10,509
  Debt (payable beyond
   one year) (2)                   $58,295     $57,863     $55,330     $53,936

(1)   Other assets include  various  financial  instruments  (e.g.,  long-term
      receivables  and certain  investments)  that have fair  values  based on
      discounted  cash  flows,   market  quotations,   and  other  appropriate
      valuation techniques. The fair values of retained subordinated interests
      in trusts and excess  servicing  assets  (net of  deferred  costs)  were
      derived by  discounting  expected cash flows using current market rates.
      Estimated  values of  Industrial  Development  Bonds,  included in other
      liabilities,  were based on quoted market prices for the same or similar
(2)   Long-term debt has an estimated fair value based on quoted market prices
      for the same or similar  issues or based on the current rates offered to
      GM for debt of similar remaining maturities.
(3)   The fair  value of the  GM-obligated  mandatorily  redeemable  preferred
      securities of subsidiary  trusts (see Note 16) was  determined  based on
      quoted market prices.
(4)   The fair value was estimated by discounting  the future cash flows using
      applicable  spreads to  approximate  current  rates  applicable  to each
      category of finance receivables.

   Due to their short-term  nature,  the book value  approximates fair value for
cash and marketable securities, accounts and notes receivable (less allowances),
accounts payable (principally trade),  Automotive,  Communications Services, and
Other  Operations'  loans payable and Financing and Insurance  Operations'  debt
payable within one year for the periods ending December 31, 2000 and 1999. Refer
to Note 19 for fair value of derivative financial instruments.




NOTE 21.  Stock Incentive Plans

Stock-Based Compensation
   If  compensation  cost for  stock  options  and  other  stock-based  employee
compensation  awards  had been  determined  based on the fair value at the grant
date,  consistent with the method prescribed by SFAS No. 123, GM's pro forma net
income,  earnings  attributable to common stocks, and basic and diluted earnings
per share  attributable to common stocks would have been as follows  (dollars in
millions except per share amounts):
                                     2000        1999        1998
                                     ----        ----        ----

   Net income - as reported        $4,452      $6,002      $2,956
              - pro forma          $4,125      $5,788      $2,761
   Earnings (losses) attributable
   to common stocks
      $1-2/3  - as reported        $3,957      $6,018      $2,821
              - pro forma          $3,709      $5,823      $2,646
      Class H - as reported          $385        $(96)        $72
              - pro forma            $306       $(115)        $52

   Basic earnings (losses) per
   share attributable to
   common stocks
      $1-2/3  - as reported         $6.80       $9.36       $4.26
              - pro forma           $6.38       $9.06       $4.00
      Class H - as reported         $0.56      $(0.26)      $0.23
              - pro forma           $0.45      $(0.31)      $0.16

   Diluted earnings (losses) per
   share attributable to
   common stocks
      $1-2/3  - as reported         $6.68       $9.18       $4.18
              - pro forma           $6.26       $8.88       $3.92
      Class H - as reported         $0.55      $(0.26)      $0.23
              - pro forma           $0.44      $(0.31)      $0.16

   The fair value of each option  grant is  estimated on the date of grant using
the  Black-Scholes  option-  pricing model with the  following  weighted-average

                           2000                 1999                1998
                    ------------------    -----------------   -----------------
                    GM    Hughes   GM     GM   Hughes   GM    GM    Hughes  GM
                    SIP    Plan   SSOP    SIP   Plan   SSOP   SIP    Plan  SSOP
                    ---    ----   ----    ---   ----   ----   ---    ----  ----

Interest rate       6.4%   6.5%   6.5%    4.8%   5.2%  4.8%   5.2%   5.6%   5.2%
Expected life
  (years)           5.0    6.9    5.0     5.0    7.0   5.0    5.0    6.2    5.0
   volatility      27.8%  42.1%  27.6%   27.9%  38.0% 27.9%  26.2%  32.8%  26.2%
Dividend yield      2.7%     -    2.7%    2.3%     -   2.3%   3.6%     -    3.6%

   The effects of the Delphi  spin-off  adjustment  on the number of options and
related exercise prices, as described below, are considered, under SFAS No. 123,
to be modifications of the terms of the outstanding  options.  Accordingly,  the
pro forma disclosure includes  compensation cost for the incremental fair value,
under SFAS No. 123, resulting from such modifications. The pro forma amounts for
compensation  cost are not  indicative  of the effects on operating  results for
future periods.
   GM's stock incentive plans consist of the General Motors 1997 Stock Incentive
Plan,  formerly the General Motors  Amended Stock  Incentive Plan (the "GMSIP"),
the Hughes Electronics  Corporation  Incentive Plan (the "Hughes Plan"), and the
General  Motors 1998 Salaried  Stock Option Plan (the  "GMSSOP").  The GMSIP and
GMSSOP are administered by the Executive Compensation Committee of the GM Board.
The Hughes Plan is administered by the Executive  Compensation  Committee of the
Board of Directors of Hughes.
   Under the  GMSIP,  60 million  shares of GM $1-2/3 par value and 7.5  million
shares of GM Class H common  stocks may be granted from June 1, 1997 through May
31, 2002, of which approximately 27.2 million and 7.0 million were available for
grants at  December  31,  2000.  Options  granted  prior to 1997 under the GMSIP
generally are  exercisable  one-half after one year and one-half after two years
from the dates of grant.  Stock option  grants  awarded  since 1997 vest ratably
over three years from the date of grant.  Option  prices are 100% of fair market
value on the dates of grant and the options  generally  expire 10 years from the
dates of grant, subject to earlier termination under certain conditions.




NOTE 21.  Stock Incentive Plans - (continued)

   Under the Hughes Plan, Hughes may grant shares, rights, or options to acquire
up to 232.8 million shares of GM Class H common stock through December 31, 2000,
of which 106.7 million were  available  for grants at December 31, 2000.  Option
prices  are 100% of fair  market  value on the  dates of grant  and the  options
generally  vest  over two to five  years and  expire 10 years  from the dates of
grant, subject to earlier termination under certain conditions.
   Under the GMSSOP, 50 million shares of GM $1-2/3 par value common stock may
be  granted  from  January  1,  1998  through   December  31,  2007,   of  which
approximately 38.0 million were available for grants at December 31, 2000. Stock
options vest one year following the date of grant and are  exercisable two years
from the date of grant. Option prices are 100% of fair market value on the dates
of grant and the options  generally  expire 10 years and two days from the dates
of grant subject to earlier termination under certain conditions.
   In  connection  with the Delphi  spin-off,  the number of options and related
exercise prices for  outstanding  options under the affected plans were adjusted
to reflect  the change in the fair  market  value of GM $1-2/3 par value  common
stock that resulted from this transaction. The number of shares under option and
the exercise price were adjusted such that the aggregate  intrinsic value of the
options  immediately  before  and  immediately  after the  transaction  remained
unchanged.  All Class H common stock share amounts and numbers of shares for all
periods presented have been adjusted to reflect the three-for-one stock split in
the form of a 200% stock dividend paid on June 30, 2000.




NOTE 21.  Stock Incentive Plans (concluded)

   Changes in the status of outstanding options were as follows:

                                             GMSIP and
                          GMSIP              Hughes Plan              GMSSOP
                  $1-2/3 Par Value Common   Class H Common     $1-2/3 Par Value Common
                               Weighted-             Weighted-              Weighted
                    Shares     Average     Shares     Average    Shares     Average
                    under      Exercise    under      Exercise   under      Exercise
                    Option     Price       Option     Price      Option     Price
Options outstanding at
January 1, 1998   32,366,657   $51.40    46,483,887    $9.57          -         $ -
Granted            9,854,805   $56.14    12,703,860   $16.93  4,637,267      $56.00
Exercised          8,242,624   $44.08     6,165,504    $7.57          -         $ -
Terminated           454,558   $54.45     2,941,392   $10.65    341,644      $56.00
Options outstanding at
December 31, 1998 33,524,280   $50.72    50,080,851   $11.62  4,295,623      $56.00
Granted            9,811,209   $85.79    15,277,260   $16.05  4,764,052      $85.97
Exercised          7,902,380   $46.04    10,798,119    $9.83          -         $ -
Terminated         3,198,739   $55.25     4,294,746   $13.49  2,285,969      $73.56
Delphi Spin-Off
  adjustment       6,774,777     $  -             -      $ -  1,288,914         $ -
Options outstanding at
December 31, 1999 39,009,147   $51.30    50,265,246   $13.10  8,062,620      $58.73
Granted           11,231,004   $74.14    35,641,517   $37.05  4,182,955      $75.50
Exercised          6,831,078   $42.95     6,545,206   $11.45  1,635,248      $46.59
Terminated           283,967   $64.48    11,249,673   $30.96    242,863      $63.46
Options outstanding at
December 31, 2000 43,125,106   $58.49    68,111,884   $22.76 10,367,464      $67.30
Options exercisable at
December 31, 2000 21,985,984   $47.57    29,640,511   $12.93  2,411,586      $46.59

   The following table summarizes  information  about GM's stock option plans at
December 31, 2000:

      Range of                          Remaining        Weighted-Avg.               Weighted-Average
      Exercise              Options    Contractual         Exercise       Options        Exercise
       Prices             Outstanding   Life (yrs.)         Price       Exercisable        Price
    GMSIP $1-2/3
     Par Value Common
     $13.00 to $39.99     2,480,534         3.1            $31.19      2,480,534         $31.19
       40.00 to 49.99    18,377,123         6.0            $44.84     15,781,278         $44.55
       50.00 to 83.50    22,267,449         8.6            $72.79      3,724,172         $71.29
     $13.00 to $83.50    43,125,106         7.2            $58.49     21,985,984         $47.57
    GMSIP and
     Hughes Plan
     Class H Common
     $3.00 to $8.99       2,486,235         3.6             $6.95      2,486,235          $6.95
      9.00 to 16.99      30,482,236         6.9            $12.52     21,001,250         $12.05
     17.00 to 24.99       6,686,826         7.5            $18.41      6,050,526         $18.27
     25.00 to 32.99       2,600,900         9.7            $31.12          9,500         $28.57
     33.00 to 41.50      25,855,687         9.3            $36.97         93,000         $41.06
    $3.00 to $41.50      68,111,884         7.9            $22.76     29,640,511         $12.93
    GMSSOP $1-2/3
     Par Value
     $46.59               2,411,586         7.0            $46.59      2,411,586         $46.59
      71.53               3,846,103         8.0            $71.53          -                $ -
      75.50               4,109,775         9.0            $75.50          -                $ -
     $46.59 to $75.50    10,367,464         8.2            $67.30      2,411,586         $46.59




NOTE 22.  Other Income and Other Expenses

   Other income  (included in Total net sales and revenues)  and other  expenses
(included  in Cost of sales  and  other  expenses)  consisted  of the  following
(dollars in millions):

                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                  2000        1999        1998
                                                  ----        ----        ----
Automotive, Communications Services,
   and Other Operations
Other income
   Interest income                                $619        $769        $726
   Rental car lease revenue                      1,722       1,765       1,229
   Gain on sale of Hughes' satellite systems (1) 2,036           -           -
   Other                                           865         938         930
                                                 -----       -----      ------
     Total other income                         $5,242      $3,472      $2,885
                                                 =====       =====       =====
     Total other expenses                         $348        $503        $792
                                                   ===         ===         ===

(1)Represents the gain on the sale of Hughes'  satellite  systems  manufacturing
   businesses to The Boeing Company for $3.8 billion in cash.

Financing and Insurance Operations
Other income
   Interest income                              $1,794      $1,479      $1,379
   Insurance premiums                            1,394       1,339       1,426
   Mortgage operations investment income and
     servicing fees                              3,445       2,742       1,836
   Other                                           870         157          58
                                                 -----       -----       -----
     Total other income                         $7,503      $5,717      $4,699
                                                 =====       =====       =====
Other expenses
   Provision for financing losses                 $552        $404        $463
   Insurance losses and loss adjustment expenses 1,028         882       1,013
                                                 -----      ------       -----
     Total other expenses                       $1,580      $1,286      $1,476
                                                 =====       =====       =====

NOTE 23: Segment Reporting

   SFAS No.  131,  Disclosures  about  Segments  of an  Enterprise  and  Related
Information,  established  standards for reporting  information  about operating
segments in financial  statements.  Operating segments are defined as components
of an enterprise about which separate financial information is available that is
evaluated  regularly by the chief  operating  decision maker, or decision making
group, in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.  GM's
chief  operating  decision maker is the Chief Executive  Officer.  The operating
segments are managed  separately  because each  operating  segment  represents a
strategic  business  unit that offers  different  products and serves  different
   GM's reportable  operating  segments  within its  Automotive,  Communications
Services,  and Other Operations  business  consist of General Motors  Automotive
(GMA),(which is comprised of four regions: GMNA, GME, GMLAAM, GMAP), Hughes, and
Other.  GMNA  designs,  manufactures,  and markets  vehicles  primarily in North
America under the following  nameplates:  Chevrolet,  Pontiac,  GMC, Oldsmobile,
Buick, Cadillac, and Saturn. GME, GMLAAM, and GMAP meet the demands of customers
outside North America with vehicles designed,  manufactured,  and marketed under
the following nameplates: Opel, Vauxhall, Holden, Isuzu, Saab, Buick, Chevrolet,
GMC, and Cadillac. Hughes includes activities relating to digital entertainment,
information and communications  services,  and satellite-based  private business
networks. The Other segment includes the design, manufacturing, and marketing of
locomotives  and  heavy-duty  transmissions,  the  elimination  of  intersegment
transactions,  certain  non-segment  specific  revenues  and  expenditures,  and
certain  corporate  activities.  GM's reportable  operating  segments within its
Financing  and Insurance  Operations  business  consist of GMAC and Other.  GMAC
provides  a broad  range  of  financial  services,  including  consumer  vehicle
financing,  full-service  leasing and fleet leasing,  dealer financing,  car and
truck extended service contracts,  residential and commercial mortgage services,
commercial,  vehicle and homeowners'  insurance,  and asset-based  lending.  The
Financing and Insurance  Operations' Other segment includes  financing  entities
operating in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Germany, Sweden, and Mexico which are not
associated with GMAC.
   The  accounting  policies  of the  operating  segments  are the same as those
described  in the summary of  significant  accounting  policies  except that the
disaggregated  financial results have been prepared using a management approach,
which is consistent with the basis and manner in which GM management  internally
disaggregates  financial  information  for the  purposes of  assisting in making
internal  operating  decisions.  GM evaluates  performance  based on stand-alone
operating segment net income and generally  accounts for intersegment  sales and
transfers  as if the  sales or  transfers  were to third  parties,  that is,  at
current market prices.  Revenues are attributed to geographic areas based on the
location of the assets producing the revenues.




NOTE 23.  Segment Reporting (continued)

                                                                                           Total                 Other      Total
                           GMNA     GME    GMLAAM    GMAP    GMA    Hughes      Other    Automotive    GMAC    Financing  Financing
                           ----     ---    ------    ----    ---    ------      -----    ----------    ----    ---------  ---------
                                                                (dollars in millions)
Manufactured products
   sales and revenues:
  External customers    $111,481  $23,815  $5,470  $2,999 $143,765  $8,514      $3,106   $155,385       $ -        $ -         $ -
  Intersegment            (1,659)   1,040     184     435        -      34         (34)         -         -          -           -
                         -------  -------  ------   -----  -------   -----      ------    -------       ---        ---         ---
     Total manufactured
       products          109,822   24,855   5,654   3,434  143,765   8,548       3,072    155,385         -          -           -
Financing revenue              -        -       -       -        -       -           -          -    15,493      1,009      16,502
Other income               2,901      503      59     172    3,635   2,141        (534)     5,242     8,168       (665)      7,503
                         -------   ------   -----   -----  -------   -----       -----     ------    ------      -----      ------
Total net sales
   and revenues         $112,723  $25,358  $5,713  $3,606 $147,400 $10,689      $2,538   $160,627   $23,661       $344     $24,005
                         =======   ======   =====   =====  =======  ======       =====    =======    ======        ===      ======
Depreciation and
  amortization            $4,564   $1,357    $272    $107   $6,300    $996(b)(d)  $133     $7,429    $5,505       $477      $5,982
Interest income             $633     $403     $22     $13   $1,071    $106       $(558)      $619    $2,231      $(437)     $1,794
Interest expense          $1,175     $408    $101      $4   $1,688    $218     $(1,091)      $815    $8,295       $442      $8,737
Income tax expense
   (benefit)              $1,218    $(209)  $(122)    $17     $904    $577        $(38)    $1,443      $954        $(4)       $950
(Losses) earnings of
  associates                $(74)      $7     $69   $(195)   $(193)  $(142)        $(1)     $(336)       $-         $4          $4
Net income (loss)         $3,174    $(676)    $26   $(233)  $2,291    $829(b)(d) $(281)    $2,839    $1,602        $11      $1,613
Investments in
  affiliates                $780     $170    $436  $1,915   $3,301     $82        $114     $3,497      $982      $(982)         $-
Segment assets           $90,502  $18,857  $4,166  $1,108 $114,633 $18,893       $(170)  $133,356  $168,410     $1,334    $169,744
Expenditures for
  property                $6,073   $1,517    $233    $168   $7,991    $993(c)     $216     $9,200      $518         $4        $522

Manufactured products
  sales and revenues:
  External customers    $110,388  $24,646  $4,445  $2,706 $142,185  $7,325      $3,125   $152,635       $ -        $ -         $ -
  Intersegment            (1,595)   1,025     234     336        -      16         (16)         -         -          -           -
                         -------   ------   -----  ------  -------   -----       -----     ------        --         --          --
     Total manufactured
       products          108,793   25,671   4,679   3,042  142,185   7,341       3,109    152,635         -          -           -
Financing revenue              -        -       -       -        -       -           -          -    13,778        956      14,734
Other income               3,142      554      30     145    3,871     253        (652)     3,472     6,440       (723)      5,717
                         -------   ------   -----   -----  -------   -----       -----    -------    ------        ---      ------
Total net sales
   and revenues         $111,935  $26,225  $4,709  $3,187 $146,056  $7,594      $2,457   $156,107   $20,218       $233     $20,451
                         =======   ======   =====   =====  =======   =====       =====    =======    ======        ===      ======
Depreciation and
  amortization            $4,457   $1,086    $228    $154   $5,925    $706 (b)    $242     $6,873    $5,136       $309      $5,445
Interest income             $929     $433     $45      $8   $1,415     $27       $(673)      $769    $1,744      $(265)     $1,479
Interest expense          $1,223     $337     $95     $11   $1,666    $123       $(961)      $828    $6,526       $396      $6,922
Income tax expense
  (benefit)               $2,361     $220  $(156)    $(7)   $2,418   $(194)       $(57)    $2,167      $960        $(9)       $951
(Losses) earnings of
  associates                $(30)      $1     $45   $(149)   $(133)  $(189)        $(3)     $(325)      $(1)        $1         $ -
Net income (loss)         $4,857     $423    $(81)  $(218)  $4,981   $(270) (b)  $(243)(a) $4,468    $1,527         $7      $1,534
Investments in
  affiliates                $539      $52    $332    $926   $1,849    $(11)      $(127)    $1,711    $2,257    $(2,257)         $-
Segment assets           $82,851  $18,156  $4,102  $1,343 $106,452 $18,841        $268   $125,561  $148,789       $380    $149,169
Expenditures for property $4,604   $1,228    $358    $150   $6,340    $472 (c)    $249     $7,061      $321         $2        $323

See notes on next page




NOTE 23.  Segment Reporting (continued)

                                                                                           Total                 Other      Total
                           GMNA     GME    GMLAAM    GMAP    GMA    Hughes      Other    Automotive    GMAC    Financing  Financing
                           ----     ---    ------    ----    ---    ------      -----    ----------    ----    ---------  ---------
                                                                (dollars in millions)
Manufactured products
   sales and revenues:
  External customers     $91,771  $23,948  $7,150  $2,814 $125,683  $5,924      $2,669   $134,276      $  -       $  -        $  -
  Intersegment            (1,450)   1,088     253     109        -      40         (40)         -         -          -           -
                          ------   ------   -----   -----  -------   -----       -----    -------        --         --          --
     Total manufactured
       products           90,321   25,036   7,403   2,923  125,683   5,964       2,629    134,276         -          -           -
Financing revenue              -        -       -       -        -       -           -          -    12,731        854      13,585
Other income               2,296      804     150     121    3,371     131        (617)     2,885     5,183       (484)      4,699
                          ------   ------  ------  ------  -------  ------       -----    -------    ------        ---      ------
Total net sales
   and revenues          $92,617  $25,840  $7,553  $3,044 $129,054  $6,095      $2,012   $137,161   $17,914       $370     $18,284
                          ======   ======   =====   =====  =======   =====       =====    =======    ======        ===      ======
Depreciation and
  amortization            $4,138   $1,102    $366     $95   $5,701    $434(b)      $92     $6,227    $4,812       $108      $4,920
Interest income             $537     $544    $116      $9   $1,206    $112       $(592)      $726    $1,524      $(145)     $1,379
Interest expense            $939     $433     $92      $7   $1,471     $18       $(703)      $786    $5,787        $56      $5,843
Income tax expense
  (benefit)                 $787     $319   $(213)     $9     $902    $(45)       $161     $1,018      $612         $6        $618
Earnings (losses) of
  associates                 $14     $(14)   $102   $(152)    $(50)  $(128)       $(61)     $(239)     $  -       $  -        $  -
Net income (loss)         $1,633     $419   $(175)  $(243)  $1,634    $272(b)    $(372)(a) $1,534    $1,325        $97      $1,422
Investments in
  affiliates                $414     $262    $445    $395   $1,516     $41       $(607)      $950      $557      $(557)       $  -
Segment assets           $65,765  $18,440  $5,548  $1,557  $91,310 $13,008     $10,276   $114,594  $131,760       $334    $132,094
Expenditures for
  property                $5,464   $1,205    $534    $197   $7,400    $344(c)     $208     $7,952      $279       $  -        $279

(a)Other includes income (loss) from discontinued  operations  related to Delphi
   of $426 million and $(93)  million for the years ended  December 31, 1999 and
   1998, respectively.
(b)The  amount  reported  for  Hughes  excludes   amortization  of  GM  purchase
   accounting adjustments related to GM's acquisition of Hughes Aircraft Company
   of approximately  $16 million ($3 million related to PanAmSat and $13 million
   related to the satellite systems manufacturing  businesses prior to its sale
   to Boeing on October 6, 2000),  $21 million and $21 million for 2000,  1999,
   and 1998, respectively.
(c)Excludes  satellite  expenditures  totaling  $766 million,  $789  million,
   and $797 million in 2000, 1999, and 1998, respectively.  Also  excludes
   expenditures related to the early buy-out of satellite sale-leasebacks
   totaling $0, $370 million,  and $156 million in 2000,  1999, and 1998,
(d)The amount reported for Hughes includes the write-off of  approximately  $329
   million  of   unamortized   goodwill   related  to  the   satellite   systems
   manufacturing businesses at the time of the sale to Boeing.




NOTE 23.  Segment Reporting (concluded)

   Information  concerning principal geographic areas was as follows (dollars in

                             2000               1999                 1998
                      -----------------   -----------------    ---------------
                      Net Sales           Net Sales           Net Sales
                         &        Net        &        Net        &        Net
                      Revenues  Property  Revenues  Property  Revenues  Property
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- ---------
North America
  United States       $136,399  $22,798   $130,073   $20,634  $105,672  $19,454
  Canada and Mexico     13,986    3,687     12,661     3,760    11,009    2,358
                       --------  -------   --------   -------   -------   ------
   Total North America 150,385   26,485    142,734    24,394   116,681   21,812
  France                 1,986      139      2,130       151     2,042      186
  Germany                6,582    2,687      8,968     2,912    10,567    3,349
  Spain                  1,650      709      2,001       542     1,966      422
  United Kingdom         5,035      834      5,390     1,070     5,379    1,192
  Other                 11,935    2,397      9,407     1,635     9,679    1,748
                        ------    -----    -------     -----   -------    -----
   Total Europe         27,188    6,766     27,896     6,310    29,633    6,897
Latin America
  Brazil                 3,395    1,047      2,830     1,409     4,773    1,879
  Other Latin America    1,843      380      1,686       403     2,909      409
                         -----    -----      -----     -----     -----    -----
   Total Latin America   5,238    1,427      4,516     1,812     7,682    2,288
All Other                1,821      698      1,412       759     1,449    1,611
                      --------  -------   --------  --------  --------  -------
   Total              $184,632  $35,376   $176,558   $33,275  $155,445  $32,608
                       =======   ======    =======    ======   =======   ======

                               * * * * * * * *



Selected Quarterly Data (Unaudited)

                                                  2000 Quarters
                                     1st         2nd         3rd         4th (1)
                                     ---         ---         ---         ---
                                  (dollars in millions except per share amounts)

Total net sales and revenues       $46,858     $48,743     $42,690     $46,341
                                    ======      ======      ======      ======

Income before income taxes
  and minority interests            $2,632      $2,835      $1,266        $431
Income tax expense                     783         929         436         245
Minority interests                       2           2          (2)         11
Losses of nonconsolidated associates   (68)       (157)          1        (108)
                                     -----      ------      -----        -----
  Net income                         1,783       1,751         829          89
Dividends on preference stocks         (29)        (27)        (27)        (27)
                                      ----      ------       -----          --
    Earnings attributable to
      common stocks                 $1,754      $1,724        $802         $62
                                     =====       =====         ===          ==

Earnings (losses) attributable
  to $1-2/3 par value               $1,786      $1,762        $878        (635)
(Losses) earnings attributable
  to Class H                          $(32)       $(38)       $(76)       $697

Basic earnings (losses) per
  share attributable to
  $1-2/3 par value                   $2.88       $2.99       $1.57      $(1.14)
Basic (losses) earnings
  per share attributable
  to Class H (2)                    $(0.08)     $(0.07)     $(0.09)      $0.80

Average number of shares
  of common stocks
  outstanding - basic (in millions)
    $1-2/3 par value                   620         590         559         559
    Class H (2)                        413         563         874         875

Diluted earnings (losses)
  per share attributable to
  $1-2/3 par value                   $2.80       $2.93       $1.55      $(1.16)
Diluted (losses) earnings
  per share attributable
  to Class H (2)                    $(0.08)     $(0.07)     $(0.09)      $0.76

Average number of
  shares of common stocks
  outstanding - diluted
  (in millions)
    $1-2/3 par value                   637         602         567         559
    Class H (2)                        413         563         874         962



                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION - continued

Selected Quarterly Data (Unaudited) - continued

(1)  Fourth  quarter  2000  results  include:  a $939 million after-tax charge
     for the phase-out  of  Oldsmobile;  an after-tax charge of  $294  million
     related  to postemployment  costs for termination  and other postemployment
     benefits associated with the four North American manufacturing facilities
     slated for conversion  and  capacity  reduction  (see  Note 3 to  the GM
     consolidated financial statements); a $419 million after-tax charge related
     to the reduction in production capacity at GME, including the restructuring
     of Vauxhall Motors  Limited's  manufacturing  operations  in the UK; and a
     $1.1 billion after-tax gain at Hughes related to the sale of its satellite
     systems  manufacturing businesses to The Boeing Company for $3.8 billion
     in cash.
(2)  Adjusted to reflect the three-for-one  stock split of the GM Class H common
     stock, in the form of a 200% stock dividend, paid on June 30, 2000.



                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION - continued

Selected Quarterly Data (Unaudited) - continued

                                                  1999 Quarters
                                       1st         2nd         3rd       4th (1)
                                       ---         ---         ---       ---
                                 (dollars in millions except per share amounts)

Total net sales and revenues         $42,435     $45,067     $42,794    $46,262
                                      ======      ======      ======     ======

Income from continuing operations
  before income taxes
  and minority interests              $2,940      $2,784      $1,518     $1,805
Income tax expense                     1,029         956         553        580
Minority interests                       (14)         (7)         (7)         -
Losses of nonconsolidated associates     (77)        (87)        (81)       (80)
                                       -----       -----       -----      -----
  Income from continuing operations    1,820       1,734         877      1,145
Income from discontinued operations      242         184           -          -
                                       -----       -----       -----      -----
  Net income                           2,062       1,918         877      1,145
Dividends on preference stocks           (16)         (7)        (28)       (29)
                                       -----       -----        ----      -----
    Earnings attributable to
      common stocks                   $2,046      $1,911        $849     $1,116
                                       =====       =====         ===      =====

Earnings (losses) attributable
  to common stocks
  $1-2/3 par value
    Continuing operations             $1,783      $1,754        $866     $1,196
    Discontinued operations              242         184           -          -
                                       -----       -----         ---      -----
  Earnings attributable to
   $1-2/3 par value                   $2,025      $1,938        $866     $1,196
                                       =====       =====         ===      =====
  Earnings (losses) attributable
   to Class H                            $21        $(27)       $(17)      $(80)
                                          ==          ==          ==         ==

Basic earnings (losses) per
 share attributable to common stocks
  $1-2/3 par value
    Continuing operations              $2.73       $2.71       $1.35      $1.90
    Discontinued operations             0.37        0.28           -          -
                                        ----        ----        ----      -----
  Earnings per share
    attributable to $1-2/3
    par value                          $3.10       $2.99       $1.35      $1.90
                                        ====        ====        ====       ====
  Earnings (losses) per
    share attributable
    to Class H (2)                     $0.07      $(0.08)     $(0.04)    $(0.19)
                                        ====        ====        ====       ====

Average number of shares
  of common stocks
  outstanding - basic (in millions)
    $1-2/3 par value                     654         648         641        630
    Class H (2)                          319         363         405        409

Earnings (losses) per share
  attributable to common
  stocks assuming dilution
  $1-2/3 par value
    Continuing operations              $2.68       $2.66       $1.33      $1.86
    Discontinued operations             0.36        0.28           -          -
                                        ----        ----        ----       ----
  Earnings per share
    attributable to $1-2/3
    par value                          $3.04       $2.94       $1.33      $1.86
                                        ====        ====        ====       ====
  Earnings (losses) per share
    to Class H (2)                     $0.06      $(0.08)     $(0.04)    $(0.19)
                                        ====        ====        ====       ====

Average number of shares of common stocks
  outstanding - diluted (in millions)
    $1-2/3 par value                     667         660         652        643
    Class H (2)                          335         363         405        409



                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION - continued

Selected Quarterly Data (Unaudited) - continued

(1)  Fourth  quarter 1999 results included:  an after-tax charge of $553 million
     for postemployment  benefits  related  to  the  reversal  of a  liability
     for benefits  payable to excess U.S. hourly  employees  (see Note 3 to the
     GM consolidated  financial  statements);  an after-tax charge of $408
     million  for hourly retiree  benefits related to the benefit increase
     granted to hourly retirees in connection with the 1999 United Auto Workers
     (UAW)  agreement; a  $90  million  after-tax  charge  for  termination
     benefits  related to a U.S. salaried  early  retirement  program;  and an
     after-tax charge  of $165  million related  to  Hughes'  decision  to
     discontinue  certain  of its  wireless manufacturing operations.
(2)  Adjusted to reflect the three-for-one stock split of the GM Class H common
     stock, in the form of a 200% stock dividend, paid on June 30, 2000.



ITEM 9.  Changes in and disagreements with accountants on accounting and
financial disclosure



                                    PART III


ITEMS 10, 11, 12, AND 13

   Information required by Part III (Items 10, 11, 12, and 13) of this Form 10-K
is incorporated by reference from General Motors Corporation's  definitive Proxy
Statement for its 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  which will be filed with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  pursuant to Regulation  14A, not later
than 120 days  after the end of the fiscal  year,  all of which  information  is
hereby  incorporated  by reference in, and made part of, this Form 10-K,  except
that the information  required by Item 10 with respect to executive  officers of
the Registrant is included in Item 4A of Part I of this report.


                                     PART IV


ITEM 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule, and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) 1.  All Financial Statements                                  See Part II
    2.  Financial Statement Schedule II - Allowances for
        the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999, and 1998             IV-3
    3.  Exhibits (Including Those Incorporated by Reference)


(3)(a)  Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, filed as
          Exhibit 3(i) to the Current Report on Form 8-K of General
          Motors Corporation dated June 6, 2000, and Amendment to
          Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation -
          Division III - Preference Stock, by reason of the
          Certificates of Designations filed with the Secretary
          of State of the State of Delaware on September 14, 1987
          and the Certificate of Decrease filed with the Secretary of
          State of the State of Delaware on September 29, 1987
          (pertaining to the Six Series of Preference
          Stock contributed to the General Motors pension trusts),
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 19 to the Quarterly
          Report on Form 10-Q of General Motors Corporation for the
          quarter ended June 30, 1990 in the Form SE of General
          Motors Corporation dated August 6, 1990; as further
          amended by the Certificate of Designations filed with the
          Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on
          June 28, 1991 (pertaining to Series A Conversion
          Preference Stock), incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit 4(a) to Form S-8 Registration Statement No.
          33-43744 in the Form SE of General Motors Corporation
          dated November 1, 1991; as further amended by the
          Certificate of Designations filed with the Secretary
          of State of the State of Delaware on December 9,
          1991 (pertaining to Series B 9-1/8% Preference Stock),
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to
          Form S-3 Registration Statement No. 33-45216 in the Form
          SE of General Motors Corporation dated January 27, 1992;
          as further amended by the Certificate of Designations
          filed with the Secretary of State of the State of
          Delaware on February 14, 1992 (pertaining to Series C
          Convertible Preference Stock), incorporated by reference
          to Exhibit (3)(a) to the Annual Report on Form
          10-K of General Motors Corporation for the year ended
          December 31, 1991 in the Form SE of General Motors
          Corporation dated March 20, 1992; as further
          amended by the Certificate of Designations filed with the
          Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on July 15, 1992
          (pertaining to Series D 7.92% Preference Stock),
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3(a)(2) to
          the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of General Motors
          Corporation for the quarter ended June 30, 1992
          in the Form SE of General Motors Corporation dated
          August 10, 1992; as further amended by the Certificate
          of Designations filed with the Secretary of
          State of the State of Delaware on December 15, 1992
          (pertaining to Series G 9.12% Preference Stock),
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to Form S-3
          Registration Statement No. 33-49309 in the Form SE of
          General Motors Corporation  dated  January 25,  1993;  and
          as further  amended by the Certificate of  Designations
          filed with the Secretary of State of the State of  Delaware
          on June 24,  1999  (pertaining  to  Series H 6.25%
          Automatically Convertible Preference Stock), incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to Form S-8  Registration
          Statement No.  333-31846 in the Form SE of General Motors
          Corporation dated March 6, 2000.                                N/A
(3)(b)  By-Laws, of General Motors Corporation, as amended,
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3(ii) to the Current
          Report on Form 8-K of General  Motors Corporation  dated
          March 2, 1998; as further amended,  incorporated by
          reference  to  Exhibit  3(ii) to the  Current  Reports
          on Form 8-K of General Motors  Corporation dated June 24,
          1999, August 2, 1999, March 6, 2000, June 6, 2000, and
          October 3, 2000.                                                N/A
(4)(a)  Form of Indenture relating to the $500,000,000 8-1/8%
          Debentures Due April 15, 2016 dated as of April 1, 1986
          between General Motors Corporation and Citibank,
          N.A., Trustee, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4
          to Amendment No. 1 to Form S-3 Registration Statement
          No. 33-4452 and resolutions adopted by the Special
          Committee on April 15, 1986, incorporated by reference
          to Exhibit 4(a) to the Current Report on Form 8-K of
          General Motors Corporation dated April 24, 1986.                N/A



                               PART IV - continued

ITEM 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule, and Reports on Form 8-K

Exhibit                                                                 Page
Number                                                                 Number
-------                                                                ------

(4)(b)    Form of Indenture relating to the $700,000,000 9-5/8%
            Notes Due December 1, 2000 and the $1,400,000,000
            Medium-Term Note Program dated as of November 15, 1990
            between General Motors Corporation and Citibank, N.A.,
            Trustee,incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to
            Form S-3 Registration Statement No. 33-37737.                N/A
(4)(c)    Form of Indenture relating to the $377,377,000 7.75%
            Debentures Due March 15, 2036 dated as of December 7,
            1995 between General Motors Corporation and
            Citibank, N.A., Trustee, filed as Exhibit 4(a) to
            Amendment No. 1 to Form S-3 Registration Statement
            No. 33-64229.                                                N/A
(4)(d)    Instruments defining the rights of holders of nonregistered
            debt of the Registrant have been omitted from this exhibit
            index because the amount of debt authorized under any such
            instrument does not exceed 10% of the total assets of the
            Registrant and its subsidiaries.  The Registrant agrees
            to furnish a copy of any such instrument to the
            Commission upon request.                                     N/A
(4)(e)(ii)Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust of General Motors
            Capital Trust G, incorporated by reference to Exhibit
            4(c)(ii) to the Current Report on Form 8-K of General
            Motors Corporation dated July 1, 1997.                       N/A
(4)(f)(i) Indenture between General Motors Corporation and Wilmington
            Trust Company, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(d)(i)
            to the Current Report on Form 8-K of  General Motors
            Corporation dated July 1, 1997.                              N/A
(4)(f)(iii)Second Supplemental Indenture between General Motors
            Corporation and Wilmington Trust Company With Respect To
            The Series G Junior Subordinated Debentures, incorporated
            by reference to Exhibit 4(d)(iii) to the Current Report on
            Form 8-K of General Motors Corporation dated July 1, 1997.   N/A
(4)(g)(ii)Series G Preferred Securities Guarantee Agreement,
            General Motors Capital Trust G, incorporated by reference
            to Exhibit 4(g)(ii) to the Current Report on Form  8-K of
            General  Motors  Corporation  dated  July 1,  1997.          N/A
(10)(a)** General Motors 1997 Annual Incentive Plan,  incorporated
            by reference to Exhibit B to the Proxy Statement of
            General Motors Corporation dated April 16,1997.              N/A
(10)(b)** General Motors 1997 Stock Incentive Plan, incorporated
            by reference to Exhibit B to the Proxy Statement of
            General Motors Corporation dated April 16, 1997.             N/A
(10)(c)** General Motors 1997 Performance Achievement Plan,
            incorporated by reference to Exhibit B to the Proxy
            Statement of General Motors Corporation dated
            April 16, 1997.                                              N/A
(10)(d)** Non-Employee Director Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan,
            incorporated by reference to Exhibit A to the Proxy
            Statement of General Motors Corporation dated
            April 16, 1997.                                              N/A
(10)(e)   Employment Contract with John M. Devine dated
            December 12, 2000.                                          IV-6
(12)      Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges
           for the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999, and 1998.       IV-11
(21)      Subsidiaries of the Registrant as of December 31, 2000        IV-12
(23)      Consent of Independent Auditors                               IV-18
(99)      Hughes Electronics Corporation Financial Statements
            and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
            Condition and Results of Operations                         IV-19

*  The  registrant  hereby  undertakes to furnish  supplementally  a copy of any
   omitted   schedule  or  other  attachment  to  the  Securities  and  Exchange
   Commission upon request.
** Required to be filed as an exhibit pursuant to Item 14(c) of Form 10-K.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K

   Nine reports on Form 8-K, dated  September 28, 2000 (filed October 2, 2000),
October 3, 2000,  November 1, 2000 (2),  November  20,  2000,  December 1, 2000,
December 7, 2000, December 12, 2000, and December 13, 2000 were filed during the
quarter ended  December 31, 2000  reporting  matters under Item 5, Other Events,
reporting  certain  agreements  under Item 7,  Financial  Statements,  Pro Forma
Financial  Information,  and  Exhibits,  and  reporting  matters  under  Item 9,
Regulation FD Disclosure. Subsequently, one report on Form 8-K, dated October 3,
2000 was filed on January 17, 2001 reporting matters under Item 5, Other Events.



                                 SCHEDULE II - ALLOWANCES

                                                                 Additions     Additions
                                                   Balance at    charged to    charged to
                                                   beginning     costs and      other                     Balance at
Description                                        of year       expenses      accounts     Deductions    end of year
-----------                                        --------      --------      --------     ----------    -----------
                                                                          (dollars in millions)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2000
Allowances Deducted from Assets
  Finance receivables (unearned income)            $4,153           $ -       $3,942         $3,223        $4,872
  Allowance for credit losses                       1,114           552          169(a)         503(b)      1,332
  Accounts and notes receivable (for doubtful
    receivables)                                      301           173           44(a)         277(b)        241
  Inventories (principally for obsolescence of
    service parts)                                    364             -            -             64(c)        300
  Other investments and miscellaneous assets
    (receivables and other)                             5             -            1              -             6
  Miscellaneous allowances (mortgage and other)       225            35            1             75           186
                                                   ------          ----      -------        -------        ------
      Total Allowances Deducted from Assets        $6,162          $760       $4,157         $4,142        $6,937
                                                    =====           ===        =====          =====         =====

For the Year Ended December 31, 1999
Allowances Deducted from Assets
  Finance receivables (unearned income)            $4,027           $ -       $3,411         $3,285        $4,153
  Allowance for credit losses                       1,021           404          109(a)         420(b)      1,114
  Accounts and notes receivable (for doubtful
    receivables)                                      309            75           29(a)         112(b)        301
  Inventories (principally for obsolescence of
    service parts)                                    257           107(c)         -              -           364
  Other investments and miscellaneous assets
    (receivables and other)                            14             -            -              9             5
  Miscellaneous allowances (mortgage and other)       252            54            1             82           225
                                                    -----           ---        -----          -----         -----
      Total Allowances Deducted from Assets        $5,880          $640       $3,550         $3,908        $6,162
                                                    =====           ===        =====          =====         =====

For the Year Ended December 31, 1998
Allowances Deducted from Assets
  Finance receivables (unearned income)            $3,516           $ -       $3,288         $2,777        $4,027
  Allowance for credit losses                         903           463           96(a)         441(b)      1,021
  Accounts and notes receivable (for doubtful
    receivables)                                      161           208           19(a)          79(b)        309
  Inventories (principally for obsolescence of
    service parts)                                    258             -            -              1(c)        257
  Other investments and miscellaneous assets
    (receivables and other)                            13             -            1              -            14
  Miscellaneous allowances (mortgage and other)       202            52          113            115           252
                                                    -----           ---        -----          -----         -----
      Total Allowances Deducted from Assets        $5,053          $723       $3,517         $3,413        $5,880
                                                    =====           ===        =====          =====         =====

Notes:(a) Primarily reflects the recovery of accounts previously written-off.
      (b) Accounts written off.
      (c) Represents net change of inventory allowances.

Reference should be made to the notes to the GM consolidated financial




   Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                         GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION

Date:  March 5, 2001                By
                                         /s/JOHN F. SMITH, JR.
                                                (John F. Smith, Jr.
                                         Chairman of the Board of Directors)

   Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  this
report  has been  signed  below on this 5th day of March  2001 by the  following
persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities indicated.

         Signature                       Title
--------------------------               ----------------------------------

/s/JOHN F. SMITH, JR.                    Chairman of the Board of Directors
(John F. Smith, Jr.)

/s/HARRY J. PEARCE                       Vice Chairman of the Board of
------------------                       Directors
(Harry J. Pearce)

/s/G. RICHARD WAGONER, JR.               President and Chief Executive
-------------------------                Officer
(G. Richard Wagoner, Jr.)

/s/JOHN M. DEVINE                        Vice Chairman and           )
-----------------                        Chief Financial Officer     )
(John M. Devine)                                                     )
/s/ERIC A. FELDSTEIN                     Vice President and Treasurer)Officers
--------------------                                                 )
(Eric A. Feldstein)                                                  )

/s/WALLACE W. CREEK                      Controller                  )
-------------------                                                  )
(Wallace W. Creek)                                                   )Principal
/s/PETER R. BIBLE                        Assistant Controller and    )Officers
-----------------                        Chief Accounting Officer    )
(Peter R. Bible)                                                     )



                               SIGNATURES - concluded

       Signature                                Title
       ---------                                -----

/s/PERCY BARNEVIK                               Director
 (Percy Barnevik)

/s/JOHN H. BRYAN                                Director
 (John H. Bryan)

/s/THOMAS E. EVERHART                           Director
 (Thomas E. Everhart)

/s/GEORGE M. C. FISHER                          Director
 (George M. C. Fisher)

/s/NOBUYUKI IDEI                                Director
 (Nobuyuki Idei)

/s/KAREN KATEN                                  Director
 (Karen Katen)

/s/J. WILLARD MARRIOTT, JR.                     Director
 (J. Willard Marriott, Jr.)

/s/ECKHARD PFEIFFER                             Director
 (Eckhard Pfeiffer)

/s/LLOYD D. WARD                                Director
 (Lloyd D. Ward)

/s/DENNIS WEATHERSTONE                          Director
 (Dennis Weatherstone)
