Washington, D. C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                CURRENT REPORT

    Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): December 3, 2002

            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Nevada                     0-16090                   87-0447375
  -----------------             ------------           -------------------
   (State or other              (Commission               (IRS Employer
     jurisdiction               File Number)           Identification No.)
  of incorporation)

     14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas           75254
     ----------------------------------------------        ----------
        (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)

     Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (972) 404-1637

                                Not Applicable
        (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)

 The  Registrant  hereby  amends  Item 7(a)  and  Item 7(b)  of  its  Current
 Report  on  Form 8-K filed on December 4, 2002, for the purpose of providing
 financial  statements   required   in   connection   with  the  Registrant's
 acquisition  of  Millers  General  Agency,  Inc.,  Financial  and  Actuarial
 Resources, Inc. and Effective Litigation Management, Inc.

 Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.
          a) Financial statements of business acquired.

                      Report of Independent Accountants

 To the Boards of Directors and Stockholders of
 Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
 Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.

 In our opinion,  the accompanying combined  balance sheets  and the  related
 combined statements  of  operations,  stockholders' equity  and  cash  flows
 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of  Millers
 General Agency, Inc.,  Effective Litigation Management,  Inc. and  Financial
 and Actuarial Resources, Inc. at December 31, 2001, and the results of their
 operations and their  cash flows for  the eleven months  ended November  30,
 2002 and the  year ended  December 31,  2001 in  conformity with  accounting
 principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America.  These
 financial statements are  the responsibility of  the Companies'  management;
 our responsibility is to  express an opinion  on these financial  statements
 based on  our  audits.   We  conducted our  audits  of these  statements  in
 accordance with auditing standards generally  accepted in the United  States
 of America,  which require  that we  plan and  perform the  audit to  obtain
 reasonable assurance  about whether  the financial  statements are  free  of
 material misstatement.  An  audit  includes  examining,  on  a  test  basis,
 evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements,
 assessing the accounting principles used  and significant estimates made  by
 management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We
 believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

 /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
 Dallas, Texas
 February 12, 2003

                      Report of Independent Accountants

 To the Boards of Directors and Stockholder of
 Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
 Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.

 In our  opinion, the  accompanying combined  balance sheet  and the  related
 combined statement  of  operations,  stockholders'  equity  and  cash  flows
 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of  Millers
 General Agency, Inc.,  Effective Litigation Management,  Inc. and  Financial
 and Actuarial Resources, Inc. at December 31, 2002, and the results of their
 operations and their  cash flows for  the month ended  December 31, 2002  in
 conformity with  accounting  principles  generally accepted  in  the  United
 States of America.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
 Companies' management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on  these
 financial statements based on our audit.  We  conducted  our audit of  these
 statements in accordance with auditing  standards generally accepted in  the
 United States of America, which require  that we plan and perform the  audit
 to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether  the financial statements  are
 free of  material misstatement.   An  audit includes  examining, on  a  test
 basis, evidence  supporting the  amounts and  disclosures in  the  financial
 statements,  assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and   significant
 estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement
 presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our

 As discussed in Note 1 to the combined financial statements, Millers General
 Agency, Inc.,  Effective  Litigation  Management,  Inc.  and  Financial  and
 Actuarial Resources, Inc. were acquired by Hallmark Financial Services, Inc.
 effective December 1, 2002 in a purchase business combination recorded under
 the push-down method of accounting, resulting  in a new basis of  accounting
 for the successor period beginning December 1, 2002.

 /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
 Dallas, Texas
 February 12, 2003

    Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                    Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                           December 31,
                                                      2002            2001
                                                  (Successor)    (Predecessor)
                                                  -----------     -----------
 Cash and cash equivalents                       $    825,876    $          -
 Accounts receivable                                2,128,942       1,411,393
 Prepaid agent commission                           3,899,393       2,622,819
 Other current assets                                  15,788           8,173
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total current assets                            6,869,999       4,042,385

 Furniture, fixtures and equipment, net               486,398         143,265
 Profit sharing commission receivable                 866,663               -
 Deferred tax asset                                   642,129         889,542
 Goodwill                                           2,434,049               -
 Other intangible assets                              540,319               -
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total assets                                 $ 11,839,557    $  5,075,192
                                                  ===========     ===========

 Unearned revenue                                $  6,871,690    $  4,478,238
 Accounts payable                                     406,970         212,326
 Commission payable                                   593,821               -
 Accrued agent profit sharing                         449,789         341,777
 Payable to Phoenix Indemnity Insurance Co.           480,000               -
 Current portion of long term notes payable            83,517         315,959
 Other current liabilities                            410,059         387,584
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total current liabilities                       9,295,846       5,735,884

 Commitments and contingencies

 Long term notes payable                                    -          83,517
 Pension liability                                    603,863               -
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total long term liabilities                       603,863          83,517
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total liabilities                               9,899,709       5,819,401

 Common stock                                           2,100           2,100
 Additional paid-in capital                         2,097,900             900
 Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)                1,796        (747,209)
 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)       (161,948)              -
                                                  -----------     -----------
    Total stockholders' equity                      1,939,848        (744,209)

    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $ 11,839,557    $  5,075,192
                                                  ===========     ===========

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part
                        of these financial statements

    Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                    Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.

                                 Eleven Months    One Month      Twelve Months
                                    Ending          Ending          Ending
                                 November 30,    December 31,    December 31,
                                      2002           2002            2001
                                 (Predecessor)    (Successor)    (Predecessor)
                                  -----------     -----------     -----------
 Commissions and fees            $ 10,863,314    $  1,560,798    $  9,417,949
 Interest and other income             13,992             500          12,993
                                  -----------     -----------     -----------
    Total revenues                 10,877,306       1,561,298       9,430,942

 Commissions and other
   selling expenses                 6,649,989         740,636       5,648,707
 Salaries and employee benefits     1,256,885         423,108       1,382,514
 General and administrative         1,945,318         356,177       1,780,833
 Depreciation and amortization         72,243          37,425         140,354
 Interest expense                      22,298             832          50,228
                                  -----------     -----------     -----------
    Total expenses                  9,946,733       1,558,178       9,002,636

 Income before taxes                  930,573           3,120         428,306

 Federal income tax expense           344,896           1,324         161,890
                                  -----------     -----------     -----------
 Net income                      $    585,677    $      1,796    $    266,416
                                  ===========     ===========     ===========

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part
                        of these financial statements

                 Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                               Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.

                                                                            Retained        Other            Total
                                                            Additional      Earnings     Comprehensive
                                      Number of     Par       Paid in     (Accumulated      Income       Stockholders'
                                        Shares     Value      Capital       Deficit)        (Loss)          Equity
                                      ---------   -------    ---------    -----------     ----------      -----------
 December 31, 2000 (Predecessor)         2,100   $  2,100   $      900   $ (1,013,625)   $         -     $ (1,010,625)

 Net income                                                                   266,416                         266,416
                                      ---------   -------    ---------    -----------     ----------      -----------
 December 31, 2001 (Predecessor)         2,100   $  2,100   $      900  $    (747,209)   $         -     $   (744,209)

 Predecessor net income for
   the eleven months ending
   November 30, 2002                                                          585,677                         585,677
                                      ---------   -------    ---------    -----------     ----------      -----------
 November 30, 2002 (Predecessor)         2,100   $  2,100   $      900   $   (161,532)   $         -     $   (158,532)
                                      =========   =======    =========    ===========     ==========      ===========
 December 1, 2002 (Successor)            2,100   $  2,100   $2,097,900   $          -    $         -     $  2,100,000

 Comprehensive loss:
 Successor net income for the one
   month ending December 31, 2002                                               1,796                           1,796

 Other comprehensive loss:
   Minimum pension liability                                                                (255,438)        (255,438)
   Tax effect of minimum pension
     liability                                                                                93,490           93,490
                                                                                          ----------      -----------
   Net minimum pension liability                                                            (161,948)        (161,948)

 Total comprehensive loss                                                                                    (160,152)

                                      ---------   -------    ---------    -----------     ----------      -----------
 December 31, 2002 (Successor)           2,100   $  2,100   $2,097,900   $      1,796    $  (161,948)    $  1,939,848
                                      =========   =======    =========    ===========     ==========      ===========

                            The accompanying notes are an integral part
                                   of these financial statements.

            Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                          Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                            COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                Eleven Months    One Month      Twelve Months
                                                   Ending          Ending          Ending
                                                November 30,    December 31,    December 31,
                                                    2002            2002            2001
                                               (Predecessor)    (Successor)    (Predecessor)
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
 Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                    $    585,677    $      1,796    $    266,416

 Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash
   provided by (used in) operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                     72,243          37,425         140,354
   Gain on sale of office furniture                  (9,000)              -               -
   Change in accounts receivable                     21,126        (170,051)       (829,181)
   Change in prepaid commissions                 (1,240,372)        (36,203)       (363,761)
   Change in profit sharing receivable             (803,002)        (63,661)              -
   Change in deferred tax asset                       2,929          (1,215)        164,725
   Change in unearned revenue                     1,641,599         183,229         297,564
   Change in commission payable                           -         593,821               -
   Change in accrued agent profit sharing            35,730          72,281        (449,608)
   Change in other current assets                         -          (7,614)              -
   Change in other current liabilities              275,675         271,200          94,355
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
     Net cash provided by (used in)
       operating activities                         582,605         881,008        (679,136)
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------

 Cash flows from investing activities:
 Purchases of furniture, fixtures and equipment      (1,022)              -         (72,304)
 Proceeds from sales of furniture, fixtures
   and equipment                                      9,000               -           3,075
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
   Net cash provided by (used in)
     investing activities                             7,978               -         (69,229)
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------

 Cash flows from financing activities:
 Book overdraft                                    (302,041)        (27,707)        329,756
 Repayment of borrowings                           (288,534)        (27,425)       (288,862)
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
   Net cash provided by (used in)
     financing activities                          (590,583)        (55,132)         40,894
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
 Net increase (decrease) in cash
   and cash equivalents                                   -         825,876        (707,471)

 Cash at beginning of period                   $          -    $          -    $    707,471
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------
 Cash at end of period                         $          -    $    825,876    $          -
                                                ===========     ===========     ===========
 Supplemental cash flow information:
 Interest paid                                 $     22,298    $        832    $     49,887
                                                ===========     ===========     ===========
 Income taxes paid                             $          -    $          -    $     10,718
                                                ===========     ===========     ===========

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part
                        of these financial statements.

   Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                   Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements



      Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
      Financial  and  Actuarial  Resources,  Inc.  (hereinafter  collectively
      referred to as the "Company") are a regional managing general agency, a
      third party claims administrator and a financial administrative service
      company, respectively.   The  Company  markets through  an  independent
      agency force low hazard commercial insurance policies primarily  in the
      rural areas of Texas,  New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon  and  Washington.  The
      Company also underwrites and administers the claims on these  insurance
      policies.  On December  1, 2002, the Company  was acquired by  Hallmark
      Financial Services,  Inc. ("HFS")  in a  purchase business  combination
      recorded under the "push down" method of accounting, resulting in a new
      basis of accounting  for the "Successor"  period beginning December  1,
      2002.  Information relating to all  "Predecessor" periods prior to  the
      acquisition is  presented  using  the  Company's  historical  basis  of

      Basis of Combination

      The accompanying combined financial statements include the accounts  of
      Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
      Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.  Combined financial  statements
      are presented  due to  the related  operations  and management  of  the
      Company.  All significant intercompany  accounts and transactions  have
      been eliminated in the combined financial statements.

      Revenue Recognition

      Commission revenue and commission expense related to insurance policies
      serviced by the Company are recognized during the period covered by the
      policy.   Profit sharing  commission is  recognized when  the ratio  of
      ultimate losses and  loss expenses  incurred to  earned premium  ("loss
      ratio") as determined  by a  qualified actuary  fall below  contractual
      thresholds.  The profit sharing commission  is an estimate that  varies
      with  the estimated  loss  ratio  and  is  sensitive to changes in that
      estimate.  For  each 0.5% change in the loss ratio,  the profit sharing
      commission changes by approximately $120,000.

      Claim servicing fees are  recognized during the  period covered by  the
      insurance policy with a portion of the fees related to casualty  claims
      deferred and recognized over two years following the expiration of  the

      Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment

      Furniture, fixtures and equipment are carried at cost, less accumulated
      depreciation. Depreciation is provided on the straight-line method over
      the useful lives of 5 years for office furniture and equipment, 3 years
      for software and 10 years for leasehold improvements.  Gains and losses
      on dispositions  are shown  on the  statement  of operations  as  other

      Cash and Cash Equivalents

      Cash and  cash  equivalents  includes  an  overnight  investment  sweep
      account at Bank  of America, N.A.  used to fund  the operations of  the
      Millers General Agency, Inc.

      Agent Profit Sharing Commission

      The  Company  annually  pays  a   profit  sharing  commission  to   its
      independent agency  force  based  upon  the  results  of  the  business
      produced by  each  agent.   The  Company  estimates  and  accrues  this
      liability to commission expense in the year the business is produced.

      Federal Income Taxes

      The Company accounts for taxes (including deferred taxes) utilizing the
      asset and  liability  method, as  required  by Statement  of  Financial
      Accounting Standards No. 109 ("FAS 109").   Under this method,  balance
      sheet amounts for deferred income taxes  are computed based on the  tax
      effect of the differences between  the financial reporting and  federal
      income tax bases of  assets and liabilities using  tax rates which  are
      expected to  be in  effect when  these differences  are anticipated  to

      In accordance  with FAS  109, total  tax expense  (or benefit)  is  the
      amount of  income taxes  expected  to be  paid  (or received)  for  the
      current year  plus  (or minus)  the  deferred income  tax  expense  (or
      benefit) represented by the change in  deferred income tax accounts  at
      the beginning and end of the year.  The effect of changes in tax  rates
      and federal income tax laws are reflected in income in the period  such
      changes are enacted.

      The tax effect  of future taxable  temporary differences  (liabilities)
      and future  deductible temporary  differences (assets)  are  separately
      calculated and  recorded  when such  differences  arise.   A  valuation
      allowance, reducing any recognized deferred tax asset, must be recorded
      if it is determined that it is more likely than not that such  deferred
      tax will not be realized.


      The preparation of financial  statements in accordance with  accounting
      principles generally accepted in the United States requires  management
      to make estimates and assumptions. This affects amounts reported in the
      financial statements  and  the  disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and
      liabilities.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.


      Furniture, fixtures and equipment consist of the following:

                                               December 31,     December 31,
                                                   2002             2001
                                                ----------       ----------
      Office furniture and equipment           $   377,564      $   265,922
      Software                                     389,696           79,648
      Leasehold improvements                        19,850                -
                                                ----------       ----------
                                                   787,110          345,570

      Accumulated depreciation                    (300,712)        (202,305)
                                                ----------       ----------
                                               $   486,398      $   143,265
                                                ==========       ==========

      Depreciation expense  was $47,906 for the eleven months ending November
      30, 2002 and  $8,748  for the one  month  ending December 31, 2002,  as
      compared  to  $51,806 for the  twelve months ending December  31, 2001.
      Amortization expense was $24,337  for the eleven months ending November
      30, 2002  and  $28,677  for the one  month ending December 31, 2002, as
      compared to $88,548 for the twelve months ending December 31, 2001.


      The components of federal income tax expense (benefit) are as follows:

                               Eleven Months     One Month      Twelve Months
                                  Ending          Ending           Ending
                               November 30,     December 31,    December 31,
                                   2002            2002             2001
                               (Predecessor)    (Successor)     (Predecessor)
                                 ---------       ---------        ---------
      Current                   $  341,967      $    2,538       $   (2,836)
      Deferred                       2,929          (1,214)         164,726
                                 ---------       ---------        ---------
                                $  344,896      $    1,324       $  161,890
                                 =========       =========        =========

      Total income  tax  expense  (benefit)  is  different  from  the  amount
      computed using statutory tax  rates applied to  pre-tax income for  the
      following reasons:

                               Eleven Months     One Month      Twelve Months
                                  Ending          Ending           Ending
                               November 30,     December 31,    December 31,
                                   2002            2002             2001
                               (Predecessor)    (Successor)     (Predecessor)
                                 ---------       ---------        ---------
      Tax expense at
        statutory rates         $  316,395      $    1,062       $  145,624

      Meals and entertainment          794              98              164
      Nondeductible dues                 -              58               30
      State tax                     27,707             106           16,072
                                 ---------       ---------        ---------
      Total income tax expense  $  344,896      $    1,324       $  161,890
                                 =========       =========        =========

      Deferred tax assets are attributable to the following temporary

                                               December 31,     December 31,
                                                   2002             2001
                                                ----------       ----------
      Unearned commissions                     $ 2,303,576      $ 1,655,605
      Goodwill                                      (2,200)         290,313
      Prepaid commissions                       (1,441,606)        (969,656)
      Accrued agent profit sharing                       -         (164,241)
      Profit sharing commission receivable        (320,405)               -
      Agency relationship amortization            (199,756)               -
      Pension liability                            221,014                -
      Federal NOL                                   77,071           77,071
      All others                                     4,435              450
                                                ----------       ----------
                                               $   642,129      $   889,542
      Valuation allowance                                -                -
                                                ----------       ----------
                                               $   642,129      $   889,542
                                                ==========       ==========

      As of  December 1,  2002, the  Company  had a  tax net  operating  loss
      carryforward of approximately  $226,679 for income  tax purposes  which
      expires between  2019 and  2021.   There are  certain limitations  that
      could be imposed by the Internal  Revenue Code regarding the amount  of
      carryforwards that  may be  utilized  each year.    The Company  had  a
      current tax payable (receivable) balance  of $308,456 and ($36,050)  as
      of December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


      The Company's intangible assets are composed of $2,434,049 of  goodwill
      and $540,319  for  the  Company's relationships  with  its  independent
      agents.   These assets  were  acquired on  December  1, 2002  with  the
      acquisition  of  the  Company  by  Hallmark  Financial  Services,  Inc.
      The  Company's agency relationships  are  valued  at  $542,580  and are
      being  amortized  over twenty  years.  The Company recognized $2,261 of
      amortization expense for  the one month  ending December  31, 2002  and
      will recognize $27,129  in amortization expense  for each  of the  next
      five years and $404,674 for the remainder of the asset's life.


      The Company's notes payable balance of $83,517 as of December 31,  2002
      consists of two notes  payable to Millers Insurance  Company.  Each  of
      these notes carries an interest rate of 9% and matures in March 2003.

                    [This space left blank intentionally.]


      Certain employees of the Company were participants in a defined benefit
      cash  balance  plan covering all full-time employees  who had completed
      at least 1,000 hours  of  service.  This plan was frozen in  March 2001
      in  anticipation  of distribution of  plan  assets to members upon plan
      termination.  All participants were vested when the plan was frozen.

                                                   11 month        1 month         Year
                                                    Ending         Ending         Ending
                                                   11/30/02       12/31/02       12/31/01
                                                (Predecessor)   (Successor)   (Predecessor)
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Assumptions (end of period)

      Discount rate used in determining
       benefit obligation                            6.50%          6.50%          7.25%
      Rate of compensation increase                   N/A            N/A            N/A

      Reconciliation of funded status
        (end of period):
      Vested benefit obligation                 $(11,792,123)  $(11,755,854)  $(10,793,748)
      Accumulated benefit obligation             (11,794,169)   (11,757,910)   (10,830,974)

      Projected benefit obligation               (11,794,169)   (11,757,910)   (10,830,974)
      Fair value of plan assets                   11,445,744     11,154,047     12,528,900
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Funded status                             $   (348,425)  $   (603,863)  $  1,697,926
      Unrecognized net obligation/(asset)                  -              -              -
      Unrecognized prior service cost                      -              -              -
      Unrecognized actuarial (gain)/loss           2,450,806        267,798        228,554
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Prepaid/(accrued) pension cost            $  2,102,381   $   (336,065)  $  1,926,480

      Changes in projected benefit obligation:
      Benefit obligation as of beginning
        of period                               $ 10,830,974   $ 11,794,169   $  9,419,143
      Service cost                                         -              -         18,672
      Interest cost                                  710,763         63,625        757,443
      Plan amendments                                      -              -              -
      Actuarial liability (gain)/loss              1,213,134         (3,994)     1,756,078
      Effect of curtailment (plan freeze)                  -              -       (170,729)
      Benefits paid                                 (960,702)       (95,890)      (949,633)
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Benefit obligation as of end of period    $ 11,794,169   $ 11,757,910   $ 10,830,974

                                                   11 month        1 month         Year
                                                    Ending         Ending         Ending
                                                   11/30/02       12/31/02       12/31/01
                                                (Predecessor)   (Successor)   (Predecessor)
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Change in plan assets:
      Fair value of plan assets as of
        beginning of period                     $ 12,528,900   $ 11,445,744   $ 14,542,959
      Actual return on plan assets
        (net of expenses)                           (122,454)      (195,807)    (1,064,426)

      Employer contributions                               -              -              -
      Benefits paid                                 (960,702)       (95,890)      (949,633)
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Fair value of plan assets as
        of end of period                        $ 11,445,744   $ 11,154,047   $ 12,528,900
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------

      Net periodic pension cost:
      Service cost - benefits earned
        during the period                       $          -   $          -   $     18,672
      Interest cost on projected
        benefit obligation                           710,763         63,625        757,443
      Expected return on plan assets                (886,664)       (75,985)    (1,044,192)
        Net obligation/(asset)                             -              -          9,385
        Unrecognized prior service cost                    -              -        (12,518)
        Unrecognized (gain)/loss                           -              -        (24,155)
                                                 -----------    -----------    -----------
      Net periodic pension cost (credit)        $   (175,901)  $    (12,360)  $   (295,365)

      Discount rate (beginning of year)                7.25%          6.50%          7.75%
      Expected return on plan assets                   8.00%          8.00%          8.00%
      Rate of compensation increase                     N/A            N/A           5.00%

      As of December 31, 2002, the fair value of the plan assets was composed
      of cash and cash equivalents of $740,031, bonds and notes of $5,661,985
      and equity securities of $4,752,031.

      The Company sponsors a defined contribution profit sharing plan whereby
      all employees  are eligible  to participate  on the  first day  of  the
      quarter following their employment date and are considered fully-vested
      after five years of service.  Participants are permitted to  contribute
      1% to 15% of their annual compensation on a tax deferred basis and  the
      Company has matched 50% on the  first 6% contributed by each  employee.
      Employer contributions approximated $23,318 for the first eleven months
      of 2002  and $2,034  for the  one  month ending  December 31,  2002, as
      compared to $15,497 contributed for  the twelve months ending  December
      31, 2001.   Profit  sharing contributions  are based  on the  Company's
      performance and are authorized annually at the discretion of the  Board
      of Directors.  There were no  profit sharing contributions made to  the
      plan in 2002 or 2001.


      Common stock consists of the following:

                                               December 31,     December 31,
                                                   2002             2001
                                                ----------       ----------
      Millers General Agency, Inc. common
        stock, $1.00 par value, 100 shares
        authorized and issued                  $       100      $       100
      Effective Litigation Management, Inc.
        common stock $1.00 par value, 1,000
        shares authorized and issued                 1,000            1,000
      Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
        common stock $1.00 par value, 1,000
        shares authorized and issued                 1,000            1,000
                                                ----------       ----------
                                               $     2,100      $     2,100
                                                ==========       ==========


      The Company was self-insured  for medical and  dental coverage for  its
      employees, with  stop-loss  coverage for  individual  claims  exceeding
      $50,000.  As  of  January 1,  2003, the  Company is  fully insured  for
      medical claims of its employees.  Total expense for medical claims were
      $82,362  for the first eleven months  of 2002  and $21,979 for the  one
      month ending December 31, 2002 as  compared to $130,700 for the  twelve
      months ending December 31, 2001.

      The Company currently  reimburses its former  parent, Millers  American
      Group ("MAG") for rent under MAG's  operating lease. MAG leases  office
      space under an operating lease that  expires in 2009 with an option  to
      terminate the lease in 2005.   The lease provides for increasing  rents
      over the lease term.  Rental expense on space formerly occupied by  the
      Company, and space currently occupied under the MAG lease  was $143,234
      for  the  first  eleven months of 2002  and  $48,362  for the one month
      ending  December 31, 2002 as compared to $126,302 for the twelve months
      ending December 31, 2001.  The  Company  intends  to  either have  this
      lease assigned  to it or to sublease this space from MAG at its current

      Future minimum lease payments as of December 31, 2002 are as follows:

           2003                $491,475
           2004                $486,798
           2005                $506,892
           2006                $500,151
           2007                $494,148
           Thereafter          $947,117

 Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.
          b) Pro forma financial information

      The  following  unaudited  Pro  Forma  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet  of
      Hallmark  Financial  Services,  Inc.  ("HFS")  is  presented as  if the
      acquisition  of   Millers  General  Agency,  Inc.  ("MGA"),   Effective
      Litigation  Management,  Inc.  ("ELM")  and  Financial   and  Actuarial
      Resources, Inc.  ("FAR")  had   occurred  on  September 30,  2002.  The
      following unaudited  Pro  Forma  Consolidated  Statements of Operations
      of HFS  for the  nine months  ended  September 30,  2002  and  for  the
      year ended  December 31, 2001  assume  these  transactions as described
      above had occurred  as of January  1, 2001.  The Pro Forma Consolidated
      Balance  Sheet was  derived  from the Consolidated Balance Sheet of HFS
      and its subsidiaries filed with  HFS'  Quarterly Report  on Form 10-QSB
      as  of  and  for  the  nine  months ended  September 30, 2002.  The Pro
      Forma  Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations  were  derived from the
      Consolidated Statements of Operations of HFS and its subsidiaries filed
      with HFS' Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB as of and for the nine months
      ended September 30, 2002 and  Annual Report on  Form  10-KSB as  of and
      for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2001.  In  management's  opinion,
      all  of the  material adjustments  necessary  to  reflect  the  effects
      of  the  acquisition  transactions  have  been  made.   The  Pro  Forma
      Consolidated  Balance Sheet is not necessarily indicative  of  what the
      actual financial position would have  been  assuming  such transactions
      had  been  completed  as  of  September 30, 2002, nor does  it  purport
      to  present  the  future financial position of HFS.  Additionally,  the
      Pro  Forma Consolidated  Statements of Operations  are not  necessarily
      indicative of what the  actual results of operations of HFS would  have
      been assuming such transactions had been completed at the beginning  of
      the periods  presented, nor do they purport  to present the results  of
      operations for future periods.  Further,  the  Pro  Forma  Consolidated
      Statement  of Operations  for the  interim period  ended September  30,
      2002 is not necessarily  indicative of the results of operations for  a
      full year.

      The Acquisition

      On  December 3, 2002,  HFS acquired from  Millers American Group,  Inc.
      ("Millers") all of the outstanding stock of two inactive  subsidiaries,
      ELM and  FAR.  HFS simultaneously  acquired from The Millers  Insurance
      Company  ("MIC"),  an  indirect  subsidiary  of  Millers,  all  of  the
      outstanding stock of MGA,  an active Texas managing general agency,  as
      well  as certain  contracts and  fixed  assets.  Immediately  following
      these  transactions, the newly  acquired subsidiaries  of HFS  employed
      all MIC  personnel and began providing  fee-based claims and  financial
      administrative  services to  MIC.   The  effective  date of  the  above
      transactions is December 1, 2002.

      The aggregate purchase  price for the acquired subsidiaries and  assets
      was $2,580,000, consisting  of $2,100,000 in cash and MGA's  assumption
      of $480,000 in debt owed by MIC to Phoenix Indemnity Insurance  Company
      ("Phoenix"),  another indirect  subsidiary of  Millers.   The  purchase
      price  was determined  through negotiations  between HFS  and  Millers.
      HFS  funded the  cash portion  of the  purchase price  from an  interim
      financing facility previously provided by Newcastle Partners, L.P.,  an
      affiliate of Mark E. Schwarz, Chairman of HFS.

      The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the  assets
      acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition.

                            At December 1, 2002

             Current assets                          $  5,234

             Furniture, fixtures and equipment            522

             Deferred tax asset, net                      547

             Other non-current assets                     803

             Intangible assets                            543

             Goodwill                                   2,434

             Total assets acquired                     10,083

             Current liabilities                        7,635

             Additional minimum pension liability         348

             Total liabilities assumed                  7,983

             Net assets acquired                     $  2,100

      The  acquired intangible  assets of  $543,000 represent  the  estimated
      fair value  of MGA's relationship with  its independent agents.   These
      assets are being amortized over twenty years.

      The  Company  is  considering  an election  under Internal Revenue Code
      Section 338(h)(10) that would, if  made,  cause  the  tax  basis of the
      assets acquired to increase from historic carrying value to fair market
      value,  resulting  in  some  amount  of  tax  deductible goodwill.  The
      balance of the deferred tax asset  as  of the date of acquisition would
      be reduced to zero with a corresponding increase to goodwill.

                        Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                                         Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                                     UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET
                                                    ($ in thousands)

                                            Financial       MGA, ELM        Combined                      Consolidated
                                          Services, Inc.     and FAR       Historical      Pro forma        Pro forma
                                          September 30,   September 30,   September 30,    Adjustments    September 30,
                                              2002            2002            2002                            2002
                                          --------------  -------------   -------------    -----------    -------------
 Debt securities, held to maturity,
   at amortized cost                        $  8,280                        $  8,280                        $  8,280
 Equity securities, available for sale,
   at market value                                93                              93                              93
 Short-term investments, at cost
   which approximates Market value             6,442                           6,442                           6,442
                                             -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
 Total investments                            14,815               -          14,815               -          14,815

 Cash and cash equivalents                     6,361              27           6,388                           6,388
 Restricted cash                               1,607                           1,607                           1,607
 Prepaid reinsurance premiums                  9,068                           9,068                           9,068
 Premiums receivable from lender for
   financed premiums (net of allowance
   for doubtful accounts of $172)             11,510                          11,510                          11,510
 Premiums receivable                             891                             891                             891
 Reinsurance recoverable                      13,272                          13,272                          13,272
 Commission and fee receivable                     -           1,859           1,859             569 (a)       2,428
 Deferred policy acquisition costs             1,246                           1,246                           1,246
 Prepaid commissions                               -           3,835           3,835                           3,835
 Excess of cost over net assets acquired       4,431                           4,431           2,434 (c)       6,865
 Current federal income taxes recoverable          -             (81)           (81)                             (81)
 Deferred federal income taxes                   279             893           1,172             128 (e)       1,300
 Accrued investment income                        69                              69                              69
 Other assets                                    733             103             836             993 (b)(d)    1,829
                                             -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
 Total assets                               $ 64,282        $  6,636        $ 70,918        $  4,124        $ 75,042
                                             =======         =======         =======         =======         =======

                        Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                                         Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                                     UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET
                                                     ($ in thousands)

                                            Financial       MGA, ELM        Combined                      Consolidated
                                          Services, Inc.     and FAR       Historical      Pro forma        Pro forma
                                          September 30,   September 30,   September 30,    Adjustments    September 30,
                                              2002            2002            2002                            2002
                                          --------------  -------------   -------------    -----------    -------------
 Liabilities and stockholders' equity
 Notes payable                              $ 12,317        $    165        $ 12,482        $  2,100 (f)    $ 14,582
 Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expense    17,202                          17,202                          17,202
 Unearned premiums                            15,367                          15,367                          15,367
 Unearned commissions and fees                     -           5,953           5,953             569 (a)       6,522
 Accrued agent profit sharing                      -             643             643                             643
 Reinsurance balances payable                  3,217                           3,217                           3,217
 Drafts outstanding                              610                             610                             610
 Accrued ceding commission refund              2,217                           2,217                           2,217
 Accounts payable and other accrued expenses   2,506             427           2,933                           2,933
 Pension liability                                                                 -             349 (e)         349
 Current federal income taxes payable             67                              67                              67
                                             -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
 Total liabilities                            53,503           7,188          60,691           3,018          63,709

 Stockholders' equity:
 Common stock                                    356               2             358              (2)            356
 Capital in excess of                                                                               (b)(c)(d)
   par value                                  10,875               1          10,876           1,108 (e)(f)   11,984
 Retained earnings                               591            (555)             36                              36
 Accumulated other comprehensive income                                            -                               -
 Treasury stock                               (1,043)              -          (1,043)                         (1,043)
                                             -------         -------         -------         -------         -------

 Total stockholders' equity                   10,779            (552)         10,227           1,106          11,333
                                             -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 64,282        $  6,636        $ 70,918        $  4,124        $ 75,042
                                             =======         =======         =======         =======         =======

 (a)   Recognition of claim fee receivable and unearned claim fee revenue of $569 for
       the assignment of a claims administration agreement to the Company.
 (b)   Recognition of fixed assets acquired separately from the acquisition of MGA,
       ELM and FAR from Millers Insurance Company of $450.
 (c)   Recognition of $2,434 of goodwill from the Hallmark Financial Services, Inc.
       acquisition of the Company.
 (d)   Recognition of $543 of agency relationship intangible asset from the Hallmark
       Financial Services, Inc. acquisition of the Company.
 (e)   Recognition of a minimum pension liability of $349 and resulting tax effect of
       $128 from the frozen defined benefit cash balance plan.
 (f)   Recognition of $2,100 of 11.75% fixed rate debt incurred to complete the acquisition.

                    [This space left blank intentionally.]

                        Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                                          Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                                                     ($ in thousands)

                                           Hallmark Financial      MGA, ELM     Combined Historical                  Pro forma
                                             Services, Inc.        and FAR        Twelve Months                    Twelve Months
                                           12 Months Ending   12 Months Ending        Ending         Pro forma        Ending
                                           December 31, 2001  December 31, 2001  December 31, 2001   Adjustments  December 31, 2001
                                           -----------------  -----------------  -----------------   -----------  -----------------
 Gross premiums written                       $  49,614                              $  49,614                         $  49,614
 Ceded premiums written                         (33,822)                               (33,822)                          (33,822)
                                               --------                               --------                          --------
 Net premiums written                         $  15,792                              $  15,792                         $  15,792
                                               ========                               ========                          ========

 Gross premiums earned                        $  49,525            $       -         $  49,525       $     -           $  49,525
 Ceded premiums earned                          (33,149)                               (33,149)                          (33,149)
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
 Net premiums earned                             16,376                    -            16,376             -              16,376

 Commission income                                    -                9,297             9,297                             9,297
 Investment income, net of expenses               1,043                                  1,043                             1,043
 Finance charges                                  3,095                                  3,095                             3,095
 Processing and service fees                      1,120                  120             1,240                             1,240
 Other income                                       368                   13               381                               381
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
    Total revenue                                22,002                9,430            31,432             -              31,432

 Benefits, losses and expenses:
 Losses and loss adjustment expenses             43,735                                 43,735                            43,735
 Reinsurance recoveries                         (27,857)                               (27,857)                          (27,857)
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
    Net losses and loss adjustment expenses      15,878                    -            15,878             -              15,878

 Acquisition costs, net                            (399)                                  (399)                             (399)
 Other acquisition and underwriting expenses
   (net of ceding commission)                     3,673                5,649             9,322                             9,322
 Operating expenses                               3,346                3,303             6,649           344 (a)           6,993
 Interest expense                                 1,021                   50             1,071           247 (c)           1,318
 Amortization of intangible assets                  157                                    157            27 (b)             184
 Litigation costs                                     -                                      -                                 -
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
    Total benefits, losses and expenses          23,676                9,002            32,678           618              33,296

 Loss from operations before federal income      (1,674)                 428            (1,246)         (618)             (1,864)

 Federal income tax benefit                        (544)                 162              (382)         (229)               (611)
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
    Net (loss) income                         $  (1,130)           $     266         $    (864)      $  (389)          $  (1,253)
                                               ========             ========          ========        ======            ========

 Basic and diluted (loss) earnings per share
 (11,049,133 shares outstanding)              $   (0.10)           $    0.02         $   (0.08)      $ (0.04)          $   (0.11)
                                               ========             ========          ========        ======            ========

 (a)  Includes twelve months of depreciation expense of $344 of acquired fixed assets
      from Millers Insurance Company separate from the acquisition of MGA, ELM and FAR.
 (b)  Includes twelve months amortization expense of $27 of agency relationships.
 (c)  Includes twelve months of interest expense of $247 related to debt incurred
      to complete the acquisition.

                        Millers General Agency, Inc., Effective Litigation Management, Inc. and
                                          Financial and Actuarial Resources, Inc.
                                                     ($ in thousands)

                                           Hallmark Financial      MGA, ELM     Combined Historical                  Pro forma
                                             Services, Inc.        and FAR         Nine Months                      Nine Months
                                            9 Months Ending    9 Months Ending        Ending         Pro forma        Ending
                                          September 30, 2002  September 30, 2002 September 30, 2002  Adjustments September 30, 2002
                                           -----------------  -----------------  -----------------   -----------  -----------------
 Gross premiums written                       $  37,542                              $  37,542                         $  37,542
 Ceded premiums written                         (22,131)                               (22,131)                          (22,131)
                                               --------                               --------                          --------
 Net premiums written                         $  15,411                              $  15,411                         $  15,411
                                               ========                               ========                          ========

 Gross premiums earned                        $  38,682            $       -         $  38,682     $       -           $  38,682
 Ceded premiums earned                          (24,388)                               (24,388)                          (24,388)
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
 Net premiums earned                             14,294                    -            14,294             -              14,294

 Commission income                                    -                8,435             8,435                             8,435
 Investment income, net of expenses                 417                                    417                               417
 Finance charges                                  1,804                                  1,804                             1,804
 Processing and service fees                        335                  215               550                               550
 Other income                                       257                   13               270                               270
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
   Total revenue                                 17,107                8,663            25,770             -              25,770

 Benefits, losses and expenses:
 Losses and loss adjustment expenses             26,584                                 26,584                            26,584
 Reinsurance recoveries                         (15,908)                               (15,908)                          (15,908)
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
   Net losses and loss adjustment expenses       10,676                    -            10,676             -              10,676

 Acquisition costs, net                            (486)                                  (486)                             (486)
 Other acquisition and underwriting expenses
   (net of ceding commission)                     4,001                5,642             9,643                             9,643
 Operating expenses                               1,662                2,695             4,357           258 (a)           4,615
 Interest expense                                   630                   20               650           185 (c)             835
 Amortization of intangible assets                    -                                      -            20 (b)              20
 Litigation costs                                     -                                      -                                 -
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
   Total benefits, losses and expenses           16,483                8,357            24,840           463              25,303

 Loss from operations before federal income         624                  306               930          (463)                467

 Federal income tax benefit                         213                  114               327          (171)                156
                                               --------             --------          --------        ------            --------
   Net income (loss)                          $     411            $     192         $     603       $  (292)          $     311
                                               ========             ========          ========        ======            ========

 Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share
 (11,049,133 shares outstanding)              $    0.04            $    0.02         $    0.05       $ (0.03)          $    0.03
                                               ========             ========          ========        ======            ========

 (a)  Includes nine months of depreciation expense of $258 of acquired fixed assets
      from Millers Insurance Company separate from the acquisition of MGA, ELM and FAR.
 (b)  Includes nine months of amortization expense of $20 of agency relationships.
 (c)  Includes nine months of interest expense of $185 related to debt incurred to
      complete the acquisition .

 Item 7.   Exhibits.


           2(a) *  Purchase Agreement dated November 26, 2002, among Hallmark
                   Financial Services, Inc., Millers American Group, Inc. and
                   The Millers Insurance Company.

           2(b) *  Assumption  Agreement  dated  December 1, 2002, among  The
                   Millers Insurance Company, Millers  General  Agency,  Inc.
                   and Phoenix Indemnity Insurance Company.

              *    Previously filed  with the Company's Form 8-K  filed  with
                   the Commission on December 4, 2002.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
 the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
 undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                               HALLMARK FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

 Date: February 13, 2003       By: /s/ Timothy A. Bienek
                               Timothy A. Bienek, President and
                               Chief Operating Officer