Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 10-Q

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2001


         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     For the transition period from _____________ to ____________

                          Commission file number 1-9553

                                   VIACOM INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                    04-2949533
    (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)                   Identification No.)

       1515 Broadway, New York, New York                10036
(Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (212) 258-6000

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days Yes X No _____.

Number of shares of Common Stock Outstanding at July 31, 2001:

     Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share - 137,392,370

     Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share - 1,644,585,544

                                  VIACOM INC.

                              INDEX TO FORM 10-Q



 Item 1.          Financial Statements

                  Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) for the Three and Six Months
                  ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000                                                  3

                  Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2001 (Unaudited) and
                  December 31, 2000                                                                      4

                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) for the Six Months
                  ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000                                                  5

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)                                 6

 Item 2.          Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of
                  Operations and Financial Condition                                                    22

 Item 3.          Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk                            34

                  PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

 Item 4.          Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                   35

 Item 6.          Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.                                                     36



ITEM 1.  Financial Statements.

                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               (Unaudited; in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                          Three Months Ended               Six Months Ended
                                                                               June 30,                        June 30,
                                                                    ------------------------------- -------------------------------
                                                                         2001            2000            2001            2000
                                                                    ---------------- -------------- ---------------- --------------
       Revenues                                                       $  5,716.9       $  4,850.9     $ 11,469.1       $  7,876.7
           Operating                                                     3,114.8          2,826.0        6,593.2          4,821.1
           Selling, general and administrative                           1,240.4          1,053.6        2,365.3          1,614.7
           Merger-related charges                                           --              698.5           --              698.5
           Depreciation and amortization                                   775.9            551.0        1,521.1            780.2
                  Total expenses                                         5,131.1          5,129.1       10,479.6          7,914.5

       Operating income (loss)                                             585.8           (278.2)         989.5            (37.8)

           Interest expense                                               (263.2)          (193.4)        (520.1)          (315.9)
           Interest income                                                   8.0             13.9           19.4             23.4
           Other items, net                                                  2.0            (16.7)          (7.8)           (15.0)
       Earnings (loss) before income taxes                                 332.6           (474.4)         481.0           (345.3)

           Benefit (provision) for income taxes                           (314.7)            12.1         (438.2)           (46.0)
           Equity in loss of affiliated companies, net of tax               (7.1)           (21.3)         (34.2)           (27.4)
           Minority interest, net of tax                                     5.9            (12.0)            .8             (8.9)

       Net earnings (loss) before cumulative effect of change in
            accounting principle                                            16.7           (495.6)           9.4           (427.6)

           Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle,
             net of tax                                                       --               --           --             (452.3)
       Net earnings (loss)                                            $     16.7       $   (495.6)    $      9.4       $   (879.9)

       Basic and Diluted earnings (loss) per common share:
           Net earnings (loss) before cumulative effect of change
             in accounting principle                                  $      .01       $     (.41)    $      .01       $     (.45)
           Net earnings (loss)                                        $      .01       $     (.41)    $      .01       $     (.93)

       Weighted average number of common shares:

           Basic                                                         1,768.6          1,207.6        1,698.9            951.2
           Diluted                                                       1,800.2          1,207.6        1,730.6            951.2

                 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                     (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                                         At June 30,         At December 31,
                                                                                             2001                  2000
    ASSETS                                                                               (Unaudited)
    Current Assets:
         Cash and cash equivalents                                                       $    863.9             $    934.5
         Receivables, less allowances of $244.9 (2001) and $246.2 (2000)                    3,652.4                3,964.1
         Inventory (Note 6)                                                                 1,363.5                1,402.0
         Other current assets                                                               1,158.7                1,531.8
               Total current assets                                                         7,038.5                7,832.4
   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------

    Property and equipment:
         Land                                                                                 752.4                  713.8
         Buildings                                                                            991.1                  837.1
         Capital leases                                                                       756.8                  852.5
         Advertising structures                                                             2,116.6                2,076.5
         Equipment and other                                                                4,519.7                4,505.8
                                                                                            9,136.6                8,985.7
         Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                                     2,589.3                2,383.9
           Net property and equipment                                                       6,547.3                6,601.8

    Inventory (Note 6)                                                                      3,935.3                3,632.9
    Intangibles, at amortized cost                                                         71,878.2               62,004.1
    Other assets                                                                            2,715.9                2,574.9
         Total Assets                                                                    $ 92,115.2             $ 82,646.1

    Current Liabilities:
         Accounts payable                                                                $  1,017.7             $  1,261.1
         Accrued expenses and other                                                         4,308.6                4,343.1
         Accrued participations                                                             1,317.4                1,220.3
         Program rights                                                                       925.2                  709.8
         Current portion of long-term debt (Note 7)                                           219.6                  223.9
               Total current liabilities                                                    7,788.5                7,758.2

    Long-term debt (Note 7)                                                                12,144.9               12,473.8
    Other liabilities                                                                       7,604.8                7,407.0

    Commitments and contingencies (Note 8)

    Minority interest                                                                       1,248.5                7,040.2

    Stockholders' Equity:
         Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share; 750.0 shares
           authorized; 138.8 (2001) and 138.9 (2000) shares issued                              1.4                    1.4
         Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share; 10,000.0 shares
           authorized; 1,693.0 (2001) and 1,454.7 (2000) shares issued                         16.9                   14.5
         Additional paid-in capital                                                        64,791.9               50,729.9
         Retained earnings                                                                  1,441.2                1,431.8
         Accumulated other comprehensive loss (Note 1)                                       (205.8)                (152.5)
                                                                                           66,045.6               52,025.1

         Less treasury stock, at cost; 1.4 (2001 and 2000) Class A shares and
           61.1 (2001) and 96.3 (2000) Class B shares                                       2,717.1                4,058.2
               Total Stockholders' Equity                                                  63,328.5               47,966.9
         Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                                      $ 92,115.2             $ 82,646.1

                       See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                            (Unaudited; in millions)

  Six Months ended June 30,                                                                     2001             2000

  Operating Activities:
  Net earnings (loss)                                                                       $      9.4         $  (879.9)
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss) to net cash flow from operating activities:
       Non-cash merger-related charges                                                            --               415.0
       Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle                                        --               753.9
       Depreciation and amortization                                                           1,521.1             780.2
       Distribution from affiliated companies                                                     34.3              28.1
       Equity in loss of affiliated companies                                                     34.2              27.4
       Minority interest                                                                           (.8)              8.9
       Change in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions               (195.6)           (598.0)
  Net cash flow provided by operating activities                                               1,402.6             535.6

  Investing Activities:
       Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                                                       (739.0)           (286.9)
       Capital expenditures                                                                     (207.8)           (291.9)
       Investments in and advances to affiliated companies                                       (37.3)           (111.9)
       Proceeds from dispositions                                                                230.4              --
       Proceeds from sales of short-term investments                                              51.4             118.3
       Purchases of short-term investments                                                       (13.5)            (58.1)
       Other, net                                                                                 --                (1.2)
  Net cash flow used for investing activities                                                   (715.8)           (631.7)

  Financing Activities:
       (Repayments to) borrowings from banks, including commercial paper, net                 (3,205.7)          1,582.8
       Proceeds from senior notes and debentures                                               3,287.4             137.2
       Purchase of treasury stock                                                               (482.4)         (1,248.0)
       Repayment of notes and debentures                                                        (414.5)           (110.2)
       Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                                   133.2             110.9
       Payment of capital lease obligations                                                      (73.9)            (64.9)
       Purchase of treasury stock by subsidiary                                                   --               (82.8)
       Other, net                                                                                 (1.5)             (2.7)
  Net cash flow (used for) provided by financing activities                                     (757.4)            322.3

       Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                      (70.6)            226.2
       Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period                                      934.5             680.8
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                $    863.9         $   907.0

  Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
  Non-cash investing and financing activities:

       Fair value of assets acquired                                                        $ 11,065.2         $60,170.9
       Fair value of liabilities assumed                                                        (343.1)        (20,134.0)
       Acquisition of minority interest                                                        5,749.4              --
       Cash paid, net of cash acquired                                                          (739.0)           (286.9)
       Impact on stockholders' equity                                                       $ 15,732.5         $39,750.0

                 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)


Viacom Inc. ("Viacom" or the "Company") is a diversified company with operations
in six segments: (i) Cable Networks, (ii) Television, (iii) Infinity, (iv)
Entertainment, (v) Video and (vi) Publishing (See Note 10). On May 4, 2000, CBS
Corporation ("CBS") merged with and into the Company and effective from this
date, CBS' results of operations are included in the Company's consolidated
results of operations.

The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Company have
been prepared pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the more detailed
financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company's most recent
annual report on Form 10-K.

In the opinion of management, the accompanying financial statements reflect all
adjustments, consisting of only normal and recurring adjustments, necessary for
a fair statement of the financial position and results of operations and cash
flows of the Company for the periods presented. Certain previously reported
amounts have been reclassified to conform with the current presentation.

Use of Estimates--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Net Earnings (Loss) per Common Share--Basic earnings (loss) per share ("EPS") is
based upon net earnings (loss) divided by the weighted average number of common
shares outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS reflects the effect of the
assumed exercise of stock options only in the periods in which such effect would
have been dilutive. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2000,
incremental shares of 30.1 million and 23.5 million, respectively, for the
assumed exercise of stock options were excluded from the computation of diluted
EPS because their inclusion would have been anti-dilutive.

The table below presents a reconciliation of weighted average shares used in the
calculation of basic and diluted EPS:

                                                           Three months ended          Six months ended
                                                               June 30,                    June 30,
                                                         ------------------------ ---------------------------
                                                           2001          2000          2001         2000
         Weighted average shares for basic EPS             1,768.6     1,207.6       1,698.9         951.2
         Incremental shares for stock options                 31.6         --          31.7            --
         Weighted average shares for diluted EPS           1,800.2     1,207.6       1,730.6         951.2


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

Comprehensive Income (Loss)-- Total comprehensive income (loss) for the Company
includes net earnings (loss) and other comprehensive income items including
unrealized gain (loss) on securities, cumulative translation adjustments and
change in fair value of cash flow hedges.

                                                                Three months ended              Six months ended
                                                                     June 30,                       June 30,
                                                                 2001           2000           2001           2000

Net earnings (loss)                                            $   16.7      $   (495.6)   $     9.4       $  (879.9)
Other comprehensive income (loss):
   Unrealized losses on securities, net of tax                     (5.5)           (6.7)       (16.1)          (11.3)
   Cumulative translation adjustments                               1.0           (33.6)       (36.2)          (35.8)
   Change in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of tax             (.2)           --           (1.0)           --
Comprehensive income (loss)                                    $   12.0      $   (535.9)   $   (43.9)      $  (927.0)

Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Effective January 1, 2001, the
Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 133,
"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" ("SFAS 133"), as
amended. SFAS 133 requires that all derivative instruments be recorded on the
balance sheet at fair value. SFAS 133 also established new accounting rules for
hedging instruments which, depending on the nature of the hedge, require that
changes in the fair value of the derivatives either be offset against the change
in fair value of assets or liabilities through earnings, or be recognized in
other comprehensive income until the hedged item is recognized in earnings. The
impact of adoption was immaterial on the Company's consolidated results of
operations and financial position.

The Company is exposed to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. To
manage foreign currency exposures, the Company may use derivative instruments,
including swaps and forward contracts. Derivative instruments used by the
Company in its hedging activities are not used for speculative trading purposes
and are not designated as hedges. As of June 30, 2001, the change in fair value
of the foreign currency exchange contracts was not material to the Company's
consolidated results of operations.

As of June 30, 2001, the Company's outstanding interest rate swaps, which
effectively convert variable interest payments on commercial paper to a fixed
rate, were designated as hedges. The effective portion of the change in fair
value of cash flow hedges are reported in other comprehensive income and
reclassified into earnings in the same period in which the hedged transaction
affects earnings. The ineffective portion included in earnings was not material.

Recent Pronouncements- In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" ("SFAS 141") and SFAS No. 142,
"Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets" ("SFAS 142"). SFAS 141 requires that the
purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations initiated
after June 30, 2001 and prohibits the use of the pooling-of-interests method for
such transactions. SFAS 142 requires that goodwill and intangible assets with
indefinite lives, including such assets recorded in past business combinations,
no longer be amortized to earnings, but should instead be tested for impairment
annually. Intangible assets with finite lives will continue to be amortized over
their useful lives and reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed Of." The Company is required to implement SFAS 142 on January 1,
2002 and amortization of goodwill, and intangible assets with indefinite lives,
ceases upon adoption of this statement. The Company has not yet determined the
impact that this statement will have on its consolidated financial position or
results of operations.


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)


On February 21, 2001, the Company completed a merger with Infinity Broadcasting
Corporation ("Infinity"), acquiring approximately 36% of the issued and
outstanding shares of Infinity common stock that it did not already own. Under
the terms of the merger, which was tax free for the stockholders of Infinity and
Viacom, each share of Infinity Class A common stock was converted into the right
to receive 0.592 of a share of Viacom Class B Common Stock. The Infinity merger
was accounted for at historical cost, with the exception of minority interest,
which was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting. The total
purchase price of approximately $13.4 billion represented the issuance of
approximately 232 million shares of Viacom Class B Common Stock and the fair
value of Infinity stock options assumed by the Company. Infinity stockholders
received a cash payment in lieu of any fractional shares. The goodwill
attributable to this transaction of approximately $7.7 billion is being
amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

On January 23, 2001, the Company completed its acquisition of BET Holdings II,
Inc. ("BET") for approximately $3 billion, which principally represented the
issuance of approximately 43.4 million shares of Viacom Class B Common Stock
from treasury stock and the assumption by the Company of approximately $590
million in debt. The total cost to acquire BET has been allocated based on the
fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the time of the
acquisition. The excess purchase price over the fair value of the tangible net
assets acquired of approximately $2.9 billion was allocated to intangibles and
is being amortized on a straight-line basis not to exceed 40 years. The final
allocation of the purchase price will be based on comprehensive final
evaluations of the fair value of BET's tangible and identifiable assets acquired
and liabilities assumed. As of the acquisition date, BET's results are included
as part of the Cable Networks segment.

The unaudited condensed pro forma results of operations data presented below
assumes the above acquisitions, as well as the Viacom/CBS merger, the
acquisition of the remaining 50% interest of United Paramount Network ("UPN")
and the completion of acquisitions and divestitures of radio, outdoor and cable
properties had occurred January 1, 2000. Pro forma results for 2000 are adjusted
to exclude $698 million of non-cash merger-related charges and transactions with
divested investments. Pro forma results also reflect the deconsolidation of, which was previously a minority-owned, consolidated subsidiary, as if
it had occurred on January 1, 2000. The unaudited condensed pro forma results of
operations were prepared based upon the historical consolidated results of
operations of the Company and of each of the acquired companies.

       Pro Forma Results of Operations Data (unaudited)
       Six months ended June 30,                                       2001             2000

       Revenues                                                   $  11,454.1      $  11,025.5
       Net loss before cumulative effect of change in
           accounting principle                                   $      (7.6)     $    (358.4)
       Net loss                                                   $      (7.6)     $    (808.7)
       Basic and diluted loss per common share:
           Net loss before cumulative effect of change in
              accounting principle                                $        -       $     (.20)
           Net loss                                               $        -       $     (.46)

The pro forma financial information is presented for comparative purposes only
and is not necessarily indicative of the operating results that actually would
have occurred had the above acquisitions been consummated on January 1, 2000. In
addition, these results are not intended to be a projection of future results
and do not reflect any synergies that might be achieved from the combined


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)


During the first half of 2001, the Company repurchased approximately 8.5 million
shares of the Company's Class B Common Stock for approximately $432 million
under its stock repurchase programs, of which $207 million was spent in the
second quarter for 4.0 million shares.


In connection with the integration of Viacom and CBS and the acquisition of UPN,
the Company recorded merger-related charges of $698 million in the second
quarter of 2000. These amounts included non-cash charges of $415 million
principally attributable to compensation for stock options and $283 million of
accrued liabilities for severance, transaction fees and integration costs. As of
June 30, 2001, the Company had paid and charged approximately $102 million for
severance liabilities, $27 million for transaction fees and $54 million related
to integration costs.


As of June 30, 2001, the Company had an aggregate of $550 million outstanding
under revolving receivable securitization programs. Proceeds from the sale of
these receivables were used to reduce outstanding borrowings.


                                                                         At June 30, 2001      At December 31, 2000
   Theatrical and television inventory:
         Released (including acquired film libraries)                         $   369.5              $     365.6
         Completed, not released                                                   22.3                     49.5
         In process and other                                                     522.9                    276.6
         Released (including acquired film libraries)                           1,049.8                    881.9
         In process and other                                                      92.3                    151.5
      Program rights                                                            2,161.2                  2,163.4
                                                                                4,218.0                  3,888.5
      Less current portion                                                        959.5                    985.9
                                                                                3,258.5                  2,902.6
   Merchandise inventory, including sell-through videocassettes                   291.6                    309.9
   Videocassette rental inventory                                                 591.5                    631.6
   Publishing, primarily finished goods                                            71.5                     67.9
   Other                                                                          126.2                    137.0
                                                                                1,080.8                  1,146.4
      Less current portion                                                        404.0                    416.1
                                                                                  676.8                    730.3

   Total Current Inventory                                                    $ 1,363.5              $   1,402.0
   Total Non-Current Inventory                                                $ 3,935.3              $   3,632.9


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)


The following table sets forth the Company's long-term debt, net of current

                                                                At June 30,       At December 31,
                                                                   2001                 2000

Notes payable to banks (including commercial paper)           $     2,445.2        $    5,735.5
Senior debt (6.40% - 10.50% due 2002-2051)                          8,882.1             5,662.7
Senior subordinated debt (8.875% - 10.25% due 2001-2007)              496.2               664.4
Subordinated debt (11.375% due 2009)                                   20.1                39.4
Other notes                                                            28.0                43.5
Obligations under capital leases                                      492.9               552.2
     Total Debt                                                    12,364.5            12,697.7
       Less: current portion                                          219.6               223.9
     Total Long-Term Debt                                     $    12,144.9        $   12,473.8

On January 9, 2001, the Company issued under Rule 144A, $400 million of 6.40%
unsecured senior notes due January 30, 2006, $500 million of 7.70% unsecured
senior notes due July 30, 2010, and $750 million of 7.875% unsecured senior
debentures due July 30, 2030; interest on the senior notes and debentures will
be payable semi-annually. Proceeds from the debt issuance were used to repay
bank debt, including commercial paper. During March 2001, these notes and
debentures were exchanged for registered notes and debentures. The unsecured
senior debentures and the unsecured senior notes due July 30, 2010, are
redeemable at any time by the Company at their principal amount plus the
applicable premium and accrued interest.

On February 1, 2001, the Company redeemed all $60.3 million outstanding of
Infinity's 9% senior subordinated notes due 2006 at a redemption price equal to
104.5% of the principal amount.

In March 2001, the Company cancelled its credit agreements other than its
Infinity $1.45 billion facility and the Blockbuster Credit Agreement, and
entered into two new credit facilities. These two new facilities total $3.5
billion and are comprised of a $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility and
a $2.0 billion 364-day revolving credit facility. The Company also amended and
restated the Infinity $1.45 billion facility; the terms and conditions were
substantially conformed to the new $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility
and the Company was designated as the borrower. The primary purpose of the
facilities is to support commercial paper borrowings. The Company, at its
option, may borrow in certain foreign currencies up to specified limits under
the new $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility. Borrowing rates under the
facilities are determined at the time of each borrowing and are based generally
on LIBOR plus a margin based on the Company's senior unsecured debt rating. At
June 30, 2001, LIBOR for borrowing periods of one month and two months were
3.86% and 3.84%, respectively.

The new and amended facilities contain certain covenants which, among other
things, require that the Company maintain a minimum interest coverage ratio. At
June 30, 2001, the Company was in compliance with the financial covenants.


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

            (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

On May 17, 2001, the Company issued under Rule 144A an additional $400 million
of 6.40% unsecured senior notes due January 30, 2006 and $1.0 billion of 6.625%
senior notes due May 15, 2011; interest on the senior notes will be payable
semi-annually. Proceeds from the sale of securities were used to repay existing
short-term debt. On August 1, 2001, the Company initiated an offer to exchange
these 144A notes for registered notes.

On June 29, 2001, the Company issued $335 million of 7.25% senior notes due June
30, 2051; interest on the senior notes will be payable quarterly. Proceeds from
the debt issuance were used to repay existing short-term debt, including
commercial paper. The senior notes are redeemable at any time by the Company
after June 30, 2006 at their principal amount plus accrued interest.

At June 30, 2001, the Company had borrowings under its commercial paper program
of approximately $1.4 billion. Borrowings under the program have maturities of
less than a year and are supported by unused committed bank facilities.


The commitments of the Company for program license fees, estimated to aggregate
approximately $15.0 billion, are not reflected in the balance sheet as of June
30, 2001. These commitments include approximately $10.2 billion for the
acquisition of sports programming rights. A majority of such fees are payable
over several years, as part of normal programming expenditures.

The Company, Blockbuster and Paramount Home Entertainment are among the
defendants in a lawsuit filed on July 21, 1999 in the United States District
Court for the Western District of Texas by one former and three present
independent video retailers against the major motion picture studios and the
Company. The plaintiffs, purporting to act as class representatives on behalf of
themselves and all others similarly situated, allege that the Company and the
studios conspired among themselves and with Blockbuster to restrain competition
in the nationwide market for distribution of videocassettes for rental to the
public in violation of federal and California law. Plaintiffs seek injunctive
relief under federal law as well as triple the amount of the alleged actual
damages to themselves and those similarly situated under California statutes. In
January 2001, plaintiffs moved to withdraw their California state law claims
from the federal lawsuit in Texas and filed a substantially similar complaint
with approximately 200 additional named plaintiffs in Superior Court for the
County of Los Angeles. This complaint also sought certification of a nationwide
class of similarly situated plaintiffs. In March 2001, the Texas court denied
the plaintiffs' motion for class certification of both the federal and the
California state law claims in the federal action and denied the plaintiffs'
motion to withdraw their California state law claims from that action. The
Company believes that the plaintiffs' position in these litigations is without
merit and intends to defend itself vigorously in the litigations.

The Company is a defendant in numerous lawsuits claiming various
asbestos-related personal injuries, which allegedly occurred from use or
inclusion of asbestos in certain products supplied by previously divested
industrial business, generally in the pre-1970 time period. Typically, these
lawsuits are brought against multiple defendants in state and federal courts.
The Company was neither a manufacturer nor a producer of asbestos. As of June
30, 2001, the Company had pending approximately 129,715 asbestos cases,
excluding cases in various stages of settlement. The Company has brought suit
against certain of its insurance carriers with respect to asbestos claims. Under
the terms of a settlement agreement resulting from this suit, carriers that have
agreed to the settlement are now reimbursing the Company for a substantial
portion of its current costs and settlement associated with asbestos claims.


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses to asbestos matters, that
where appropriate it has adequately provided for resolution of matters and that
any ultimate liability resulting from asbestos matters is not likely to have a
material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial position or cash

The Company from time to time receives claims from federal and state
environmental regulatory agencies and other entities asserting that it is or may
be liable for environmental cleanup costs and related damages, principally
relating to discontinued operations conducted by companies acquired by the
Company. The Company's liabilities reflect management's best estimate of its
environmental exposure. Such liability was not discounted or reduced by
potential insurance recoveries and reflects management's estimate of cost
sharing at multiparty sites. The estimated liability was calculated based upon
currently available facts, existing technology and presently enacted laws and
regulations. On the basis of its experience and the information currently
available to it, the Company believes that the claims it has received will not
have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial position
or cash flows.

In addition to the above matters, the Company and various of its subsidiaries
are parties to certain other legal proceedings. Litigation is inherently
uncertain and always difficult to predict. However, based on its understanding
and evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances, the Company believes
that these matters are not likely to have a material adverse effect on its
results of operations, financial position or cash flows.


The provision for income taxes represents federal, state and foreign income
taxes on earnings before income taxes. The reported estimated annual effective
tax rates of 91.1% for 2001 and 77.0% for 2000 were both adversely affected by
amortization of intangibles in excess of the amounts deductible for tax
purposes. Excluding the non-deductible amortization of intangibles, the
estimated annual effective tax rates would have been 41.6% for 2001 and 40.1%
for 2000.


The following tables set forth the Company's financial performance by reportable
operating segment. Effective January 1, 2001, the Company operates its online
business under the Cable Networks and Television segments and accordingly, now
presents its online business as part of these respective segments. Prior period
information has been reclassified to conform to the new structure. Intersegment
revenues are recorded at fair market value as if the sales were to third parties
and are eliminated in consolidation. Entertainment's revenues include
intercompany revenues of $101.5 million and $90.3 million for the three months
ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively, and $207.1 million and
$169.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000,
respectively. Residual costs of discontinued businesses primarily include
pension and postretirement benefit costs for benefit plans retained by CBS for
previously divested industrial businesses.

The Company evaluates performance based on many factors; one of the primary
measures is EBITDA, defined as operating income before depreciation and
amortization. The Company believes that EBITDA is an appropriate measure of
evaluating the operating performance of its segments. However, EBITDA should be
considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, operating
income, net earnings, cash flows, and other measures of financial performance
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP").
As EBITDA is not a measure of performance calculated in accordance with GAAP,
this measure may not be comparable to similarly titled measures employed by
other companies.


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

           (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                          Three Months Ended June 30,     Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                          ---------------------------     -------------------------
                                                            2001               2000         2001            2000


     Cable Networks                                     $   1,062.0        $   961.2      $  2,044.4   $  1,732.3
     Television                                             1,626.4          1,225.7         3,657.2      1,753.8
     Infinity                                                 985.4            672.6         1,821.0        672.6
     Entertainment                                            772.8            748.7         1,368.0      1,271.3
     Video                                                  1,226.0          1,214.4         2,533.9      2,425.5
     Publishing                                               149.4            133.2           271.3        246.0
     Intercompany eliminations                               (105.1)          (104.9)         (226.7)      (224.8)
         Total Revenues                                 $   5,716.9      $   4,850.9      $ 11,469.1   $  7,876.7


     Cable Networks                                     $     388.7      $     286.2      $    748.1   $    521.7
     Television                                               360.8            164.5           675.5        281.8
     Infinity                                                 436.4            324.1           759.5        324.1
     Entertainment                                            132.0            114.4           195.8        169.1
     Video                                                    118.4            113.2           278.9        263.5
     Publishing                                                 9.2              8.5            11.4          6.8
         Segment total                                      1,445.5          1,010.9         2,669.2      1,567.0
     Reconciliation to Operating Income (Loss):
         Corporate expenses/eliminations                      (65.5)          (719.5)         (116.8)      (806.0)
         Residual costs of discontinued operations            (18.3)           (18.6)          (41.8)       (18.6)
         Depreciation and amortization                       (775.9)          (551.0)       (1,521.1)      (780.2)
            Total Operating Income (Loss)               $     585.8      $    (278.2)     $    989.5   $    (37.8)

                                                                     At June 30,          At December 31,
                                                                        2001                    2000
    Total Assets:

     Cable Networks                                                $  11,167.1           $     8,077.7
     Television                                                       25,433.7                25,417.9
     Infinity                                                         40,661.5                33,689.7
     Entertainment                                                     5,050.4                 4,853.9
     Video                                                             8,011.5                 8,385.1
     Publishing                                                          951.0                   954.1
         Segment total                                                91,275.2                81,378.4
     Corporate/eliminations                                              840.0                 1,267.7
         Total Assets                                              $  92,115.2           $    82,646.1


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)


Viacom International Inc. ("Viacom International") is a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Company. The Company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed Viacom
International debt securities. The following condensed consolidating financial
statements present the results of operations, financial position and cash flows
of the Company, Viacom International, the direct and indirect Non-Guarantor
Affiliates of the Company, and the eliminations necessary to arrive at the
information for the Company on a consolidated basis.

                                                                   Three Months Ended June 30, 2001
                                                                             Non-                       Viacom
                                                  Viacom       Viacom      Guarantor                      Inc.
                                                   Inc.     International  Affiliates  Eliminations   Consolidated

Revenues                                         $  83.7    $  611.8     $   5,021.5    $    (0.1)     $   5,716.9

    Operating                                       33.0       200.2         2,879.7          1.9          3,114.8
    Selling, general and administrative             32.2       206.8         1,001.4          --           1,240.4
    Depreciation and amortization                    4.1        53.6           718.2          --             775.9

       Total expenses                               69.3       460.6         4,599.3          1.9          5,131.1

Operating income                                    14.4       151.2           422.2         (2.0)           585.8

Other income (expense):
    Interest income (expense), net                (345.6)      (23.2)          113.6          --            (255.2)
    Other items, net                                 0.9        10.1            (9.0)         --               2.0
Earnings (loss) before income taxes               (330.3)      138.1           526.8         (2.0)           332.6

    Benefit (provision) for income taxes           133.4       (62.1)         (386.0)         --            (314.7)
    Equity in earnings (loss) of affiliated
       companies, net of tax                       213.6        64.4           (12.7)      (272.4)            (7.1)
    Minority interest, net of tax                    --          2.7             3.2          --               5.9
Net earnings (loss)                              $  16.7    $  143.1     $     131.3    $  (274.4)     $      16.7


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                       Six Months Ended June 30, 2001
                                                                                     Non-                                Viacom
                                                    Viacom          Viacom        Guarantor                               Inc.
                                                      Inc.       International    Affiliates        Eliminations      Consolidated

Revenues                                           $   159.7       $1,179.2       $ 10,146.5        $   (16.3)        $11,469.1

    Operating                                           66.3          397.6           6,136.6            (7.3)          6,593.2
    Selling, general and administrative                 67.0          360.6           1,937.7              --           2,365.3
    Depreciation and amortization                        8.0           93.9           1,419.2              --           1,521.1
       Total expenses                                  141.3          852.1           9,493.5            (7.3)         10,479.6

Operating income                                        18.4          327.1             653.0            (9.0)            989.5

Other income (expense):
    Interest income (expense), net                    (680.9)         (24.9)            205.1               --           (500.7)
    Other items, net                                    (5.3)          11.0             (13.5)              --             (7.8)
Earnings (loss) before income taxes                   (667.8)         313.2             844.6            (9.0)            481.0

    Benefit (provision) for income taxes               269.1         (139.0)           (568.3)              --           (438.2)
    Equity in earnings (loss) of affiliated
      companies, net of tax                            408.1          121.9             (36.8)         (527.4)            (34.2)
    Minority interest, net of tax                       --              5.2              (4.4)              --              0.8
Net earnings (loss)                                $     9.4       $  301.3          $  235.1       $  (536.4)        $     9.4


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                    Three Months Ended June 30, 2000
                                                                                 Non-                      Viacom
                                                   Viacom         Viacom       Guarantor                     Inc.
                                                     Inc.      International   Affiliates  Eliminations  Consolidated

Revenues                                          $  10.3        $  603.0       $4,250.2    $    (12.6)   $ 4,850.9

    Operating                                         8.2           205.2        2,640.6         (28.0)     2,826.0
    Selling, general and administrative               1.7           253.7          798.2           --       1,053.6
    Merger-related charges                             --           650.0           48.5           --         698.5
    Depreciation and amortization                     0.9            35.1          515.0           --         551.0
------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
       Total expenses                                10.8         1,144.0        4,002.3         (28.0)     5,129.1

Operating income (loss)                              (0.5)         (541.0)         247.9          15.4      (278.2)

Other income (expense):
    Interest income (expense), net                 (113.5)           15.1          (81.1)          --       (179.5)
    Other items, net                                 (7.5)            3.4          (12.6)          --        (16.7)
Earnings (loss) before income taxes                (121.5)         (522.5)         154.2          15.4      (474.4)

    Benefit (provision) for income taxes             47.6           112.1         (147.6)          --         12.1
    Equity in earnings (loss) of affiliated
      companies, net of tax                        (421.7)          (15.0)         (32.6)        448.0       (21.3)
    Minority interest, net of tax                      --             3.7          (15.7)          --        (12.0)
Net earnings (loss)                              $ (495.6)       $ (421.7)      $  (41.7)   $    463.4    $ (495.6)


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                  Six Months Ended June 30, 2000
                                                                                Non-                        Viacom
                                                    Viacom      Viacom       Guarantor                        Inc.
                                                      Inc.   International   Affiliates   Eliminations   Consolidated

Revenues                                        $    19.9     $1,136.1       $6,786.3     $   (65.6)      $ 7,876.7

    Operating                                        18.2        387.1        4,447.1         (31.3)        4,821.1
    Selling, general and administrative               2.0        443.5        1,169.2            --         1,614.7
    Merger-related charges                            --         650.0           48.5            --           698.5
    Depreciation and amortization                     1.6         70.5          708.1            --           780.2
       Total expenses                                21.8      1,551.1        6,372.9         (31.3)        7,914.5

Operating income (loss)                              (1.9)      (415.0)         413.4         (34.3)         (37.8)

Other income (expense):
    Interest income (expense), net                 (208.1)        28.2         (112.6)           --         (292.5)
    Other items, net                                (15.6)         9.3           (8.7)           --          (15.0)
Earnings (loss) before income taxes                (225.6)      (377.5)         292.1         (34.3)        (345.3)

    Benefit (provision) for income taxes             90.3         52.6         (188.9)           --          (46.0)
    Equity in earnings (loss) of affiliated
      companies, net of tax                        (744.6)      (425.4)         (46.8)      1,189.4          (27.4)
    Minority interest, net of tax                     --           5.7          (14.6)           --           (8.9)
Net earnings before cumulative effect of change
     in accounting principle, net of tax           (879.9)      (744.6)          41.8       1,155.1         (427.6)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting
     principle, net of tax                            --           --          (452.3)           --         (452.3)
Net earnings (loss)                             $  (879.9)    $ (744.6)      $ (410.5)    $ 1,155.1       $ (879.9)


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                                At June 30, 2001
                                                 Viacom         Viacom          Guarantor                    Viacom Inc.
                                                  Inc.       International     Affiliates     Eliminations   Consolidated
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------


Cash and cash equivalents                     $     205.8      $   257.3      $     400.8    $      --         $     863.9
Receivables, net                                     73.9          370.9          3,477.8         (270.2)          3,652.4
Inventory                                             6.8          267.2          1,089.5           --             1,363.5
Other current assets                                 57.7          456.3            697.0          (52.3)          1,158.7
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
         Total current assets                       344.2        1,351.7          5,665.1         (322.5)          7,038.5
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Property and equipment                              143.6          895.5          8,097.5           --             9,136.6
      Less accumulated depreciation and
         amortization                                60.9          257.1          2,271.3           --             2,589.3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
        Net property and equipment                   82.7          638.4          5,826.2           --             6,547.3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Inventory                                             8.5          537.5          3,407.8          (18.5)          3,935.3
Intangibles, at amortized cost                      261.4          157.0         71,459.8           --            71,878.2
Investments in consolidated subsidiaries         65,524.0       15,068.6             --        (80,592.6)             --
Other assets                                        106.7          901.1          1,828.2         (120.1)          2,715.9
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
Total Assets                                  $  66,327.5      $18,654.3      $  88,187.1    $ (81,053.7)      $  92,115.2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Accounts payable                              $      --        $   102.5      $   1,002.1    $     (86.9)      $   1,017.7
Accrued expenses and other                          229.7        1,466.8          3,701.0         (163.7)          5,233.8
Accrued participations                               --            --             1,342.9          (25.5)          1,317.4
Current portion of long-term debt                    --             12.6            207.0           --               219.6
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
       Total current liabilities                    229.7        1,581.9          6,253.0         (276.1)          7,788.5
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Long-term debt                                    9,727.5          756.5          1,946.1         (285.2)         12,144.9
Other liabilities                               (11,255.8)       4,012.8         10,736.8        4,111.0           7,604.8
Minority interest                                    --            155.1          1,093.4           --             1,248.5

Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred Stock                                 --            106.1             20.4         (126.5)             --
     Common Stock                                    18.3          185.7            725.2         (910.9)             18.3
     Additional paid-in capital                  64,791.9        6,597.0         67,905.1      (74,502.1)         64,791.9
     Retained earnings                            5,532.4        5,232.3           (261.5)      (9,062.0)          1,441.2
     Accumulated other comprehensive
       income (loss)                                   .6           26.9           (231.4)          (1.9)           (205.8)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
                                                 70,343.2       12,148.0         68,157.8      (84,603.4)         66,045.6
     Less treasury stock, at cost                 2,717.1          --                --             --             2,717.1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
       Total stockholders' equity                67,626.1       12,148.0         68,157.8      (84,603.4)         63,328.5
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity    $  66,327.5    $ 18,654.3       $  88,187.1     $(81,053.7)      $  92,115.2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------


                         VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                                 At December 31, 2000
                                                       Viacom           Viacom        Guarantor                       Viacom Inc.
                                                        Inc.         International    Affiliates      Eliminations    Consolidated

Cash and cash equivalents                            $    192.8      $   326.5        $    415.2       $    --       $    934.5
Receivables, net                                           89.3          456.0           3,661.3           (242.5)      3,964.1
Inventory                                                  11.3          259.9           1,130.8             --         1,402.0
Other current assets                                      355.1          425.5             789.3            (38.1)      1,531.8
         Total current assets                             648.5        1,467.9           5,996.6           (280.6)      7,832.4

Property and equipment                                    170.0         744.8           8,070.9             --          8,985.7
      Less accumulated depreciation and
         amortization                                      14.2         319.9           2,049.8             --          2,383.9
        Net property and equipment                        155.8         424.9           6,021.1             --          6,601.8

Inventory                                                  --           518.6           3,132.1            (17.8)       3,632.9
Intangibles, at amortized cost                            264.9         636.4          61,102.8             --         62,004.1
Investments in consolidated subsidiaries               49,331.0      14,898.9              --          (64,229.9)           --
Other assets                                              198.2         695.1           1,813.0           (131.4)       2,574.9
Total Assets                                          $50,598.4     $18,641.8         $78,065.6       $(64,659.7)     $82,646.1

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Accounts payable                                      $   --        $    35.2         $ 1,332.3       $   (106.4)     $ 1,261.1
Accrued expenses and other                                312.3       1,515.5           3,379.3           (154.2)       5,052.9
Accrued participations                                     --             --            1,234.5            (14.2)       1,220.3
Current portion of long-term debt                          --            10.8             213.1             --            223.9
       Total current liabilities                          312.3       1,561.5           6,159.2           (274.8)       7,758.2

Long-term debt                                          7,194.1         858.2           4,613.2           (191.7)      12,473.8
Other liabilities                                      (9,118.5)      3,588.9           5,908.2          7,028.4        7,407.0
Minority interest                                          --           158.9           6,881.3             --          7,040.2

Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred Stock                                       --           106.1              20.4           (126.5)          --
     Common Stock                                          15.9         185.7             508.8           (694.5)          15.9
     Additional paid-in capital                        50,729.9       7,253.4          54,621.6        (61,875.0)      50,729.9
     Retained earnings                                  5,523.0       4,931.1            (496.5)        (8,525.8)       1,431.8
     Accumulated other comprehensive
       income (loss)                                        (.1)         (2.0)           (150.6)              .2         (152.5)
                                                       56,268.7      12,474.3          54,503.7        (71,221.6)      52,025.1
     Less treasury stock, at cost                       4,058.2         --                 --               --          4,058.2
       Total stockholders' equity                      52,210.5      12,474.3          54,503.7        (71,221.6)      47,966.9
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity            $50,598.4     $18,641.8         $78,065.6       $(64,659.7)     $82,646.1


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                            Six Months Ended June 30, 2001
                                                           Viacom       Viacom     Guarantor                  Viacom Inc.
                                                            Inc.     International Affiliates   Eliminations  Consolidated

Net cash flow (used for) provided by  operating
    activities                                           $   (732.8)  $  145.3  $  1,990.1      $     --     $  1,402.6

Investing Activities:
  Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                         --        --          (739.0)            --         (739.0)
  Capital expenditures                                       --         (66.5)     (141.3)            --         (207.8)
  Investments in and advances to affiliated companies        --         (31.4)       (5.9)            --          (37.3)
  Proceeds from dispositions                                 --        --           230.4             --          230.4
  Proceeds from sales of short-term investments              --          51.4      --                 --           51.4
  Purchases of short-term investments                        --         (13.5)     --                 --          (13.5)
  Other, net                                                 --        --          --                 --         --
Net cash flow used for investing activities                  --         (60.0)     (655.8)            --         (715.8)

Financing Activities:
  (Repayments to) borrowings from banks,
     including commercial paper, net                         (693.0)   (100.0)   (2,412.7)            --       (3,205.7)
  Proceeds from senior notes and debentures                 3,281.6    --             5.8             --        3,287.4
  Purchase of treasury stock                                 (482.4)   --          --                 --         (482.4)
  Repayment of notes and debentures                           (19.5)   --          (395.0)            --         (414.5)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                     133.2    --          --                 --          133.2
  Payment of capital lease obligations                       --          (5.1)      (68.8)            --          (73.9)
  Increase (decrease) in intercompany payables             (1,472.6)    (49.4)    1,522.0             --         --
  Other, net                                                   (1.5)    --         --                 --           (1.5)
Net cash flow provided by (used for) financing
      activities                                              745.8    (154.5)   (1,348.7)            --         (757.4)
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        13.0     (69.2)      (14.4)            --          (70.6)
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           192.8     326.5       415.2             --          934.5
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               $    205.8  $  257.3  $    400.8       $     --     $    863.9


                          VIACOM INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

             (Tabular dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                              Six Months Ended June 30, 2000
                                                              Viacom       Viacom       Guarantor                  Viacom Inc.
                                                               Inc.     International   Affiliates   Eliminations Consolidated

Net cash flow (used for) provided by operating activities    $   (109.9) $  123.1     $  522.4      $      --     $    535.6

Investing Activities:
  Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                             --         332.9       (619.8)            --         (286.9)
  Capital expenditures                                           --         (77.1)      (214.8)            --         (291.9)
  Investments in and advances to affiliated companies            --          (3.2)      (108.7)            --         (111.9)
  Proceeds from sales of short-term investments                  --          32.7         85.6             --          118.3
  Purchases of short-term investments                            --         (58.1)        --               --          (58.1)
  Other, net                                                     --         (10.5)         9.3             --           (1.2)
Net cash flow provided by (used for) investing  activities       --         216.7       (848.4)            --         (631.7)

Financing Activities:
  Borrowings from banks, including commercial
      paper, net                                                1,267.8    --            315.0             --        1,582.8
  Proceeds from senior notes and debentures                      --        --            137.2             --          137.2
  Purchase of treasury stock                                   (1,248.0)   --             --               --       (1,248.0)
  Repayment of notes and debentures                              --        --           (110.2)            --         (110.2)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options and warrants            110.9    --             --               --          110.9
  Payment of capital lease obligations                           --         (19.5)       (45.4)            --          (64.9)
  Purchase of treasury stock by subsidiary                       --        --            (82.8)            --          (82.8)
  Increase (decrease) in intercompany payables                    (71.4)   (344.0)       415.4             --         --
  Other, net                                                     --        --             (2.7)            --           (2.7)
Net cash flow provided by (used for) financing
      activities                                                   59.3    (363.5)       626.5             --          322.3
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents           (50.6)    (23.7)       300.5             --          226.2
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                81.6     486.0        113.2             --          680.8
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                   $     31.0  $  462.3     $  413.7      $      --     $    907.0


Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
         Financial Condition.
         (Tabular dollars in millions)

Management's discussion and analysis of the combined results of operations and
financial condition should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated
Financial Statements and related Notes.

The Company completed several significant transactions in 2000 and 2001 that
affect the comparability of historical results for the three and six months
ended June 30, 2001 and 2000. They are as follows:

     o    The Company completed its merger with CBS on May 4, 2000, for a total
          purchase price of approximately $39.8 billion.

     o    On March 31, 2000, the Company acquired the remaining 50% interest in
          UPN that it did not already own for $5 million.

     o    The Company recorded one-time merger-related pre-tax charges of $698
          million associated with the CBS and UPN acquisitions in the second
          quarter of 2000.

     o    In January 2001, the Company completed its acquisition of BET Holdings
          II, Inc. ("BET") for approximately $3 billion.

     o    In February 2001, the Company completed a merger with Infinity
          Broadcasting Corporation ("Infinity"), acquiring approximately 36% of
          the issued and outstanding shares of Infinity common stock that it did
          not already own.

In order to enhance comparability, the following discussion of the Company's
results of operations is supplemented by pro forma financial information that
assumes the above transactions and the completion of acquisitions and
divestitures of radio, outdoor and cable properties had occurred January 1,
2000. Pro forma results for 2000 are adjusted to exclude the non-cash merger-
related charges noted above and transactions with divested investments. Pro
forma results also reflect the deconsolidation of, which was previously
a minority-owned, consolidated subsidiary, as if it had occurred on January 1,
2000. The pro forma results are presented for informational purposes only and
are not indicative of the operating results that would have occurred had the
transactions actually occurred at the beginning of 2000, nor are they
necessarily indicative of future operating results .

Effective January 1, 2001, the Company operates its online business under the
Cable Networks and Television segments and accordingly, now presents its online
business as part of these respective segments. Prior period information has been
reclassified to conform to the new structure.

The table below presents the Company's total revenues and total operating
income, as reported and on a pro forma basis for the three and six months ended
June 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

                              Three Months Ended                        Six Months Ended
                                   June 30,             Percent             June 30,         Percent
                             2001           2000         B/(W)        2001          2000      B/(W)

Total Revenues:

         As Reported      $   5,716.9    $   4,850.9     18%      $11,469.1     $ 7,876.7      46%
         Pro Forma        $   5,712.0    $   5,673.1      1%      $11,454.1     $11,025.5       4%

Total Operating Income:

         As Reported      $    585.8     $   (278.2)       NM     $   989.5     $   (37.8)      NM
         Pro Forma        $    588.9     $    445.2      32%      $   974.2     $   691.4      41%
NM - not meaningful


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition


The following tables set forth EBITDA (defined as operating income (loss) before
depreciation and amortization principally of goodwill related to business
combinations) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2001 and 2000. The
Company believes that EBITDA is an appropriate measure of evaluating the
operating performance of its segments. However, EBITDA should be considered in
addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, operating income, net
earnings, cash flows, and other measures of financial performance prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). As EBITDA is
not a measure of performance calculated in accordance with GAAP, this measure
may not be comparable to similarly titled measures employed by other companies.

                            Three Months Ended                   Six Months Ended
                                  June 30,         Percent           June 30,        Percent
                             2001      2000         B/(W)        2001        2000     B/(W)


         As Reported     $  1,361.7   $  272.8      399%       $2,510.6     $  742.4    238%
         Pro Forma       $  1,362.5   $1,214.2       12%       $2,520.8     $2,221.8     13%

Results of Operations

On a reported basis, revenues increased 18% to $5.72 billion and 46% to $11.47
billion for the three-and six-month periods ended June 30, 2001, respectively,
from $4.85 billion and $7.88 billion for the same prior-year periods. Reported
operating results are not comparable with prior-year periods principally due to
the Viacom/CBS merger and merger-related charges.

On a pro forma basis, revenues increased 1% to $5.71 billion and 4% to $11.45
billion for the three-and six-month periods ended June 30, 2001, respectively,
from $5.67 billion and $11.03 billion for the same prior-year periods. EBITDA,
on a pro forma basis, increased 12% to $1.36 billion and 13% to $2.52 billion
for the three-and six-month periods ended June 30, 2001, respectively, from
$1.21 billion and $2.22 billion for the same prior-year periods. Pro forma
results reflect EBITDA increases in nearly every business segment, including
double-digit increases in the Cable Networks, Television and Entertainment
segments. EBITDA growth outpaced revenue growth for the periods presented
primarily due to increased margins on the additional revenues.

Segment Results of Operations

Cable Networks (MTV Networks ("MTVN") including MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, Nick at
Nite, TV Land, TNN: The National Network and CMT; BET; and Showtime Networks
Inc. ("SNI"))

                                        Three Months Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                             June 30,      Percent              June 30,      Percent
                                         2001       2000    B/(W)          2001         2000   B/(W)
As Reported:
                  Revenues            $   1,062.0 $   961.2     10%       $ 2,044.4   $ 1,732.3   18%
                  Operating income    $     278.9 $   218.1     28        $   531.8   $   409.1   30
                  EBITDA              $     388.7 $   286.2     36        $   748.1   $   521.7   43
Pro Forma:
                  Revenues            $   1,057.6 $   993.2      6%      $  2,030.6   $ 1,897.4    7%
                  Operating income    $     282.1 $   214.3     32       $    544.1   $   424.5    28
                  EBITDA              $     389.6 $   312.2     25       $    759.7   $   621.0    22


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

For the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, higher pro forma
revenues and EBITDA principally reflect double-digit increases in cable
affiliate fees and DBS revenues and increased efficiencies at the cable networks
partially offset by a decrease in advertising revenues given the difficult
comparisons with last year's exceptionally strong advertising market. Showtime
subscriptions increased 21% over the prior year by approximately 5.0 million to
29.2 million subscriptions at June 30, 2001.

The Company completed its acquisition of BET on January 23, 2001 for
approximately $3 billion consisting principally of Viacom Class B Common Stock
and the assumption of debt. Pro forma results assume the acquisition of CBS
Cable Networks, TNN and CMT, the acquisition of BET, and dispositions had
occurred on January 1, 2000.

Television (CBS and UPN Television Networks and Stations; Television Production
and Syndication)

                                    Three Months Ended                Six Months Ended
                                        June 30,         Percent          June 30,            Percent
                                     2001      2000       B/(W)         2001      2000         B/(W)

As Reported:
             Revenues            $  1,626.4    $1,225.7      33%       $3,657.2  $ 1,753.8       109%
             Operating income    $    163.0    $   11.3      NM        $  281.7  $    99.4       183
             EBITDA              $    360.8    $  164.5     119        $  675.5  $   281.8       140
Pro Forma:
             Revenues            $  1,626.4    $1,649.5      (1)%      $3,657.2  $ 3,503.4         4%
             Operating income    $    163.0    $  118.7      37        $  281.7  $   216.8        30
             EBITDA              $    360.8    $  310.8      16        $  675.5  $   601.3        12
NM - not meaningful

For the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, Television's pro
forma EBITDA growth was principally led by the CBS Network, which delivered
double-digit revenue growth in primetime principally due to increased pricing.
Strong programming on the CBS Network included the winning combination of
Survivor: The Australian Outback and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on Thursday
nights and its successful Monday night line-up. For the quarter, CBS Network's
strong primetime revenue growth was partially offset by the timing of the
National Semifinals of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament which took place in
the second quarter last year but in the first quarter this year. The revenue
increases in television production and syndication for the quarter and six
months were more than offset by lower advertising sales for the television
stations which faced difficult comparisons with last year's exceptionally strong
advertising environment.

For the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, Paramount Television
Group's revenues were higher for continuing network and first run syndication
shows including Frasier, Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown and Moesha. The three-and
six-month periods also included higher revenues for 7th Heaven and revenues from
new series including Ed and That's Life. These higher revenues for the three-and
six-month periods were partially offset by lower revenues from the cancelled
series Beverly Hills 90210 and Sunset Beach while the six-month period also
included lower domestic library syndication revenues. For the second quarter and
six months ended June 30, 2001, UPN continued to deliver improved pro forma
results. Paramount Television Group's operating income and EBITDA increased for
the second quarter, primarily due to the higher revenue items noted above,
whereas for the six months, operating income and EBITDA increased principally
due to UPN's improved results.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Pro forma results assume that the Viacom/CBS merger and the acquisition of the
remaining 50% interest of UPN had occurred January 1, 2000. Pro forma results
are also adjusted to exclude transactions with divested investments and
operating losses before depreciation for of approximately $33 million
in the second quarter and $64 million for the six months ended June 30, 2000. In
2001, is accounted for as a deconsolidated investment, whereas in 2000, was a minority-owned, consolidated subsidiary.

Infinity (Radio Stations, Outdoor Advertising Properties)

                                          Three Months Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                              June 30,        Percent             June 30,             Percent
                                          2001         2000    B/(W)         2001          2000         B/(W)

As Reported:
                Revenues               $   985.4     $  672.6    47%    $  1,821.0    $    672.6       171%
                Operating income       $   122.1     $  151.6   (19)    $    158.0    $    151.6         4
                EBITDA                 $   436.4     $  324.1    35     $    759.5    $    324.1       134
Pro Forma:
                Revenues               $   984.9    $ 1,030.7    (4)%   $  1,819.8     $ 1,899.5        (4)%
                Operating income       $   122.0    $   139.4   (12)    $    130.4     $   161.9       (19)
                EBITDA                 $   436.3    $   460.8    (5)    $    758.1     $   796.9        (5)

For both the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, Infinity's pro
forma revenues and EBITDA decreased 4% and 5%, respectively, reflecting
difficult comparisons with the same periods last year which benefited from an
exceptionally strong advertising environment including very strong demand from
the technology sector. Operating expenses, as a percentage of revenues, for the
second quarter and six months, were essentially flat as compared with the
comparable prior-year periods. In the second quarter of 2001, Infinity continued
to gain market share by outpacing the out-of-home market and was No. 1 in radio
revenue billings in seven of the top 10 markets.

On February 21, 2001, the Company completed its merger with Infinity, acquiring
all of the issued and outstanding shares of Infinity common stock that it did
not already own, or approximately 36%, for a total purchase price of
approximately $13.4 billion. Pro forma results assume the acquisition of
Infinity as part of the Viacom/CBS merger, and the subsequent acquisition of the
minority interest of Infinity, had occurred on January 1, 2000 and also assume
the completion of acquisitions and divestitures of radio and outdoor properties
by Infinity had occurred at the beginning of each period presented. Pro forma
results are also adjusted to exclude transactions with divested investments.

Entertainment (Paramount Pictures, Famous Players, Famous Music Publishing and
Paramount Parks)

                             Three Months Ended                     Six Months Ended
                                   June 30,            Percent          June 30,             Percent
                              2001           2000       B/(W)       2001           2000       B/(W)

     Revenues               $   772.8     $    748.7        3%      $ 1,368.0    $  1,271.3        8%
     Operating income       $    91.1     $     76.2       20       $   116.4    $     91.1       28
     EBITDA                 $   132.0     $    114.4       15       $   195.8    $    169.1       16


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Entertainment revenues for the second quarter and six months ended June 30,
2001 principally reflect higher Features, Theaters and Parks revenues. Features
revenues for the three-and six-month periods were higher mainly due to higher
home video revenues, which were partially offset by lower theatrical revenues.
Home video revenues for the three-and six-month periods included domestic
contributions from What Women Want and Save the Last Dance and continuing
contributions from the successful foreign video release of Mission: Impossible
2, while the six-month period also included contributions from Rugrats in Paris:
The Movie and The Original Kings of Comedy. Domestic theatrical revenues for the
three-month period, which included contributions from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
and Along Came a Spider, did not match the prior year which included Mission:
Impossible 2. The six-month period also included Save The Last Dance, Down to
Earth and Enemy at the Gates as well as continuing contributions from What Women
Want and showed an improvement over last year. Theaters revenues for the
three-month period increased due to slightly higher attendance and per capita
spending whereas revenues for the six-month period increased due to higher per
capita spending which was partially offset by slightly lower attendance. Parks
revenues for the three-and six-month periods increased principally due to modest
attendance growth and higher per capita spending.

For the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, Entertainment's
operating income and EBITDA increases principally reflect higher Features,
Theatres and Parks revenues for the reasons noted above, and lower operating
expenses for Theatres and Parks compared with the same prior year periods.

Video (Blockbuster)

                        Three Months Ended                    Six Months Ended
                             June 30,          Percent            June 30,          Percent
                         2001           2000    B/(W)        2001          2000      B/(W)

Revenues             $  1,226.0      $1,214.4       1%     $ 2,533.9      $ 2,425.5   4%
Operating income     $     16.2      $    7.0     131      $    70.0      $    51.7  35
EBITDA               $    118.4      $  113.2       5      $   278.9      $   263.5   6

For the second quarter, Video's EBITDA increased 5% to $118 million on a revenue
increase of 1% to $1.23 billion primarily driven by the increase in the number
of company-operated stores. Worldwide same store sales, including rental and
retail product, decreased 2.7%, primarily due to a 5.3% decrease in domestic
same store revenues partially offset by a 9.7% increase in same store revenues
from Blockbuster's international operations. The decrease in domestic same store
rental revenues was principally due to a box office disadvantage between titles
that became available in the second quarter of 2001 as compared to the titles
that became available in same quarter last year which included Star Wars Episode
1: The Phantom Menace and The Sixth Sense, the top renting title in
Blockbuster's history. This decrease was partially offset by continued growth in
DVD rental revenues and an increase in worldwide previously viewed product
sales. For the six months ended June 30, 2001, Video's revenues and EBITDA
increased 4% and 6%, respectively, primarily driven by the increase in the
number of company-operated stores and increases in worldwide same-store sales of
1.3%. Blockbuster ended the second quarter of 2001 with 7,781 company-owned and
franchise stores, a net increase of 405 stores over the second quarter of 2000,
of which 31 company-owned stores were added in the second quarter 2001.

Video's gross margin increased to 60.3% for the second quarter of 2001 from
58.7% for the second quarter of 2000. For the six months ended June 30, 2001,
Video's gross margin percentage increased to 59.9% from 58.9% for the comparable
prior-year period. Video's gross profit margins improved in the quarter and six
months due to an increase in the percentage of rental revenues from DVD rental
product, which on average has a lower overall cost than VHS rental product, and
growth in other revenue, which generates a higher gross profit margin.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Blockbuster is continually evaluating its product mix and product offerings, as
well as related strategic offerings, to try to optimize its stores' revenues and
gross profit. Blockbuster intends to continue to increase its stores' depth of
DVDs and other home entertainment products in response to accelerated consumer
acceptance of DVD and other home entertainment products. These initiatives to
optimize stores' revenues and gross profit may cause Blockbuster to alter the
product mix in its stores which may cause Blockbuster to rationalize its stores
existing product mix and/or change accounting estimates related to its rental
library, which could result in a non-cash charge.

Publishing (Simon & Schuster, including other flagship imprints such as Pocket
Books, Scribner and The Free Press)

                            Three Months Ended                     Six Months Ended
                                 June 30,            Percent           June 30,         Percent
                             2001         2000        B/(W)      2001           2000      B/(W)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

Revenues                  $  149.4      $  133.2      12%      $    271.3     $  246.0     10%
Operating income          $    3.2      $    3.2      --       $     (0.3)    $   (3.8)    92
EBITDA                    $    9.2      $    8.5       8       $     11.4     $    6.8     68

For the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001, Publishing's revenue and
EBITDA increases are principally due to increased sales in the Trade, Pocket
Books and Children's divisions, partially offset by higher expenses.
Publishing's best-selling titles in the second quarter included John Adams by
David McCullough, On the Street Where You Live by Mary Higgins Clark and
Temptation by Jude Deveraux.

Other Income and Expense Information

Corporate Expenses/Eliminations

Corporate expenses/eliminations, excluding depreciation expense, decreased to
$65.5 million for the second quarter of 2001 from $719.5 million for the second
quarter of 2000, which included merger-related charges of $650 million. Pro
forma corporate expenses, excluding intersegment profit eliminations and
merger-related charges, decreased 23% and 33%, respectively, for the second
quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001 to $44.2 million and $68.6 million,
principally due to effective cost containment measures.

Interest Expense

For the three-and six-month period ended June 30, 2001, interest expense
increased 36% to $263.2 million and 65% to $520.1 million, respectively. The
Company had approximately $12.4 billion and $11.5 billion principal amount of
debt outstanding (including current maturities) as of June 30, 2001 and 2000,
respectively, at weighted average interest rates of 6.9% and 7.6%, respectively.

Interest Income

For the three-and six-month periods ended June 30, 2001, interest income
decreased to $8.0 million and $19.4 million, respectively, from $13.9 million
and $23.4 million, respectively, for the second quarter and six months ended
June 30, 2000.

Other Items, Net

"Other items, net" reflects net earnings of $2.0 million for the second quarter
and net losses of $7.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2001 as
compared to net losses of $16.7 million and $15.0 million for the second quarter
and six months ended June 30, 2000. Other items, net, for all periods presented
principally reflects gains and losses associated with foreign exchange and the
sale of assets.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Provision for Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes represents federal, state and foreign income
taxes on earnings before income taxes. The reported estimated annual effective
tax rates of 91.1% for 2001 and 77.0% for 2000 were both adversely affected by
amortization of intangibles in excess of the amounts deductible for tax
purposes. Excluding the non-deductible amortization of intangibles, the
estimated annual effective tax rates would have been 41.6% for 2001 and 40.1%
for 2000.

Equity in Loss of Affiliated Companies, Net of Tax

"Equity in loss of affiliated companies, net of tax" was $7.1 million and $34.2
million for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2001 as compared to
$21.3 million and $27.4 million in the comparable prior-year periods. The
current quarter and year to date period principally reflect operating losses
from international ventures and internet investments partially offset by
positive results from Comedy Central while the prior period results include
losses from CBS online equity ventures that were subsequently written down as
well as equity losses of UPN, partially offset by results from Comedy Central.
The remaining 50% interest of UPN was acquired by the Company in March 2000 and
its results are now consolidated with the Company beginning in the second
quarter of 2000.

Minority Interest

Minority interest for the six months ended June 30, 2001 primarily represents
the minority ownership of Infinity, prior to its merger with the Company on
February 21, 2001, and the minority ownership of Blockbuster common stock.
Minority interest for the prior year's comparable period primarily reflects the
minority ownership of Infinity, from the date of the Viacom/CBS merger, and the
minority ownership of Blockbuster common stock.

Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Tax

In 2000, the Company elected early adoption of Statement of Position 00-2,
"Accounting by Producers or Distributors of Films." As a result of this early
adoption, the Company recorded an after-tax non-cash charge of $452 million as a
cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the consolidated
statement of operations.

Net Earnings (Loss)

For the reasons described above, the Company reported net earnings of $16.7
million for the second quarter of 2001 as compared to a net loss of $495.6
million for the second quarter of 2000 and net earnings of $9.4 million for the
six months ended June 30, 2001 versus a net loss of $879.9 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2000.


On February 21, 2001, the Company completed a merger with Infinity acquiring
approximately 36% of the issued and outstanding shares of Infinity common stock
that it did not already own. Under the terms of the merger, which was tax free
for the stockholders of Infinity and Viacom, each share of Infinity Class A
common stock was converted into the right to receive 0.592 of a share of Viacom
Class B Common Stock. The Infinity merger was accounted for at historical cost,
with the exception of minority interest, which was accounted for under the
purchase method of accounting. The total purchase price of approximately $13.4
billion represented the issuance of approximately 232 million shares of Viacom
Class B Common Stock and the fair value of Infinity stock options assumed by the
Company. Infinity stockholders received a cash payment in lieu of any fractional
shares. The goodwill attributable to this transaction of approximately $7.7
billion is being amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

On January 23, 2001, the Company completed its acquisition of BET for
approximately $3 billion, which principally represented the issuance of
approximately 43.4 million shares of Viacom Class B Common Stock from treasury
stock and the assumption by the Company of approximately $590 million in debt.
The total cost to acquire BET has been allocated based on the fair value of the
assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the time of the acquisition. The
excess purchase price over the fair value of the tangible net assets acquired of
approximately $2.9 billion was allocated to intangibles and is being amortized
on a straight-line basis not to exceed 40 years. The final allocation of the
purchase price will be based on comprehensive final evaluations of the fair
value of BET's tangible and identifiable assets acquired and liabilities

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company expects to fund its anticipated cash requirements (including the
anticipated cash requirements of its capital expenditures, share repurchase
programs, joint ventures, commitments and payments of principal and interest on
its outstanding indebtedness) with internally generated funds, in addition to
various external sources of funds. The external sources of funds may include the
Company's access to commercial paper and the Company's credit agreements,
co-financing arrangements by the Company's various divisions relating to the
production of entertainment products, and/or additional financings.

Subsequent to its August 1999 initial public offering, Blockbuster no longer
participates in the Company's centralized cash management system. Cash generated
by Blockbuster's operations is expected to be retained by Blockbuster to fund
its anticipated cash requirements.

The Company filed a shelf registration statement with the Securities and
Exchange Commission registering debt securities, preferred stock and warrants of
Viacom that may be issued for aggregate gross proceeds of $5.0 billion. The
registration statement was declared effective on January 8, 2001. The net
proceeds from the sale of the offered securities may be used by Viacom for
general corporate purposes, including repayment of borrowings, working capital
and capital expenditures; or for such other purposes as may be specified in the
applicable Prospectus Supplement. To date, the Company has issued $335 million
of securities under the shelf registration statement.

Share Repurchase Programs

During the first half of 2001, the Company repurchased approximately 8.5 million
shares of the Company's Class B Common Stock for approximately $432 million
under its stock repurchase programs, of which $207 million was spent in the
second quarter for 4.0 million shares. From July 1 through July 31, 2001, the
Company spent approximately $20.3 million for approximately 400,000 shares.

Commitments and Contingencies

The commitments of the Company for program license fees, estimated to aggregate
approximately $15.0 billion, are not reflected in the balance sheet as of June
30, 2001. These commitments include approximately $10.2 billion for the
acquisition of sports programming rights. A majority of such fees are payable
over several years, as part of normal programming expenditures.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

The Company, Blockbuster and Paramount Home Entertainment are among the
defendants in a lawsuit filed on July 21, 1999 in the United States District
Court for the Western District of Texas by one former and three present
independent video retailers against the major motion picture studios and the
Company. The plaintiffs, purporting to act as class representatives on behalf of
themselves and all others similarly situated, allege that the Company and the
studios conspired among themselves and with Blockbuster to restrain competition
in the nationwide market for distribution of videocassettes for rental to the
public in violation of federal and California law. Plaintiffs seek injunctive
relief under federal law as well as triple the amount of the alleged actual
damages to themselves and those similarly situated under California statutes. In
January 2001, plaintiffs moved to withdraw their California state law claims
from the federal lawsuit in Texas and filed a substantially similar complaint
with approximately 200 additional named plaintiffs in Superior Court for the
County of Los Angeles. This complaint also sought certification of a nationwide
class of similarly situated plaintiffs. In March 2001, the Texas court denied
the plaintiffs' motion for class certification of both the federal and the
California state law claims in the federal action and denied the plaintiffs'
motion to withdraw their California state law claims from that action. The
Company believes that the plaintiffs' position in these litigations is without
merit and intends to defend itself vigorously in the litigations.

The Company is a defendant in numerous lawsuits claiming various
asbestos-related personal injuries, which allegedly occurred from use or
inclusion of asbestos in certain products supplied by previously divested
industrial business, generally in the pre-1970 time period. Typically, these
lawsuits are brought against multiple defendants in state and federal courts.
The Company was neither a manufacturer nor a producer of asbestos. As of June
30, 2001, the Company had pending approximately 129,715 asbestos cases,
excluding cases in various stages of settlement. The Company has brought suit
against certain of its insurance carriers with respect to asbestos claims. Under
the terms of a settlement agreement resulting from this suit, carriers that have
agreed to the settlement are now reimbursing the Company for a substantial
portion of its current costs and settlement associated with asbestos claims. The
Company believes that it has meritorious defenses to asbestos matters, that
where appropriate it has adequately provided for resolution of matters and that
any ultimate liability resulting from asbestos matters is not likely to have a
material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial position or cash

The Company from time to time receives claims from federal and state
environmental regulatory agencies and other entities asserting that it is or may
be liable for environmental cleanup costs and related damages, principally
relating to discontinued operations conducted by companies acquired by the
Company. The Company's liabilities reflect management's best estimate of its
environmental exposure. Such liability was not discounted or reduced by
potential insurance recoveries and reflects management's estimate of cost
sharing at multiparty sites. The estimated liability was calculated based upon
currently available facts, existing technology and presently enacted laws and
regulations. On the basis of its experience and the information currently
available to it, the Company believes that the claims it has received will not
have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial position
or liquidity.

In addition to the above matters, the Company and various of its subsidiaries
are parties to certain other legal proceedings. Litigation is inherently
uncertain and always difficult to predict. However, based on its understanding
and evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances, the Company believes
that these matters are not likely to have a material adverse effect on its
results of operations, financial position or cash flows.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Financial Position

Current assets decreased to $7.0 billion at June 30, 2001 from $7.8 billion at
December 31, 2000, due to normal seasonal reductions in receivables and a
decrease in deferred tax assets. The allowance for doubtful accounts as a
percentage of receivables was 6.3% at June 30, 2001 compared to 5.8% at December
31, 2000. The change in property and equipment reflects depreciation expense of
$424.3 million partially offset by acquired assets and $207.8 million of capital
expenditures related to capital additions principally for cable networks and
radio equipment. Non-current inventory increased to $3.9 billion at June 30,
2001 from $3.6 billion at December 31, 2000 primarily due to accelerated timing
of motion picture production schedules in the first half of 2001 in anticipation
of the actors' strike, which was subsequently averted. Intangibles of $71.9
billion at June 30, 2001 increased by $9.9 billion as compared to $62.0 billion
at December 31, 2000, principally reflecting the first quarter 2001 acquisition
of BET and the merger with Infinity. Current liabilities increased slightly to
$7.79 billion at June 30, 2001 from $7.76 billion at December 31, 2000 due to
increases in accrued participations and program rights, partially offset by a
decrease in accounts payable. Long-term debt, including current maturities,
decreased $0.3 billion to $12.4 billion as of June 30, 2001 from $12.7 billion
as of December 31, 2000. The minority interest balance of $1.2 billion as of
June 30, 2001 decreased from $7.0 billion as of December 31, 2000 reflecting the
merger with Infinity.

Cash Flows

Net cash flow from operating activities of $1.4 billion for the six months ended
June 30, 2001 principally reflects net earnings of $9.4 million adjusted for
depreciation and amortization expenses of $1.52 billion partially offset by
investments in inventory and decreases in accounts payable and accrued expenses.
Net cash flow from operating activities of $535.6 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2000 principally reflects a net loss of $879.9 million adjusted
for non-cash items of $1.95 billion for depreciation and amortization,
cumulative effect of change in accounting principle and merger-related charges.
Prior year's net cash flow from operations also reflects a decrease in
accounts payable and accrued expenses. Net cash expenditures for investing
activities of $715.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2001 principally
reflect the acquisition of BET and capital expenditures of $207.8 million
partially offset by proceeds from dispositions of radio stations and other
assets for approximately $230.4 million. Net cash expenditures for investing
activities of $631.7 million for the six months ended June 30, 2000 principally
reflect capital expenditures of $291.9 million and acquisitions, net of cash
acquired, of $286.9 million. Financing activities for the six months ended June
30, 2001 reflect the payment of bank debt and purchase of treasury stock
partially offset by proceeds from the issuance of senior notes and debentures.
Financing activities for the six months ended June 30, 2000 principally reflect
net borrowings from banks offset by the purchase of treasury stock.

Capital Structure

The following table sets forth the Company's long-term debt, net of current

                                               At June 30, 2001      At December 31, 2000

    Notes payable to banks (including
             commercial paper)               $     2,445.2              $     5,735.5
     Senior debt                                   8,882.1                    5,662.7
     Senior subordinated debt                        496.2                      664.4
     Subordinated debt                                20.1                       39.4
     Other notes                                      28.0                       43.5
     Obligations under capital leases                492.9                      552.2
     Total Debt                                   12,364.5                   12,697.7
     Less current portion                            219.6                      223.9
          Total Long-Term Debt               $    12,144.9              $    12,473.8


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

The notes and debentures are presented net of an aggregate unamortized discount
of $22.2 million as of June 30, 2001 and $21.4 million as of December 31, 2000.

Debt, including the current portion, as a percentage of total capitalization of
the Company was 16% at June 30, 2001 and 21% at December 31, 2000.

On January 9, 2001, the Company issued under Rule 144A, $400 million of 6.40%
unsecured senior notes due January 30, 2006, $500 million of 7.70% unsecured
senior notes due July 30, 2010, and $750 million of 7.875% unsecured senior
debentures due July 30, 2030; interest on the senior notes and debentures will
be payable semi-annually. Proceeds from the debt issuance were used to repay
bank debt, including commercial paper. During March 2001, these notes and
debentures were exchanged for registered notes and debentures. The unsecured
senior debentures and the unsecured senior notes due July 30, 2010, are
redeemable at any time by the Company at their principal amount plus the
applicable premium and accrued interest.

On February 1, 2001, the Company redeemed all $60.3 million outstanding of
Infinity's 9% senior subordinated notes due 2006 at a redemption price equal to
104.5% of the principal amount.

In March 2001, the Company cancelled its credit agreements other than its
Infinity $1.45 billion facility and the Blockbuster Credit Agreement, and
entered into two new credit facilities. These two new facilities total $3.5
billion and are comprised of a $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility and
a $2.0 billion 364-day revolving credit facility. The Company also amended and
restated the Infinity $1.45 billion facility; the terms and conditions were
substantially conformed to the new $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility
and the Company was designated as the borrower. The primary purpose of the
facilities is to support commercial paper borrowings. The Company, at its
option, may borrow in certain foreign currencies up to specified limits under
the new $1.5 billion 5-year revolving credit facility. Borrowing rates under the
facilities are determined at the time of each borrowing and are based generally
on LIBOR plus a margin based on the Company's senior unsecured debt rating. At
June 30, 2001, LIBOR for borrowing periods of one month and two months were
3.86% and 3.84%, respectively.

The new and amended facilities contain certain covenants which, among other
things, require that the Company maintain a minimum interest coverage ratio. At
June 30, 2001, the Company was in compliance with the financial covenants.

On May 17, 2001, the Company issued under Rule 144A an additional $400 million
of 6.40% unsecured senior notes due January 30, 2006 and $1.0 billion of 6.625%
senior notes due May 15, 2011; interest on the senior notes will be payable
semi-annually. Proceeds from the sale of securities were used to repay existing
short-term debt. On August 1, 2001, the Company initiated an offer to exchange
these 144A notes for registered notes.

On June 29, 2001, the Company issued $335 million of 7.25% senior notes due June
30, 2051; interest on the senior notes will be payable quarterly. Proceeds from
the debt issuance were used to repay existing short-term debt, including
commercial paper. The senior notes are redeemable at any time by the Company
after June 30, 2006 at their principal amount plus accrued interest.

At June 30, 2001, the Company had borrowings under its commercial paper program
of approximately $1.4 billion. Borrowings under the program have maturities of
less than a year and are supported by unused committed bank facilities.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Merger-Related Charges

In connection with the integration of Viacom and CBS and the acquisition of UPN,
the Company recorded merger-related charges of $698 million in the second
quarter of 2000. These amounts included non-cash charges of $415 million
principally attributable to compensation for stock options and $283 million of
accrued liabilities for severance, transaction fees and integration costs. As of
June 30, 2001, the Company had paid and charged approximately $102 million for
severance liabilities, $27 million for transaction fees and $54 million related
to integration costs.

Market Risk

The Company uses derivative financial instruments to reduce its exposure to
market risks from changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates. The
Company does not hold or issue financial instruments for speculative trading
purposes. The derivative instruments used are foreign exchange forward contracts
and swaps. The foreign exchange contracts have principally been used to hedge
the British Pound, the Australian Dollar, the Japanese Yen, the Canadian Dollar,
the Singapore Dollar and the European Union's common currency (the "Euro").
These derivatives, which are over-the-counter instruments, are non-leveraged.
Realized gains and losses on contracts that hedge anticipated future cash flows
are recognized in "Other items, net" and were not material in the periods
presented. The Company is primarily vulnerable to changes in LIBOR which is the
rate currently used in existing agreements; however, the Company does not
believe this exposure to be material.

Effective January 1, 2001, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards ("SFAS") No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
Activities" ("SFAS 133"), as amended. SFAS 133 requires that all derivative
instruments be recorded on the balance sheet at fair value. SFAS 133 also
established new accounting rules for hedging instruments which, depending on the
nature of the hedge, require that changes in the fair value of the derivatives
either be offset against the change in fair value of assets or liabilities
through earnings, or be recognized in other comprehensive income until the
hedged item is recognized in earnings. The impact of adoption was immaterial on
the Company's consolidated results of operations and financial position.

The Company is exposed to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. To
manage foreign currency exposures, the Company may use derivative instruments,
including swaps and forward contracts. Derivative instruments used by the
Company in its hedging activities are not used for speculative trading purposes
and are not designated as hedges. As of June 30, 2001, the change in fair value
of the foreign currency exchange contracts was not material to the Company's
consolidated results of operations.

As of June 30, 2001, the Company's outstanding interest rate swaps, which
effectively convert variable interest payments on commercial paper to a fixed
rate, were designated as hedges. The effective portion of the change in fair
value of cash flow hedges are reported in other comprehensive income and
reclassified into earnings in the same period in which the hedged transaction
affects earnings. The ineffective portion included in earnings was not material.


                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Recent Pronouncements

In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 141,
"Business Combinations" ("SFAS 141") and SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets" ("SFAS 142"). SFAS 141 requires that the purchase method of
accounting be used for all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001
and prohibits the use of the pooling-of-interests method for such transactions.
SFAS 142 requires that goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives,
including such assets recorded in past business combinations, no longer be
amortized to earnings, but should instead be tested for impairment annually.
Intangible assets with finite lives will continue to be amortized over their
useful lives and reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed Of." The Company is required to implement SFAS 142 on January 1,
2002 and amortization of goodwill, and intangible assets with indefinite lives,
ceases upon adoption of this statement. The Company has not yet determined the
impact that this statement will have on its consolidated financial position or
results of operations.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward looking Statements

This quarterly report on Form 10-Q, including "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition," contains both
historical and forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements
of historical fact are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements
within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and section 21E
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking
statements are not based on historical facts, but rather reflect the Company's
current expectations concerning future results and events. These forward-looking
statements generally can be identified by the use of statements that include
phrases such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "foresee,"
"likely," "will" or other similar words or phrases. Similarly, statements that
describe the Company's objectives, plans or goals are or may be forward-looking
statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance
or achievements of the Company to be different from any future results,
performance and achievements expressed or implied by these statements.

A variety of factors, including those set forth under the heading "Cautionary
Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements" in our Annual Report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, could cause actual results to
differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed
in the forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that the
Company does not currently view as material or that are not presently known. The
Company has no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements to
reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

Response to this is included in "Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis
of Results of Operations and Financial Condition - Market Risk."



Item 4.      Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

         The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Viacom Inc. was held on May 23,
2001. The following matters were voted upon at the meeting: (i) the election of
18 directors; (ii) the approval of the adoption of an amendment to the Viacom
Inc. Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase (a) the number of shares
of Class A Common Stock authorized to be issued from 500 million to 750 million,
and (b) the number of shares of Class B Common Stock authorized to be issued
from 3 billion to 10 billion; and (iii) the approval of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as independent accountants for Viacom Inc.
until the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

(i)      The entire nominated board of directors was elected and the votes cast
         for or withheld with respect to the election of each director were as

        Name                    No. of Votes Cast For    No. of Votes Withheld
        -------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------

        George S. Abrams               132,526,437                 679,143
        David R. Andelman              133,049,738                 155,842
        George H. Conrades             133,054,644                 150,936
        Philippe P. Dauman             133,043,484                 162,096
        William H. Gray III            133,047,121                 158,459
        Mel Karmazin                   131,122,855               2,082,725
        Jan Leschly                    133,053,378                 152,202
        David T. McLaughlin            133,051,958                 153,622
        Ken Miller                     132,530,057                 675,523
        Leslie Moonves                 133,054,161                 151,419
        Brent D. Redstone              132,743,019                 462,561
        Shari Redstone                 132,716,238                 489,342
        Sumner M. Redstone             130,629,900               2,575,680
        Frederic V. Salerno            133,048,958                 156,622
        William Schwartz               133,050,680                 154,900
        Ivan Seidenberg                133,053,430                 152,150
        Patty Stonesifer               133,053,248                 152,332
        Robert D. Walter               133,052,818                 152,762


(ii)     The votes cast for, against or abstaining and the broker non-votes,
         with respect to the approval of the adoption of an amendment to the
         Viacom Inc. Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase (a) the
         number of shares of Class A Common Stock authorized to be issued from
         500 million to 750 million, and (b) the number of shares of Class B
         Common Stock authorized to be issued from 3 billion to 10 billion:

                                                        Abstentions and Broker
                  For:                   Against:             Non-Votes:
            129,155,892                  3,991,385            58,303

(iii)    The votes cast for, against or abstaining, with respect to the approval
         of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as
         independent accountants for Viacom Inc. until the 2002 Annual Meeting
         of Stockholders:

                  For:                   Against:           Abstentions:
            132,831,310                  323,779              50,491

Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)      Exhibits.

           Exhibit                      Description of Document
           -------                      -----------------------

         (2)        Plan of Acquisition

               (a)  Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as
                    of September 6, 1999, as amended and restated as of October
                    8, 1999 and as of November 23, 1999, among Viacom Inc., CBS
                    Corporation and Viacom/CBS LLC (incorporated by reference to
                    Exhibit 2.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed
                    by Viacom Inc.) (File No. 333-88613).

               (b)  Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 30, 2000,
                    among Viacom Inc., IBC Merger Corp. and Infinity
                    Broadcasting Corporation (incorporated by reference to
                    Exhibit 99.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of Viacom
                    Inc. filed on October 31, 2000) (File No. 1-9553).

         (3)        Articles of Incorporation and By-laws

               (a)  Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Viacom Inc.
                    effective May 4, 2000 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                    3.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by
                    Viacom Inc.) (File No. 333-88613), as amended by the
                    Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of
                    Viacom Inc. dated May 23, 2001, and the Certificate of
                    Elimination of Series C Preferred Stock of Viacom Inc. dated
                    May 23, 2001 (incorporated by reference to Exhibits 99.1 and
                    99.2, respectively, to the Current Report on Form 8-K of
                    Viacom Inc. filed on May 30, 2001) (File No. 1-9553).


         Exhibit                  Description of Document
         -------                  -----------------------

           (b)      Amended and Restated By-laws of Viacom Inc. effective May 4,
                    2000 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 to the
                    Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by Viacom Inc.)
                    (File No. 333-88613).

      (4)           Instruments defining the rights of security holders,
                    including indentures

           (a)      Specimen certificate representing Viacom Inc. Class A Common
                    Stock (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the
                    Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by Viacom Inc.)
                    (File No. 33-13812).

           (b)      Specimen certificate representing Viacom Inc. Class B Common
                    Stock (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to the
                    Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Viacom Inc. for the quarter
                    ended June 30, 1990) (File No. 1-9553).

           (c)      The instruments defining the rights of holders of the
                    long-term debt securities of Viacom Inc. and its
                    subsidiaries are omitted pursuant to section (b)(4)(iii)(A)
                    of Item 601 of Regulation S-K. Viacom Inc. hereby agrees to
                    furnish copies of these instruments to the Securities and
                    Exchange Commission upon request.

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K.

         Current Report on Form 8-K of Viacom Inc filed on May 30, 2001, with
         respect to the filing by Viacom Inc. with the Secretary of State of
         Delaware of a Certificate of Amendment to its Restated Certificate of
         Incorporation and a Certificate of Elimination of Series C Preferred
         Stock of Viacom Inc.

         Current Report on Form 8-K of Viacom Inc. filed on June 1, 2001, with
         respect to the sale by Viacom Inc. of $1.4 billion of global debt



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                        VIACOM INC.

Date       August 14, 2001                 /s/ Richard Bressler
     ---------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                           Richard Bressler
                                           Senior Executive Vice President and
                                           Chief Financial Officer

Date       August 14, 2001                 /s/ Susan C. Gordon
     ---------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                           Susan C. Gordon
                                           Vice President, Controller,
                                           Chief Accounting Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

           Exhibit                        Description of Document
           -------                        -----------------------

         (2)        Plan of Acquisition

               (a)  Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as
                    of September 6, 1999, as amended and restated as of October
                    8, 1999 and as of November 23, 1999, among Viacom Inc., CBS
                    Corporation and Viacom/CBS LLC (incorporated by reference to
                    Exhibit 2.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed
                    by Viacom Inc.) (File No. 333-88613).

               (b)  Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 30, 2000,
                    among Viacom Inc., IBC Merger Corp. and Infinity
                    Broadcasting Corporation (incorporated by reference to
                    Exhibit 99.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of Viacom
                    Inc. filed on October 31, 2000) (File No. 1-9553).

         (3)        Articles of Incorporation and By-laws

               (a)  Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Viacom Inc.
                    effective May 4, 2000 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                    3.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by
                    Viacom Inc.) (File No. 333-88613), as amended by the
                    Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of
                    Viacom Inc. dated May 23, 2001, and the Certificate of
                    Elimination of Series C Preferred Stock of Viacom Inc. dated
                    May 23, 2001 (incorporated by reference to Exhibits 99.1 and
                    99.2, respectively, to the Current Report on Form 8-K of
                    Viacom Inc. filed on May 30, 2001) (File No. 1-9553).

               (b)  Amended and Restated By-laws of Viacom Inc. effective May 4,
                    2000 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 to the
                    Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by Viacom Inc.)
                    (File No. 333-88613).

         (4)        Instruments defining the rights of security holders,
                    including indentures

               (a)  Specimen certificate representing the Viacom Inc. Class A
                    Common Stock (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to
                    the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed by Viacom Inc.)
                    (File No. 33-13812).

               (b)  Specimen certificate representing Viacom Inc. Class B Common
                    Stock (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to the
                    Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Viacom Inc. for the quarter
                    ended June 30, 1990) (File No. 1-9553).

               (c)  The instruments defining the rights of holders of the
                    long-term debt securities of Viacom Inc. and its
                    subsidiaries are omitted pursuant to section (b)(4)(iii)(A)
                    of Item 601 of Regulation S-K. Viacom Inc. hereby agrees to
                    furnish copies of these instruments to the Securities and
                    Exchange Commission upon request.
