WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                For the quarterly period ended December 30, 2001

                          Commission file number 1-5560

                             ALPHA INDUSTRIES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                     DELAWARE                                    04-2302115
          (State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
          incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)

       20 SYLVAN ROAD, WOBURN, MASSACHUSETTS                        01801
     (Address of principal executive offices)                    (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:            (781) 935-5150

        Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. [X] Yes [ _ ] No

        Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                  CLASS                         OUTSTANDING AT JANUARY 27,2002
                  -----                         ------------------------------
 COMMON STOCK, PAR VALUE $.25 PER SHARE                   44,227,173

                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


      Item 1 - Financial Statements

           Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 30, 2001 (Unaudited) and April 1, 2001...........     3

           Consolidated Statements of Operations - Three Month and Nine Month Periods Ended
           December 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 (Unaudited)......................................    4

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Nine Month Periods Ended
           December 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 (Unaudited)......................................    5

           Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.......................................    6

      Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
           and Results of Operations................................................................    9


      Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.....................................................    14



Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                                                                                      DEC. 30,          APRIL 1,
                                                                                                        2001              2001
    Current assets
           Cash and cash equivalents............................................................  $       45,888     $      68,802
           Short-term investments (note 2)......................................................          83,622            84,982
           Accounts receivable, trade, less allowance for doubtful
                 accounts of $1,046 and $921....................................................          27,112            36,984
           Inventories (note 3)................................................................           10,223            15,661
           Prepayments and other current assets.................................................           4,848             3,169
           Prepaid income taxes.................................................................           5,951               735
           Deferred income taxes................................................................           8,599             9,668
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total current assets.......................................................         186,243           220,001
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
    Property, plant and equipment, less accumulated depreciation and
           amortization of $93,270 and $78,247..................................................         131,359           114,196
    Other assets................................................................................           7,302             2,822
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total assets................................................................ $      324,904     $     337,019
                                                                                                  ==============     =============

    Current liabilities
           Current maturities of long-term debt.................................................  $          129     $         129
           Accounts payable.....................................................................          12,185            20,820
           Accrued liabilities
             Payroll and related expenses.......................................................           4,123             7,283
             Other accrued liabilities..........................................................           3,327             3,481
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total current liabilities..................................................          19,764            31,713
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
    Long-term debt, less current maturities.....................................................             139               235
    Other long-term liabilities.................................................................           2,461             2,081
    Deferred income taxes.......................................................................           2,742             3,812
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total liabilities..........................................................          25,106            37,841
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------

    Commitments and contingencies (note 6)
    Stockholders' equity
           Common stock par value $.25 per share: authorized
             100,000,000 shares; issued 44,184,177 and 43,520,880 shares........................          11,046            10,880
           Additional paid-in capital...........................................................         231,360           221,147
           Retained earnings....................................................................          57,392           67,179
           Less - Treasury shares of  --- and 26,539 at cost....................................             ---                28
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total stockholders' equity.................................................         299,798           299,178
                                                                                                  --------------     -------------
                     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity.................................  $      324,904     $     337,019
                                                                                                  ==============     =============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

(In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                           THREE MONTH                        NINE MONTH
                                                                          PERIODS ENDED                      PERIODS ENDED
                                                                     DEC. 30,        DEC. 31,          DEC. 30,        DEC. 31,
                                                                       2001            2000              2001            2000
    Net sales................................................     $     33,090     $    78,684       $    98,312      $217,573
      Cost of sales..........................................           21,935          42,326            67,718       117,930
      Research and development expenses......................            9,557           9,534            29,266        26,243
      Selling and administrative expenses....................            5,546          11,405            18,317        32,146
       Merger-related expenses...............................            2,128             ---             2,128         1,786
                                                                  ------------     -----------       -----------      --------
    Operating (loss) income..................................           (6,076)         15,419           (19,117)       39,468
    Interest expense.........................................               (7)            (16)              (36)          (54)
    Interest income and other, net...........................            1,188           2,143             4,546         6,022
                                                                  ------------     -----------       -----------      --------
    (Loss) income before income taxes........................           (4,895)         17,546           (14,607)       45,436
    (Benefit) provision for income taxes.....................           (1,615)          5,966            (4,820)       15,448
                                                                  -------------    -----------       -----------      --------
    Net (loss) income........................................     $     (3,280)    $    11,580       $    (9,787)     $ 29,988
                                                                  =============    ===========       ===========      ========
    Basic (loss) earnings per share..........................     $      (0.07)    $      0.27       $     (0.22)     $   0.70
                                                                  =============    ===========       ===========      ========
    Diluted (loss) earnings per share........................     $      (0.07)    $      0.26       $     (0.22)     $   0.67
                                                                  =============    ===========       ===========      ========

    Shares used in computing:
    Basic (loss) earnings per share..........................           44,162          43,147            43,933        42,882
                                                                  ============     ===========       ===========      ========
    Diluted (loss) earnings per share........................           44,162          44,784            43,933        44,760
                                                                  ============     ===========       ===========      ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

(In thousands)

                                                                                                       NINE MONTH PERIODS ENDED
                                                                                                      DEC. 30,          DEC. 31,
                                                                                                        2001              2000
      Net (loss) income...........................................................................    $   (9,787)      $   29,988
      Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash provided by operations:
        Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment............................        15,532           11,492
        Net gain on sale of property, plant and equipment.........................................           (59)             (28)
        Deferred income taxes.....................................................................            (1)             ---
        Increase (decrease) in other long-term liabilities........................................           380              (33)
        (Increase) decrease in other assets.......................................................        (4,480)              66
        Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
          Accounts receivable ....................................................................         9,872          (18,719)
          Inventories.............................................................................         5,438           (4,576)
          Prepayments and other current assets....................................................        (6,895)          (5,514)
          Accounts payable........................................................................        (8,635)          (2,243)
          Other accrued liabilities and expenses..................................................         2,802           20,467
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
            Net cash provided by operations.......................................................         4,167           30,900
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
         Additions to property, plant and equipment...............................................       (32,779)         (38,140)
         Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment......................................           143               28
         Purchases of short-term investments......................................................      (110,990)         (94,257)
         Maturities of short-term investments.....................................................       112,350          104,620
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
            Net cash used in investing............................................................       (31,276)         (27,749)
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
      Payments on long-term debt..................................................................           (96)          (2,960)
      Proceeds from sale of stock.................................................................           366              238
      Exercise of stock options...................................................................         3,925            6,356
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
            Net cash provided by financing........................................................         4,195            3,634
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
    Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents..........................................       (22,914)           6,785
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period................................................        68,802           23,219
                                                                                                      ----------       ----------
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of period......................................................    $   45,888       $   30,004
                                                                                                      ==========       ==========


Supplemental cash flow disclosures:
              Cash paid for income taxes..........................................................    $      145       $   1,854
                                                                                                      ==========       =========
              Cash paid for interest..............................................................    $       34       $      51
                                                                                                      ==========       =========

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash operating activities:
             Tax benefit associated with the exercise of stock options............................    $    4,878       $  16,150
                                                                                                      ==========       =========
             Compensation expense related to stock options........................................    $       89       $     137
                                                                                                      ==========       =========
             Contribution of treasury shares to Savings and Retirement Plan.......................    $      423       $   1,077
                                                                                                      ==========       =========
             Contribution of common shares to Savings and Retirement Plan.........................    $      726             ---
                                                                                                      ==========       =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries



The interim financial information included herein is unaudited. In addition, the
financial information does not include all disclosures required under accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America because certain
footnote information included in the Company's annual report to shareholders has
been omitted and such information should be read in conjunction with the prior
year's annual report. However, the financial information reflects all
adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) that are, in the
opinion of management, necessary to a fair statement of the results for the
interim periods. The Company considers the disclosures adequate to make the
information presented not misleading.


The Company's short-term investments are classified as held-to-maturity. These
investments consist primarily of commercial paper and securities issued by
various federal agencies and corporations with original maturities of more than
90 days and less than one year. Such short-term investments are carried at
amortized cost, which approximates fair value, due to the short period of time
to maturity. Gains and losses are included in investment income in the period
they are realized.


                                                                                       DEC. 30,           APRIL 1,
    Inventories consist of the following:                                                2001               2001
                                                                                            (in thousands)
      Raw materials.............................................................    $     3,793           $    5,187
      Work-in-process...........................................................          4,434                7,868
      Finished goods............................................................          1,996                2,606
                                                                                    -----------           ----------
                                                                                    $    10,223           $   15,661
                                                                                    ===========           ==========


The Company is organized into two reportable segments as follows:


The Semiconductor Products segment designs and manufactures gallium arsenide
integrated circuits, other discrete semiconductors and multi-chip modules
primarily for the global wireless communications and broadband markets.


The Ceramic Products segment designs and manufactures technical ceramic and
magnetic products for the global wireless infrastructure and broadband markets.


Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries



The table below presents selected financial data by business segment for the
periods indicated.

                                                              THREE MONTH                              NINE MONTH
                                                             PERIODS ENDED                            PERIODS ENDED
                                                  ------------------------------------     ---------------------------------
                                                      DEC. 30,            DEC. 31,            DEC. 30,            DEC. 31,
                                                        2001                2000                2001                2000
                                                  ----------------     ---------------     ---------------      ------------
                                                                                 (in thousands)
Net Sales
Semiconductor Products..........................  $       26,463       $       65,866      $       79,454       $    179,796
Ceramic Products................................           6,627               12,818              18,858             37,777
                                                  --------------       --------------      --------------       ------------
                                                  $       33,090       $       78,684      $       98,312       $    217,573
                                                  ==============       ==============      ==============       ============

Operating (Loss) Income
Semiconductor Products..........................  $       (4,238)      $       13,179       $     (16,543)      $     34,799
Ceramic Products................................             290                2,240                (446)             6,455
Merger-related expenses.........................          (2,128)                 ---              (2,128)            (1,786)
                                                  --------------       --------------       --------------      ------------
                                                  $       (6,076)      $       15,419       $     (19,117)      $     39,468
                                                  ==============       ==============       ==============      ============

                                                                                              DEC. 30,             APRIL 1,
                                                                                                2001                 2001
                                                                                           ---------------      ------------
                                                                                                      (in thousands)
Net Long-Lived Assets
Semiconductor Products..............................................................       $      115,289       $     97,568
Ceramic Products....................................................................               16,070             16,628
                                                                                           --------------       ------------
                                                                                           $      131,359       $    114,196
                                                                                           ==============       ============
Total Assets
Semiconductor Products..............................................................       $      143,058       $    138,614
Ceramic Products....................................................................               26,626             29,217
Corporate     ......................................................................              155,220            169,188
                                                                                           --------------       ------------
                                                                                           $      324,904       $    337,019
                                                                                           ==============       ============

                                                                                                NINE MONTH PERIODS ENDED
                                                                                              DEC. 30,            DEC. 31,
                                                                                                2001               2000
                                                                                           --------------       ------------
                                                                                                      (in thousands)
Total Capital Expenditures
Semiconductor Products.............................................................        $       31,078       $     33,360
Ceramic Products...................................................................                 1,701              4,780
                                                                                           --------------       ------------
                                                                                           $       32,779       $     38,140
                                                                                           ==============       ============


During the three months ended December 30, 2001, one customer accounted for
approximately 34% of the Company's net sales. During the three months ended
December 31, 2000, two customers accounted for approximately 27% and 10%,
respectively, of the Company's net sales. For the nine months ended December 30,
2001, one customer accounted for approximately 32% of the Company's net sales.
For the nine months ended December 31, 2000, two customers accounted for
approximately 28% and 13%, respectively, of the Company's net sales. As of
December 30, 2001 and April 1, 2001, one customer accounted for approximately
29% and 16%, respectively, of the Company's gross accounts receivable.


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries



A reconciliation of the weighted average number of shares outstanding used in
the computation of the basic and diluted (loss) earnings per share for the three
month and nine month periods ended December 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 is as

                                                                  THREE MONTH                              NINE MONTH
                                                                 PERIODS ENDED                            PERIODS ENDED
                                                     --------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
                                                         DEC. 30,             DEC. 31,             DEC. 30,            DEC. 31,
                                                           2001                 2000                 2001                2000
                                                      ----------------     ----------------    ----------------     ---------------
                                                                                      (in thousands)
Weighted average shares (basic)....................        44,162                43,147              43,933               42,882

Effect of dilutive stock options...................           ---                 1,637                 ---                1,878
                                                         --------             ---------           ---------            ---------

Weighted average shares (diluted)..................        44,162                44,784              43,933               44,760
                                                         ========             =========           =========            =========

For the periods ended December 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000, options to
purchase approximately 6.6 million and 1.2 million shares, respectively, were
outstanding but not included in the computation of diluted (loss) earnings per
share because their effect would have been antidilutive.


The Company is party to suits and claims arising in the normal course of
business. Management believes these are adequately provided for or will result
in no material additional liability to the Company.


On December 16, 2001, the Company, Conexant Systems, Inc. (Conexant) and
Washington Sub, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Conexant, entered into a
definitive agreement providing for the combination of Conexant's wireless
business with the Company. Under the terms of the agreement, Conexant will spin
off its wireless business, including its gallium arsenide wafer fabrication
facility located in Newbury Park, California, but excluding certain assets and
liabilities, to be followed immediately by a merger of this wireless business
into the Company with the Company as the surviving company in the merger.
Immediately after the merger, the Company will have approximately 140 million
fully diluted shares outstanding, with current shareholders of the Company
owning approximately 33 percent and current shareholders of Conexant owning
approximately 67 percent of the Company's outstanding shares on a fully diluted

The merger is to be accounted for as a reverse acquisition whereby Conexant is
treated as the acquirer and Alpha as the acquiree primarily because Conexant
shareholders owned a majority of the combined company as of the announcement
date. Purchase accounting will be performed on Alpha based upon its fair market
value for a reasonable period of time before and after the announcement date of
the merger.

Upon completion of the merger, the Company will purchase Conexant's
semiconductor assembly, module manufacturing and test facility, located in
Mexicali, Mexico, and certain related operations, for $150 million. The Company
will be exploring options for financing this purchase.

The boards of directors of both the Company and Conexant have approved the
definitive agreement. Completion of the proposed merger is subject to
regulatory approvals, receipt of a ruling by the IRS that the Conexant wireless
business spin-off qualifies as tax-free, a Company shareholder vote to
approve the merger, and satisfaction of all other closing conditions. The
proposed merger is expected to be completed in the second quarter of calendar
year 2002.


Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                                 PART I - ITEM 2



We design, develop, manufacture and market proprietary radio frequency,
microwave frequency and millimeter wave frequency integrated circuits, discrete
semiconductors and integrated modules for the wireless and broadband
communications markets. We also design, develop, manufacture and market
proprietary technical ceramic and magnetic products for the wireless
infrastructure and broadband markets.


On December 16, 2001, the Company, Conexant Systems, Inc. (Conexant) and
Washington Sub, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Conexant, entered into a
definitive agreement providing for the combination of Conexant's wireless
business with the Company. Under the terms of the agreement, Conexant will spin
off its wireless business, including its gallium arsenide wafer fabrication
facility located in Newbury Park, California, but excluding certain assets and
liabilities, to be followed immediately by a merger of this wireless business
into the Company with the Company as the surviving company in the merger.
Immediately after the merger, the Company will have approximately 140 million
fully diluted shares outstanding, with current shareholders of the Company
owning approximately 33 percent and current shareholders of Conexant owning
approximately 67 percent of the Company's outstanding shares on a fully diluted

The merger is to be accounted for as a reverse acquisition whereby Conexant is
treated as the acquirer and Alpha as the acquiree primarily because Conexant
shareholders owned a majority of the combined company as of the announcement
date. Purchase accounting will be performed on Alpha based upon its fair market
value for a reasonable period of time before and after the announcement date of
the merger.

Upon completion of the merger, the Company will purchase Conexant's
semiconductor assembly, module manufacturing and test facility, located in
Mexicali, Mexico, and certain related operations, for $150 million. The Company
will be exploring options for financing this purchase.

The boards of directors of both the Company and Conexant have approved the
definitive agreement. Completion of the proposed merger is subject to
regulatory approvals, receipt of a ruling by the IRS that the Conexant wireless
business spin-off qualifies as tax-free, a Company shareholder vote to
approve the merger, and satisfaction of all other closing conditions. The
proposed merger is expected to be completed in the second quarter of calendar
year 2002.


The following table shows our statement of operations data as a percentage of
sales for the periods indicated.

                                                               THREE MONTH                              NINE MONTH
                                                              PERIODS ENDED                            PERIODS ENDED
                                                     --------------------------------        ---------------------------------
                                                       DEC. 30,           DEC. 31,              DEC. 30,           DEC. 31,
                                                         2001               2000                  2001               2000
                                                     --------------     -------------        --------------     --------------
Net sales..........................................      100.0%            100.0%                 100.0%            100.0%
Cost of sales .....................................       66.3              53.8                   68.9              54.2
                                                     ---------          --------              ---------          --------
Gross margin.......................................       33.7              46.2                   31.1              45.8
Research and development expenses..................       28.9              12.1                   29.8              12.1
Selling and administrative expenses................       16.8              14.5                   18.6              14.8
Merger-related expenses...........................         6.4               ---                    2.2               0.8
                                                     ---------          --------              ---------          --------
Operating (loss) income............................      (18.4)             19.6                  (19.4)             18.1
Other income, net..................................        3.6               2.7                    4.6               2.7
                                                     ---------          --------              ---------          --------
(Loss) income before income taxes..................      (14.8)             22.3                  (14.9)             20.9
(Benefit) provision for income taxes...............       (4.9)              7.6                   (4.9)              7.1
                                                     ----------         --------              ----------         --------
Net (loss) income.................................        (9.9)%            14.7%                 (10.0)%            13.8%
                                                     ==========         ========              ==========         ========

NET SALES. Net sales decreased 57.9% to $33.1 million for the three months ended
December 30, 2001 from $78.7 million for the same period last year. For the
first nine months of fiscal 2002, net sales decreased 54.8% to $98.3 million
from $217.6 million for the first nine months of fiscal 2001. Orders decreased
66.5% to $25.6 million for the three months ended December 30, 2001, compared
with $76.4 million for the same period last year. The decline in net sales and
orders continues to be the result of a downturn in the wireless handset,
wireless infrastructure and broadband markets. This downturn had a significant
effect on both of our business segments: Semiconductor Products and Ceramic
Products. Deliveries to one customer represented approximately 34% of our total
net sales for the three months ended December 30, 2001 compared to two
customers, which represented approximately 27% and 10%, respectively, of our
total net sales for the same period last year. Deliveries to one customer
represented approximately 32% of our total net sales for the first nine months
of fiscal 2002 compared to two customers, which represented approximately 28%
and 13%, respectively, of our total net sales for the comparable period last

GROSS PROFIT. Gross profit decreased 69.3% to $11.2 million or 33.7% of net
sales for the three months ended December 30, 2001 from $36.4 million or 46.2%
of net sales for the comparable period last year. For the first nine months of
fiscal 2002, gross profit decreased 69.3% to $30.6 million or 31.1% of net sales
compared with $99.6 million or 45.8% of net sales for the same period last year.
This decline continues to be the result of the decrease in net sales and the
resulting underutilization of manufacturing capacity.


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES. Research and development expenses increased
0.2% to $9.6 million or 28.9% of net sales for the three months ended December
30, 2001 from $9.5 million or 12.1% of net sales for the comparable period last
year. For the first nine months of fiscal 2002, research and development
expenses increased 11.5% to $29.3 million or 29.8% of net sales from $26.2
million or 12.1% of net sales for the comparable period last year. The increase
in research and development expenses continues to be the result of our
commitment to design new products and processes and address new opportunities to
meet our customers' demands. This sustained effort to meet our customers'
changing product requirements is highlighted by our focus on the migration from
individual chips to integrated radio frequency module solutions.

SELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. Selling and administrative expenses
decreased 51.4% to $5.5 million or 16.8% of net sales for the three months ended
December 30, 2001 from $11.4 million or 14.5% of net sales for the comparable
period last year. For the nine months ended December 30, 2001, selling and
administrative expenses decreased $13.8 million to $18.3 million or 18.6% of net
sales from $32.1 million or 14.8% of net sales for the comparable period last
year. The decline in selling and administrative expenses was primarily
attributable to a reduction in workforce, reduced discretionary spending and a
reduction in sales commission expenses.

During the three months and nine months ended December 30, 2001, we incurred
approximately $2.1 million in merger-related expenses associated with our
proposed merger with the wireless business of Conexant Systems, Inc. (Conexant),
which was announced on December 17, 2001. During the nine months ended December
31, 2000, we incurred approximately $1.8 million in expenses associated with our
acquisition of Network Device, Inc. (NDI), which was completed on April 24,

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE), NET. Other income, net, for the three months and nine
months ended December 30, 2001 decreased $946,000 and $1.5 million,
respectively, over the comparable periods last year. These decreases were
primarily attributable to a decline in interest income as a result of lower
interest rates.

BENEFIT FOR INCOME TAXES. The benefit for income taxes has been recorded based
on the current estimate of our effective tax rate of 33%. This rate differs from
the statutory federal income tax rate primarily because of state and federal tax
credits. Our effective tax rate for the full fiscal year may be modified based
on future operating results.


The table below displays net sales and operating income by business segment for
the periods indicated. Merger related expenses which, are not related to a
specific business segment, are illustrated separately below.

                                                         THREE MONTH                           NINE MONTH
                                                        PERIODS ENDED                         PERIODS ENDED
                                                 ------------------------------     ----------------------------------
                                                    DEC. 30,         DEC. 31,           DEC. 30,            DEC. 31,
                                                      2001            2000                2001                2000
                                                 -------------    -------------     --------------     ---------------
                                                                          (in thousands)
  Net sales
  Semiconductor Products.......................  $     26,463     $     65,866      $      79,454      $      179,796
  Ceramic Products.............................         6,627           12,818             18,858              37,777
                                                 ------------     ------------      -------------      --------------
                                                 $     33,090     $     78,684      $      98,312      $      217,573
                                                 ============     ============      =============      ==============

  Operating (Loss) Income
  Semiconductor Products.......................  $    (4,238)     $     13,179      $     (16,543)     $       34,799
  Ceramic Products.............................          290             2,240               (446)              6,455
  Merger-related expenses......................       (2,128)              ---             (2,128)             (1,786)
                                                 ------------     ------------      -------------      --------------
                                                 $    (6,076)     $     15,419      $     (19,117)     $       39,468
                                                 ============     ============      =============      ==============


Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS. Net sales for the Semiconductor Products segment
decreased 59.8% to $26.5 million for the three months ended December 30, 2001
from $65.9 million for the same period last year. For the first nine months of
fiscal 2002, net sales for the Semiconductor Products segment decreased 55.8% to
$79.5 million from $179.8 million for the same period last year. The decrease
was primarily attributable to a downturn in both of our targeted markets,
wireless communications and broadband.

Operating (loss) income for the Semiconductor Products segment decreased to an
operating loss of $4.2 million and $16.5 million, respectively, for the three
months and nine months ended December 30, 2001 compared to operating income of
$13.2 million and $34.8 million, respectively, for the comparable periods last
year. The decline was primarily the result of lower revenue, underutilization of
capacity and the continued investment in research and development during the
three months ended December 30, 2001 and first nine months of fiscal 2002 when
compared to the same periods last year.

CERAMIC PRODUCTS. Net sales for the Ceramic Products segment for the three
months ended December 30, 2001 decreased 48.3% to $6.6 million from $12.8
million for the same period last year. For the first nine months of fiscal 2002,
net sales for the Ceramic Products segment decreased 50.1% to $18.9 million from
$37.8 million for the same period last year. The decline was primarily
attributable to a downturn in the wireless infrastructure and broadband markets.

Operating income for the Ceramic Products segment for the three months ended
December 30, 2001 decreased 87.1% to $290,000 from $2.2 million for the same
period last year. For the first nine months of fiscal 2002, operating (loss)
income for the Ceramic Products segment decreased to an operating loss of
$446,000 compared to operating income of $6.5 million for the comparable period
last year. The decline was primarily the result of lower revenue generated
during the three months ended December 30, 2001 and first nine months of fiscal
2002 when compared to the same periods last year.


During the three months and nine months ended December 30, 2001, we incurred
approximately $2.1 million in merger-related expenses associated with our
proposed merger with Conexant's wireless business, which was announced on
December 17, 2001. During the nine months ended December 31, 2000, we incurred
approximately $1.8 million in expenses associated with our acquisition of NDI,
which was completed on April 24, 2000.


At December 30, 2001, working capital totaled $166.5 million and included $129.5
million in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments. Annualized
inventory turns for the nine months ended December 30, 2001 decreased to 8.8,
compared to 9.5 for the comparable period last year. Additionally, days sales
outstanding included in accounts receivable for the nine months ended December
30, 2001 increased to 75 days compared to 66 days for the comparable period last
year. We continued to manage our working capital during the downturn in the
wireless communications and broadband markets. We reduced inventory levels and
managed our investment in capital expenditures, while maintaining our commitment
to investment in research and development and maintaining our manufacturing

Capital expenditures for the nine months ended December 30, 2001 totaled $32.8
million. Of the $32.8 million, approximately $31.1 million related to the
Semiconductor Products segment as we continued our investment in major capital
initiatives in the semiconductor gallium arsenide (GaAs) wafer fabrication
operation and the integrated circuit (IC) and discrete semiconductor assembly
and test areas. We are creating a GaAs IC production line that will allow the
manufacture of product on six-inch wafers. As of December 30, 2001, we have
spent approximately $25 million on this production line and we expect to
complete this project within twelve months at an estimated cost of approximately
$30 million. Once this new six-inch wafer production line is in operation, we
plan to convert our existing four-inch wafer production areas to six-inch, as
future demand requires. Improvements in manufacturing capabilities at our
ceramics facilities accounted for approximately $1.7 million.


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

We believe that anticipated cash from operations and available funds, including
the net proceeds from our fiscal 2000 stock offering, will be adequate to fund
our currently planned working capital and capital expenditure requirements, at
least through fiscal 2002.


In July 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statements
No. 141, "Business Combinations" (SFAS 141), and No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangibles" (SFAS 142). SFAS 141 requires the use of the purchase method of
accounting and prohibits the use of the pooling-of-interest method of accounting
for business combinations. SFAS 141 also requires that the Company recognize
acquired intangible assets apart from goodwill if the acquired intangible assets
meet certain criteria. SFAS 141 applies to all business combinations initiated
after June 30, 2001 and for purchase business combinations completed on or after
July 1, 2001. The Company has adopted the provisions of SFAS 141.

SFAS 142 requires, among other things, that companies no longer amortize
goodwill, but instead test goodwill for impairment at least annually. In
addition, SFAS 142 requires that the Company identify reporting units for the
purposes of assessing potential future impairments of goodwill, reassess the
useful lives of other existing recognized intangible assets, and cease
amortization of intangible assets with an indefinite useful life. An intangible
asset with an indefinite useful life should be tested for impairment in
accordance with the guidance in SFAS 142. SFAS 142 is required to be applied in
fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001 to all goodwill and other
intangible assets recognized at that date, regardless of when those assets were
initially recognized.

In October 2001, the FASB issued Statement No. 144, "Accounting for the
Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" (SFAS 144). SFAS 144 supersedes
SFAS 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived
Assets to Be Disposed Of" and the accounting and reporting provisions of
Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30 for the disposal of a business
segment. SFAS 144 establishes a single accounting model, based on the framework
established in SFAS 121, for long-lived assets to be disposed of by sale. The
Statement also broadens the presentation of discontinued operations to include
disposals of a component of an entity and provides additional implementation
guidance with respect to the classification of assets as held-for-sale and the
calculation of an impairment loss. The Company is required to adopt SFAS 144
effective April 1, 2002. The adoption of SFAS 144 is not expected to have a
material impact on the Company's financial statements.


Safe Harbor Statement - Except for the historical information, this report
contains forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current
expectations and predictions of future results, accomplishments and other
matters, all of which are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual
results may differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking
statements, based on various factors. Such factors include, but are not limited
to: variations in projected financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal
year 2002 and fiscal year 2002, expected benefit, timing and success of our
product development efforts, our ability to maintain and improve product yields,
to participate in new wireless interface standards and applications, and to
develop and market new products and technologies, the timing and extent of
recovery in the infrastructure, broadband and wireless markets, the success of
our various strategic relationships, our ability to predict customer orders, the
disproportionate impact of our business relationships with our larger customers,
erosion of selling prices or margins, modification of our plans or intentions,
and market developments, competitive pressures and changes in economic
conditions that vary from our expectations. Furthermore, additional factors
relate to our proposed merger with the wireless communications business of
Conexant Systems, Inc., including but not limited to the following: the expected
benefits and timing of the merger, our ability to successfully integrate the
merged businesses, operations, personnel and customers, and our ability to
accurately forecast the financial results and prospects of the post-merger
enterprise. Additional information on these and other factors that may cause
actual results and our performance to differ materially is included in the
Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
including but not limited to our Form 10-K for the year ended April 1, 2001 and
subsequently filed Forms 10-Q and Form 8-K. Copies may be obtained by contacting
the Company or the SEC. We caution readers not to place undue reliance upon any
such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. We do not
undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any
updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in
our expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstance on which
any such statement is based.


Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


   (a)  Exhibits

        (2)  Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation or succession

             b) Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated as of December 16, 2001 by and among Conexant
                Systems, Inc., Washington Sub, Inc. and Alpha Industries, Inc. (excluding exhibits). (1)

             c) Contribution and Distribution Agreement dated as of December 16, 2001 by and between
                Conexant Systems, Inc. and Washington Sub, Inc. (excluding exhibits). (1)

             d) Mexican Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of December 16, 2001 by and between
                Conexant Systems, Inc. and Alpha Industries, Inc. (excluding exhibits). (1)

             e) U.S. Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of December 16, 2001 by and between Conexant
                Systems, Inc. and Alpha Industries, Inc. (excluding exhibits). (1)

   (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

             On December 19, 2001, a Form 8-K was filed stating that the Company entered into an Agreement
             and Plan of Reorganization dated as of December 16, 2001 with Conexant Systems, Inc. and
             Washington Sub, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Conexant.

(1) Incorporated by reference to the exhibits filed with our Form 8-K dated
December 16, 2001.


                                         Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries


        Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date: February 8, 2002

                     Alpha Industries, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                /s/ David J. Aldrich
                David J. Aldrich
                Chief Executive Officer

                /s/ Paul E. Vincent
                Paul E. Vincent
                Chief Financial Officer
                Principal Financial Officer
                Principal Accounting Officer
