Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri Third Quarter 2015 Results

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri (NYSE:TKC) (BIST:TCELL):

  • Please note that all financial data is consolidated and comprises that of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., (the “Company”, or “Turkcell”) and its subsidiaries and associates (together referred to as the “Group”). All non-financial data is unconsolidated and comprises Turkcell Turkey only figures. As previously announced, starting from Q115, "Turkcell Turkey" comprises all of our telecom related businesses in Turkey (as used in our previous releases, this term covered only mobile businesses). The terms "we", "us", and "our" in this press release refer only to Turkcell Turkey, except in discussions of financial data, where such terms refer to the Group, and except where context otherwise requires.
  • In this press release, a year-on-year comparison of our key indicators is provided and figures in parentheses following the operational and financial results for September 30, 2015 refer to the same item as at September 30, 2014. For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at and for September 30, 2015, which can be accessed via our website in the investor relations section (www.turkcell.com.tr).
  • Please note that selected financial information presented in this press release for the third quarter of 2014, and second and third quarters of 2015, both in TRY and US$, is based on IFRS figures.
  • In the tables used in this press release totals may not foot due to rounding differences. The same applies for the calculations in the text.
  • Year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter percentage comparisons appearing in this press release reflect mathematical calculation.


  • Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell Group registered all-time-high quarterly revenue and EBITDA.
  • Turkcell Turkey revenues, comprising 91% of Group revenues, rose by 9.9% to TRY3,074 million (TRY2,797 million) with a 0.8pp higher EBITDA margin of 34.5% (33.7%). This was driven by continued growth in mobile and fixed broadband revenues along with mobile services.
  • Turkcell Turkey’s outstanding financial performance was backed by solid operational results.
    • We gained 271 thousand customers, all through postpaid net additions of 278 thousand.
    • Smartphone penetration reached 49%.
    • ARPU reached the highest level of the recent periods in the mobile market, up by 9.7% to TRY26.1, through a larger postpaid base (47.1%), higher data usage (1.6GB per user per month), increased mobile service revenues and tariff adjustments.
  • Group revenues grew by 6.4% to TRY3,364 million (TRY3,162 million), mainly driven by growth in Turkcell Turkey.
    • Group EBITDA1 rose by 10.5% to TRY1,161 million (TRY1,050 million) leading to an increased EBITDA margin of 34.5% (33.2%), notably up by 1.3pp year-on-year. This marked one of the highest EBITDA margin prints of recent years.
    • Proforma net income (excluding non-recurring items2), increased by 17.8% to TRY707 million (TRY600 million). Reported Group net income as per IFRS was TRY630 million (TRY755 million).
  • Turkcell International revenues, constituting 7% of Group revenues, were at TRY235 million (TRY305 million), impacted by devaluation, while the EBITDA margin rose 5.3pp to 29.6% (24.3%).
  • Reflecting our strategic priority of improved balance sheet structure, we restructured the debt of Astelit and BeST, eliminating the foreign exchange exposure risk on the debt of these operations.
  • Turkcell won 47% of the total 4.5G spectrum tender. As of April 1, 2016, we will be the only operator to provide the fastest speed of 375 Mbps that this technology enables.
  • Turkcell became the only Turkish company with an investment grade rating from three agencies.
  • We raised close to USD2.9 billion in funds, including US$500 million Eurobond, within a short period of 2 months for infrastructure investments, restructuring of existing debt, and possible new investment opportunities.
    • We completed US$500 million Eurobond issuance on October 15, 2015. Oversubscribed by almost 4 times, this Eurobond was the first and only issuance made in 2015 by a Turkish company from the non-financial services sector.
  • Given our first nine months' performance, and on the basis of current market conditions, we are upgrading our EBITDA target for the full year*. Thus, we are targeting an EBITDA margin of 32.0%-32.5%, up from the 31%-32% range. Further, we have revised our revenue growth forecast to 10% for Turkcell Turkey and 6% for the Group from the previous 6%-9% range.

(1)EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 14 for the reconciliation of an explanation of how we calculate Adjusted EBITDA to net income.
(2)Net Income excluding FX Gain/(Loss) (including tax and minority impact), monetary Gain (inflation impact), interest Income on time deposit, one -off items.
(*) Please note that this paragraph contains forward looking statements based on our current estimates and expectations regarding market conditions for each of our different businesses. No assurance can be given that actual results will be consistent with such estimates and expectations. For a discussion of factors that may affect our results, see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2014 filed with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in particular, the risk factor section therein.
(*)For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at and for September 30, 2015 which can be accessed via our web site in the investor relations section (www.turkcell.com.tr).


“Encouraged by double record, we have raised our EBITDA target

Third quarter is marked with our bold steps, crowned by solid financial and operational results. In this period, we, once again, earned the confidence of the financial markets in Turkey and Turkcell. Therefore, we are glad to present an outstanding performance, recorded in a tough macroeconomic environment, and one that reflects the harmony between the Board of Directors, senior management and our team.

Turkcell Turkey and Turkcell Group generated their all-time-highest revenue and EBITDA. Turkcell Turkey’s revenues, accounting for 91% of total Group revenues, increased 9.9%, generating an EBITDA margin of 34.5%. Group revenues reached TRY3,364 million on 6.4% growth, while EBITDA rose 10.5% to TRY1,161 million. The EBITDA margin rose 1.3 percentage points to 34.5%. Proforma Group net income (excluding non-recurring items1), reached TRY707 million on 17.8% growth, while the reported net income as per IFRS was TRY630 million.

Based on our nine months' Group performance of 5.5% revenue growth with an EBITDA margin of 32.7%, we expect to exceed our full year EBITDA target*. In this regard, we have upgraded our full year EBITDA margin guidance range to 32%-32.5% from 31%-32%, and revised our revenue growth forecast to 10% for Turkcell Turkey and 6% for the Group from the previous 6%-9% range.

Our postpaid customer base has continued to grow; total customers has exceeded 34 million

While our total customer base grew by 271 thousand, blended mobile ARPU increased by 9.7% year-on-year to TRY26.1, the highest level in the mobile sector for the quarter. This achievement came on the back of a 278 thousand quarterly increase of postpaid customer base, which has exceed 16 million, increased mobile services and data usage, and tariff adjustments. With 74 thousand net additions, our fixed broadband customer base exceeded 1.4 million, while residential fixed ARPU reached TRY49.1.

BiP becomes global; demand for Turkcell TV sustains its momentum

We continued to create value for our customers through our services and solutions which we serve through our superior network. Turkcell TV’s customer base, reaching 342 thousand with a 131 thousand quarterly increase, has emboldened us in our targets in this arena.

The number of downloads of BiP, which has recently begun to offer video and audio calling features, has reached 1.4 million. Shortly, we will launch BiP, which is already in use in Germany and Northern Cyprus besides Turkey, in Ukraine and Belarus. Meanwhile, Turkey’s most widely-used consumer cloud service, Turkcell Smart Storage’s active user base exceeded 1.3 million users and the number of downloads of Turkcell Music was almost 1.6 million in the first nine months of 2015.

We have once again confirmed our global credibility as Turkey, and as Turkcell in the international financial markets

Our new vision and the strategic steps we have taken towards achieving this vision were reflected in the financial markets. We have become the only Turkish company with an “investment grade” rating from all three major rating agencies. We raised close to US$2.9 billion in funds within a short period of 2 months for infrastructure investments, restructuring of existing debt, and possible new investment opportunities.

In this regard, first, we signed a long-term loan agreement with five banks for US$500 million and EUR445 million, unsecured and at favorable terms.

We issued a Eurobond in the amount of US$500 million. Our Eurobond issue, at a yield of 5.95 percent, was almost four times oversubscribed, and is the first and only Eurobond sale to be held in the international markets by a Turkish company from the non-financial sector in 2015.

Next, we signed a loan agreement package with China Development Bank for up to EUR500 million with a 2 year availability period, and for up to EUR750 million with a 3 year availability period.

These achievements, once again confirm our global credibility as Turkey, and as Turkcell.

(1)Net Income excluding FX Gain/(Loss) (including tax and minority impact), monetary Gain (inflation impact), interest Income on time deposit, one -off items

We invest in our future, while registering great accomplishments

This quarter, we have continued to invest in new technologies to strengthen our position as an integrated communication and technology services company, one of our strategic priorities. In this regard, we have acquired 47% of the frequency for EUR1.6 billion at the 4.5G tender, which we believe to be a significant milestone for the industry. Having paid the first installment of EUR706 million, including VAT, today, October 27, we received the authorization license at the signing ceremony. With the acquired frequencies and carrier aggregation, we will be the only operator in Turkey with the capability to provide the fastest 4.5G speed of 375 Mbps. Our 4.5G infrastructure, where we expect to offer mobile TV services, will have the technology to support 1Gbps speed with the availability of supporting terminals.

We have taken significant steps towards improving our balance sheet, thereby creating value for our shareholders. We have launched the process of establishing a consumer financing company to further facilitate the financing of the technology demand of our customers. Following the debt restructuring of our international subsidiary Astelit, the debt of BeST, our subsidiary in Belarus, has also been restructured, eliminating the foreign exchange risk arising from the debt of our international subsidiaries.

We are more confident about the future

Going forward, our key priorities will be to strengthen our position in the Turkish telecommunication market as an integrated player, to invest in our superior network infrastructure and to consider global expansion opportunities for further growth.

We would like to congratulate the Turkcell team and all of our stakeholders for their contribution to our success, and to thank our Board of Directors for their continued support.”

(*) Please note that this paragraph contains forward looking statements based on our current estimates and expectations regarding market conditions for each of our different businesses. No assurance can be given that actual results will be consistent with such estimates and expectations. For a discussion of factors that may affect our results, see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2014 filed with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in particular, the risk factor section therein.


The following discussion focuses principally on the developments and trends in our business in the third quarter of 2015 in TRY terms. Selected financial information presented in this press release for the third quarter of 2014, and the second and third quarters of 2015, both in TRY and US$ is based on IFRS figures.

Selected financial information presented in this press release for the third quarter of 2014, and the second and third quarters of 2015, both in TRY and in US$ prepared in accordance with IFRS, and in TRY prepared in accordance with Turkish Accounting standards, is also included at the end of this press release.

Financial Review of Turkcell Group

Profit & Loss Statement (million TRY)Q314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Total Revenue3,162.23,092.93,363.86.4%8.8%
Direct cost of revenues1 (1,880.2) (1,898.3) (1,987.8) 5.7%4.7%
Direct cost of revenues1/revenues(59.5%)(61.4%)(59.1%)0.4pp2.3pp
Depreciation and amortization (402.9) (409.5) (426.9) 6.0%4.2%
Gross Margin40.5%38.6%40.9%0.4pp2.3pp
Administrative expenses (138.0) (150.4) (168.2) 21.9%11.8%
Administrative expenses/revenues(4.4%)(4.9%)(5.0%)(0.6pp)(0.1pp)
Selling and marketing expenses (496.5) (458.9) (474.1) (4.5%)3.3%
Selling and marketing expenses/revenues(15.7%)(14.8%)(14.1%)1.6pp0.7pp
EBITDA Margin33.2%32.2%34.5%1.3pp2.3pp
Net finance income / (expense) 142.0 397.1 30.4 (78.6%)(92.3%)
Finance expense (83.7) 221.9 (144.7) 72.9%(165.2%)
Finance income 225.7 175.2 175.1 (22.4%)(0.1%)
Share of profit of associates 66.8 94.0 80.1 19.9%(14.8%)
Other income / (expense) 17.8 (123.4) (18.4) (203.4%)(85.1%)
Monetary gains / (losses) 48.3 - - --
Non-controlling interests 49.0 (100.5) (12.2) (124.9%)(87.9%)
Income tax expense (216.4) (140.5) (183.2) (15.3%)30.4%
Net Income755.0712.0630.4(16.5%)(11.5%)

(1) Including depreciation and amortization expenses.
(2) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 14 for the reconciliation of an explanation of how we calculate Adjusted EBITDA to net income.
(3) EBIT is a non-GAAP financial measure and is equal to EBITDA minus depreciation and amortization expenses.

Revenue of the Group grew by 6.4% year-on-year to TRY3,364 million (TRY3,162 million).

In the third quarter, competitive dynamics in Turkish telecoms market prevailed similar to previous quarters; yet, the quarter was seasonally favorable in terms of customer demand and usage. Meanwhile, higher data incentives in bundle offers led unit prices in the mobile market to decline further. Similarly, in the fixed broadband market, competition revolved around aggressively priced triple play offers. Converged offerings remain at an initial stage with no significant presence.

In this environment, Turkcell Turkey revenues rose by 9.9% to TRY3,074 million (TRY2,797 million) on 10.9% growth in consumer segment revenues to TRY2,402 million (TRY2,167 million) and a 6.5% increase in corporate segment revenues to TRY560 million (TRY525 million). The performance of key revenue drivers was as follows:

  • Consumer and Corporate revenues in total grew by 10.0% to TRY2,962 million (TRY2,692 million).
    • Voice revenues declined by 2.0% to TRY1,539 million (TRY1,570 million). The declining trend slowed down in Q315 mainly through increased consumption.
    • Data revenues increased by 34.2% to TRY975 million (TRY726 million) driven by growth of 37.2% in mobile broadband and 26.0% in fixed broadband revenues with higher smartphone penetration, a larger number of data users and the continued rise in data consumption.
    • Services and solutions revenues rose by 11.3% to TRY316 million (TRY284 million) with the 40.3% growth in services revenues, despite the continued decline in SMS revenues of 11.7%, reflecting the industry trend.
    • Other revenues, including mainly our retail and call center revenues, grew by 18.5% to TRY133 million (TRY112 million).
  • Wholesale revenues grew by 8.5% to TRY130 million (TRY120 million).

Turkcell International revenues fell by 22.9% to TRY235 million (TRY305 million), mainly due to year-on-year currency devaluation in Ukraine and Belarus.

Other subsidiaries'1 revenues, mainly comprised of our information and entertainment service revenues, contracted by 10.0% to TRY55 million (TRY61 million).

Operational expenses:

Decreased sales and marketing expenses along with lower direct cost of revenues led to improved operational expenses as a percentage of revenues, despite higher general administrative expenses.

Direct cost of revenues as a percentage of revenues declined to 59.1% (59.5%), mainly due to the decrease in interconnect costs (0.7pp), despite the increase in network related expenses (0.2pp) and other cost items (0.1pp) as a percentage of revenues.

Meanwhile, selling and marketing expenses fell by 1.6pp with the decline in selling expenses (1.3pp) on the back of value focused customer acquisition, lower marketing expenses (0.2pp) and other cost items (0.1pp).

EBITDA*grew by 10.5% to TRY1,161 million (TRY1,050 million) year-on-year, while the EBITDA margin reached 34.5% (33.2%) on 1.3pp growth driven by efficiency measures and a focus on higher value generating customers. The decline in selling and marketing expenses of 1.6pp and direct cost of revenues (excluding depreciation and amortization) of 0.3pp more than offset the rise in administrative expenses of 0.6pp.

The EBITDA of Turkcell International declined by 6.0% to TRY70 million (TRY74 million), impacted by the yearly currency devaluation in Ukraine and Belarus. Meanwhile, the EBITDA margin increased 5.3pp to 29.6% (24.3%) with strict operational expense management and the increased share of mobile broadband in the revenue mix of Astelit. The EBITDA of other subsidiaries1 declined by 13.0% to TRY29 million (TRY34 million).

Net finance income of TRY30 million (TRY142 million) was recorded in Q315. This was mainly driven by higher translation losses of TRY97 million (TRY55 million) along with the decline in interest earned on time deposits to TRY54 million (TRY152 million) on lower cash balance following the dividend distribution. Higher net finance income in Q215 was driven by increased translation gains due to positive quarterly currency movement impact from Ukraine and Turkey operations.

(*)EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 14 for the reconciliation of an explanation of how we calculate Adjusted EBITDA to net income.

(1)Other subsidiaries mainly comprise our information and entertainment services business and interbusiness eliminations.

Table: Translation gain and loss details

Million TRYQ314Q215Q315
Turkcell Turkey 135.0 96.6 (48.6)
Turkcell International (189.7) 164.3 (50.6)
Other Subsidiaries 0.2 0.2 1.9
Turkcell Group(54.5)261.1(97.3)

Income tax expense details in Q315 are presented in the table below:

Million TRYQ314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Current Tax expense (199.5) (145.2) (147.9) (25.9%)1.9%
Deferred Tax income/expense (16.9) 4.7 (35.3) 108.9%(851.1%)
Income Tax expense(216.4)(140.5)(183.2)(15.3%)30.4%

Net income, excluding non-recurring items, increased by 17.8% to TRY707 million (TRY600 million). Reported net income was TRY630 million (TRY755 million) on a 16.5% decline year-on-year, mainly due to higher translation losses and lower interest income earned on time deposits with the lower cash balance despite higher EBITDA registered. Further, no monetary gain was recorded in Q315 as inflationary accounting in Belarus was discontinued in Q115.

Other expenses in Q215 were higher compared to Q315 since we performed payments in relation to commercial agreement terminations. Further, non-controlling interests figure declined in Q315 on a quarter-on-quarter basis as we completed the acquisition of Astelit’s remaining shares in this quarter.

Total debt as of September 30, 2015 had decreased to TRY3,466.6 million (US$1,139.1 million) from TRY4,014.2 million (US$1,494.3 million) as of June 30, 2015 in consolidated terms. The decline in debt balance was mainly driven by the payments made to financial institutions in relation to Astelit’s debt restructuring. Turkcell Turkey’s debt balance was TRY817.0 million (US$268.5 million), of which TRY198.1 million (US$65.1 million) was denominated in US$. The debt balance of Astelit was TRY515.1 million (US$169.3 million), all denominated in local currency. Meanwhile, BeST had a debt balance of TRY7.9 million (US$2.6 million) and the whole amount was denominated in local currency. Remaining debt balance of TRY2,127.0 million (US$698.9 million) following the debt restructuring of Astelit and BeST, all of which is denominated in US$, is planned to be repaid to banks in October 2015 (US$689 million) and December 2015 (US$10 million).

TRY2,295.0 million (US$754.1 million) of our consolidated debt is set at a floating rate, while TRY2,884.3 million (US$947.8 million) will mature within less than a year. (Please note that the figures in parentheses refer to US$ equivalents).

This quarter, we have raised US$2.9 billion equivalent funding to be utilized on a needs basis, mainly to pay the license fee, infrastructure investments, refinancing of subsidiary debt and any other potential investments. The details of new funds are as follows:

  • Turkcell issued a Eurobond with an aggregate principal amount of US$500 million, 10-year maturity, redemption date of October 15, 2025 and a coupon rate of 5.75% based on a 5.95% reoffer yield.
  • Turkcell signed a loan agreement with China Development Bank for amounts of up to EUR500 and EUR750 million, with availability periods of 2 years and 3 years, respectively. The total loan package will have 10 years final maturity with a 3 year grace period and an annual interest rate of EURIBOR + 2.2%.
  • Turkcell signed a loan agreement with BNP Paribas, Citibank, HSBC, ING and Intesa Sanpaolo SpA for an amount of US$500 million and EUR445 million with an availability period until June 30, 2016. The unsecured loan has a 2 year grace period, a 5 year maturity and an annual interest rate of 3 month LIBOR/EURIBOR+ 2.00%.

Cash flow analysis: Capital expenditures, including non-operational items, amounted to TRY634 million in Q315, of which TRY506 million was related to Turkcell Turkey, and TRY126 million to Turkcell International. Net change in debt mainly relates to Astelit’s debt restructuring as explained in the total debt section. The cash flow item noted as “other” includes cash inflows in relation to foreign currency valuation impacts (TRY222 million), a decrease in advances given for fixed assets (TRY66 million), and cash outflows in relation to the corporate tax payment of Turkcell Iletisim (TRY110 million), the acquisition of Astelit’s remaining shares (TRY268 million) and other working capital (TRY4 million).

In the first nine months of the year, operational capital expenditures at the Group level amounted to TRY1,719 million and stood at 18% of Group revenues.

We opted to make the 4.5G license payment in four installments, and accordingly on October 26 we paid the first installment of EUR706 million, including VAT.

Consolidated Cash Flow (million TRY)Q314Q215Q315
Capex and License (555.1) (957.4) (634.4)
Turkcell Turkey (502.7) (683.3) (506.4)
Turkcell International2 (51.3) (263.8) (126.0)
Other Subsidiaries3 (1.1) (10.3) (2.0)
Net interest Income/ (expense) 196.5 136.0 127.8
Other4 219.4 114.6 (94.0)
Net Change in Debt (136.1) (239.0) (955.2)
Cash generated775.149.0(395.3)
Cash balance before dividend payment8,692.08,222.83,902.5
Dividend paid- (3,925.0) -
Cash balance after dividend payment8,692.04,297.83,902.5

(1)EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 14 for the reconciliation of an explanation of how we calculate Adjusted EBITDA to net income.
(2)The impact from the movement of reporting currency (TRY) against US$ is included in this line.
(3) Other subsidiaries comprise our information and entertainment services business and interbusiness eliminations.
(4)Other item in Q314 included cash inflows in relation to effects of foreign currency valuation on cash and cash equivalents (TRY164 million), decrease in advance payments for fixed asset purchases (TRY155 million), dividends received from Fintur (TRY92 million) and cash outflows in relation to corporate tax payment of Turkcell Iletisim (TRY121 million) and net working capital (TRY71 million).
Other item in Q215 included cash inflows of TRY333 million mainly relating to net working capital and cash outflow of TRY218 million comprised of corporate tax payment of Turkcell Iletisim.

Operational Review in Turkey

Summary of Operational dataQ314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Number of mobile subscribers (million)34.734.034.2(1.4%)0.6%
Postpaid 14.8 15.9 16.1 8.8%1.3%
Prepaid 19.9 18.1 18.1 (9.0%)-
Mobile ARPU (Average Monthly Revenue per User), blended (TRY)23.824.026.19.7%8.8%
Postpaid 39.4 38.0 40.4 2.5%6.3%
Prepaid 12.4 12.2 13.5 8.9%10.7%
Mobile ARPU (Average Monthly Revenue per User), blended (US$)
Postpaid 18.3 14.3 14.2 (22.4%)(0.7%)
Prepaid 5.8 4.6 4.8 (17.2%)4.3%
Mobile Churn (%)8.2%8.0%6.9%(1.3pp)(1.1pp)
Mobile MOU (Average Monthly Minutes of usage per subs)blended288.0302.0309.67.5%2.5%
Number of fixed subscribers (thousand)1,100.81,345.51,419.228.9%5.5%
Quarterly net additions69.
Fiber 685.5 817.6 851.6 24.2%4.2%
ADSL 415.3 528.0 567.6 36.7%7.5%
Fixed Residential ARPU, blended (TRY)47.347.949.13.8%2.5%

Mobile business KPIs:

Mobile customers in Turkey increased by 271 thousand net quarterly additions, reaching 34.2 million in total, driven by our attractive value propositions and improving customer churn in the prepaid segment. We gained 278 thousand postpaid net additions and accordingly, the share of postpaid customers reached 47.1% (42.6%).

Improvement in the churn rate by 1.3pp yearly reflects our focus on value-generating customers and targeted retention actions.

ARPU rose by 9.7% to TRY26.1 (TRY23.8) in Q315 with the continued favorable change in subscriber mix, our upsell strategy, increased mobile broadband usage, mobile services revenue growth and our focus on high value customer groups.

MoU rose by 7.5% to 309.6 minutes (288.0 minutes) driven by our increased postpaid base and upsell strategy.

Smartphone penetration on our network reached 49%, supporting higher data usage. Registering 1.4 million* quarterly additions, there were 15.2 million smartphones on our network as at the end of the quarter where one third are already 4G enabled.

Fixed business KPIs:

Turkcell Turkey's fixed business continued to grow, exceeding 1.4 million customers on the back of our expanding fiber network, strong sales force and customer care efforts. We gained 74 thousand net additions where 34 thousand are fiber and 40 thousand are ADSL subscribers. The Turkcell TV platform continued its growth momentum as penetration reached 171 thousand on 32 thousand net additions. Including mobile TV and web TV users, Turkcell TV users reached 342 thousand.

Fixed Residential ARPU improved by 3.8% to TRY49.1 (TRY47.3) positively impacted by the growth in triple play customers, comprising 19% of total fiber residential customers.

* Approximately 700 thousand of these smartphone net additions were due to an adjustment in relation to devices which were not previously classified as smartphones.


Astelit revenues grew by 3.3% in local currency terms. The growth rate was impacted by the absence of Crimean operations on a yearly comparison basis. Eliminating this impact, Astelit would have recorded 8.7% revenue growth.
Astelit recorded a solid 3.3pp improvement in EBITDA margin to 34.9% (31.6%), driven by effective cost management and an increased share of mobile broadband revenues on the back of 3G+ services. Astelit continued its 3G network roll-out, offering the fastest 3G network with triple carrier technology. Three-month active 3G data users on its network reached around 1.7 million, while smartphone users were 45% of the total. Mobile broadband has become the key growth driver for Astelit.
Although some easing in the macroeconomic environment was observed with a more stable currency rate, Astelit’s financials in Turkish Lira terms continued to be impacted by year-on-year devaluation of the local currency. Accordingly, Astelit’s revenues declined by 18.6% to TRY158 million (TRY194 million), while EBITDA fell by 10.1% to TRY55 million (TRY61 million). On the other hand, having completed the debt restructuring of Astelit, the foreign exchange exposure risk on this debt at the Group level was eliminated.
Astelit’s three-month active subscriber base reached 10.8 million (10.6 million) with 167 thousand quarterly net additions. Blended ARPU (3-month active) contracted by 3.2% to UAH36.7 (UAH37.9), mainly due to the lower frequency and duration of international calls. MoU (12-month active) fell by 13.5% to 145.4 minutes (168.1 minutes) due to changing consumer behavior.

Astelit*Q314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Number of subscribers (million)113.614.013.81.5%(1.4%)
Active (3 months)2 10.6 10.6 10.8 1.9%1.9%
MoU (minutes) (12 months)168.1152.8145.4(13.5%)(4.8%)
ARPU (Average Monthly Revenue per User), blended (US$)
Active (3 months) (US$) 3.0 1.6 1.7 (43.3%)6.3%
Active (3 months) (UAH) 37.9 34.5 36.7 (3.2%)6.4%
Revenue (million UAH)1,144.61,075.61,182.93.3%10.0%
Revenue (million TRY) 193.9 133.5 157.9 (18.6%)18.3%
Revenue (million US$)90.350.255.4(38.6%)10.4%
EBITDA (million UAH) 361.7 324.3 412.5 14.0%27.2%
EBITDA (million TRY)61.240.355.0(10.1%)36.5%
EBITDA(million US$) 28.5 15.2 19.3 (32.3%)27.0%
EBITDA margin (UAH)31.6%30.2%34.9%3.3pp4.7pp
EBITDA margin (TRY) 31.6% 30.2% 34.8% 3.2pp4.6pp
EBITDA margin (US$)31.6%30.2%34.9%3.3pp4.7pp
Net income / loss (million UAH)** (831.7) 1,776.7 (455.2) (45.3%)(125.6%)
Net income / loss (million TRY)**(139.0)209.6(58.9)(57.6%)(128.1%)
Net income / loss (million US$)** (66.8) 79.5 (21.4) (68.0%)(126.9%)
Capex (million UAH)211.01,530.1317.050.2%(79.3%)
Capex (million TRY) 36.6 255.3 114.6 213.1%(55.1%)
Capex (million US$)

(1) We may occasionally offer campaigns and tariff schemes that have an active subscriber life differing from the one that we normally use to deactivate subscribers and calculate churn.
(2) Active subscribers are those who in the past three months made a revenue generating activity.
(*) Since July 10, 2015, we hold a 100% stake in Astelit.
(**)During 3rd quarter of 2015, foreign exchange gains and losses arising from receivable from or payable to a foreign operation, the settlement of which is neither planned nor likely occur in the foreseeable future, have been considered to form part of a net investment in a foreign operation and are recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements. Exchange differences arising in the foreign operations’ individual financial statements which have been recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements have been eliminated from the individual financial statements above for reporting purposes.

BeST’s financial performance continued to be impacted by the macroeconomic environment in Belarus. The local currency further depreciated by 15% against the US$ during the quarter.

In TRY terms, BeST’s revenues remained nearly flat at TRY39 million (TRY40 million) with an improved EBITDA margin of 2.1% (2.0%). In local currency terms, however, revenues rose by 16.7% with the expanding three-month active subscriber base reaching 1.1 million along with increased voice and mobile broadband usage.

As disclosed, Best’s total existing intragroup loans were converted into a EUR$610 million subordinated loan, directly from Turkcell. Accordingly, the foreign currency exposure risk in relation to the debt of Belarusian operations has been eliminated from our Group financials.

BeST*Q314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Number of subscribers (million)
Active (3 months) 1.0 1.1 1.1 10.0%-
Revenue (billion BYR)194.1190.3226.616.7%19.1%
Revenue (million TRY) 40.2 34.1 39.3 (2.2%)15.2%
Revenue (million US$)18.712.913.8(26.2%)7.0%
EBITDA (billion BYR) 3.8 4.2 4.8 26.3%14.3%
EBITDA (million TRY)
EBITDA(million US$) 0.4 0.3 0.3 (25.0%)-
EBITDA margin (BYR)2.0%2.2%2.1%0.1pp(0.1pp)
EBITDA margin (TRY) 2.0% 2.2% 2.1% 0.1pp(0.1pp)
EBITDA margin (US$)2.0%2.2%2.1%0.1pp(0.1pp)
Net loss (billion BYR) (369.0) (643.4) (104.7) (71.6%)(83.7%)
Net loss (million TRY)(81.5)(115.0)(17.6)(78.4%)(84.7%)
Net loss (million US$) (33.6) (43.0) (6.2) (81.5%)(85.6%)
Capex (billion BYR)41.922.320.6(50.8%)(7.6%)
Capex (million TRY) 9.4 3.9 3.4 (63.8%)(12.8%)
Capex (million US$)

(*)BeST, in which we hold an 80% stake, has operated in Belarus since July 2008. As inflation accounting is ended starting from Q1’15, Q2’14 figures presented in the table are not inflation adjusted for comparative purposes.
(**)During 3rd quarter of 2015, foreign exchange gains and losses arising from receivable from or payable to a foreign operation, the settlement of which is neither planned nor likely occur in the foreseeable future, have been considered to form part of a net investment in a foreign operation and are recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements. Exchange differences arising in the foreign operations’ individual financial statements which have been recognized directly in equity in the foreign currency translation differences in the consolidated financial statements have been eliminated from the individual financial statements above for reporting purposes.

KKTCELL’s revenues decreased by 6.7% to TRY33 million (TRY36 million) and EBITDA declined by 10.6% to TRY13 million (TRY14 million) leading to an EBITDA margin of 38.0% (39.8%). This was driven by regulatory amendment regarding the maximum price ceiling, termination rates and additional frequency fees.

KKTCELLQ314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Number of subscribers (million)
Revenue (million TRY) 35.7 32.8 33.3 (6.7%)1.5%
EBITDA (million TRY)
EBITDA margin (TRY) 39.8% 39.8% 38.0% (1.8pp)(1.8pp)
Net income (million TRY)
Capex (million TRY) 6.1 5.5 8.8 44.3%60.0%

(*) KKTCELL, in which we hold a 100% stake, has operated in Northern Cyprus since 1999.

Fintur’s subscribers increased by 75 thousand net additions during the quarter mainly driven by increase in Geocell subscribers. Its revenues fell by 27.7% year-on-year, mainly due to the decrease in both Kcell and Azercell revenues. While Kcell revenues were impacted by a continued price war and devaluation of the Kazakhstani Tenge against the US$, the decline in Azercell revenues was due to decreased voice and SMS revenues. The contribution of Fintur to Group net income decreased to US$28million (US$30 million) year-on-year.

Fintur*Q314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Subscribers (million) 118.617.817.9(3.8%)0.6%
Kazakhstan 11.7 10.8 10.8 (7.7%)-
Azerbaijan 4.2 4.2 4.2 --
Moldova 0.9 0.9 0.9 --
Georgia 1.9 2.0 2.0 5.3%-
Revenue (million US$)479373346(27.7%)(7.2%)
Kazakhstan 271 231 201 (25.8%)(13.0%)
Azerbaijan 154 101 105 (31.8%)4.0%
Moldova 19 18 16 (15.8%)(11.1%)
Georgia 34 23 25 (26.5%)8.7%
Fintur’s contribution to Group’s net income303528(6.7%)(20.0%)

(1) TeliaSonera disclosed a change to the definition of prepaid mobile subscription for all countries of operations in its Q115 results announcement on April 21, 2015. Prepaid subscriptions are counted if the subscriber has been active during the last three months. In line with Telia Sonera’s reporting, we disclose Fintur operations’ subscriber numbers as three-month active. Prior periods are restated accordingly.
(*) We hold a 41.45% stake In Fintur, which has interests in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Georgia.

Turkcell Group Subscribers

Turkcell Group mobile subscribers amounted to approximately 68.1 million as of September 30, 2015. This figure is calculated by taking the number of subscribers of Turkcell and each of our subsidiaries and unconsolidated investees. It includes the total number of mobile subscribers of Turkcell Turkey, Astelit and BeST, as well as of our operations in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (“Northern Cyprus”), and Fintur.

Turkcell Group SubscribersQ314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
Turkcell 34.7 34.0 34.2 (1.4%)0.6%
Ukraine 13.6 14.0 13.8 1.5%(1.4%)
Fintur1 18.6 17.8 17.9 (3.8%)0.6%
Northern Cyprus 0.4 0.4 0.5 25.0%25.0%
Belarus 1.3 1.4 1.4 7.7%-
Turkcell Europe2 0.4 0.3 0.3 (25.0%)-
Turkcell Group Mobile Subscribers* (million)69.067.968.1(1.3%)0.3%
Turkcell Group Fixed Subscribers (thousand)1,100.81,345.51,419.228.9%5.5%

(*) Turkcell Group mobile subscribers figure includes the subscriber figures of our non-consolidated subsidiaries.
(1)TeliaSonera disclosed a change to the definition of prepaid mobile subscription for all countries of operations in its Q115 results announcement on April 21, 2015. Prepaid subscriptions are counted if the subscriber has been active during the last three months. In line with TeliaSonera’s reporting, we disclose Fintur operations’ subscriber numbers as three-month active. Prior periods are restated accordingly.
(2) The “wholesale traffic purchase” agreement, signed between Turkcell Europe GmbH operating in Germany and Deutsche Telekom for five years in 2010, had been modified to reflect the shift in business model to a “marketing partnership”. The new agreement between Turkcell and a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom was signed on August 27, 2014. The transfer of Turkcell Europe operations to Deutsche Telekom’s subsidiary was completed on January 15, 2015. Subscribers are still included in the Turkcell Group Subscriber figure.


The foreign exchange rates used in our financial reporting, along with certain macroeconomic indicators, are set out below.

Q314Q215Q315y/y %q/q %
US$ / TRY rate
Closing Rate 2.2789 2.6863 3.0433 33.5%13.3%
Average Rate 2.1505 2.6571 2.8513 32.6%7.3%
Consumer Price Index (Turkey)0.7%1.7%1.4%0.7pp(0.3pp)
GDP Growth (Turkey)1.8%3.8%n.an.an.a
US$ / UAH rate
Closing Rate 12.95 21.02 21.53 66.3%2.4%
Average Rate 12.70 21.44 21.36 68.2%(0.4%)
US$ / BYR rate
Closing Rate 10,580 15,346 17,703 67.3%15.4%
Average Rate 10,377 14,801 16,428 58.3%11.0%

RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASUREMENTS: We believe Adjusted EBITDA, among other measures, facilitates performance comparisons from period to period and management decision making. It also facilitates performance comparisons from company to company. Adjusted EBITDA as a performance measure eliminates potential differences caused by variations in capital structures (affecting interest expense), tax positions (such as the impact of changes in effective tax rates on periods or companies) and the age and book depreciation of tangible assets (affecting relative depreciation expense). We also present Adjusted EBITDA because we believe it is frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in evaluating the performance of other mobile operators in the telecommunications industry in Europe, many of which present Adjusted EBITDA when reporting their results.

Our Adjusted EBITDA definition includes Revenue, Direct Cost of Revenue excluding depreciation and amortization, Selling and Marketing expenses and Administrative expenses, but excludes translation gain/(loss), finance income, share of profit of equity accounted investees, gain on sale of investments, income/(loss) from related parties, minority interest and other income/(expense).

Nevertheless, Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation from, or as a substitute for analysis of, our results of operations, as reported under IFRS.

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This includes, in particular, our targets for revenue, EBITDA and capex in 2015 and our 4G and 3G development in Turkey and Ukraine, respectively. More generally, all statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release, including, without limitation, certain statements regarding our operations, financial position and business strategy may constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as, among others, "will," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "believe", "continue" and “guidance”.
Although Turkcell believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to these cautionary statements. For a discussion of certain factors that may affect the outcome of such forward looking statements, see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2014 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in particular the risk factor section therein. We undertake no duty to update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

ABOUT TURKCELL: Turkcell is an integrated communication and technology services player in Turkey. Turkcell Group has approximately 68.1 million mobile subscribers in nine countries and over 1.4 million fixed subscribers in Turkey as of September 30, 2015. Turkcell was one of the first among the global operators to have implemented HSPA+. It has announced two new HSPA+ Technologies on its 3G network to meet rising data usage. Having successfully integrated 3C-HSDPA and DC-HSUPA Technologies, it became the first mobile operator in the world to enable peak speed of 63.3 Mbps downlink while also enabled an 11.5 Mbps uplink on a 3G network. Turkcell is the first telecom operator to offer households fiber broadband connection at speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps in Turkey. As of September 2015, Turkcell’s population coverage is at 99.81% in 2G and 94.14% in 3G. Turkcell Group reported a TRY3.4 billion (US$1.2 billion) revenue with total assets of TRY20.6 billion (US$6.8 billion) as of September 30, 2015. It has been listed on the NYSE and the BIST since July 2000, and is the only NYSE-listed company in Turkey. Read more at www.turkcell.com.tr

This press release can also be viewed using the Turkcell Investor Relation app, which can be downloaded here for iOS, and here for Android mobile devices.

Appendix A –Mobile Interconnect Revenues and Costs

Table: Mobile interconnect revenues and costs of Turkcell Turkey

Million TRY Q314 Q215 Q315 y/y %q/q %
Interconnect revenues 300.3 312.2 336.0 11.9%7.6%
as a % of revenues 10.7%11.0%10.9%0.2pp(0.1pp)
Interconnect costs (278.5) (291.0) (315.3) 13.2%8.4%
as a % of revenues (10.0%)(10.3%)(10.3%)(0.3pp)-


Quarter EndedQuarter EndedQuarter EndedNine Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 30,June 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
Consolidated Statement of Operations Data
Turkcell Turkey 2,796.7 2,834.6 3,074.3 7,866.4 8,619.5
Consumer 2,166.8 2,205.8 2,402.5 6,104.7 6,730.5
Corporate 525.4 550.0 559.6 1,518.6 1,641.3
Other 104.5 78.8 112.2 243.1 247.7
Turkcell International 304.6 204.7 234.7 883.6 632.4
Other 60.9 53.6 54.8 190.4 183.1
Total revenues 3,162.2 3,092.9 3,363.8 8,940.4 9,435.0
Direct cost of revenues (1,879.0) (1,897.2) (1,987.1) (5,408.6) (5,712.3)
Gross profit 1,283.2 1,195.7 1,376.7 3,531.8 3,722.7
Administrative expenses (138.0) (150.4) (168.2) (415.9) (459.4)
Selling & marketing expenses (496.5) (458.9) (474.1) (1,456.8) (1,409.3)
Other Operating Income / (Expense) 424.0 153.0 218.0 784.2 940.8
Operating profit before financing and investing costs 1,072.7 739.4 952.4 2,443.3 2,794.8
Income from investing activities 1.7 2.1 3.0 14.6 8.7
Expense from investing activities (10.2) (4.5) (20.0) (26.1) (46.8)
Share of profit of equity accounted investees 66.8 94.0 80.1 214.2 268.9
Income before financing costs 1,131.0 831.0 1,015.5 2,646.0 3,025.6
Finance expense (255.6) 122.7 (188.8) (965.1) (1,153.7)
Monetary gain/(loss) 48.3 - - 172.8 -
Income before tax and non-controlling interest 923.7 953.7 826.7 1,853.7 1,871.9
Income tax expense (217.0) (140.8) (183.2) (544.0) (558.3)
Income before non-controlling interest 706.7 812.9 643.5 1,309.7 1,313.6
Non-controlling interest 49.0 (100.4) (12.2) 299.3 171.7
Net income 755.7 712.5 631.3 1,609.0 1,485.3
Net income per share 0.34 0.33 0.29 0.73 0.68
Other Financial Data
Gross margin 40.6% 38.7% 40.9% 39.5% 39.5%
EBITDA(*) 1,050.4 994.8 1,160.6 2,844.7 3,082.3
Capital expenditures 555.1 957.4 634.4 1,209.5 2,347.3
Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end)
Cash and cash equivalents 8,692.0 4,297.8 3,902.5 8,692.0 3,902.5
Total assets 22,673.4 20,636.8 20,555.1 22,673.4 20,555.1
Long term debt 1,101.3 611.7 582.2 1,101.3 582.2
Total debt 3,545.0 4,014.2 3,466.6 3,545.0 3,466.6
Total liabilities 6,472.5 7,159.4 6,777.8 6,472.5 6,777.8
Total shareholders’ equity / Net Assets 16,200.9 13,477.5 13,777.3 16,200.9 13,777.3
** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2015 on our web site


Quarter EndedQuarter EndedQuarter EndedNine Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 30,June 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
Consolidated Statement of Operations Data
Turkcell Turkey 2,796.7 2,834.6 3,074.3 7,866.4 8,619.5
Consumer 2,166.8 2,205.8 2,402.5 6,104.7 6,730.5
Corporate 525.4 550.0 559.6 1,518.6 1,641.3
Other 104.5 78.8 112.2 243.1 247.7
Turkcell International 304.6 204.7 234.7 883.6 632.4
Other 60.9 53.6 54.8 190.4 183.1
Total revenues 3,162.2 3,092.9 3,363.8 8,940.4 9,435.0
Direct cost of revenues (1,880.2) (1,898.3) (1,987.8) (5,411.7) (5,714.7)
Gross profit 1,282.0 1,194.6 1,376.0 3,528.7 3,720.3
Administrative expenses (138.0) (150.4) (168.2) (415.9) (459.4)
Selling & marketing expenses (496.5) (458.9) (474.1) (1,456.8) (1,409.3)
Other Operating Income / (Expense) 17.8 (123.4) (18.4) (77.7) (194.9)
Operating profit before financing costs 665.3 461.9 715.3 1,578.3 1,656.7
Finance costs (83.7) 221.9 (144.7) (846.9) (658.5)
Finance income 225.7 175.2 175.1 732.2 602.6
Monetary gain/(loss) 48.3 - - 172.8 -
Share of profit of equity accounted investees 66.8 94.0 80.1 214.2 268.9
Income before taxes and minority interest 922.4 953.0 825.8 1,850.6 1,869.7
Income tax expense (216.4) (140.5) (183.2) (543.1) (557.9)
Income before minority interest 706.0 812.5 642.6 1,307.5 1,311.8
Non-controlling interests 49.0 (100.5) (12.2) 299.3 171.7
Net income 755.0 712.0 630.4 1,606.8 1,483.5
Net income per share 0.34 0.33 0.28 0.73 0.67
Other Financial Data
Gross margin 40.5% 38.6% 40.9% 39.5% 39.4%
EBITDA(*) 1,050.4 994.8 1,160.6 2,844.7 3,082.3
Capital expenditures 555.1 957.4 634.4 1,209.5 2,347.3
Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end)
Cash and cash equivalents 8,692.0 4,297.8 3,902.5 8,692.0 3,902.5
Total assets 22,699.3 20,661.4 20,579.0 22,699.3 20,579.0
Long term debt 1,101.3 611.7 582.2 1,101.3 582.2
Total debt 3,545.0 4,014.2 3,466.6 3,545.0 3,466.6
Total liabilities 6,476.3 7,162.8 6,781.3 6,476.3 6,781.3
Total shareholders’ equity / Net Assets 16,223.0 13,498.6 13,797.7 16,223.0 13,797.7
** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2015 on our web site


Quarter EndedQuarter EndedQuarter EndedNine Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 30,June 30,September 30,September 30,September 30,
Consolidated Statement of Operations Data
Turkcell Turkey 1,301.2 1,066.7 1,079.5 3,637.3 3,247.4
Consumer 1,008.1 830.1 843.6 2,822.5 2,535.8
Corporate 244.5 207.0 196.5 702.1 619.5
Other 48.6 29.6 39.4 112.7 92.1
Turkcell International 138.1 77.0 82.4 405.1 237.8
Other 28.3 20.2 19.3 87.9 69.8
Total revenues 1,467.6 1,163.9 1,181.2 4,130.3 3,555.0
Direct cost of revenues (870.4) (714.4) (698.0) (2,497.9) (2,155.4)
Gross profit 597.2 449.5 483.2 1,632.4 1,399.6
Administrative expenses (63.6) (56.6) (59.0) (191.6) (172.8)
Selling & marketing expenses (230.3) (172.8) (166.6) (672.4) (532.6)
Other Operating Income / (Expense) 8.7 (46.3) (6.2) (36.1) (73.7)
Operating profit before financing costs 312.0 173.8 251.4 732.3 620.5
Finance expense (37.6) 84.4 (50.0) (383.9) (276.0)
Finance income 105.8 65.9 61.5 338.6 230.0
Monetary gain/(loss) 17.1 - - 75.8 -
Share of profit of equity accounted investees 31.4 35.4 28.4 99.3 102.0
Income before taxes and minority interest 428.7 359.5 291.3 862.1 676.5
Income tax expense (100.5) (52.9) (64.9) (251.1) (213.0)
Income before minority interest 328.2 306.6 226.4 611.0 463.5
Minority interest 23.8 (38.1) (4.2) 136.4 75.2
Net income 352.0 268.5 222.2 747.4 538.7
Net income per share 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.34 0.24
Other Financial Data
Gross margin 40.7% 38.6% 40.9% 39.5% 39.4%
EBITDA(*) 489.1 374.3 407.6 1,316.1 1,158.5
Capital expenditures 222.5 348.2 133.7 530.7 771.3
Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end)
Cash and cash equivalents 3,814.1 1,599.9 1,282.3 3,814.1 1,282.3
Total assets 9,960.6 7,691.4 6,762.1 9,960.6 6,762.1
Long term debt 483.3 227.7 191.3 483.3 191.3
Total debt 1,555.6 1,494.3 1,139.1 1,555.6 1,139.1
Total liabilities 2,841.8 2,666.4 2,228.3 2,841.8 2,228.3
Total equity 7,118.8 5,025.0 4,533.8 7,118.8 4,533.8
* Please refer to the notes on reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial measures on page 14
** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2015 on our web site


Nihat Narin, +90 212 313 1888
Director, Turkcell Investor Relations
Investor Relations
Tel: + 90 212 313 1888
Corporate Communications:
Tel: + 90 212 313 2321

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